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TensorRT Release Notes

NVIDIA TensorRT is a C++ library that facilitates high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs. It is designed to work in connection with deep learning frameworks that are commonly used for training. TensorRT focuses specifically on running an already trained network quickly and efficiently on a GPU for the purpose of generating a result; also known as inferencing. These release notes describe the key features, software enhancements and improvements, and known issues for the TensorRT 10.0.1 product package.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the TensorRT Archives.

1. TensorRT Release 10.x.x

1.1. TensorRT Release 10.0.1

These are the TensorRT 10.0.1 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux, and JetPack users. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.


  • For TensorRT 10.0.0 EA the minimum glibc version for the Linux x86 build was 2.28. This toolchain change was reverted for TensorRT 10.0.1 GA and will be compatible with glibc 2.17, which was the minimum glibc version supported by TensorRT 8.6.
  • RedHat/CentOS 7.x are no longer officially supported starting with TensorRT 10.0.
  • RedHat/Rocky Linux 9.x are supported starting with TensorRT 10.0.
  • Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 has been dropped starting with TensorRT 10.0.
  • Python 3.12 support has been added starting with TensorRT 10.0.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • TensorRT 10 is supported by Nsight Deep Learning Designer 2024.1 (Early Access).
  • The ONNX parser returns the list of all nodes that can be statically determined as unsupported when the call to parse() fails. The error reporting contains node name, node type, reason for failure, as well as the local function stack if the node is located in an ONNX local function. The number of these errors can be queried with the getNbErrors() function, and information about individual errors can be obtained from the getError() function.
  • Debug Tensors: Added an API to mark tensors as debug tensors at build time. At runtime, each time the value of the tensor is written, a user-defined callback function is invoked with the value, type, and dimensions.
  • Runtime Allocation: createExecutionContext now accepts an argument specifying the allocation strategy (kSTATIC, kON_PROFILE_CHANGE, and kUSER_MANAGED) of execution context device memory. For user-managed allocation, an additional API updateDeviceMemorySizeForShapes is added to query the required size based on actual input shapes.
  • Added a new Python sample sample_weight_stripping to showcase building and refitting weight-stripped engines from ONNX models.
  • The new REFIT_IDENTICAL flag instructs the TensorRT builder to optimize under the assumption that the engine will be refitted with weights identical to those provided at build time. Using this flag in conjunction with kSTRIP_PLAN minimizes plan size in deployment scenarios where, for example, the plan is being shipped alongside an ONNX model containing the weights.
  • Weight Streaming: Added a new kWEIGHT_STREAMING flag to the builder and a set of new streaming budget APIs in the runtime to allow you to run strongly typed models larger than device memory on the device. For example, a strongly typed model with 32 GB of weights can run on a device with less than 32 GB of VRAM.
  • The tensorrt Debian and RPM meta-packages now install the TensorRT Python binding packages python3-libnvinfer, python3-libnvinfer-lean, and python3-libnvinfer-dispatch as well. Previously, installing the python3-libnvinfer-dev(el) package was required as well to support both C++ and Python.
  • V3 plugins: A new generation of TensorRT custom layers is now available with plugins implementing IPluginV3, which are to be accompanied by plugin creators implementing IPluginCreatorV3One. New features available with IPluginV3 include data-dependent output shapes, shape tensor inputs, custom tactics, and timing caching.
  • A key-value store has been added to the plugin registry which allows the registration and lookup of user-defined resources.
  • The new kTACTIC_SHARED_MEMORY flag which allows control over the overall shared memory budget used for TensorRT backend CUDA kernels. This is useful in scenarios where TensorRT must share GPUs with other applications. By default, the value is set to device max capability.
  • QAT transformer networks now work with refit.
  • INT4 Weight Only Quantization (WoQ): Added support for weight compression using INT4 (Hopper only). WoQ performs extra copies that increase latency and will be further optimized in future TensorRT releases.
  • Block Quantization: Added Block Quantization mode, allowing setting scales in high granularity (supported by INT4 WoQ only).

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: TensorRT 10.0 GA broke ABI compatibility relative to TensorRT 10.0 EA on Windows by adding the TensorRT major version to the DLL filename. TensorRT 10.0 EA and prior TensorRT releases have historically named the DLL file nvinfer.dll, while 10.0 GA renamed the DLL file nvinfer_10.dll. This same naming pattern was also applied to the other TensorRT DLL files in the zip package. We strive not to break backward compatibility between releases with the same major version, but this change will allow applications to link against different TensorRT major versions at the same time.
  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • Release 10.0 GA enforces the restriction that NvInferRuntimeBase.h should not be directly included. The restriction was merely documented when 8.6 introduced the header.
  • In TensorRT 9.0, we removed ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.
  • TacticSource::kCUDNN and TacticSource::kCUBLAS are disabled by default. The cudnnContext* and cublasContext* parameters of the nvinfer1::IPluginV2Ext::attachToContext function are set to nullptrs when the corresponding TacticSource flags are unset.
  • IPluginCreatorInterface has been added as a base class to IPluginCreator.
  • Overloads have been added to the methods IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator and IPluginRegistry::registerCreator that take in IPluginCreatorInterface references.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.
  • QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer only support FP32 scale and data, even when using ONNX opset 19. If the input is not FP32, you must add a Cast to FP32 on the input to QuantizeLayer, and a Cast from FP32 at the output of DequantizeLayer.
  • EngineInspector::getLayerInformation may return incomplete JSON data for some engines produced by TensorRT 9.0. When this happens, TensorRT Engine Explorer cannot be used to analyze the engine or generate a graph of the engine layers.
  • The kREFIT and kREFIT_IDENTICAL have performance regressions where convolution layers are present within a branch or loop and the precision is FP16/INT8. This issue will be addressed in future releases.
  • The new kTACTIC_SHARED_MEMORY flag cannot restrict shared memory usage for depthwise convolution, depth separate convolution, and certain corner case conv activation fused kernels. You need to run Nsight to verify the shared memory usage of the result engine. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • Shape tensor inputs will not be added to TensorRT plugins implementing IPluginV3 by the TensorRT ONNX parser. All inputs will be passed as regular device inputs. This is in contrast to the addPluginV3 API which allows the specification of shape tensor inputs to be passed to the plugin.
  • Weight streaming currently does not work with CUDA Graph.
  • Multiple contexts for one engine with Weight Streaming enabled cannot run parallel on devices and will be serialized automatically.
  • Weight streaming mainly supports GEMM-based networks like Transformers for now. Convolution-based networks may have only a few weights that can be streamed.
  • IPluginRegistry’s loadLibrary() and deregisterLibrary() functionality is not supported for plugin shared libraries containing V3 plugin creators (IPluginCreatorV3One). This limitation will be removed in a future release.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 10.0 will be retained until at least 3/2025.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.3 will be retained until at least 1/2025.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.2 will be retained until at least 11/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.1 will be retained until at least 10/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 10.0.1.
  • Deprecated NVIDIA Volta support (GPUs with compute capability 7.0). Volta support will be removed starting with TensorRT 10.2.
  • Deprecated the kWEIGHTLESS builder flag. Superseded by the kSTRIP_PLAN builder flag. kSTRIP_PLAN works with either the kREFIT flag or the new kREFIT_IDENTICAL flag, defaulting to the latter if neither is set.
  • In 10.0, we removed deprecated APIs compared to 9.3 and earlier releases. These removed APIs were deprecated before March 2023. We ensured that Version Compatibility is expected between 8.6, 9.x, and 10.0 versions. Note that version compatibility is not supported for implicit batch mode, which was removed in 10.0. If you are unfamiliar with these changes, refer to our sample code for clarification. In light of the changes to the API in TensorRT 10.0, we've prepared an API Migration Guide to highlight the API modifications.
  • We removed implicit batch support and worked with networks as they always have an explicit batch.
  • Deprecated TacticSource::kCUDNN and TacticSource::kCUBLAS flags.
  • Deprecated IPluginV2DynamicExt, implement IPluginV3 instead. Refer to the Migrating V2 Plugins to IPluginV3 for how existing IPluginV2DynamicExt plugins can be migrated to IPluginV3.
  • IPluginCreator::getTensorRTVersion() has been removed.
  • Deprecated IPluginV2IOExt; implement IPluginV3 instead.
  • Deprecated IPluginCreator. There is no alternative factory class for IPluginV2-derivative plugin base classes, as they are all deprecated as well. Implement IPluginV3 and its corresponding factory class IPluginV3CreatorOne.
  • Deprecated the following APIs in IPluginRegistry:
    • IPluginRegistry::registerCreator(IPluginCreator&). Use its overload IPluginRegistry::registerCreator(IPluginCreatorInterface&) instead.
    • IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator(IPluginCreator const&). Use its overload IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator(IPluginCreatorInterface const&) instead.
    • IPluginRegistry::getPluginCreator. Use IPluginRegistry::getCreator instead.
    • IPluginRegistry::getPluginCreatorList. Use IPluginRegistry::getAllCreators instead.

