The MOD e-File application is optimized for use on a desktop environment.
Important Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Departmental Appeals Board (DAB) is experiencing delays in processing documents received by mail. To avoid delay, we strongly encourage appellants and parties to file appeals, requests for review, motions, and all other case-related documents through the online e-filing system below.


Overview of Electronic Filing (E-Filing) with the Departmental Appeals Board (DAB) Medicare Operations Division

Parties seeking Medicare Appeals Council (Council) review may file an appeal and other case-related documents electronically to the DAB's Medicare Operations Division by using MOD E-File. Filing a document electronically does not relieve the filer of its obligation to serve the document on other parties to the case. A party may choose to file a document by mail or fax instead of using MOD E-File. However, the Medicare Operations Division recommends that parties with the capability to file documents electronically use MOD E-File.

Using MOD E-File

In order for a party to use MOD E-File, the party (or the party's representative) must first become a registered user by registering here. Upon completion of registration, the party may access MOD E-File from its login page using the e-mail address and password provided in the registration process. Once logged in, the party may use MOD E-File to:

  • File a request for review with the Council
  • File a request to escalate an appeal from an ALJ to the Council
  • File a request to withdraw the request for review or request to escalate an appeal to the Council
  • File correspondence and other supporting documents
  • View and download documents issued by the Council

Sending documents to the Medicare Operations Division by e-mail instead of using MOD E-File does not constitute electronic filing.


Even if you choose to electronically file your request for review or request to escalate an appeal from an ALJ to the Council using MOD E-File, you must still send copies of the request to all other parties by mail or other commercial delivery service. You should indicate in your electronically-filed request to the Council that you have complied with this requirement.

E-Filing Instructions

For e-filing instructions, see the MOD E-File Instructions.

Filing Deadline

To be considered timely filed, documents filed electronically must be uploaded to MOD E-File by 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time on the day that the filing is due.

Electronic Signature

The regulations require that the request for review be signed by the party or the representative of the party. The e-mail address and password used by the party and the party's representative to access MOD E-File will serve as an acceptable electronic signature on the request for review. Other documents that must be signed, such as an appointment of representative form, may be submitted electronically, but must be in a format (typically, PDF) that captures the actual physical signatures.

Assumption of Risk

At all times, an electronic filer assumes the risk of all errors not solely attributable to a MOD E-File malfunction that may result in the inability to complete an electronic filing. If the filer experiences problems with the MOD E-File, please contact E-File System Support at [email protected]. The filer should provide supporting evidence of the problem, such as a copy of an error message or screen print of an error page.