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Curlie Editor Resource Zone - Glossary

Definitions of terms which you may encounter while editing and participating in the directory and discussion forums.

An HTTP Response code that a web server sends to indicate that the requested page cannot be found.
Related terms: Reds, Robozilla
See also: Common Error Codes and Autoflags.
502 Bad Gateway
An HTTP Response code that a web server sends to indicate that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an upstream server. If you receive one of these from Curlie, the solution is to wait a few minutes, and try again.
See also: Common Error Codes
504 Gateway Timeout
An HTTP Response code that a web server sends to indicate that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not get a response in time from the upstream server that it needed in order to complete the request. If you receive one of these from Curlie, the solution is to wait a few minutes, and try again.
See also: Common Error Codes
A method of linking one category to another. Used when the category being linked to could logically be a subcategory of the first. Also known as a Symlink.
Related terms: Relcat, Link Farm.
See also: @link guidelines.
Short form of Administrator. Refers to a volunteer responsible for project management of the Curlie Directory.
Related terms: Permissions.
See also: Admin Guidelines, List of Admins
Administrative Area
Geopolitical subdivision of a country that has some degree of jurisdiction over sub-areas. The official terms for these areas vary among countries, but include such things as states, provinces, departments, and counties. In the Regional branch, many countries have subcategories based on administrative areas.
Related terms: Model 1, Model 2, Region
The Adult category holds sites and categories intended for a mature audience. It is not linked from the 'classic' Curlie Directory homepage, but is available by direct links, or when a search query includes "adult" terms. It offers protection from children by using PICS tags.
See also: Adult Guidelines
Abbreviation: As Far As I Can Tell.
See also: Forum.
Hypertext links which represent a relationship between a primary seller and an affiliate. There is usually, but not always, an affiliate or referral ID embedded in the URL of such a link.
e.g. is a fictitious affiliate link that might be placed on the affiliate's site (widgetgirl's site) directing traffic to the site. would then pay a commission to widgetgirl based on sales resulting from that traffic.
Related terms: Affiliate Site, Affiliate Reseller Site, Affiliate Programs, MLM.
Affiliate Programs
Profit sharing strategy which an e-commerce company utilizes where commissions are paid to webmasters of other sites for referring customers to them. Customers are led from one site to another by following affiliate links.
See also: Curlie Category
Affiliate Reseller Site
Site set up to offer products or services provided by another company and make a small margin on the sale. These are sometimes called reseller sites, franchise sites, or simply affiliates. They may seem to have unique content, but the product descriptions and/or other information come from elsewhere. The Curlie Directory does not list affiliate sites unless the site has strong, high quality content of its own that end-users will find really useful.
Related terms: Affiliate Link, Affiliate Programs, MLM.
See also: Website.
Affiliate Site
A site constructed primarily to drive traffic through affiliate links. Affiliate sites (sometimes referred to as simply affiliates are not listed in Curlie unless they have significant non-affiliate content. Curlie Guidelines describe four types of affiliate sites: affiliate links, sites consisting primarily of affiliate links, affiliate reseller sites, and multi-level marketing (MLM) and pyramid schemes.
Related terms: Affiliate Link, Affiliate Reseller Site, MLM.
See also: Curlie Guidelines: Affiliate Marketing Schemes.
Acronym. See: Artificial Intelligence.
Short for Alphabet Bar. A method of subdividing a category by letter. Letters of the alphabet are listed across the top of a page, and each letter category contains sites whose title begins with that letter.
Related terms: Category Features, Alphabar Complete List.
See also: Curlie Alphabet Bar Guidelines.
Alphabar Complete List
Catmod and Meta option to display or disable a complete list of the sites in an Alphabar.
Related terms: Alphabar, Category Features (2).
Abbreviation: ALTernative LANGuage. Internal link pointing to the same category in a different language. The display name of the link is the name of the language to which it is pointing.
Related terms: Worldlinkerate, Language Groups.
An abbreviation for America On Line, a company that hosted and administered the directory for many years as the ODP (Open Directory Project) and finally as DMOZ.
See also: Netscape, Computers: Companies: AOL LLC
An abbreviation for Application Programming Interface, a protocol which allows one computer system to communicate or interact with another. For information about the Curlie's Application Programming Interface, see Curlie API.
Artificial Intelligence
Term used for machines capable of creating content autonomously.
Generally speaking, sites using this technology may not be suitable for listing in the directory.
See also: Not Listable.
The action of ascribing a work to a particular author. In the case of Curlie, the requirement to declare the source of the licensed data used on a web site.
See also: License.
A shortened term derived from the combination of the words web and log. Refers to an individual's online personal journal or diary entries that are arranged chronologically and frequently updated.
Related terms: Personal Home Page, Website.
See also: Computers: Internet: On the Web: Weblogs.
A short Javascript program that is intended to be contained with a bookmark in the user's browser. Bookmarklets can be useful in various ways, but are most often used to either (a) modify the contents of the current page (or a form field on that page, (b) extract information about the current page, or (c) redirect to a page related to the current page.
Note: bookmark is the term used by Mozilla-based browsers; Internet Explorer uses the term favorites. Thus, a synonym for bookmarklet is favlet.
Related terms: JavaScript, Tools.
See also: Bookmarklet Category.
