Crochet Tutorial: Expanding Spiral


Hyperbolic Crochet Tutorial:  The Expanding Spiral

All of the photos below are of the same hyperbolic crochet piece.  What I love about this particular form is that it can be twisted, folded, and stretched into multiple shapes.  It is fun to play with!

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spiral


This piece is made using Koigu Merino Sock Yarn with a US size 0 steel crochet hook (2.55 mm).

Crochet any length of chains – in this case I chained 25.

Round 1: 2 sc in each chain, chain 1 for turning chain

Round 2: Turn and increase (2dc) in 2 out of every 3 stitches.  In other words, *1 sc in a stitch and then 2 sc in each of the next 2 stitches*, repeat from * to *.  Make 1 turning chain

Round 3: Turn. Increase (2dc) in every other stitch. Make 1 turning chain.

Round 4: Turn. Increase in every third stitch. Make 1 turning chain.

Round 5: Turn. Increase in every fourth stitch. Make 1 turning chain.

Continue for as many rounds as you’d like to do to reach the width you’d like, always increasing less each round.

The tighter you crochet, the sturdier the final piece will be.  The more loosely you crochet, the floppier the piece will be.  For maximum sturdiness, try a smaller crochet hook.  For a draping effect, use a larger hook.

For a VERY sturdy sculptural piece, crochet over clear monofilament fish line.

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Twisted into a stack that look like discs

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Loosely twisted

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Tightly twisted into a spiral

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Loosely twisted spiral – side view

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

View of the foundation row of stitches that form the “spine”

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Untwisted spiral that is gently folded back and forth upon itself

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Untwisted and gently folded back and forth

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Suspended twisted expanding spiral, hanging from my fingers

Hyperbolic Crochet: Expanding Spirals Tutorial

Stacked expanding spiral, top view


  • Experiment with different sized yarns and colors
  • Try using crochet thread.  Maybe make a pair of earrings.
  • Try it using bead crochet techniques.
  • If you start with a long enough foundation row, this could make an interesting necklace or scarf.
  • Try a large sculptural piece using fabric strips or bulky weight yarn
Have fun!


Expanding Spiral Collage

This is the same crochet piece, twisted into different shapes
Expanding Spiral: Crochet Tutorial

Expanding Spiral Collage: This is the same crochet piece, twisted into different shapes


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