Fixed Issues

  • The nvinfer_plugin.lib library within the Windows package was incorrectly distributed as a static linking library starting with TensorRT 9.0. TensorRT 10.0 reverts this library to a dynamic linking library matching the behavior of TensorRT 8.6.
  • There was an up to 9% performance drop for BERT networks with gelu_erf activation in BF16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.1 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There was an up to 11% performance drop for ViT networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There was an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • A higher builder optimization level did not always give a better performance when compared to a lower builder optimization level; which could happen on all platforms and up to 27%. The workaround was to build an engine using a lower builder optimization level.
  • If an ONNX model contained a Range operator and its limit input was a data-dependent tensor, engine building would likely fail.
  • There was an up to 15% performance regression for SegResNet and StableDiffusion VAE in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.3.
  • TensorRT did not clean temporary DLL files automatically on Windows when running in vc mode. The TensorRT library was internally holding open file references when the application finished.
  • TensorRT may have crashed when building transformer based networks on Windows 10 and H100.
  • There was a performance drop on QDQ-Gemm pattern on RTX-Titan in weightless mode.
  • There was a known issue with the compute sanitizer in CUDA Toolkit 12.3 that might cause the target application to crash. This has been fixed in CUDA Toolkit 12.4.
  • Indexing for layer information (--dumpLayer) and its profiling information (--dumpProfile) has been added; the layer names reported by IEngineInspector now match the layer names reported by IProfiler.
  • Multihead attention fusion now works with refit enabled.
  • There was an up to 144 MB peak GPU memory usage increase compared to TensorRT 8.6 when building engines for ResNet-50 in INT8 precision on the L4T Orin platform.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 will no longer crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built.
  • Some networks fail at the engine building phase on Windows and H100, but can execute on Linux. The root cause is a builder issue, where fusion compilation fails.
  • Using FP16 scales for Q/DQ ops may have resulted in numerical overflow. The workaround was to use FP32 scales for Q/DQ ops instead. This issue has been fixed.
  • UNets with tensors containing >2^31 elements may have failed during the engine building step.
  • Running TensorRT-LLM with TensorRT 10.0 with INT8 kv-cache would result in engine build failure due to insufficient custom scales. The workaround was to enable StronglyTyped mode. This issue has been fixed.
  • There were up to 21% peak GPU memory usage fluctuations when building the engine for the same network back to back due to different tactics being selected.
  • The ONNX Parser Refitter could not refit weights defined in nested ONNX structures such as If, Loop, or Scan operations. This issue has been fixed.
  • When the _gemm_mha_v2 operation was used, the outputs mismatched the output of PyTorch or the CPU executor (onnxRT). This problem showed up only when building engines with FP16 precision, as _gemm_mha_v2 has an implementation only for FP16. This issue has been fixed.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels. This issue was fixed in CUDA Toolkit 12.2.
  • There were up to 14% context memory usage fluctuations compared to TensorRT 9.1 when building the engine for 3DUnet networks due to different tactics being selected. This issue has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • When using the polygraphy engine_from_network API, if we enable both refittable and strip_plan in the create_config, the final engine weights are not stripped. To workaround this, only include strip_plan in the create_config.
  • TensorRT does not support attention operations for tensors larger than int32_t maximum. Plugins can be used to workaround this issue. The issue will be fixed in a future release.
  • The API docs incorrectly state that Cast to the INT8 format is possible but this path is not supported. Use a QuantizeLinear node instead.
  • Allocated GPU memory during autotuning might not be freed correctly if allocation failed due to inadequate resources, causing build time memory usage to be larger than that of inference time.
  • When using refit on multi-head attention or if/while loops with explicit quantization, the refit process might be slow due to the implementation's memcpyDeviceToHost for the Q/DQ scales. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • There are some issues when running TensorRT-LLM with TensorRT 10.0 with the StronglyTyped mode enabled. This can be worked around by disabling the StronglyTyped mode.
  • CUDA compute sanitizer may report racecheck hazards for some legacy kernels, however, related kernels do not have functional issues at runtime.
  • The compute sanitizer initcheck tool may flag false positive Uninitialized __global__ memory read errors when running TensorRT applications on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. These errors can be safely ignored and will be fixed in an upcoming CUDA release.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • There is an occurrence of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • For broadcasting elementwise layers running on DLA with GPU fallback enabled with one NxCxHxW input and one Nx1x1x1 input, there is a known accuracy issue if at least one of the inputs is consumed in kDLA_LINEAR format. It is recommended to explicitly set the input formats of such elementwise layers to different tensor formats.
  • Exclusive padding with kAVERAGE pooling is not supported.
  • Running sync/race check with newer Compute Sanitizer on L4T may hit a hang issue. The workaround is to try an older version of Compute Sanitizer.
  • The Valgrind tool found a memory leak on L4T with CUDA 12.4 due to a known driver issue. This is expected to be fixed in CUDA 12.6.
  • Asynchronous CUDA calls are not supported in the user defined processDebugTensor function for the debug tensor feature due to a bug in Windows 10.
  • The sample sampleNonZeroPlugin fails to build when cross compiling for L4T. You can workaround this issue and continue building the other samples by modifying samples/Makefile and removing the line containing sampleNonZeroPlugin. This issue will be fixed in the next release.
  • The sample sampleNonZeroPlugin does not guarantee CUDA minor version compatibility. That is, if built against a newer CUDA Toolkit release, it may not function properly on older drivers, even within the same major CUDA release family.
  • LSTM networks may fail to build with timing cache enabled. This has been observed on one GPU platform and only when building with a cache that has pre-existing entries. Error signature will contain
    Skipping tactic 0x0000000000000000 due to exception [autotuner.cpp:operator():1502]
            Internal bug. Please report with reproduction steps.
    You can work around this issue by disabling the timing cache or starting a fresh one.
  • IPluginRegistry::deregisterLibrary() will not work with plugin shared libraries with the defined entry point getPluginCreators(). IPluginRegistry::loadLibrary() is not impacted. To deregister plugins contained in such a library, manually query the library for getPluginCreators(), and invoke IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator() for each creator retrieved.
  • There is an up to 9% performance regression for StableDiffusion VAE networks on A16 and A40 compared to TensorRT 9.2. This can be worked around by disabling the kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM flag in ONNX parser or adding the --pluginInstanceNorm flag to trtexec.
  • There is an up to 4x performance regression for networks containing GridSample ops compared to TensorRT 9.2.
  • There are up to 60 MB engine size fluctuations for the BERT-Large INT8-QDQ model on Orin due to unstable tactic selection among tactics.
  • There is a small chance that TensorRT will hang when running on H100 with the r550 CUDA driver when CUDA graphs are used. A workaround is to use the r535 CUDA driver instead or to avoid using CUDA graphs.
  • There is an up to 16% performance regression for BasicUNet, DynUNet, and HighResNet in INT8 and FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.3.
  • There are performance gaps for StableDiffusion networks between Windows and Linux platforms.
  • On A30, some fused MHA (multi-head attention) performance is not optimized yet. This will be improved upon in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 40 second increase in engine building for BART networks on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • There is an up to 20 second increase in engine building for some large language models (LLMs) on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 2.5x build time increase compared to TensorRT 9.0 for certain Bert like models due to additional tactics available for evaluation.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 70% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BERT networks in INT8 precision with FP16 disabled on L4 GPUs. To work around this, enable FP16 and disable INT8 in the builder config.

1.2. TensorRT Release 10.0.0 Early Access (EA)

These are the TensorRT 10.0.0 Early Access (EA) Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux, and JetPack users. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes. Continue to use TensorRT 8.6.1 for production use.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.


  • For TensorRT 10.0.0 EA the minimum glibc version for the Linux x86 build is 2.28. TensorRT 10.0.0 EA is expected to be compatible with RedHat 8.x (and derivatives) and newer RedHat distributions. TensorRT 10.0.0 EA is expected to also be compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 and newer Ubuntu distributions. This toolchain change will be reverted for TensorRT 10.0 GA and will be compatible with glibc 2.17, which was the minimum glibc version supported by TensorRT 8.6.
  • RedHat/CentOS 7.x are no longer officially supported starting with TensorRT 10.0.
  • RedHat/Rocky Linux 9.x are supported starting with TensorRT 10.0.
  • Support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 has been dropped starting with TensorRT 10.0.
  • Python 3.12 support has been added starting with TensorRT 10.0.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • TensorRT 10 is supported by Nsight Deep Learning Designer 2024.1 (Early Access).
  • INT4 Weight Only Quantization: Added support for weight compression using INT4 (hardware agnostic).
  • Block Quantization: Added Block Quantization mode, allowing setting scales in high granularity.
  • The ONNX parser returns the list of all nodes that can be statically determined as unsupported when the call to parse() fails. The error reporting contains node name, node type, reason for failure, as well as the local function stack if the node is located in an ONNX local function. The number of these errors can be queried with the getNbErrors() function, and information about individual errors can be obtained from the getError() function.
  • Debug Tensors: Added an API to mark tensors as debug tensors at build time. At runtime, each time the value of the tensor is written, a user-defined callback function is invoked with the value, type, and dimensions.
  • Runtime Allocation: createExecutionContext now accepts an argument specifying the allocation strategy (kSTATIC, kON_PROFILE_CHANGE, and kUSER_MANAGED) of execution context device memory. For user-managed allocation, an additional API updateDeviceMemorySizeForShapes is added to query the required size based on actual input shapes.
  • Added a new Python sample sample_weight_stripping to showcase building and refitting weight-stripped engines from ONNX models.
  • The new REFIT_IDENTICAL flag instructs the TensorRT builder to optimize under the assumption that the engine will be refitted with weights identical to those provided at build time. Using this flag in conjunction with kSTRIP_PLAN minimizes plan size in deployment scenarios where, for example, the plan is being shipped alongside an ONNX model containing the weights.
  • Weight Streaming: Added a new kWEIGHT_STREAMING flag to the builder and a set of new streaming budget APIs in the runtime to allow you to run strongly typed models larger than device memory on the device. For example, a strongly typed model with 32 GB of weights can run on a device with less than 32 GB of VRAM.
  • The tensorrt Debian and RPM meta-packages now install the TensorRT Python binding packages python3-libnvinfer, python3-libnvinfer-lean, and python3-libnvinfer-dispatch as well. Previously, installing the python3-libnvinfer-dev(el) package was required as well to support both C++ and Python.
  • V3 plugins: A new generation of TensorRT custom layers is now available with plugins implementing IPluginV3, which are to be accompanied by plugin creators implementing IPluginCreatorV3One. New features available with IPluginV3 include data-dependent output shapes, shape tensor inputs, custom tactics, and timing caching.
  • A key-value store has been added to the plugin registry which allows the registration and lookup of user-defined resources.
  • The new kTACTIC_SHARED_MEMORY flag which allows control over the overall shared memory budget used for TensorRT backend CUDA kernels. This is useful in scenarios where TensorRT must share GPUs with other applications. By default, the value is set to device max capability.