Each editor is allotted a Bookmarks category (in the form Bookmarks/E/Editor) which they can use to gather links of personal interest or to build categories for possible inclusion in the Directory. Bookmarks categories may be viewed by the public, but are not included in the data output.
Related terms: RDF, Test/Editors
Branch Category
A subcategory in the directory, adopting the tree analogy.
Related terms: Tree
A URL which results in an error of some kind.
Related terms: Reds, 404, Quality Control.
Acronym: By The Way.
e.g. "BTW, that URL is also listed in World/ ."
See also: Forum.
Bump (a forum thread)
Bumping a discussion thread in an online forum refers to the act of adding a comment to the thread with the primary intent of increasing visibility by bringing the thread to the top of the forum page (which are typically sorted by the date of the most recent post).
See also: Forum.
Colloquial form of 'category'.
A permission granted to editors which allows them access to catmv and other power tools within a specific category.
See also: Editall Guidelines.
Related terms: Editall, catmv
Simply refers to all editors with directory permissions beyond that of Cateditall.
See also: List of Cateditall+ Editors.
A collection of sites and other categories sharing a common attribute. The Curlie Directory is organized in a hierarchy of categories.
Related terms: Cat, Subcat.
Category Charter
Refers to the combination of the submission guidelines, category description, and category guidelines for an individual category.
Related terms: Submission Guidelines, Category description, Category guidelines.
See also: Curlie Category Charter Guidelines, Category Features.
Category Description
Textual explanation of the topic covered by a category.
Related terms: Category Charter.
Category FAQ
A FAQ for a specific category.
Related terms: Category Features, FAQ.
See also: Curlie Category FAQ Guidelines..
Category Features (1)
Series of options available in a category.
Related terms: @links, Alphabars, Category Charter, Category FAQ, Relcats, Language Groups, Sort Priority, and formerly Usenet Links.
See also Curlie Category Features Guidelines.
Category Features (2)
Series of options available to catmods and metas in a category. These include Become an Editor Notice, URL Suggestions, Cooling, Future Date Sort, and Alphabar Complete List.
See also Request Thread.
Category Guidelines
Editor-only information specific to the category. This might include links to relevant forum threads, for example.
Related terms: Category Charter
Abbreviation: CATegory MODerator An editor who is designated the "leader" of a specific top-level node, e.g. Regional.
Related terms: Category Features (2).
See also: Curlie Catmod Guidelines, Editor Types.
Catmv (1)
The process by which a category can be moved to a new location and/or renamed.
Related terms: Manual Catmv
See also: Curlie Guidelines: Changing the Name and Location of a Subcategory.
Catmv (2)
A permission that can be granted to an editor, allowing them to move/rename categories.
See also: Editall Guidelines.
Colloquial. To delete multiple spam or erroneous submissions en mass using the Power Unreviewed Edit or Super Unreviewed Edit tools.
e.g. I chainsawed 300 dupes from Society: Relationships: Dating.
See also: Tools.
Child Cat
Colloquial: child category. Used comparatively to refer to a category contained directly within another category. For example, Arts: Music: Styles is a child category of Arts: Music
Related terms: Parent cat, Subcategory
Classic Curlie
Colloquial. The "Classic Directory" encompasses all categories outside of the Kids and Teens and Adult sections of the directory.
Related terms: Kids and Teens, Adult
In forum discussions, references to categories such as Home: Home_Improvement are preferred in the form Home/Home_Improvement. The forum software will automatically recognize references in this form, and convert them into a link such as Home: Home Improvement which is easy to click on to see the category.
See also Forum.
Cloaked URL
See: URL Cloaking.
Strictly speaking, a state when all interested parties agree to support an action or decision, even though all of them may not fully agree that it is the best action or decision (i.e. consensus is not equivalent to unanimity). Many Curlie Directory issues (e.g. reorganizations) strive for consensus among interested editors.
See also: Forum.
A means of popup advertising used to convey targeted messages on a web page. One example, a blur console, first loads discreetly behind the window of the page being viewed and appears as a popup when the main page is closed. In contrast, an exit console is displayed when the reader leaves the main page. It will not lock and load until the main page is done loading. The most powerful form of console is a full screen trap, which pops up as a full screen from a blur. The viewer cannot exit by clicking the *x* on a browser to close the window but must press ctrl+w to exit.
Related terms: Spam.
Counter Error
See: Ghost.
New name for the directory chosen after AOL withdrew from the project in 2017, whilst keeping former names. The logo is a red squirrel.
See also: DMOZ, ODP, Open Directory Project
A themed squirrel image derived from original Curlie Project graphics, used for decorating categories and other directory resources. Many are editor produced.
See also: Curlie Terms of Use
Curlie API
The Curlie Directory has an API that allows editor made tools to directly interact with the underlying databases and editing functions. Access is currently restricted to CatMods and Metas. Please contact an Admin for more information.
Curlie User
To allow everyone to get more out of the directory, Curlie offers a simpler way to register than an editor application. As a Curlie user, you can maintain your own page, which includes saving links to your favorite categories, listings within those categories, and adding links to your own favorite websites.
See: Be a Squirrel!.
The main editing interface, containing links to your categories, so you can edit them, links to the editor forums, access to logs, etc.
Related terms: Editor.
