


The mobile-first microlearning app for you and your business. Focused on innovation, collaboration, and diversity.


Used by over 26 million people worldwide, Blinkist is an award-winning app that finds the most relevant, impactful books and podcasts and distills them down to their key ideas, which can be read or listened to in 15-minute explainers called Blinks. In addition to individual learners, over 1,500 organizations around the globe have already chosen Blinkist for Business to empower their teams at their point of need—anytime, anywhere. To learn more, visit or To find out more about life at Blinkist, visit our careers site at or follow us on Instagram @behindtheblinks. - Blinkist is a Go1 Company -

51–200 Beschäftigte
Mobile publishing, Mobile Apps, E-Learning, Writing and Editing, Broadcast Media, eBooks und Audio Books


Beschäftigte von Blinkist


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    You rocked it Maike! We're so proud! 👏

    Profil von Maike Berndt anzeigen, Grafik

    Growth & Product Marketing @Blinkist | CRM | Reforge

    💫 I had a great time being part of the panel discussion with Vasyl Sergienko, Kristian Pechovski, and Evelina Gruzdzevičiūtė on App Market Trends and Predictions at the conference in Warsaw last week. The discussion was led by the wonderful Hannah Parvaz, who did a fantastic job preparing us and structuring the different perspectives across our various domains into an engaging conversation. Shoutout to Vitaly Davydov and the whole for hosting this well-organized and nicely curated event with interesting insights from speakers like Hannah Parvaz, Divya Gundlapalli, Nathan Hudson 🚀, Volha Samoilava , Robbie McCartney, and Sergey Muratov 👏

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    Food is fuel, and eating right is the foundation for a healthy body and mind. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and quality sleep are the not-so-secret ways to feel your best at home and work. But with so many conflicting views out there, it can be challenging to know what's truly best for your body. So, act intuitively and trust your gut (literally)! We recommend a collection of books like this one:

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    Profil von Olayinka Famodu anzeigen, Grafik

    ❤️ Sower of Love¹ 🎣 Fisher of Men² 🌳 Steward of Seed³ • Organizational Culture Champion @ Pfizer • Pulse Survey, Workhuman, PowerBI • I Help Disengaged Workplaces Develop Joyful Environments.

    ❌ Knowledge IS NOT enough   📖 I wanted to share an incredible resource with you all: Blinkist – here to help you learn faster and smarter. Blinkist is a unique platform that condenses the key insights from a wide range of nonfiction books into digestible packs that you can read or listen to in just 15 minutes.   🔗 Blinkist Website:   🔨 As Proverbs 16:16 NLT says, “How much better to get wisdom than gold, and good judgment than silver!” Blinkist is a tool that helps us gain wisdom from the wealth of knowledge available in books. It’s an excellent tool for those who love to learn and explore new topics but may be pressed for time.   💡 With Blinkist, you can dive into a world of knowledge and discover new perspectives and ideas, all in the time it takes to drink your morning coffee. It’s concise, insightful, and a fantastic addition to your daily routine. As Proverbs 2:6 NLT reminds us, “For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”   🧠 I have personally listened to 60+ titles, discovering over 400 key ideas, all providing me knowledge that I have been able to apply to ultimately turn said knowledge into wisdom for my life. My top 3 titles I would recommend off the bat are below, centered around the topics of Habits, Systems, and Routines that I have been very fascinated with this year!   ⚛️ Atomic Habits: ☀️ The Miracle Morning: ☕ What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast:   ⭐ Blinkist is one of those apps that you wish you knew of earlier; so, give it a try and let’s keep learning together! As Proverbs 9:10 NLT says, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.”   💎 Let’s continue to seek wisdom and understanding in all that we do. Remember, “Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” Proverbs 3:15 NLT   #Faith #Blinkist #Knowledge #Wisdom #Learning #PersonalDevelopment #ProfessionalDevelopment

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    Did you know that 71% of Americans steer clear of small talk? 🤯 Small talk can get awkward, and you've probably found yourself taking a different route on the stairs, crossing the street, or even faking a phone call to avoid it. No matter how much it might feel like a challenge, small talk allows you to make a solid first impression or even forge a connection with someone. 🤝 A whopping 91% of people still believe that small talk can evolve into a genuine conversation. So, we've put together a handy guide to help you master the art of small talk to get through the uncomfortable moments and right to genuine connection:

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    It's Free Blink Monday! ✨ This week's Blink is: The Power of One More by Ed Mylett 📖 The Power of One More (2022) follows the idea that doing “one more” in any situation can bring you greatness and open up more opportunities. Who should read it? 👀 High achievers Self-improvement seekers Anyone willing to welcome a lifestyle change

    The Power of One More | Free Blink Monday! ✨

    The Power of One More | Free Blink Monday! ✨

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    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the daily grind? 😨 Mindfulness could be your game-changer in reducing stress and boosting your overall wellbeing. 🤷♂️ How do you do it? 🤷♂️ It's all about finding what works for you and making it a habit, but start small! Set aside a few minutes daily to focus on your breath, count up to ten and back down, or practice gratitude by listing three things you're grateful for each day. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the time and add in other activities such as yoga or journaling. The key is to be present and let go of any distractions or negative thoughts. If they do come, acknowledge the thought or distraction without judgment, and then let it go. With consistent practice, you'll feel more calm, centered, and content in your daily life. And remember, self-care isn't selfish. It's essential for maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. So invest in yourself and see the positive impact it can have on your overall happiness and quality of life. If you'd like to take your well-being practice to the next level, listen to the Blink to "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, which teaches mindfulness and being present in the moment:

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    There are multiple views of the brain. Some see the brain as always reinventing itself: changing, evolving, growing, and developing. Others see the brain as a machine that is pre-programmed to make specific decisions, no matter what comes up. 🧠 The former view of neuroscience teaches us that no matter how old we are, there is always the potential for more change, the potential for improvement, the potential for growth, and deeper connection. “I think this is an optimistic view of neuroscience. Yes, we get older and indeed, as we get older, our brains become a little less flexible, a little less plastic, but not entirely at any stage of life. There is always the potential for change, the potential for improvement, the potential for growth and the connection.” Anil Seth, British neuroscientist and professor of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience at the University of Sussex explains. In his Blinkist Guide, The Neuroscience of Self, Anil Seth takes you deeper into the mystery of the brain and consciousness. This Guide is sure to make you feel more connected with yourself and other living beings. 🔗

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