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: TensorRT 10.0 GA will break ABI compatibility relative to TensorRT 10.0 EA on Windows by adding the TensorRT major version to the DLL filename. TensorRT 10.0 EA and prior TensorRT releases have historically named the DLL file nvinfer.dll, while 10.0 GA will rename the DLL file nvinfer_10.dll. This same naming pattern will also apply to the other TensorRT DLL files in the zip package. We strive not to break backward compatibility between releases with the same major version, but this change will allow applications to link against different TensorRT major versions at the same time.
  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • In 10.0, we removed deprecated APIs compared to 9.3 and earlier releases. These removed APIs were deprecated before March 2023. We ensured that Version Compatibility is expected between 8.6, 9.x, and 10.0 versions. If you are unfamiliar with these changes, refer to our sample code for clarification. In light of the changes to the API in TensorRT 10.0, we've prepared an API Migration Guide to highlight the API modifications.
  • In TensorRT 9.0, we removed ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.
  • TacticSource::kCUDNN and TacticSource::kCUBLAS are disabled by default. The cudnnContext* and cublasContext* parameters of the nvinfer1::IPluginV2Ext::attachToContext function are set to nullptrs when the corresponding TacticSource flags are unset.
  • IPluginCreatorInterface has been added as a base class to IPluginCreator.
  • Overloads have been added to the methods IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator and IPluginRegistry::registerCreator that take in IPluginCreatorInterface references.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 10.0 will be retained until at least 3/2025.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.3 will be retained until at least 1/2025.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.2 will be retained until at least 11/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.1 will be retained until at least 10/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.
  • QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer only support FP32 scale and data, even when using ONNX opset 19. If the input is not FP32, you must add a Cast to FP32 on the input to QuantizeLayer, and a Cast from FP32 at the output of DequantizeLayer.
  • EngineInspector::getLayerInformation may return incomplete JSON data for some engines produced by TensorRT 9.0. When this happens, TensorRT Engine Explorer cannot be used to analyze the engine or generate a graph of the engine layers.
  • The kREFIT and kREFIT_IDENTICAL have performance regressions where convolution layers are present within a branch or loop and the precision is FP16/INT8. This issue will be addressed in future releases.
  • The new kTACTIC_SHARED_MEMORY flag cannot restrict shared memory usage for depthwise convolution, depth separate convolution, and certain corner case conv activation fused kernels. You need to run Nsight to verify the shared memory usage of the result engine. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • Shape tensor inputs will not be added to TensorRT plugins implementing IPluginV3 by the TensorRT ONNX parser. All inputs will be passed as regular device inputs. This is in contrast to the addPluginV3 API which allows the specification of shape tensor inputs to be passed to the plugin.
  • Weight streaming currently does not work with CUDA Graph.
  • Multiple contexts for one engine with Weight Streaming enabled cannot run parallel on devices and will be serialized automatically.
  • Weight streaming mainly supports GEMM-based networks like Transformers for now. Convolution-based networks may have only a few weights that can be streamed.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 10.0.0.
  • Deprecated the kWEIGHTLESS builder flag. Superseded by the kSTRIP_PLAN builder flag. kSTRIP_PLAN works with either the kREFIT flag or the new kREFIT_IDENTICAL flag, defaulting to the latter if neither is set.
  • In 10.0, we removed deprecated APIs compared to 9.3 and earlier releases. These removed APIs were deprecated before March 2023. We ensured that Version Compatibility is expected between 8.6, 9.x, and 10.0 versions. If you are unfamiliar with these changes, refer to our sample code for clarification. In light of the changes to the API in TensorRT 10.0, we've prepared an API Migration Guide to highlight the API modifications.
  • We removed implicit batch support and worked with networks as they always have an explicit batch.
  • Deprecated TacticSource::kCUDNN and TacticSource::kCUBLAS flags.
  • Deprecated IPluginV2DynamicExt, implement IPluginV3 instead. Refer to the Migrating V2 Plugins to IPluginV3 for how existing IPluginV2DynamicExt plugins can be migrated to IPluginV3.
  • IPluginCreator::getTensorRTVersion() has been removed.
  • Deprecated IPluginV2IOExt; implement IPluginV3 instead.
  • Deprecated IPluginCreator. There is no alternative factory class for IPluginV2-derivative plugin base classes, as they are all deprecated as well. Implement IPluginV3 and its corresponding factory class IPluginV3CreatorOne.
  • Deprecated the following APIs in IPluginRegistry:
    • IPluginRegistry::registerCreator(IPluginCreator&). Use its overload IPluginRegistry::registerCreator(IPluginCreatorInterface&) instead.
    • IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator(IPluginCreator const&). Use its overload IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator(IPluginCreatorInterface const&) instead.
    • IPluginRegistry::getPluginCreator. Use IPluginRegistry::getCreator instead.
    • IPluginRegistry::getPluginCreatorList. Use IPluginRegistry::getAllCreators instead.

Fixed Issues

  • The nvinfer_plugin.lib library within the Windows package was incorrectly distributed as a static linking library starting with TensorRT 9.0. TensorRT 10.0 reverts this library to a dynamic linking library matching the behavior of TensorRT 8.6.
  • There was an up to 9% performance drop for BERT networks with gelu_erf activation in BF16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.1 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There was an up to 11% performance drop for ViT networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There was an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • A higher builder optimization level did not always give a better performance when compared to a lower builder optimization level; which could happen on all platforms and up to 27%. The workaround was to build an engine using a lower builder optimization level.
  • If an ONNX model contained a Range operator and its limit input was a data-dependent tensor, engine building would likely fail.

Known Issues

  • Indexing for layer information (--dumpLayer) and its profiling information (--dumpProfile) will be added in the GA release. Currently, you may see duplicating layer names if the layer consists of identical components.
  • CUDA compute sanitizer may report racecheck hazards for some legacy kernels, however, related kernels do not have functional issues at runtime.
  • There is a known issue that the compute sanitizer in CUDA Toolkit 12.3 might cause target application crash.
  • The compute sanitizer initcheck tool may flag false positive Uninitialized __global__ memory read errors when running TensorRT applications on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. These errors can be safely ignored and will be fixed in an upcoming CUDA release.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 11% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • For broadcasting elementwise layers running on DLA with GPU fallback enabled with one NxCxHxW input and one Nx1x1x1 input, there is a known accuracy issue if at least one of the inputs is consumed in kDLA_LINEAR format. It is recommended to explicitly set the input formats of such elementwise layers to different tensor formats.
  • The ONNX Parser Refitter cannot refit weights defined in nested ONNX structures such as If, Loop, or Scan operations. In these cases it’s recommended to perform the refit directly through the TensorRT APIs.
  • BERT-like networks with QAT may not build engines successfully with refit on.
  • The OnnxParserRefitter Python API documentation is missing. Refer to Refitting a Weight-Stripped Engine Directly from ONNX on how to use this class in Python.
  • Exclusive padding with kAVERAGE pooling is not supported.
  • If the _gemm_mha_v2 operation is used, the outputs will mismatch the output of PyTorch or the CPU executor. This problem may show up only when building engines with FP16 precision, as _gemm_mha_v2 has an implementation only for FP16.
  • The layer names reported by IEngineInspector may not match the layer names reported by IProfiler.
  • TensorRT does not clean temporary DLL files automatically on Windows when running in vc mode.
  • TensorRT may crash when building transformer based networks on Windows 10 and H100.
  • Running sync/race check with newer Compute Sanitizer on L4T may hit a hang issue. The workaround is to try an older version of Compute Sanitizer.
  • There is an accuracy drop running DINO-FAN-base models compared to TensorRT
  • The Valgrind tool found a memory leak on L4T with CUDA 12.4 due to a known driver issue. This is expected to be fixed in CUDA 12.6.
  • Some networks fail at the engine building phase on Windows + H100, but can execute on Linux. The root cause is a builder issue, where fusion compilation fails.
  • While running some networks on Windows in version compatible mode (--vc), you may see an error Unable to remove temporary DLL file when an application, such as trtexec, is finished. The TensorRT library internally is still holding open file references when the application finishes. This issue does not have an impact on model performance and it should be fixed in the next release.
  • Using FP16 scales for Q/DQ ops may result in numerical overflow. If this happens, use FP32 scales for Q/DQ ops instead.
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression for SegResNet and StableDiffusion VAE in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.3.
  • There is an up to 16% performance regression for BasicUNet, DynUNet, and HighResNet in INT8 and FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.3.
  • There is an up to 144 MB peak GPU memory usage increase compared to TensorRT 8.6 when building engines for ResNet-50 in INT8 precision on the L4T Orin platform.
  • There is a performance drop on QDQ-Gemm pattern on RTX-Titan in weightless mode.
  • There are performance gaps for StableDiffusion networks between Windows and Linux platforms.
  • UNets with tensors containing >2^31 elements may fail during the engine building step.
  • On A30, some fused MHA (multi-head attention) performance is not optimized yet. This will be improved upon in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is up to 100% engine size increase for Transformer networks on Windows in FP16 precision.
  • Enabling refit breaks multihead attention fusions.
  • Running TensorRT-LLM with TensorRT 10.0 with INT8 kv-cache results in engine build failure due to insufficient custom scales. This workaround is to enable StronglyTyped mode.
  • There is an up to 40 second increase in engine building for BART networks on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • There is an accuracy drop running OSS HuggingFace Demo gptj-6b model when batch size > 1.
  • There is an up to 14% context memory usage fluctuations compared to TensorRT 9.1 when building the engine for 3DUnet networks due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 20 second increase in engine building for some large language models (LLMs) on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There are up to 21% peak GPU memory usage fluctuations when building the engine for the same network back to back due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 2.5x build time increase compared to TensorRT 9.0 for certain Bert like models due to additional tactics available for evaluation.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 70% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BERT networks in INT8 precision with FP16 disabled on L4 GPUs. To work around this, enable FP16 and disable INT8 in the builder config.