See also:
A page found somewhere "deep" within a site, as distinguished from the site's homepage.
e.g. is a deeplink from the site
Related terms: Deeplinking.
See also: Curlie Guidelines
The process of listing links to sub-pages and sub-domains within a site.
Related terms: Deeplink.
See also: Curlie Guidelines.
In order to access the Curlie API (e.g. for building tools), a key is needed to identify the editor and their tools. This key is known as a devID. Currently devIDs are only being issued to CatMods and Metas. Please contact an Admin for more information.
See also: Tools.
A site that contains alphabetical or classified lists of resources covering a particular subject area. These sites are often listed in subcategories named Directories, in both regional and topical branches.
Related terms: Link Mining, Ontology.
A proprietary freeware VoIP application originally designed for video gaming communities, that specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel. Runs on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in web browsers. Linked from the editor dashboard.
See also: Communication Guidelines.
Acronym: Stands for Directory MOZilla, which used to be the name of the directory when it was accessed via the URL It was used to refer to the directory as a whole, e.g. "DMOZ is an Internet directory".
Related terms: Mozilla, ODP,Curlie.
Acronym: Domain Name Service. A service which provides a translation between human readable domains (e.g. and computer-friendly IP Addresses (e.g.
Related terms: Domain, IP Address
The portion of a URL which maps to a specific organization, company, or other entity.
e.g. is the domain for the URL
Related terms: Top-level Domain, Subdomain, URL, DNS, Whois
Domain Hijacking
A strategy employed to take over control of expired domains to capitalize on incoming web traffic to URLs on that domain. For example, a domain for a popular church site might be subject to a hijack, so used by the new owner to redirect residual traffic to a porn or gambling site. Since URLs listed in the Directory are linked to from numerous sources, expired domains with a Curlie listing are especially attractive to domain hijackers.
Related terms: Domain.
See also: Not Listable.
Doorway Page
A page created to achieve a high ranking in search engines for desirable search queries. This page drives the resulting traffic to the "real" content, which may or may not be located on the same domain.
Related terms: Vanity URL, Entry Page.
See also: Not Listable.
Short form of Duplicate. Refers to duplicate submissions.
(n) Any of several editing actions performed by an editor to update the directory. For the purpose of editing statistics and account time-outs, any changes to published listings (add, move, modify, cool, unreview, delete) and moves of unreviewed submissions to a different category count as edits; deletions and other modifications of unreviewed submissions do not.
See also: Editing Logs, Editing Statistics.
An editor allowed to edit in any category in the directory, apart from Kids and Teens and Bookmarks/
Related terms: Catmv.
See also: Editall Guidelines
A volunteer for the Curlie Directory.
Related terms: Admin, Cateditall, CatMod, Editall, Meta, Greenbuster.
Related terms: Editor Dashboard.
See also Types of Editors.
Refers to the editor-only view of category pages, accessible from URLs like
Related terms: Public-side.
See also: Italic Links
Editor Feedback
See: Feedback.
Editor Note
A comment placed by an editor in the "Curlie Note" field on a URL's edit page. It becomes a part of the permanent record for that url.
Related terms: URL Note
Editor Profile
See: Profile.
Editor Resource Zone
Online documentation that supplements the Curlie General Guidelines by providing additional guidance, examples, and other tips, advice, and how-tos. Also known by its acronym, ERZ.
Related terms: Resource-Zone
See: Smilies.
See also: Forum.
Entry Page
See: Doorway Page
A former listing marked as erroneous by Robozilla or a different system quality control process. The number of such listings appears in red color next to the category name, hence they are colloquially referred to as reds. See also: Broken Link, Go Back, Counter Errors.
Related terms: URL Flags
Acronym: Editor Resource Zone
Acronym: Frequently Asked Questions. A list of frequently asked questions and their answers about a given subject.
Related terms: Category FAQ
Synonym for Bookmarklet.
Editor feedback is a method of contacting fellow editors, or groups thereof. Feedback sent to you will arrive as an email message sent to the address in your profile. To send feedback to other editors, visit an editor's profile page and use the "Send to ..." link.
Related terms: Editor Feedback, YGM, Spam.
See also: Curlie Communications Guidelines.
Abbreviation for Free-Floating Category.
Related terms: Resources.
See also: Regional Template.
URL Flags are shown as colored edit buttons next to each listing on the category edit pages. They include Public Flags, previously known as Update Requests; Editor Guidance Flags, left by senior editors to provide feedback about specific listings to less experienced editors; and Autoflags, placed by automatic QC tools to identify listings in need of attention.
See also: Flag Guidelines and Tools.
Plural of "forum".
The threaded discussion forum used for editor-editor communication.
Related terms: afaict, btw, Bump, Clickablelink, Consensus, Emoticons, Fora, FTR, FWIW, FYI, GMTA, IMO, IMHO, LMK, Newbie, ODPSS, PC, RL, RZ, Shameless Plug for Africa, Smilies, Threadstretch, YGM.
See also: Editor Forum, Communications Guidelines.
Framed Redirect
Another term for URL Cloaking.
Fraternal Mirror
Alternative name for Fraternal Website.
Fraternal Website
Two (or more) sites that are not identical in design and or literal content, but that offer the same core unique content. Often, such sites are intentionally designed to "look" different.
