The blog offers insights into recent developments and trends in data related to the euro area economy, the financial world and beyond. Posts are authored by our data experts and economists and are based on ECB data and analysis.



Our new Distributional Wealth Accounts show that net wealth of euro area homeowners grew by 25% over the past five years, compared to 19% for non-homeowners. Our blog post offers more details and compares the new dataset with other datasets on wealth distribution.

Latest blog posts

New data on bank lending to households and non-financial corporations
25 June 2024

New data on bank lending to households and non-financial corporations

Discover current trends in bank lending with our latest blog post. Gain insights into loans to households and firms, adjusted for loan transfers and notional cash pooling, offering a clearer picture of credit trends across the euro area.
Analysing wealth distribution
29 May 2024

Analysing wealth distribution in the euro area

We recently published Distributional Wealth Accounts, which offer insights into wealth distribution and how it changes over time. This blog post provides additional details on the new dataset and analyses recent trends in the wealth distribution.
30 April 2024

Understanding the relevance of special purpose entities across the euro area

Discover how special purpose entities (SPEs) are impacting the cross-border financial linkages of the euro area. Our latest blog post provides insights into the relevance of special purpose entities across euro area countries.
Bank office
16 February 2024

The changing landscape of bank offices in the euro area

The numbers of bank offices and employees have significantly declined since 2008, with variations across countries. Our structural financial indicators reveal these trends and offer additional insights.
Image - government statistics
20 November 2023

Shedding further light on EU public debt

New dataset breakdowns provide more granular information on government loans, currency and deposits. These liabilities, which come on top of bonds and other securities, amount to roughly 16% of euro area GDP.
Contactless payments
16 November 2023

Contactless payments in the euro area

The ECB monitors developments in the euro area payments market. By analysing payments statistics, the ECB also identifies the latest trends, such as the growing use of contactless card payments.

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