2. TensorRT Release 9.x.x

2.1. TensorRT Release 9.3.0

These are the TensorRT 9.3.0 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux users and Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

This GA release is for Large Language Models (LLMs) on NVIDIA A100, A10G, L4, L40, L40S, H100 GPUs, and NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper™ Superchip only. For applications other than LLMs, or other GPU platforms, continue to use TensorRT 8.6.1 for production use.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • A new getDeviceMemorySizeForProfile API was added, allowing users to query the device memory requirement for a certain profile. Combined with createExecutionContextWithoutDeviceMemory, it allows you to reallocate memory after switching a profile, avoiding wasting memory. Previously, you could only allocate a max size across all profiles.
  • Improved builder speed for Large Language Models (LLMs).

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • In TensorRT 9.0, we removed ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.3 will be retained until at least 1/2025.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.2 will be retained until at least 11/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.1 will be retained until at least 10/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 or before will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.
  • QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer only support FP32 scale and data, even when using ONNX opset 19. If the input is not FP32, you must add a Cast to FP32 on the input to QuantizeLayer, and a Cast from FP32 at the output of DequantizeLayer.
  • EngineInspector::getLayerInformation may return incomplete JSON data for some engines produced by TensorRT 9.0. When this happens, TensorRT Engine Explorer cannot be used to analyze the engine or generate a graph of the engine layers.
  • The released Windows DLLs are built with the MT_Static flag. TensorRT will switch back to the MT_Dynamic flag in the next major release.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 9.0. Some deprecations that were planned to be removed in 9.0, but have not yet been removed, may be removed in TensorRT 10.0.
  • TensorRT samples and open source demos are no longer supported on Python < 3.8.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life and is no longer supported by TensorRT starting with TensorRT 9.0.
  • The following plugins were deprecated:
    • BatchedNMS_TRT
    • BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT
    • BatchTilePlugin_TRT
    • Clip_TRT
    • CoordConvAC
    • CropAndResize
    • EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT
    • CustomGeluPluginDynamic
    • LReLU_TRT
    • NMSDynamic_TRT
    • NMS_TRT
    • Normalize_TRT
    • Proposal
    • SingleStepLSTMPlugin
    • SpecialSlice_TRT
    • Split
  • The following C++ API classes were deprecated:
    • NvUtils
  • The following C++ API methods were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addFill(nvinfer1::Dims dimensions, nvinfer1::FillOperation
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addDequantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addQuantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
  • The following C++ API enums were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::TacticSource::kCUBLAS_LT
    • nvonnxparser::OnnxParserFlag::kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM
  • The following Python API methods were deprecated:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale)
  • The following Python API enums were deprecated:
    • TacticSource.CUBLAS_LT

Known Issues

  • CUDA compute sanitizer may report racecheck hazards for some legacy kernels, however, related kernels do not have functional issues at runtime.
  • There is a known issue that the compute sanitizer in CUDA Toolkit 12.3 might cause target application crash.
  • The compute sanitizer initcheck tool may flag false positive Uninitialized __global__ memory read errors when running TensorRT applications on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. These errors can be safely ignored and will be fixed in an upcoming CUDA release.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • If a ONNX model contains a Range operator and its limit input is a data-dependent tensor, engine building will likely fail.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • For broadcasting elementwise layers running on DLA with GPU fallback enabled with one NxCxHxW input and one Nx1x1x1 input, there is a known accuracy issue if at least one of the inputs is consumed in kDLA_LINEAR format. It is recommended to explicitly set the input formats of such elementwise layers to different tensor formats.
  • There is an up to 9% performance drop for BERT networks with gelu_erf activation in BF16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.1 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 40 second increase in engine building for BART networks on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • There is an accuracy drop running OSS HuggingFace Demo gptj-6b model when batch size > 1.
  • There is an up to 14% context memory usage fluctuations compared to TensorRT 9.1 when building the engine for 3DUnet networks due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 20 second increase in engine building for some large language models (LLMs) on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for BERT networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There are up to 21% peak GPU memory usage fluctuations when building the engine for the same network back to back due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 11% performance drop for ViT networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 12% performance drop for BERT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs.
  • There is an up to 2.5x build time increase compared to TensorRT 9.0 for certain Bert like models due to additional tactics available for evaluation.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is a known performance regression in the grouped deconvolution layer due to disabling cuDNN tactics. In TensorRT 8.6, performance can be recovered by unsetting nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805. We will close the performance gap in a future release.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for the SegResNet model on Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.6 EA. This drop can be avoided by enabling the kVERSION_COMPATIBLE flag in the ONNX parser.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTMs in FP32 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • A higher builder optimization level does not always give a better performance when compared to a lower builder optimization level; which may happen on all platforms and up to 27%. The workaround is to build an engine using a lower builder optimization level.
  • There is an up to 70% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BERT networks in INT8 precision with FP16 disabled on L4 GPUs. To work around this, enable FP16 and disable INT8 in the builder config.

2.2. TensorRT Release 9.2.0

These are the TensorRT 9.2.0 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux users and Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

This GA release is for Large Language Models (LLMs) on NVIDIA A100, A10G, L4, L40, L40S, H100 GPUs, and NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper™ Superchip only. For applications other than LLMs, or other GPU platforms, continue to use TensorRT 8.6.1 for production use.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.


  • Added support for NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • TensorRT 9.2 provides enhanced support for Large Language Models (LLMs). Refer to TensorRT-LLM for a list of supported LLMs.
  • The following C++ API classes were added:
    • ISerializationConfig
  • The following C++ API methods were added:
    • ICudaEngine::createSerializationConfig()
    • ICudaEngine::serializeWithConfig(ISerializationConfig& config)
  • The following C++ API enums were added:
    • SerializationFlag::kEXCLUDE_WEIGHTS
    • SerializationFlag::kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME
  • The following Python API classes were added:
    • ISerializationConfig
  • The following Python API methods were added:
    • ICudaEngine::create_serialization_config()
    • ICudaEngine::serialize_with_config(config)
  • The following Python API enums were added:
    • SerializationFlag.EXCLUDE_WEIGHTS
    • SerializationFlag.EXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME
  • Added a new kWEIGHTLESS builder flag to build the engine without saving weights with no impact on runtime performance. You need to use the refit API to pull those weights back before inference.
  • Added a new serializeWithConfig API to serialize the engine with optional new flags kEXCLUDE_WEIGHTS and kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME.
  • Added support for FP32 accumulation (single precision) for inputs/outs in FP16 (half precision) format.

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • In TensorRT 9.0, we removed ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.2 will be retained until at least 11/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.1 will be retained until at least 10/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 or before will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.
  • QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer only support FP32 scale and data, even when using ONNX opset 19. If the input is not FP32, you must add a Cast to FP32 on the input to QuantizeLayer, and a Cast from FP32 at the output of DequantizeLayer.
  • EngineInspector::getLayerInformation may return incomplete JSON data for some engines produced by TensorRT 9.0. When this happens, TensorRT Engine Explorer cannot be used to analyze the engine or generate a graph of the engine layers.
  • The released Windows DLLs are built with the MT_Static flag. TensorRT will switch back to the MT_Dynamic flag in the next major release.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 9.0. Some deprecations that were planned to be removed in 9.0, but have not yet been removed, may be removed in TensorRT 10.0.
  • TensorRT samples and open source demos are no longer supported on Python < 3.8.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life and is no longer supported by TensorRT starting with TensorRT 9.0.
  • The following plugins were deprecated:
    • BatchedNMS_TRT
    • BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT
    • BatchTilePlugin_TRT
    • Clip_TRT
    • CoordConvAC
    • CropAndResize
    • EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT
    • CustomGeluPluginDynamic
    • LReLU_TRT
    • NMSDynamic_TRT
    • NMS_TRT
    • Normalize_TRT
    • Proposal
    • SingleStepLSTMPlugin
    • SpecialSlice_TRT
    • Split
  • The following C++ API classes were deprecated:
    • NvUtils
  • The following C++ API methods were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addFill(nvinfer1::Dims dimensions, nvinfer1::FillOperation
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addDequantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addQuantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
  • The following C++ API enums were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::TacticSource::kCUBLAS_LT
    • nvonnxparser::OnnxParserFlag::kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM
  • The following Python API methods were deprecated:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale)
  • The following Python API enums were deprecated:
    • TacticSource.CUBLAS_LT

Fixed Issues

  • There was an 1x FP32 model CPU memory leak from onnx.export tracked in issue 106976 for the TensorRT open source software HuggingFace demo. You may have encountered higher peak CPU memory usage for fresh runs, but will drop for cached-ONNX runs. This issue has been fixed.
  • The compute sanitizer synccheck tool may have reported a false alarm when running conv and GEMM kernels with CGA size >= 4 on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • When using cuDNN and the TensorRT RNNv2 API, the compute sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.2 may have reported race conditions in CUTLASS kernels. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was a known floating point exception when running BERT networks on H100 multi-instance GPU (MIG). This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT did not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models if using weakly typed networks. The fix for the issue is to import networks as strongly typed which preserve precision for operations.