Related terms: Mirror, Fraternal Mirror, Identical Mirror.
See also: Guidelines: Affiliate Marketing Schemes, Not Listable.
Free-Floating Category
A category that can be deployed at any level in a particular branch of the directory, defining a type of site rather than a topical subdivision. Different branches sometimes use somewhat different sets of free-floating categories, to meet the specific needs of the branch. Examples include "Wholesale and Distribution" in Business, and "Instruments and Supplies" in Science. Often abbreviated FFC.
See also: Regional Template
Acronym: For The Record.
e.g. "FTR, I'm from New Zealand; not Australia."
See also: Forum
Acronym: For What It's Worth.
See also: Forum
Acronym: For Your Information.
e.g. "FYI, I've e-mailed the first draft to your Hotmail address."
See also: Forum
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
A regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy. Similar regulations exist elsewhere. They affect the way personal data, such as names and email addresses are stored and presented, notably in search results and domain whois records.
Colloquial term used when the number of listings, unreviewed or errors reported for a category is higher than the actual number due to a counter bug. A category which is reported as having two unreviewed, but which actually has zero unreviewed is said to have two ghosts.
Related terms: Errors, Counter Error.
Acronym: Great Minds Think Alike.
See also: Forum
See: NewHoo.
Go Back
Generic error message generated by the directory software upon error. Further details may appear under this phrase.
An editing permission granted to an editor to access unreviewed sites in a category, review the listings and publish them in a special greenbust queue. Sites in the queue are not visible to the public. These entries await review by any editor with editing privileges in the category to update and move them into reviewed sites for public view.
See also: Greenbuster Guidelines.
Colloquial term for the Unreviewed sites in a category.
Guidance Flag
A pink colored flag attached to a URL by an editor to convey tailored editing advice to another category editor.
See also: Flags.
See Domain Hijacking.
Holding Page
A temporary page made available when a domain is acquired with a message like "Coming Soon"; used until real content is hosted.
Related terms: Parked, Placeholder.
See also: Not Listable.
The introductory page of a website, intended to greet visitors and to provide information about the contents of the site.
Related terms: Website, Webpage, Blog, Wiki.
Identical Mirror
Two web pages or sites that are exactly identical to each other are said to be identical mirrors. This is usually the case when the same site is available under two (or more) URLs. For example,,, and are identical mirrors.
Related terms: Fraternal Mirror
See also: Guidelines: Identical Mirrors, Not Listable.
Abbreviation: In My Honest/Humble Opinion
See also: Forum.
Abbreviation: In My Opinion.
See also: Forum.
Editors with a known interest or expertise in an area are often explicitly invited to a forum discussion by sending them an email via editor feedback. Doing so is common courtesy.
Related terms: Resident Editor.
IP Address
A number which uniquely identifies a computer connected to the Internet. This number is generally represented as a series of four numbers (each between 0 and 255) connected with periods, e.g.
Related terms: DNS, Whois.
Site titles are shown in italics (on the editor side only) if the URL has listings in two or more categories, excluding Bookmarks and Test. This feature can be disabled from an editor's profile settings.
Web programming language present in Curlie, Bookmarklets, and other web applications.
See also: Tools.
Colloquial term for Kids and Teens.
A word used in search queries to find a desired type of information on the web: a search term.
Keyword Stuffing
Including an unreasonably large number of keywords in the description of a site, for the purpose of giving that site an advantage over others.
Related terms: SEO.
See also: Curlie Description Guidelines.
Kids and Teens
Side project of the 'classic' Curlie Directory, with separate guidelines and editors. It is an Internet directory aimed specifically at audiences aged 18 and under. Also known as 'K&T'.
Language Group
The successor to altlang and Worldlinkerate, the language group simplifies the process of cross-linking categories with the same subject in different languages.
Related terms: Category Features.
See also: Language Group Guidelines, World.
Lead Generator
A site focussed mainly on gathering personal information (name, contact information, etc.) about the visitors (for the purposes of entering into some sort of future business relationship). These sites are not listed in Curlie unless they contain other significant and unique content.
See also: Not Listable.
Leaf Category/Node
A category which has no subcategories are termed 'leaves', or 'leaf categories'.
Related terms: Tree
Official permission to do something that is forbidden without a license. In the case of Curlie, the permission to use data from the directory for another purpose / on another website, with or without modification.
See also: Curlie License, Attribution.
Link Farm
A category which contains only @links and other crosslinks, and is otherwise stipulated to be empty, created for navigational purposes.
e.g.Business: Regional or Regional: Countries
Link Mine
A source (generally a web page or site) which contains an abundance of links, the majority of which are good candidates for listing in the Curlie Directory.
e.g. Lions Links: United Kingdom is a link farm with many links that may qualify for listing in Society: Organizations: Service Clubs: Lions Clubs International: Europe: United Kingdom or other categories.
Related terms: Directory.
The act of adding a listable URL to a category in the directory in order to create a listing.
Refers to a site which meets the Curlie Site Selection Criteria for listing in the directory.
See also: Not Listable.
The combination of a URL, title, and description (and possibly other metadata) which is added to a category. Note that while a listing consists of exactly one URL, a URL may have multiple listings in different categories of the Curlie Directory.
Related terms: To List, Sort Date, Listable.
Acronym: Let Me Know.
