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  • Source Code and Data for "Data-driven Characterization of Cooling Needs in a Portfolio of Co-located Commercial Buildings"
    This repository contains notebooks to characterize the cooling requirements in a portfolio of co-located commercial buildings by means of data-driven models and different visualizations including those of model estimates. The code can be used to reproduce the figures that are included in the publication "Data-driven Characterization of Cooling Needs in a Portfolio of Co-located Commercial Buildings", iScience.
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  • online chatbot hypocrisy induction
    Considering the effectiveness of chatbots in inducing hypocrisy in individuals during epidemics and thus promoting social distance maintenance, the authors used the theory of hypocrisy induction to explore other factors that enhance the effectiveness of chatbots' hypocrisy induction of adolescents, such as increased anthropomorphism and consideration of the co-moderating effects of internal and external factors. The results of the two studies indicate that adolescents experience stronger social distance maintenance intentions after being hypocrisy induced by chatbots; anthropomorphism and self-construal have a co-moderating role in the effects of chatbot hypocrisy induction on social distance maintenance in adolescents. Specifically, for adolescents with dependent self-construal, hypocrisy elicitation by chatbots with high anthropomorphism was more likely to increase social distance maintenance intentions, whereas chatbots with low anthropomorphism did not significantly affect social distance maintenance intentions. Conversely, for adolescents with the independent self-construal, they were not affected by hypocrisy induction.
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  • Intent Matters for Moral Judgements of Purity Violations Even in Iran, a Culture with Strong Purity Values
    This dataset contains the materials and data from a study investigating the role of perceived intent in moral judgments of purity violations compared to harmful actions within an Iranian cultural context. The study aims to test whether the influence of intent on moral judgment is similar for both impure (disgust-eliciting) and harmful acts, even in a culture that strongly values purity.
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  • Endothelial gene expression (Nanostring) under inflammation
    Human endothelial cells from different anatomic sources, stimulated with various cytokines. Gene expression measured by Nanostring. Normalized
    • Dataset
  • Supplementary files: a topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory cream
    Supplementary figure 1. Percentage of subjects with different Investigator and Patient Global Assessments at 4, 8, and 12 weeks; 1A: Investigator Global Assessment; 1B: Patient Global Assessment. NSC, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory cream * Indicates a significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups Supplementary figure 2. Percentage changes in skin biophysics reported as the estimated mean and 95%CI through 12 weeks follow-up; 2A: Erythema index; 2B: Hydration; 2C: TEWL; 2D: Sebum levels. NSC, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory cream; TEWL, Transepidermal water loss * Indicates a significant difference (p < 0.05) between groups Supplementary table 1. Ingredients of study products; Supplementary table 2. The results of clinical assessments of mSDASI scores; Supplementary table 3. The results of percentage changes in skin biophysics; Supplementary table 4. Pruritus scales
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  • Reduction of variants over time in lichen striatus: Evidence supporting the removal process of mutated skin cells - Supplementary materials
    Supplemental methods, figure, and table for the paper entitled 'Reduction of variants over time in lichen striatus: Evidence supporting the removal process of mutated skin cells'
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  • Data-driven Characterization of Cooling Needs in a Portfolio of Co-located Commercial Buildings
    This dataset contains a measured and cleaned chronological record of cooling consumed during the summer months (May through September) by a hundred and nineteen co-located commercial buildings. The timeseries data is recorded at the daily interval and contains the daily averages of weather-related parameters that reflect the warm Mediterranean climate in which the buildings are located. Additionally, information regarding the physical characteristics and attributes of each building, including the buildings’ area and use type, is also provided. More information is available at:
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  • Dataset of dentin biomodifiers and odontoblast differentiation
    Raw data on the effects of dentin biomodifiers on viability and differentiation into odontoblast phenotype in a dentin-human dental pulp stem cell co-culture model. The first sheet, titled "LDH Cytotoxicity," contains raw data from the evaluation of the cytotoxicity of dentin biomodifiers (0.2% chlorhexidine, 1% glutaraldehyde, 6.5% proanthocyanidin, and 600 µM myricetin). Cytotoxicity was measured by assessing the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released into the medium using spectrophotometry. The second sheet, titled "qPCR Odontogenic Markers," contains data on the expression of genes encoding Collagen Type I, dentin sialophosphoprotein, matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein, and osteopontin, evaluated by RT-qPCR. Additionally, the third sheet, titled "Alizarin Red," contains raw data from the evaluation of extracellular matrix mineralization using the alizarin red staining method, with absorbance quantified by spectrophotometry.
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  • Data for publication 1
    Data for publication in Data in Brief
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  • LDHU3_14.1720
    Protein kinase (STE family); Leishmania donovani (HU3 strain)
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