Known Issues

  • CUDA compute sanitizer may report racecheck hazards for some legacy kernels written directly in SASS, however, related kernels do not have functional issues at runtime.
  • There is a known issue that the compute sanitizer in CUDA Toolkit 12.3 might cause target application crash.
  • The compute sanitizer initcheck tool may flag false positive Uninitialized __global__ memory read errors when running TensorRT applications on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. These errors can be safely ignored and will be fixed in an upcoming CUDA release.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • If a ONNX model contains a Range operator and its limit input is a data-dependent tensor, engine building will likely fail.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • For broadcasting elementwise layers running on DLA with GPU fallback enabled with one NxCxHxW input and one Nx1x1x1 input, there is a known accuracy issue if at least one of the inputs is consumed in kDLA_LINEAR format. It is recommended to explicitly set the input formats of such elementwise layers to different tensor formats.
  • There is an up to 9% performance drop for BERT networks with gelu_erf activation in BF16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.1 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 40 second increase in engine building for BART networks on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • There is an accuracy drop running OSS HuggingFace Demo gptj-6b model when batch size > 1.
  • There is an up to 14% context memory usage fluctuations compared to TensorRT 9.1 when building the engine for 3DUnet networks due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 20 second increase in engine building for some large language models (LLMs) on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for BERT networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There are up to 21% peak GPU memory usage fluctuations when building the engine for the same network back to back due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 11% performance drop for ViT networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 12% performance drop for BERT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs.
  • There is an up to 2.5x build time increase compared to TensorRT 9.0 for certain Bert like models due to additional tactics available for evaluation.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is a known performance regression in the grouped deconvolution layer due to disabling cuDNN tactics. In TensorRT 8.6, performance can be recovered by unsetting nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805. We will close the performance gap in a future release.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for the SegResNet model on Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.6 EA. This drop can be avoided by enabling the kVERSION_COMPATIBLE flag in the ONNX parser.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTMs in FP32 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • A higher builder optimization level does not always give a better performance when compared to a lower builder optimization level; which may happen on all platforms and up to 27%. The workaround is to build an engine using a lower builder optimization level.
  • There is an up to 70% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BERT networks in INT8 precision with FP16 disabled on L4 GPUs. To work around this, enable FP16 and disable INT8 in the builder config.

2.3. TensorRT Release 9.1.0

These are the TensorRT 9.1.0 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux users and Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

This GA release is for Large Language Models (LLMs) on NVIDIA A100, A10G, L4, L40, L40S, H100 GPUs, and NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper™ Superchip only. For applications other than LLMs, or other GPU platforms, continue to use TensorRT 8.6.1 for production use.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.


  • Added support for NVIDIA GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • TensorRT 9.1 provides enhanced support for Large Language Models (LLMs), including the following networks:
    • GPT
    • GPT-J
    • GPT-Neo
    • GPT-NeoX
    • BART
    • Bloom
    • Bloomz
    • OPT
    • T5
    • FLAN-T5
  • Added support for bfloat16 data types on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs and newer architectures.
  • Added support for E4M3 FP8 data type on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs using explicit quantization. This allows utilizing TensorRT with TransformerEngine based FP8 models.
  • Added the NeMo demo into the TensorRT OSS repository to demonstrate the performance benefit of using E4M3 FP8 data type with the GPT models trained with the NVIDIA NeMo Toolkit and TransformerEngine.
  • Added bfloat16 and FP8 I/O datatypes in plugins.
  • Added support of networks running in INT8 precision where Smooth Quantization is used. Smooth Quantization is an approach that allows to improve accuracy of INT8 compute for LLM.
  • Added support for INT64 data type. The ONNX parser no longer automatically casts INT64 to INT32.
  • Added support for ONNX local functions when parsing ONNX models with the ONNX parser.
  • Added support for caching JIT-compiled code. It can be disabled by setting BuilderFlag::DISABLE_COMPILATION_CACHE. The compilation cache is part of the timing cache, caches JIT-compiled code, and will be serialized as part of the timing cache by default, which may significantly increase the cache size.
  • Added NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kSTRONGLY_TYPED. A strongly typed network faithfully translates the type specification of the network definition to the built engine.
  • Added new refit APIs to accept weights from GPU and refit engines asynchronously. Execution contexts become reusable after refitting.
  • Added two new TensorRT samples; sampleProgressMonitor (C++) and simple_progress_reporter (Python) that are examples for using Progress Monitor during engine build. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Samples Support Guide.
  • Added support for Python-based TensorRT plugin definitions. The TensorRT sample python_plugin has been added with a few examples demonstrating Python-based plugins. For more information, refer to the Adding Custom Layers using the Python API section in the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide.
  • The following C++ API classes were added:
    • IProgressMonitor
  • The following C++ API methods were added:
    • INetworkDefinition::IFillLayer* addFill(Dims dimensions, FillOperation op, DataType outputType)
    • INetworkDefinition::IQuantizeLayer* addQuantize(ITensor& input, ITensor& scale, DataType
    • INetworkDefinition::IDequantizeLayer* addDequantize(ITensor& input, ITensor& scale,
              DataType outputType)
    • IBuilder::setProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor* monitor)
    • IBuilder::getProgressMonitor()
    • IFillLayer::setAlphaInt64(int64_t alpha)
    • IFillLayer::getAlphaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::setBetaInt64(int64_t beta)
    • IFillLayer::getBetaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::isAlphaBetaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::getToType()
    • IFillLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • IQuantizeLayer::getToType()
    • IQuantizeLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • IDequantizeLayer::getToType()
    • IDequantizeLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • INetworkDefinition::getFlags()
    • INetworkDefinition::getFlag(NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag
    • IRefitter::setNamedWeights(char const* name, Weights weights, TensorLocation
    • IRefitter::getNamedWeights(char const* weightsName)
    • IRefitter::getWeightsLocation(char const* weightsName)
    • IRefitter::unsetNamedWeights(char const* weightsName)
    • IRefitter::setWeightsValidation(bool weightsValidation)
    • IRefitter::getWeightsValidation()
    • IRefitter::refitCudaEngineAsync(cudaStream_t stream)
    • nvonnxparser::IParserError::nodeName()
    • nvonnxparser::IParserError::nodeOperator()
  • The following C++ API enums were added:
    • IBuilderFlag::kFP8
    • IBuilderFlag::kBF16
    • DataType::kBF16
    • DataType::kINT64
    • NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kSTRONGLY_TYPED
    • nvonnxparser::ErrorCode::kUNSUPPORTED_NODE_ATTR
    • nvonnxparser::ErrorCode::kUNSUPPORTED_NODE_INPUT
    • nvonnxparser::ErrorCode::kUNSUPPORTED_NODE_DATATYPE
    • nvonnxparser::ErrorCode::kUNSUPPORTED_NODE_DYNAMIC
    • nvonnxparser::ErrorCode::kUNSUPPORTED_NODE_SHAPE
  • The following Python API classes were added:
    • IProgressMonitor
  • The following Python API methods were added:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_quantize(input, scale, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.get_flag
    • IRefitter.set_named_weights(name, weights, location)
    • IRefitter.get_named_weights(weights_name)
    • IRefitter.get_weights_location(weights_name)
    • IRefitter.unset_named_weights(weights_name)
    • IRefitter.refit_cuda_engine_async(stream_handle)
  • The following Python API attributes were added:
    • IBuilder.progress_monitor
    • IFillLayer.is_alpha_beta_int64
    • IFillLayer.to_type
    • IQuantizeLayer.to_type
    • IDequantizeLayer.to_type
    • INetworkDefinition.flags
    • IRefitter.weights_validation
    • IParserError.node_name
    • IParserError.node_operator
  • The following Python API enums were added:
    • IBuilderFlag.FP8
    • IBuilderFlag.BF16
    • DataType.BF16
    • DataType.INT64
    • NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.STRONGLY_TYPED
  • The IEngineInspector now prints more detailed layer information for LSTMs and Transformers networks.