See also: Forum.
The vast majority of editing tasks are recorded on logs. These typically contain details such as the type of edit made, when and where the edit was made, and the name of the editor who made the edit.
Related terms: Edit.
Manual Catmv
Refers to the improper process where the entire contents of one category are moved one by one to a new category, then the old category deleted, in a misguided attempt to move the category.
Related terms: Catmv (2).
See also: Catmv (1), Curlie Guidelines: Changing the Name and Location of a Subcategory, Newsletter: The Perils of the Manual Category Move.
An editor able to edit anywhere, move/rename categories, and approve/reject editor and category applications.
Related terms: Category Features (2).
See also: Curlie Meta Guidelines, Editor Types.
A site that has the same content as another site. Identical mirrors have exactly the same content and appearance. Fraternal websites (aka fraternal mirrors) have slightly different content and/or an entirely different appearance, but their overall content is the same.
See also: Cloaked URL, Not Listable.
Two web pages/sites which are identical to each other are said to be mirrors. This is usually the case when one site is available under two (or more) URLs.
e.g.,, and are mirrors.
See also: Guidelines, Not Listable.
Misplaced Submission
A site in the unreviewed queue for a category which is not appropriate for that category (either suggested incorrectly by a member of the public, or sorted incorrectly by an editor). Editors are encouraged to locate the correct category and move the submission there; if they are unable to do so, the Test: Misplaced category can be used.
See also: Description of Test/Misplaced
Acronym: Multi Level Marketing. A pyramid based marketing scheme like Amway or Quixtar where individual agents recruit other agents and receive commission from both their own sales and the sales of the agents they recruited. Curlie does not list the sites of individual agents in MLM schemes, because their sites do not meet the unique content criteria for an Curlie listing (i.e. every agent's site sells the same thing).
Related terms: Not Listable.
See also: Affiliate Site, [cat Business/Opportunities/Networking-MLM;other:Business], and Guidelines.
Model 1
A taxonomy in the Regional branch in which a country's administrative areas are not used as the basis for geographic subcategories. See also: Guidelines
Model 2
A taxonomy in the Regional branch in which a country's administrative areas are used as the basis for geographic subcategories. See also: Guidelines
A green lizard image which DMOZ used as a mascot. Derivative versions of the image were used in various documents.
Related terms: Mozzie, Mozzie Awards
An image derived from DMOZ's Mozilla mascot. Was used for customizing category pages. Mozzies have been completely replaced by Curlies.
See also: Mozzie Collection.
Related terms: Mozilla, Mozzie Awards, Curlies.
Mozzie Awards
A set of awards voted on by the editing community to recognize contributions by fellow editors, such as "Best Overall Editor" or "Best Forum Thread". The awards were generally held twice a year.
Related terms: Mozilla, Mozzie
Company which hosted the the Open Directory Project from 1998 until taken over by AOL.
Colloquial: NEW APPlication. An editor's application to join the directory.
Related terms: Timeout.
See also: Curlie Account Guidelines.
Colloquial. A new editor.
Related terms: Forum.
See also: New Editors Forum.
The former name of the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) before it was acquired by Netscape in 1998.
Colloquial: NEW PERMission. An editor's application to add an additional category to their login.
See also: Curlie Newperm Guidelines.
From information architecture, a branching point in a taxonomic tree, technically referring to a Curlie category exclusive of its parent categories or subcategories. However, used less technically as a synonym for a branch category.
Not Listable
Refers to a site which matches the Curlie Site Selection Criteria for not being included in the directory.
Related terms: Domain Hijacking, Doorway Page, Fraternal Website, Holding Page, Identical Mirror, Lead Generator, Mirror, Mirror (2), Misplaced Submission, MLM, Parked, Redirect, Referral Site, Spam, Url Cloaking, Virtual Mirror.
See also: Listable.
Acronym: Open Directory Project. Used to refer to the directory as a whole.
Related terms: DMOZ Curlie
Open Directory Project
Previous name, used to refer to the directory as a whole.
Related terms: Gnuhoo, Newhoo, ODP, DMOZ, Curlie.
Acronym, colloquial: Open Directory Project Suicide Syndrome. Term applied to, usually abusive, editors who are rude/insulting in a forum thread that eventually leads to their resignation/removal.
See also: Forum.
The hierarchical structuring of knowledge about things by subcategorizing them according to their essential (or at least relevant and/or cognitive) qualities. This is an extension of the previous senses of "ontology" which has become common in discussions about the difficulty of maintaining subject indices.
Related terms: Directory, Taxonomy (1), Taxonomy (2).
See also: Ontology Forum.
Parent cat
Colloquial: parent category. Used comparatively to refer to the category in which a given category is located. For example, the parent category of Arts: Music: Styles is Arts: Music.
Related terms: Child cat, Subcategory
Refers to domain parking, where an expired domain or one registered for the purpose resolves as a page of affiliate links. Many such domains usually point to the same page and content. Some even closely resemble the site previously on the domain.
Related terms: Holding Page, Not Listable.
See also: Affiliate Site.
To analyze a document or collection of data by dividing it into its component parts to determine the collective meaning. This is often performed by software algorithms.
See also: Tools.
ODP::Passport was a single sign-on system used to provide editor-only access to a number of editor-produced tools. For more information see
(non-functional in Curlie).
