
Used by over 26 million people worldwide, Blinkist is an award-winning app that finds the most relevant, impactful books and podcasts and distills them down to their key ideas, which can be read or listened to in 15-minute explainers called Blinks. In addition to individual learners, over 1,500 organizations around the globe have already chosen Blinkist for Business to empower their teams at their point of need—anytime, anywhere. To learn more, visit or To find out more about life at Blinkist, visit our careers site at or follow us on Instagram @behindtheblinks. - Blinkist is a Go1 Company -

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    You might think this is a no-brainer — you’d speak up in favor of Sam, the candidate you think is the most qualified! But wait. You'd be going against the grain. Your colleagues are pretty enthusiastic about Robin. Are you *sure* Sam is the right choice? You're certain Sam is the right choice, but are you prepared to challenge the group? Is it worth it? 🤐 A psychological experiment found that in a setting with only two candidates, Sam and Robin in this example, participants were reluctant to speak up and more likely to let Robin be hired without sharing their opinions on Sam. But what about that third candidate, Taylor? While Taylor might not be the most skilled candidate, floating their name in the discussion can make a crucial difference. 💬 The study found that in a setting where one person on the hiring team made a case for Taylor significantly increased the likelihood of participants advocating for Sam, the most promising candidate! Adding a differing opinion breaks up groupthink and pushes everyone to assess the situation for themselves. In other words, this challenges the group’s tendency to avoid conflict at all costs, leading to better decision-making. 🤝 Want to learn more about strategies for encouraging independent thinking, and why nonconformity is a strength we should nurture? Check out the Blink to “Originals” by author and organizational psychologist Adam Grant to learn more about this experiment:

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    Profil von Michael Yakunin anzeigen, Grafik

    Principal Recruitment Consultant | Digital and Marketing | Committed to empowering clients and candidates with meaningful insights

    “Avoiding risks can be the riskiest strategy of all” I love love love this saying. Everything in life is a risk and it’s important to take some risks to keep moving forward. Changing the jobs is a risk Changing a path in your career is a risk Changing countries is a risk You can’t really avoid them but you can certainly mitigate them. Love that The Onset gives us access to Blinkist who has a library of popular audiobooks that are only 15 minutes long.

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    Profil von Lauren Light (Crisp) anzeigen, Grafik

    Solutions Specialist, Brightmine | People Data, Analytics and Insight for Brighter Business Outcomes.

    7.5k steps ticked off, dogs exercised & 2.5 Blinkist audio blinks complete... working out the muscles & the brain this afternoon! Fingers crossed for more dry weather, might give me a chance to create a habit of this (yes we all love a bit of James Clear & BJ Fogg!)

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    How did your last performance review go? Did you get the expected salary increase or was it more difficult? 🤔 Having hard conversations at work is day-to-day for many, but a common fear is performance reviews, where you want to be understanding but upfront about your objectives. In the Blink "Ask for it" by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, we learn how in a negotiation, you need to focus on your upper target and be patient. They also explain how women specifically can successfully negotiate to get the jobs and salaries they want and deserve. 💸 Want to listen to the full book summary? Download the Blinkist app and start learning:

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    Profil von Melanie Lazarus anzeigen, Grafik

    Brand Vision & Identity | Market Positioning | Propositional Storytelling | Customer Champion | B2B | B2C | @ Barclays, Sky, O2, Samsung

    Day 1: School summer holidays – here we go 👊 I’ve set myself the challenge to (re)read some of the best books on Branding & Marketing this week, with a little help from Blinkist. (Brain food whilst chauffeuring the kids). In an industry obsessed with up-to-the-minute tech and media, sometimes it’s soul-affirming to remind ourselves of the basics. So today I’m starting with “How Brands Grow” by Byron Sharp. My 5 key take outs: 💡 Size matters in marketing. Brand size affects everything from brand affinity to customer retention. 💡 The ‘Double Jeopardy' law says that smaller brands have less customers & less loyal ones than larger ones. So retention is hard to control, without materially growing your market share. 💡 You’re better to focus on attracting new customers. We assume our sales follow Pareto’s Law (20% of our base generate 80% of our revenue). In reality, almost half of a company’s sales come from non-frequent users. So focus on your light buyers, as well as your loyalists. 💡 As marketers, we believe that branding creates preferences over purchase decisions. But the emotional bond is less strong than we think, and consumers are hard-wired to be promiscuous. 💡 Hence advertising plays an important role refreshing our brand in consumers’ minds, and helping us to stay relevant to them over time.

