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Descriptor English: Western Australia
Descriptor Spanish: Australia Occidental
Descriptor Australia Occidental
Scope note: Estado situado al oeste de Australia. Su capital es Perth. Fue visitado por vez primera por los holandeses en 1616 pero los ingleses tomaron posesión en 1791 y la colonización permanente comenzó en 1829. Fue un asentamiento penal entre 1850-1888, se convirtió en parte del gobierno colonial en 1886, y se estableció el autogobierno en 1890. (Traducción libre del original: Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p1329).
Descriptor Portuguese: Austrália Ocidental
Descriptor French: Australie occidentale
Tree number(s): Z01.639.100.996
RDF Unique Identifier:
Scope note: A state in western Australia. Its capital is Perth. It was first visited by the Dutch in 1616 but the English took possession in 1791 and permanent colonization began in 1829. It was a penal settlement 1850-1888, became part of the colonial government in 1886, and was granted self government in 1890. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p1329)
Annotation: a state of Australia
Allowable Qualifiers: EH ethnology
EP epidemiology
Previous Indexing: Australia (1966-1987)
History Note: 88
DeCS ID: 23059
Unique ID: D014904
Documents indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL): Click here to access the VHL documents
Date Established: 1988/01/01
Date of Entry: 1987/03/09
Revision Date: 2015/06/23
Western Australia - Preferred
Concept UI M0022931
Scope note A state in western Australia. Its capital is Perth. It was first visited by the Dutch in 1616 but the English took possession in 1791 and permanent colonization began in 1829. It was a penal settlement 1850-1888, became part of the colonial government in 1886, and was granted self government in 1890. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p1329)
Preferred term Western Australia

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