See also: Tools.
Acronym: Penguin Cafe.
See also: Forum.
Acronym: Portable Document Format. A cross-platform file format created by Adobe for distribution of format-rich documents.
See also: Link Types.
Penguin Cafe
Editor only discussion forum sometimes called the pc, intended for social, non-Directory discussions. There are similar forums available in other languages.
See also: Forum.
Abbreviation: Permissions.
The hierarchical system used by Curlie to control who does what in the directory. Also abbreviated as 'perms'.
Related terms: Newperm, Pet Category.
See also: Newapp, Editor Types, Curlie Newperm Guidelines.
Pet Category
A category of special or personal interest in which an editor is listed as named editor, even though he is able to edit there because of his broader permissions.
PHP (1)
A recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", a programming language used to generate dynamic web pages.
See also: Tools.
PHP (2)
Acronym: Personal Home Page.
Related terms: Website, Blog.
See also: Society: People: Personal Homepages.
See: Holding Page
A page containing information on a given editor. Includes a list of the categories that they edit, access to editor-specific logs, the ability to send the editor feedback, and an optional area for the editor to display personal information. The profile is divided into public and editor-only sides, with the latter having editing links.
Related terms: Dashboard.
Refers to the normal view of category pages, accessible from URLs like or Note: Only these URLs are actually viewable by the general public.
Related terms: Editor-side.
Acronym: Quality Control.
Quality Control
Acronym: Quality Control. Refers to system or editor made tools whose objective is identifying, and in some cases repairing, broken links automatically. Related terms: Robozilla, Broken Link, QC, System, URL Flags.
See also: Tools.
Acronym: Resource Description Format. This was the format in which the Curlie data is made available for download. See also: RDF Documentation.
A redirecting url is a page whose content consists of a link to another url. An automatic redirect url is a page that automatically transfers you to another url.
Related terms: URL Cloaking, Cloaked URL
Colloquial: Erroneous URLs that have been flagged "red" by Robozilla or another quality control process.
Referral Site
See Lead Generator.
Used in Curlie's Regional branch. Two usages can be distinguished:
  1. (non-administrative) - Regions categories usually refer to areas that are not official administrative areas of the country, and do not have jurisdiction over the area.
  2. (administrative) - For some countries, Regions is the best word to use for a type of administrative area within that country. (e.g., Italy). These are exceptions to the standard Curlie usage of the term.
Refers to the Regional category (or the equivalent for other languages), and is generally distinguished from Topical categories because it organizes sites primarily by geographical relevance.
Related terms: Topical (1).
See also: Curlie Regional Guidelines.
A category that lists sites primarily by their geographical location, versus a specific topic (Topical categories).
Related terms: Topical (2).
See also: Curlie Regional Guidelines.
Regional Template
Consisting of a category structure to enable regions to be broken down into topics consistantly. The Template is available in several languages and forms the base of Regional Trees. Two synchronised versions exist, one built in the Test section of the directory, and the other in the documentation (linked below).
Related terms: Topical (2).
See also:Regional Template
Regional Tree
An improved display system, consiting of an automated breakdown of a specific region into a topical list. Although based on the Regional Template, Regional Trees can have more topics than the conventional regional structure allows for. In regions which have been converted (not all are), look for the tree icon to switch displays. For editors, an additional topic box with a pull-down list appears on the editing form.
Related terms: Topical (2),Tree.
See also: Curlie Regional Guidelines, Forum Thread
Process where a former editor has his editor account restored.
See also: Reinstatement Form, Reinstatement Guidelines.
Colloquial: Shortened form of "related category". This a method of linking from one category to another, and is used when the category being linked to couldn't logically be a subcategory of the first.
Related terms: @link.
See also: Guidelines, Category Features.
Resident Editor
The named editor of the category being discussed.
e.g. "Before you proceed with the reorganization of Blue/Widgets, you should invite the resident editor to comment."
Related terms: Invite, Pet Category.
A preferred term for a Curlie category collecting sites that provide a comprehensive overview of a particular subject area. Resource sites typically include general information about a topic, and provide directories, FAQs, chats and forums, publications, etc.
Related terms: Free Floating Category.
See also: Regional Template.
Former public forum intended for discussion of Curlie Directory issues. It was sponsored by members of the Curlie editing community as a public service.
Related terms: Editor Resource Zone.
Abbreviation for Real Life, meaning one's life apart from Curlie.
e.g. I have some RL commitments this weekend, so can't comment on the category proposal until next week.
See also: Forum.
Automated link checker that marked erroneous URLs red. In Curlie, Robozilla has been superseded by a suite of more complex Quality Control tools, but many references to him remain.
Related terms: Broken Link, 404, Errors.
See also: Curlie Automated Editing Guidelines.
A permission level assigned to admins and some former staff. Those with root permissions have extra abilities and their accounts are not subject to the normal time-out rules. Some former Netscape/AOL employees who have contributed to Curlie's backend development and directory content also have root permissions.
Related terms: Permissions.
Root Category
One of the seventeen base categories forming the Curlie Directory, such as Arts, Home, or Science. Also known as top-level category.
Related terms: Tree, Top Level Category, Second Level Category, Third Level Category.