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • In TensorRT 9.0, we removed ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.1 will be retained until at least 10/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 or before will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.
  • QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer only support FP32 scale and data, even when using ONNX opset 19. If the input is not FP32, you must add a Cast to FP32 on the input to QuantizeLayer, and a Cast from FP32 at the output of DequantizeLayer.
  • EngineInspector::getLayerInformation may return incomplete JSON data for some engines produced by TensorRT 9.0. When this happens, TensorRT Engine Explorer cannot be used to analyze the engine or generate a graph of the engine layers.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 9.0. Some deprecations that were planned to be removed in 9.0, but have not yet been removed, may be removed in TensorRT 10.0.
  • TensorRT samples and open source demos are no longer supported on Python < 3.8.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life and is no longer supported by TensorRT starting with TensorRT 9.0.
  • The following plugins were deprecated:
    • BatchedNMS_TRT
    • BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT
    • BatchTilePlugin_TRT
    • Clip_TRT
    • CoordConvAC
    • CropAndResize
    • EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT
    • CustomGeluPluginDynamic
    • LReLU_TRT
    • NMSDynamic_TRT
    • NMS_TRT
    • Normalize_TRT
    • Proposal
    • SingleStepLSTMPlugin
    • SpecialSlice_TRT
    • Split
  • The following C++ API classes were deprecated:
    • NvUtils
  • The following C++ API methods were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addFill(nvinfer1::Dims dimensions, nvinfer1::FillOperation
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addDequantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addQuantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
  • The following C++ API enums were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::TacticSource::kCUBLAS_LT
    • nvonnxparser::OnnxParserFlag::kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM
  • The following Python API methods were deprecated:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale)
  • The following Python API enums were deprecated:
    • TacticSource.CUBLAS_LT

Fixed Issues

  • There was an up to 9% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Yolov3 batch size 1 in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 13% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on GPT2 without kv-cache in FP16 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Volta and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. The workaround was to set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false. This issue has been fixed.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT could consume CPU memory up to 2 times the model size during compilation plus any additional formats timed. This issue has been fixed.
  • In some cases, when using the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS builder flag and the required type was set to FP32, the network could fail with a missing tactic due to an incorrect optimization converting the output of an operation to FP16. This could be resolved by removing the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS option. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT could fail on devices with small RAM and swap space. This could be resolved by ensuring the RAM and swap space is at least 7 times the size of the network. For example, at least 21 GB of combined CPU memory for a 3 GB network. This issue has been fixed.
  • If an IShapeLayer was used to get the output shape of an INonZeroLayer, engine building would likely fail. This issue has been fixed.
  • If a one-dimension INT8 input was used for a Unary or ElementWise operation, engine building would throw an internal error “Could not find any implementation for node”. This issue has been fixed.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool could cause the process to be terminated unexpectedly. The root cause was a wrong false alarm. The issue could be bypassed with --kernel-regex-exclude kns=scudnn_winograd. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode did not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types were set, but not the layer precisions. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform. This issue has been fixed.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers could cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, you could either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8. This issue has been fixed.
  • Using the compute sanitizer tool from CUDA 12.0 could report a cudaErrorIllegalInstruction error on Hopper GPUs in unusual scenarios. This could be ignored. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 53% engine build time increase for ViT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 93% engine build time increase for BERT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 22% performance drop for GPT2 networks in FP16 precision with kv-cache stacked together compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 28% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Transformer networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs, and up to 85% performance regression on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs. Disabling the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag was a workaround. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an issue on NVIDIA A2 GPUs due to a known hang that can impact multiple networks. This issue has been fixed.
  • When using hardware compatibility features, TensorRT would potentially fail while compiling transformer based networks such as BERT. This issue has been fixed.
  • The ONNX parser incorrectly used the InstanceNormalization plugin when processing ONNX InstanceNormalization layers with FP16 scale and bias inputs, which led to unexpected NaN and infinite outputs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 12% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There was an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BART networks with kv-cache stacked together in FP16 precision on H100 GPUs.
  • A RHEL/CentOS 7 RPM package built with CUDA 12.2 for cuDNN 8.9.4 was not published to the CUDA network repo at the time of the TensorRT 9.0 release. When installing TensorRT on RHEL/CentOS 7 using the CUDA network repo, the cuDNN 8.9.4 RPM package built with CUDA 11.8 was installed instead. This has been resolved and the missing cuDNN 8.9.4 RPM package for RHEL/CentOS 7 and CUDA 12.2 has been published.
  • There was an up to 25% CPU memory usage increase for ViT networks when building the engine in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there was a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 7% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on CortanaASR networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • For enqueue-bound workloads, the latency of the workloads could have been longer in Windows than in Linux operating systems. This issue has been fixed.
  • Compared to TensorRT 8.6, TensorRT 9.0 had more aggressive multi-head attention (MHA) fusions. While this is beneficial in most cases, it caused up to 7% performance regression when the workload was too small. This issue has been fixed.
  • There may have been minor performance regressions when running ONNX models with InstanceNormalization operators in version compatible mode. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on PilotNet4 network on H100 GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on the SqueezeNet network in TF32 precision on H100 GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT preserves precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models if using strongly typed networks.
  • When running ONNX networks with InstanceNormalization operations, there could have been up to a 50% decrease in performance. This issue has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • There is a known floating point exception when running BERT networks on H100 multi-instance GPU (MIG).
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models if using weakly typed networks.
  • The compute sanitizer synccheck tool may report a false alarm when running conv and GEMM kernels with CGA size >= 4 on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • The compute sanitizer initcheck tool may flag false positive Uninitialized __global__ memory read errors when running TensorRT applications on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. These errors can be safely ignored and will be fixed in an upcoming CUDA release.
  • When using cuDNN and the TensorRT RNNv2 API, the compute sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.2 may report race conditions in CUTLASS kernels.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • If a ONNX model contains a Range operator and its limit input is a data-dependent tensor, engine building will likely fail.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • There is an up to 20 second increase in engine building for some large language models (LLMs) on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for BERT networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There are up to 21% peak GPU memory usage fluctuations when building the engine for the same network back to back due to different tactics being selected.
  • There is an up to 11% performance drop for ViT networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 12% performance drop for BERT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 9.0 on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs.
  • There is an up to 2.5x build time increase compared to TensorRT 9.0 for certain Bert like models due to additional tactics available for evaluation.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is a known performance regression in the grouped deconvolution layer due to disabling cuDNN tactics. In TensorRT 8.6, performance can be recovered by unsetting nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805. We will close the performance gap in a future release.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for the SegResNet model on Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.6 EA. This drop can be avoided by enabling the kVERSION_COMPATIBLE flag in the ONNX parser.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTMs in FP32 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • A higher builder optimization level does not always give a better performance when compared to a lower builder optimization level; which may happen on all platforms and up to 27%. The workaround is to build an engine using a lower builder optimization level.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on PilotNet4 network on H100 GPUs. The regression will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is an 1x FP32 model CPU memory leak from onnx.export tracked in issue 106976 for the TensorRT open source software HuggingFace demo. You may encounter higher peak CPU memory usage for fresh runs, but will drop for cached-ONNX runs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on the SqueezeNet network in TF32 precision on H100 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 70% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BERT networks in INT8 precision with FP16 disabled on L4 GPUs. To work around this, enable FP16 and disable INT8 in the builder config.
  • Compared to TensorRT 8.6, TensorRT 9.0 has more aggressive multi-head attention (MHA) fusions. While this is beneficial in most cases, it causes up to 7% performance regression when the workload is too small. Increasing batch size would help improve the performance.

2.4. TensorRT Release 9.0.1

These are the TensorRT 9.0.1 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux users. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

This GA release is for Large Language Models (LLMs) on A100, A10G, L4, L40, and H100 GPUs only. For applications other than LLMs, or other GPU platforms, continue to use TensorRT 8.6.1 for production use.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • TensorRT 9.0 provides enhanced support for Large Language Models (LLMs), including the following networks:
    • GPT
    • GPT-J
    • GPT-Neo
    • GPT-NeoX
    • BART
    • Bloom
    • Bloomz
    • OPT
    • T5
    • FLAN-T5
  • Added support for bfloat16 data types on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs and newer architectures.
  • Added support for E4M3 FP8 data type on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs using explicit quantization. This allows utilizing TensorRT with TransformerEngine based FP8 models.
  • Added the NeMo demo into the TensorRT OSS repository to demonstrate the performance benefit of using E4M3 FP8 data type with the GPT models trained with the NVIDIA NeMo Toolkit and TransformerEngine.
  • Added bfloat16 and FP8 I/O datatypes in plugins.
  • Added support of networks running in INT8 precision where Smooth Quantization is used. Smooth Quantization is an approach that allows to improve accuracy of INT8 compute for LLM.
  • Added support for INT64 data type. The ONNX parser no longer automatically casts INT64 to INT32.
  • Added support for ONNX local functions when parsing ONNX models with the ONNX parser.
  • Added support for caching JIT-compiled code. It can be disabled by setting BuilderFlag::DISABLE_COMPILATION_CACHE. The compilation cache is part of the timing cache, caches JIT-compiled code, and will be serialized as part of the timing cache by default, which may significantly increase the cache size.
  • Added NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kSTRONGLY_TYPED. A strongly typed network faithfully translates the type specification of the network definition to the built engine.
  • Added two new TensorRT samples; sampleProgressMonitor (C++) and simple_progress_reporter (Python) that are examples for using Progress Monitor during engine build.
  • The following C++ API classes were added:
    • IProgressMonitor
  • The following C++ API methods were added:
    • INetworkDefinition::IFillLayer* addFill(Dims dimensions, FillOperation op, DataType outputType)
    • INetworkDefinition::IQuantizeLayer* addQuantize(ITensor& input, ITensor& scale, DataType
    • INetworkDefinition::IDequantizeLayer* addDequantize(ITensor& input, ITensor& scale,
              DataType outputType)
    • IBuilder::setProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor* monitor)
    • IBuilder::getProgressMonitor()
    • IFillLayer::setAlphaInt64(int64_t alpha)
    • IFillLayer::getAlphaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::setBetaInt64(int64_t beta)
    • IFillLayer::getBetaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::isAlphaBetaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::getToType()
    • IFillLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • IQuantizeLayer::getToType()
    • IQuantizeLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • IDequantizeLayer::getToType()
    • IDequantizeLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • INetworkDefinition::getFlags()
    • INetworkDefinition::getFlag(NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag
  • The following C++ API enums were added:
    • IBuilderFlag::kFP8
    • IBuilderFlag::kBF16
    • DataType::kBF16
    • DataType::kINT64
    • NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kSTRONGLY_TYPED
  • The following Python API classes were added:
    • IProgressMonitor
  • The following Python API methods were added:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_quantize(input, scale, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.get_flag
  • The following Python API attributes were added:
    • IBuilder.progress_monitor
    • IFillLayer.is_alpha_beta_int64
    • IFillLayer.to_type
    • IQuantizeLayer.to_type
    • IDequantizeLayer.to_type
    • INetworkDefinition.flags
  • The following Python API enums were added:
    • IBuilderFlag.FP8
    • IBuilderFlag.BF16
    • DataType.BF16
    • DataType.INT64
    • NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.STRONGLY_TYPED
  • The IEngineInspector now prints more detailed layer information for LSTMs and Transformers networks.

