
Used by over 26 million people worldwide, Blinkist is an award-winning app that finds the most relevant, impactful books and podcasts and distills them down to their key ideas, which can be read or listened to in 15-minute explainers called Blinks. In addition to individual learners, over 1,500 organizations around the globe have already chosen Blinkist for Business to empower their teams at their point of need—anytime, anywhere. To learn more, visit or To find out more about life at Blinkist, visit our careers site at or follow us on Instagram @behindtheblinks. - Blinkist is a Go1 Company -

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    Join us and our team at Go1 for our next webinar on July 18! 🤖

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    Join us for our upcoming webinar, "Ethical use of AI for learning and development," with Dr. Mark DiMauro, PhD. We’ll discuss the importance of privacy, copyright, and ownership; the balance between AI-driven and human-centric learning experiences; and the critical role of maintaining human agency in augmented systems. 🤖💡 📅 This is your chance to learn from the best and ensure your L&D strategies are both innovative and ethically sound. Don’t miss it! Register now to secure your spot: #Go1Webinar #Webinar #AIWebinar #EthicalAI

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    It's Free Blink Monday! ✨ This week's Blink is: Management Mess to Leadership Success by Scott Jeffrey Miller 📖 Management Mess to Leadership Success (2019) is a guide to renovating and polishing your management skills. Through relatable, personal anecdotes of fumbles, missteps, and what not to do, it offers applicable challenges for you to revamp your team by providing a step-by-step guide on how to lead yourself and others and deliver results. Who should read it? 👀 Team managers HR professionals Leaders in and beyond the corporate office

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    Profil von Emeka Kalu Okigwe anzeigen, Grafik

    Marketing and Communications | Over $2m revenue generated for businesses

    I just finished reading Quantum Marketing: Mastering The New Marketing Mindset for Tomorrow's Consumers by Raja Rajamannar on Blinkist and damn, there's a whole different approach and strategies to marketing. Here is my summary of the blink: Imagine marketing like a historical fashion show. The First Paradigm struts out in a simple toga, all about the product itself. Then comes the Second Paradigm, with a dazzling emotional sequinned gown, focused on how the product makes you feel. Fast forward to the Third Paradigm, a techie jumpsuit with plenty of data, and the Fourth Paradigm, a social media butterfly with perfect mobile optimization. Now, the Fifth Paradigm – it's like stepping into a whole new dimension! This new era of marketing is all about using tons of data and technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain to understand customers better than ever before. It's like having a TV remote control that shows you exactly the combinations of different buttons clicked by people. But it's not just about the tech. Successful marketers in this "Quantum Marketing" world will also be like human whisperers, giving you insights from psychology and neuroscience to craft experiences that resonate on a deeper level. Think James Bond with a marketing degree, using science to create irresistible campaigns. Collaboration is also key. Imagine a world where credit card companies team up with cities to improve public transportation, or music brands partner with holographic concerts. In this new landscape, marketers will be like CEOs of mini-universes, building bridges and forging partnerships to create something truly special. Leading this marketing revolution is a new breed of leader: the Quantum CMO. They're part data scientist, part creative genius, and part social justice advocates, too. They understand the classics of marketing but can also speak the language of AI and blockchain. They're the ones steering the marketing ship towards a future that's not just profitable, but also ethical and purpose-driven. So, the next time you see a mind-blowing ad or have an unforgettable brand experience, remember – that might be the work of a Quantum Marketer, a master of data, tech, and human connection, all rolled into one. Reading this blink is already making me think of exploring this new field. Just as content creators, social media managers, copy writers, etc., have come to light, I think Quantum CMOs, too will emerge to limelight. Dear Marketers, do you think this new "title" is worth exploring?

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    If you struggle to keep the focus on Fridays, we can help! 👇 Did you know Fridays can be super productive? In "Tranquility by Tuesday," author Laura Vanderkam explains it's the perfect time to plan your week ahead. 🗒️ Why Friday? Friday afternoons are when most people have started to slide into weekend relaxation. They aren’t in the frame of mind to push through intense work. So planning is the perfect project for this pocket of time. ✏ Setting up the following week and weekend also helps in another way: The immediate weekend ahead has already been planned, so you have things to look forward to. And if you've already accounted for that time, you'll enjoy the entire weekend without having to set aside planning time on Sunday! You can listen to the whole summary on Blinkist here 📲

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    Profil von Michelle L P Boland, MBA FCIM anzeigen, Grafik

    Award winning CMO | Marketing Director | Fractional CMO | Board Advisor | Digital | Brand | Transformation | CX | SaaS | Growth | Channel | Communications | B2B | B2C | NED | Board Trustee | Chair-Elect

    Here’s my tip on how to focus the mind at marketing planning time…. I’ve been writing marketing plans for 20years. Some are long, some short, some flow easily, some are trickier to peg down. But I found something a few years ago that really helped cut through the noise in my head and focus on the key important aspects. It’s The One Page Marketing Plan. Use it if you are having a challenge wrapping your head around your new venture, or perhaps you’re new to your role and want a quick way of getting to grips with key aspects needed for a bigger plan? It’s also great to use as a base doc for marketing planning workshops as it is a wonderful way of encouraging participation from everyone of every level, why? Because it doesn’t look scary, it’s not a 40slide ppt, it’s just one page and that makes it manageable. I have the book by the fabulous Allan Dib but the Blink came up for me on my Blinkist daily recommendation today so I had a quick refresh whilst walking the dog. 🐩 Try it at your next department planning session as a precursor to the bigger plan, it really hones the mind. __________________________________ Hi 👋 I'm Michelle, I write about things I know about: Marketing, Leadership, Strategy, Coaching and Board Advisory.  Never want to miss an update? Make sure you follow and double click the 🔔 on my profile!

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    So much of our well-being comes down to living in the moment—appreciating where we are right now, tuning into our bodies, and acknowledging and releasing worries and tension. On a stressful day, this isn’t always easy—but a good yoga practice that gets your body moving can make a big difference. 🧘 That's why we've teamed up with Asana Rebel to offer 12 of their yoga-inspired exercise flows as an audio Guide on the Blinkist! So roll out your yoga mat (or towel) and get started:

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    When it's warp speed ahead, you can lose sight of what matters most. Remember to take a step back and slow down every once in a while. 🐌 Disconnect from technology and reconnect with yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you. 🔌 Whether it's through a walk in nature, a meaningful conversation, or simply enjoying a cup of tea, slowing down allows us to appreciate the present moment and find a sense of peace. If you need help taking a step back or you're in a loop of decision fatigue, we've got you covered with these Guides in the Blinkist app!

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    Ever wondered how to make your arguments at work more compelling and structured? Let's look at a powerful tool for framing arguments that ensures your main message stands out clearly and persuasively. 🔼 At the top of any pyramid, place your main message or desired action. This is the core of your argument, the key takeaway you want your audience to remember. 🔽 Beneath that, layer your supporting arguments, each backed by solid data and evidence. This foundation reinforces your central message, making your argument stronger and more convincing. 📐 Charles Conn recommends these three framework types to build out these pyramids: 1️⃣ Argument Structure: First, suggest a change. Then, detail the problem with evidence, explain the cause with proof, and propose a solution supported by data. This structure cycles back to reinforce the main message at the top. 2️⃣ Grouping Structure: Start with your governing thought. Then, branch out into subcategories (A, B, C), each advocating specific changes with clear reasons. This pyramid is ideal for when your argument has multiple facets. 🔄 Facing a skeptical audience? Try the Revealed Structure, which you can dive into in the full Guide with Charles here: #ArgumentSkills #Communication #Persuasion #Leadership #Strategy

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