Acronym: Rich Site Summary or RDF Site Summary. A machine-readable file format designed for syndicating content of websites. In Curlie, RSS URL's (or RSS feeds) are flagged as such, separating them from "normal" sites.
See also: Link Types.
Acronym: Resource-Zone
The directory's search facility used to search for directory listings and categories. The directory search index is rebuilt periodicaly, and therefore may not be completely up to date.
Related terms: Search Engine.
Search Engine
A web service (e.g. Google Search) which accepts a list of search terms (words) from a user and returns a list of relevant web pages (a SERP) from an internal database which is constructed by specially designed web spiders which fetch information from internet pages.
Related terms: SEO, SERP, Spider, Search String.
See also: Curlie Search.
Search String
1. The keywords or codes input as terms into a search engine.
Second Level Category
A subcategory of a root category.
e.g. Business: Small Business and Sports: Baseball are second level categories.
Related terms: Third Level Category. See also: Relcat.
Acronym: Search Engine Optimization. The techniques used by webmasters to optimize the placement of their site in search engines for given search terms. This is frequently an issue in the directory as it is possible that the text used for a listing in Curlie can affect the SEO of a site.
Related terms: Search Engine, Keyword Stuffing.
Acronym: Search Engine Results Page.
Related terms: Search Engine
Shameless Plug for Africa
Any of the bountiful mentions of Regional: Africa and its myriad subcategories strewn about in unrelated forum discussions. For some reason, references to goatherds abound.
See also: primary perpetrator, instigation, Forum.
Graphics that can be used in forum posts to indicate an emotion/expression. Also known as emoticons.
See also: Forum.
Sort Date Field
Area on a URL's edit page used for the media publication date of items such as articles and reviews, or for time limited events such as conferences. Listings with a sort date appear at the bottom of a category page, sorted by date.
Related terms: listing.
See also: Curlie Sort Date Guidelines.
Sort Order
Another term for Sort Priority.
Sort Priority
Refers to the way that subcategories (and/or @links) are grouped in the standard category display. Three groupings are possible: top, middle, and bottom (default). For example, sort order is utilized in Reference: Education: Colleges and Universities. Academic departments are placed in the top group, geographic divisions are placed in the middle group, and other topics are placed in the bottom group.
Related terms: Category Features, Sort Order.
See also: Curlie Sort Priority Guidelines.
Spam (1)
Unsolicited commercial email. Also known as "junk email".
Spam (2)
In Curlie, spam also refers to duplicate, grossly misplaced and otherwise inappropriate site suggestions from the public. For example, the suggestion of adult sites to non-Adult categories, or the suggestion of numerous deeplinks all to the same category.
Spamming therefore refers to the act of make such site suggestions, and a spammer is one who engages in spamming.
Related terms: Console, Not Listable.
See also: Curlie Spamming Guidelines.
A computer program which "crawls" the web, searching for and indexing content from web pages.
Related terms: Search Engine
Former permission level for the Netscape/AOL employees who were responsible for hosting and administering the DMOZ directory.
Related terms: Root, AOL
Colloquial: statistics. Refers to the total edits made by a given editor.
Related terms: Edit.
Colloquial term for Subcategory.
Category contained within another.
Related terms: Category, Alphabar.
Subdomains are derived from domains by prefixing a name and a period (.) to an existing domain or subdomain.
e.g.,, and are all subdomains of the domain
Related terms: Domain
Submission Guidelines
A description intended for both public submitters as well as editors which describes the types of sites found within the category as well as the types of sites not found in the category. May also include details concerning titles and/or descriptions specific to the category.
Related terms: Category Charter
See: @link.
A robot account formerly used by Staff for running directory-wide maintenance tasks. For example, bulk edits fixing listing errors. See also: Robozilla
Taxonomy (1)
The science, laws, or principles of classification; systematics.
Related terms: Ontology.
Taxonomy (2)
Division into ordered groups or categories: "Scholars have been laboring to develop a taxonomy of young killers" (Aric Press).
Related terms: Ontology.
A "workspace" category tree used for building models and templates for proposed category reorganizations. Test categories are not accessible by the general public, and are not included in the RDF dump.
Related terms: RDF, Test/Editors
See also: Test category description
Test: Editors categories are available for each editor as a "private workspace" alternative to Bookmarks which are public.
Related terms: Test, Bookmarks
A publicly viewable workspace area for new World categories.
Related terms: World.
See also: Test: World.
Third Level Category
A subcategory of a second level category.
e.g. Business: Small Business: Telecommuting and Sports: Baseball: Youth are third level categories.
Related terms: Root Category
Thread Stretch
An extremely long URL forces the width of a forum thread to stretch beyond the width of the monitor. This creates frustration for editors who then need to scroll sideways to read other posts sharing the thread. Placing a space at an approximate mid-point of the URL solves this problem.
See also: Forum.
Time Out
An editor account times out out if an editor does not make a qualifying edit in a period of 120 days, or if a new editor does not make a qualifying edit within 30 days from their acceptance email. Editors whose accounts have timed out may apply for reinstatement.
Refers to tools to aid editing actions, either as parts of the Curlie Directory, or often editor produced. Editors with technical (i.e. programming) skills are encouraged to create new and interesting ways to make use of the Curlie API and other directory resources.
Related terms: Bookmarklet, DevId, Parse, PHP, JavaScript.