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    It's Free Blink Monday! ✨ This week's Blink is: Marie Kondo's Kurashi at Home by Marie Kondo 📖 In Kurashi at Home (2022), interior organization expert Marie Kondo invites readers to conceptualize their ideal kurashi, or lifestyle. Kondo then shows how, through interacting with and optimizing their living spaces, readers can achieve our idea of kurashi. Who should read it? 👀 People who’d like to live more mindfully in their space KonMari fans eager for more life-changing advice Anyone who wants to live their ideal lifestyle at home

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    Studies suggest that about 60-65% of all interpersonal communication is nonverbal. In other words, understanding someone’s body language is key to understanding what they might be feeling. Joe Navarro, a former FBI agent and author of the book “What Every BODY Is Saying,” offers a pro tip: pay close attention to feet and legs 👣 Say you’re talking to a person whose feet are firmly on the ground, with a fair bit of distance between their legs. They’re taking up a fair bit of space, aren’t they? And in fact, this is a pose that might suggest their desire to dominate the conversation. Meanwhile, there’s another person in the conversation who has their feet slightly turned away from the group—what are they feeling? They might be uncomfortable and looking to leave. Lastly, what about the one whose legs are crossed? They might be feeling pretty comfortable. When we cross our legs, we risk losing our balance, and we tend to do this when we perceive a situation as being safe. To learn more about the subtle but important cues we communicate through body language, don’t miss the Blink to “What Every BODY Is Saying” 👉

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  • Unternehmensseite von Blinkist anzeigen, Grafik

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    Have you wondered what truly connects us to others? It’s the courage to be vulnerable. 🔓 But the idea isn't to risk it all immediately. If there's a person you'd like to share more with, start testing the waters by stepping into the learning zone, shown below. With each success, test the waters and move toward the center. To learn more about vulnerability, listen to the Blink "Connect," where social psychologist David Bradford and organizational systems expert Carole Robin explore the key elements of exceptional relationships:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Blinkist anzeigen, Grafik

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    Tomorrow's our next webinar! Have you registered to hear from Mark DiMauro, PhD on AI ethics?

    Unternehmensseite von Go1 anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 Last chance to register! 🌟 Our webinar on the ethical use of AI in L&D is tomorrow! We’ll be chatting with Dr. Mark DiMauro, PhD, about ethical considerations in AI, like privacy, copyright, and ownership. ️🤖 This session will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the complexities of AI in L&D responsibly. Learn to create a balance that respects both technological advancements and human values.    Secure your spot today! 👉  #AIethics #Go1Webinar #Webinar #AIWebinar #EthicalAI 

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    Melissa Hamdoun is always dropping knowledge and bringing inspiration to every conversation💡

    Profil von Marin Mrša anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder and CEO at Peekator - Quantitative Survey Platform Prioritizing Data Quality and Creative AI Solutions | Greenbook Future List Honoree - The Next Generation of Insights Leaders

    After a brilliant Insights Chats 10 with Melissa Hamdoun from Blinkist, here are my random notes: - Stakeholders don’t need to know the research methodology; they have a question, and the insights team provides an answer. - Market research teams usually fall into the wider Marketing department, but at Blinkist, they are part of the Product and Design team. - If you unite UX and Market Research teams, you can provide answers much faster and with greater detail. - Research is never final; you are always adding new things. - You need to manage research expectations from your stakeholders. - Storytelling is key in internal insights teams as it can connect with the company’s wider goals. - You can answer research questions in both quantitative and qualitative ways. - Contextualization and adaptation of research to the company are super important. - Connect real behavioral data with UX and MR teams to understand why those behaviors are happening. - The research team needs to have a seat at the table to understand the company's longer-term vision. - To push insights to the next stage in your company, you need to democratize it and enable a central knowledge base that everyone can use on their own. - When you are a client-side researcher, you are often in a bubble, which you need to break from time to time. - You need to be proactive and acquire insights 10 steps before your stakeholders come to you with a question. - As a client-side insights team, you also need to service and build relationships with your internal stakeholders, similar to a traditional client-agency relationship. - There is always a shelf life for research, and a time when research is no longer valid. - You need to find your internal research champions who will promote research across the organization. 🚶🏼

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