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • In TensorRT 9.0 we are removing ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 or before will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.
  • QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer only support FP32 scale and data, even when using ONNX opset 19. If the input is not FP32, you must add a Cast to FP32 on the input to QuantizeLayer, and a Cast from FP32 at the output of DequantizeLayer.
  • EngineInspector::getLayerInformation may return incomplete JSON data for some engines produced by TensorRT 9.0. When this happens, TensorRT Engine Explorer cannot be used to analyze the engine or generate a graph of the engine layers.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 9.0. Some deprecations that were planned to be removed in 9.0, but have not yet been removed, may be removed in TensorRT 10.0.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life and is no longer supported by TensorRT starting with 9.0.
  • The following plugins were deprecated:
    • BatchedNMS_TRT
    • BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT
    • BatchTilePlugin_TRT
    • Clip_TRT
    • CoordConvAC
    • CropAndResize
    • EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT
    • CustomGeluPluginDynamic
    • LReLU_TRT
    • NMSDynamic_TRT
    • NMS_TRT
    • Normalize_TRT
    • Proposal
    • SingleStepLSTMPlugin
    • SpecialSlice_TRT
    • Split
  • The following C++ API classes were deprecated:
    • NvUtils
  • The following C++ API methods were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addFill(nvinfer1::Dims dimensions, nvinfer1::FillOperation
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addDequantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addQuantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
  • The following C++ API enums were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::TacticSource::kCUBLAS_LT
    • nvonnxparser::OnnxParserFlag::kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM
  • The following Python API methods were deprecated:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale)
  • The following Python API enums were deprecated:
    • TacticSource.CUBLAS_LT

Fixed Issues

  • There was an up to 9% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Yolov3 batch size 1 in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 13% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on GPT2 without kv-cache in FP16 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Volta and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. The workaround was to set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false. This issue has been fixed.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT could consume CPU memory up to 2 times the model size during compilation plus any additional formats timed. This issue has been fixed.
  • In some cases, when using the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS builder flag and the required type was set to FP32, the network could fail with a missing tactic due to an incorrect optimization converting the output of an operation to FP16. This could be resolved by removing the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS option. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT could fail on devices with small RAM and swap space. This could be resolved by ensuring the RAM and swap space is at least 7 times the size of the network. For example, at least 21 GB of combined CPU memory for a 3 GB network. This issue has been fixed.
  • If an IShapeLayer was used to get the output shape of an INonZeroLayer, engine building would likely fail. This issue has been fixed.
  • If a one-dimension INT8 input was used for a Unary or ElementWise operation, engine building would throw an internal error “Could not find any implementation for node”. This issue has been fixed.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool could cause the process to be terminated unexpectedly. The root cause was a wrong false alarm. The issue could be bypassed with --kernel-regex-exclude kns=scudnn_winograd. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode did not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types were set, but not the layer precisions. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform. This issue has been fixed.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers could cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, you could either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8. This issue has been fixed.
  • Using the compute sanitizer tool from CUDA 12.0 could report a cudaErrorIllegalInstruction error on Hopper GPUs in unusual scenarios. This could be ignored. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 53% engine build time increase for ViT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 93% engine build time increase for BERT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 22% performance drop for GPT2 networks in FP16 precision with kv-cache stacked together compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 28% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Transformer networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs, and up to 85% performance regression on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs. Disabling the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag was a workaround. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an issue on NVIDIA A2 GPUs due to a known hang that can impact multiple networks. This issue has been fixed.
  • When using hardware compatibility features, TensorRT would potentially fail while compiling transformer based networks such as BERT. This issue has been fixed.
  • The ONNX parser incorrectly used the InstanceNormalization plugin when processing ONNX InstanceNormalization layers with FP16 scale and bias inputs, which led to unexpected NaN and infinite outputs. This issue has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • A RHEL/CentOS 7 RPM package built with CUDA 12.2 for cuDNN 8.9.4 has not been published to the CUDA network repo. When installing TensorRT 9.0 on RHEL/CentOS 7 using the CUDA network repo, the cuDNN 8.9.4 RPM package built with CUDA 11.8 will be installed instead. Often, this scenario remains functional, but it’s undefined behavior to mix libraries with different CUDA major versions. This will be resolved soon once the missing cuDNN 8.9.4 RPM package for RHEL/CentOS 7 and CUDA 12.2 has been published.
  • The compute sanitizer synccheck tool may report a false alarm when running conv and GEMM kernels with CGA size >= 4 on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • The compute sanitizer initcheck tool may flag false positive Uninitialized __global__ memory read errors when running TensorRT applications on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs. These errors can be safely ignored and will be fixed in an upcoming CUDA release.
  • When using cuDNN and the TensorRT RNNv2 API, the compute sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.2 may report race conditions in CUTLASS kernels.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • If a ONNX model contains a Range operator and its limit input is a data-dependent tensor, engine building will likely fail.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
    • When running ONNX networks with InstanceNormalization operations, there may be up to a 50% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • When enabling the cuDNN tactic source manually, there is a potential memory leak from the cuDNN library. This issue will be fixed in a future cuDNN release.
  • There is an up to 12% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 25% CPU memory usage increase for ViT networks when building the engine in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is a known performance regression in the grouped deconvolution layer due to disabling cuDNN tactics. In TensorRT 8.6, performance can be recovered by unsetting nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805. We will close the performance gap in a future release.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for the SegResNet model on Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.6 EA. This drop can be avoided by enabling the kVERSION_COMPATIBLE flag in the ONNX parser.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • There may be minor performance regressions when running ONNX models with InstanceNormalization operators in version compatible mode. Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on CortanaASR networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. Disable the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTMs in FP32 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • A higher builder optimization level does not always give a better performance when compared to a lower builder optimization level; which may happen on all platforms and up to 27%. The workaround is to build an engine using a lower builder optimization level.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on PilotNet4 network on H100 GPUs. The regression will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is an 1x FP32 model CPU memory leak from onnx.export tracked in issue 106976 for the TensorRT open source software HuggingFace demo. You may encounter higher peak CPU memory usage for fresh runs, but will drop for cached-ONNX runs.
  • For enqueue-bound workloads, the latency of the workloads may be longer in Windows than in Linux operating systems. Upgrade the driver or use CUDA graph to work around the issue. Refer to the documentation about enqueue-bound workloads for more detailed information.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on the SqueezeNet network in TF32 precision on H100 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BART networks with kv-cache stacked together in FP16 precision on H100 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 70% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.6 on BERT networks in INT8 precision with FP16 disabled on L4 GPUs. To work around this, enable FP16 and disable INT8 in the builder config.
  • Compared to TensorRT 8.6, TensorRT 9.0 has more aggressive multi-head attention (MHA) fusions. While this is beneficial in most cases, it causes up to 7% performance regression when the workload is too small. Increasing batch size would help improve the performance.

2.5. TensorRT Release 9.0.0 Early Access (EA)

These are the TensorRT 9.0.0 Early Access (EA) Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux users. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