Example tools: chainsaw, passport.
See also: Tools Forum, Tools Category, Curlie Editing Tool Guidelines.
Top-level Category
Synonym for Root Category.
Top-level Domain
Refers to the rightmost portion of a domain, which is the broadest division in the heirarchical naming scheme on the Internet. Top-level domains are either generic top-level domains (such .com, .org, or .edu) or country code top-level domains (such as .uk, .ca, or .se).
Related terms: Domain.
See also:Whois.
Organizes sites primarily by their subject matter (e.g. Arts, Business, Sports), versus Regional, which organizes sites by their geographical location.
Related terms: Regional (2).
Refers to all categories of a certain language (e.g. Arts, Business, Sports) which organize sites primarily by their topic, as distinguished from the Regional category which organizes sites by location.
Related terms: Regional (1).
Heirarchical structures such as Curlie's category structure can be visualized as a tree structure. In this analogy, base categories (such as Arts or Shopping) are considered roots of the tree, or root categories. Each level of subcategorization in the directory represents a branching of the tree from a thicker branch into several thinner branches. Subcategories at the edges of the structure where no further subcategorization is present are leaves or leaf categories.
Related terms: Root Category, Branch Category, Leaf Category/Node, Second Level Category, Third Level Category, Umbrella Category, Node,Regional Tree.
Refers to the type of link in a listing. Curlie can list any type of URL, but certain types of link are specific, notably RSS, PDF. The Usenet type has been discontinued.
Umbrella Category
Put simply, this is a category that contains other categories. Generally the term is applied to an overarching category which contains more specific subcategories.
Sites that are awaiting review in a category's 'Unreviewed queue'. They have either been submitted by a member of the public, or moved there by another editor. They are not visible to the public. Listed sites can be placed in unreviewed when an editor or system process notices a problem with the site. This process is called "unreviewing". Unreviewed sites are sometimes referred to as greens, since their number appears in green after the category name on category edit screens.
Usually refers to a suggestion made by a member of the public to improve an existing listing in some way. The current system makes use of Flags.
Acronym: Uniform Resource Locator. A standard way of specifying the location of an object, typically a web page, on the Internet. URLs are the form of address used on the World-Wide Web. They are used in HTML documents to specify the target of a hyperlink which is often another HTML document (possibly stored on another computer). e.g. and are URLs.
Related terms: Listing
URL Cloaking
A technique using frames in a web browser where one URL "cloaks" or hides the existence of the second URL.
e.g. is a vanity URL which cloaks the "real" page at . The former page contains the latter in a frame which spans the entire browser window.
Related terms: Vanity URL, Cloaked URL, Framed Redirect
See also Not Listable.
URL Note
A coloured note that can be attached to a particular URL by an editor with cateditall+ permissions, to provide information or warnings to editors.
See also: Editall Guidelines: Adding Notes to URLs URL Note Guidelines.
Related terms: Editor Note, Flags
A global, decentralized system of newsgroups. The original directory taxonomy (actually, the Gnuhoo taxonomy) was based loosely on taxonomy borrowed from Usenet. In the past, Usenet groups could be directly associated with directory categories.
e.g. rec.woodworking in Arts: Crafts: Woodcraft: Woodworking. Currently, Usenet groups can be added as ordinary site listings using a Google Groups URL, if their content is sufficient.
See also: Link Types.
Vanity URL
A secondary URL ( much shorter) that either (a) redirects to the real URL ( acts as an doorway page to the real URL, or (c) uses URL cloaking to conceal the existence of the real URL. Some domains which host vanity URLs are:,,,, and
e.g. is a vanity URL for
Related terms: URL Cloaking, Doorway Page, Entry Page.
See also Not Listable.
Virtual Mirror
See Fraternal Website.
Web Page
A document available on the World Wide Web. A web page consists of a file in a format, such as HTML, that web browsers can handle, along with any related files such as scripts and graphics. Individual web pages are often hyperlinked to other web pages.
Related terms: Homepage, Blog, Wiki
A group of interconnected webpages owned and managed by an individual, company or organization. A website typically includes an introductory page that describes the type of information available on the site, and provides hyperlinks to direct users to the various pages on the site. The contents of a website are typically located on the same domain, although in some cases they may be spread over several domains.
Related terms: Homepage, Personal Home Page, Webpage, Blog, Wiki.
A searchable database maintained by a domain registrar that includes details such as the name, address, or technical contacts for a given domain. With the application of the GDPR, this information is mostly obfuscated.
A website which allows the content to be edited by anyone.
Related terms: Homepage, Webpage, Blog.
A top-level category that contains sites written in languages other than English. For instance, World: Deutsch contains sites written in German. In a recent Curlie update, the World/ level has been removed on the Public pages; the languages are directly accessible via icons. For editors, the structure remains unchanged.
Related terms: Test/World.
The former procedure of linking a category from one language to another was by adding an altlang. This was complex and repetitive, so editor rpfuller designed the Worldlinkerator tool to facilitate the process. Please note that the Worldlinkerate procedure has been replaced by Language Groups.
Acronym: You've Got Mail. A reference to the AOL-popularized message to alert the arrival of e-mail.
See also: Forum, Feedback.

Additional acronyms can be deciphered with help from Reference: Dictionaries: Acronyms...