This EA release is for early testing and feedback for Large Language Models (LLMs) on A100, A10G, L4, L40, and H100 GPUs only. For production use of TensorRT, applications other than LLMs, or other GPU platforms, continue to use TensorRT 8.6.1.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • TensorRT 9.0 provides enhanced support for Large Language Models (LLMs), including the following networks:
    • GPT
    • GPT-J
    • GPT-Neo
    • GPT-NeoX
    • BART
    • Bloom
    • Bloomz
    • OPT
    • T5
    • FLAN-T5
  • Added support for bfloat16 data types on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs and newer architectures.
  • Added support for E4M3 FP8 data type on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs using explicit quantization. This allows utilizing TensorRT with TransformerEngine based FP8 models.
  • Added the NeMo demo into the TensorRT OSS repository to demonstrate the performance benefit of using E4M3 FP8 data type with the GPT models trained with the NVIDIA NeMo Toolkit and TransformerEngine.
  • Added bfloat16 and FP8 I/O datatypes in plugins.
  • Added support of networks running in INT8 precision where Smooth Quantization is used. Smooth Quantization is an approach that allows to improve accuracy of INT8 compute for LLM.
  • Added support for INT64 data type. The ONNX parser no longer automatically casts INT64 to INT32.
  • Added support for ONNX local functions when parsing ONNX models with the ONNX parser.
  • Added support for caching JIT-compiled code. It can be disabled by setting BuilderFlag::DISABLE_COMPILATION_CACHE. The compilation cache is part of the timing cache, which caches JIT-compiled code and will be serialized as part of the timing cache by default, which may significantly increase the cache size.
  • Added NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kSTRONGLY_TYPED. A strongly typed network faithfully translates the type specification of the network definition to the built engine.
  • Added two new TensorRT samples; sampleProgressMonitor (C++) and simple_progress_reporter (Python) that are examples for using Progress Monitor during engine build.
  • The following C++ API classes were added:
    • IProgressMonitor
  • The following C++ API methods were added:
    • INetworkDefinition::addFill(Dims dimensions, FillOperation op, DataType
    • INetworkDefinition::IDequantizeLayer* addDequantize(ITensor& input, ITensor& scale,
              DataType outputType)
    • IBuilder::setProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor* monitor)
    • IBuilder::getProgressMonitor()
    • IFillLayer::setAlphaInt64(int64_t alpha)
    • IFillLayer::getAlphaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::setBetaInt64(int64_t beta)
    • IFillLayer::getBetaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::isAlphaBetaInt64()
    • IFillLayer::getToType()
    • IFillLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • IQuantizeLayer::getToType()
    • IQuantizeLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • IDequantizeLayer::getToType()
    • IDequantizeLayer::setToType(DataType toType)
    • INetworkDefinition::getFlags()
    • INetworkDefinition::getFlag(NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag
  • The following C++ API enums were added:
    • IBuilderFlag::kFP8
    • IBuilderFlag::kBF16
    • DataType::kBF16
    • DataType::kINT64
    • NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kSTRONGLY_TYPED
  • The following Python API classes were added:
    • IProgressMonitor
  • The following Python API methods were added:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_quantize(input, scale, output_type)
    • INetworkDefinition.get_flag
  • The following Python API attributes were added:
    • IBuilder.progress_monitor
    • IFillLayer.is_alpha_beta_int64
    • IFillLayer.to_type
    • IQuantizeLayer.to_type
    • IDequantizeLayer.to_type
    • INetworkDefinition.flags
  • The following Python API enums were added:
    • IBuilderFlag.FP8
    • IBuilderFlag.BF16
    • DataType.BF16
    • DataType.INT64
    • NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.STRONGLY_TYPED
  • The IEngineInspector now prints more detailed layer information for LSTMs and Transformers networks.

Breaking API Changes

  • Attention: In TensorRT 9.0, due to the introduction of INT64 as a supported data type, ONNX models with INT64 I/O require INT64 bindings. Note that prior to this release, such models required INT32 bindings.
  • In TensorRT 9.0 we are removing ICaffeParser, IUffParser, and related classes and functions. The following APIs are removed:
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBlobNameToTensor
    • nvcaffeparser1::IBinaryProtoBlob
    • nvcaffeparser1::IPluginFactoryV2
    • nvcaffeparser1::ICaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::createCaffeParser
    • nvcaffeparser1::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvCaffeParser_INTERNAL
    • nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights
    • nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers
    • nvinfer1::utils::ransposeSubBuffers
    • nvuffparser::UffInputOrder
    • nvuffparser::FieldType
    • nvuffparser::FieldMap
    • nvuffparser::FieldCollection
    • nvuffparser::IUffParser
    • nvuffparser::createUffParser
    • nvuffparser::shutdownProtobufLibrary
    • createNvUffParser_INTERNAL
  • With removal of ICaffeParser and IUffParsers, the libnvparsers library is removed.
  • uff, graphsurgeon, and related networks are removed from TensorRT packages.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 9.0 will be retained until at least 8/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 or before will be removed in TensorRT 10.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features have been deprecated or removed in TensorRT 9.0.0. Some deprecations that were planned to be removed in 9.0.0, but have not yet been removed, may be removed in TensorRT 10.0.
  • Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life and is no longer supported by TensorRT starting with 9.0.
  • The following plugins were deprecated:
    • BatchedNMS_TRT
    • BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT
    • BatchTilePlugin_TRT
    • Clip_TRT
    • CoordConvAC
    • CropAndResize
    • EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT
    • CustomGeluPluginDynamic
    • LReLU_TRT
    • NMSDynamic_TRT
    • NMS_TRT
    • Normalize_TRT
    • Proposal
    • SingleStepLSTMPlugin
    • SpecialSlice_TRT
    • Split
  • The following C++ API classes were deprecated:
    • NvUtils
  • The following C++ API methods were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addFill(nvinfer1::Dims dimensions, nvinfer1::FillOperation
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addDequantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
    • nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition::addQuantize(nvinfer1::ITensor &input, nvinfer1::ITensor
      - Only the 2-parameter version of this function is deprecated.
  • The following C++ API enums were deprecated:
    • nvinfer1::TacticSource::kCUBLAS_LT
    • nvonnxparser::OnnxParserFlag::kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM
  • The following Python API methods were deprecated:
    • INetworkDefinition.add_fill(shape, op)
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize(input, scale)
  • The following Python API enums were deprecated:
    • TacticSource.CUBLAS_LT

Fixed Issues

  • There was an up to 9% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Yolov3 batch size 1 in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 13% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on GPT2 without kv-cache in FP16 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Volta and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. The workaround was to set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false. This issue has been fixed.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT could consume CPU memory up to 2 times the model size during compilation plus any additional formats timed. This issue has been fixed.
  • In some cases, when using the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS builder flag and the required type was set to FP32, the network could fail with a missing tactic due to an incorrect optimization converting the output of an operation to FP16. This could be resolved by removing the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS option. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT could fail on devices with small RAM and swap space. This could be resolved by ensuring the RAM and swap space is at least 7 times the size of the network. For example, at least 21 GB of combined CPU memory for a 3 GB network. This issue has been fixed.
  • If an IShapeLayer was used to get the output shape of an INonZeroLayer, engine building would likely fail. This issue has been fixed.
  • If a one-dimension INT8 input was used for a Unary or ElementWise operation, engine building would throw an internal error “Could not find any implementation for node”. This issue has been fixed.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool could cause the process to be terminated unexpectedly. The root cause was a wrong false alarm. The issue could be bypassed with --kernel-regex-exclude kns=scudnn_winograd. This issue has been fixed.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode did not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types were set, but not the layer precisions. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform. This issue has been fixed.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers could cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, you could either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8. This issue has been fixed.
  • Using the compute sanitizer tool from CUDA 12.0 could report a cudaErrorIllegalInstruction error on Hopper GPUs in unusual scenarios. This could be ignored. This issue has been fixed.

Known Issues

  • ONNX models containing a large number of "Pad" layers have a potential for error accumulation. This can result in accuracy differences in inference between TensorRT and ONNX runtime.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • If a ONNX model contains a Range operator and its limit input is a data-dependent tensor, engine building will likely fail.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • When using hardware compatibility features, TensorRT can potentially fail while compiling transformer based networks such as BERT. This issue will be fixed in the 8.6.1 release.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
    • When running ONNX networks with InstanceNormalization operations, there may be up to a 50% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • When enabling the cuDNN tactic source manually, there is a potential memory leak from the cuDNN library. This issue will be fixed in a future cuDNN release.
  • It is not recommended to use this specific version of TensorRT on NVIDIA A2 GPUs due to a known hang that can impact multiple networks. A fix for this issue is planned and will be included in a future release of TensorRT.
  • There is an up to 12% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 25% CPU memory usage increase for ViT networks when building the engine in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 53% engine build time increase for ViT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 93% engine build time increase for BERT networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for GPT2 networks in FP16 precision with kv-cache stacked together compared to TensorRT 8.6 on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 28% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Transformer networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs, and up to 85% performance regression on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs. Disable the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is a known performance regression in the grouped deconvolution layer due to disabling cuDNN tactics. In TensorRT 8.6, performance can be recovered by unsetting nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805. We will close the performance gap in a future release.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for the SegResNet model on Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.6 EA. This drop can be avoided by enabling the kVERSION_COMPATIBLE flag in the ONNX parser.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • There may be minor performance regressions when running ONNX models with InstanceNormalization operators in version compatible mode. Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on CortanaASR networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. Disable the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTMs in FP32 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.

3. TensorRT Release 8.x.x

3.1. TensorRT Release 8.6.1

These are the TensorRT 8.6.1 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.


  • In TensorRT 8.6, cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt tactic sources are turned off by default in builder profiling. TensorRT plans to remove the cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt dependency in future releases. If there are critical regressions, set the PreviewFeature flag kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 to false to re-enable cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt.
  • Stubbed static libraries for cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt are provided in $(TRT_LIB_DIR)/stubs. When statically linking TensorRT with no requirement for cuDNN, cuBLAS, or cuBLASLt, the stubbed library can be used to reduce CPU and GPU memory usage.
  • Debian and RPM packages are now using 4-component versioning instead of 3 to better identify differences between TensorRT builds.
  • The tar and zip filenames no longer contain the cuDNN version due to cuDNN no longer being a primary tactic source for TensorRT. cuDNN has a lesser impact on TensorRT’s performance than in previous releases where the cuDNN version was prominent in the package filename.
  • The TensorRT Python Package Index installation has been split into multiple modules:
    • TensorRT libraries (tensorrt_libs)
    • Python bindings matching the Python version in use (tensorrt_bindings)
    • Frontend source package, which pulls in the correct version of dependent TensorRT modules from (tensorrt)

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Python 3.11 is now supported starting with TensorRT 8.6 GA.
  • CUDA 12.x is now supported starting with the TensorRT 8.6 release. CUDA 11.x builds from this release or a previous release are not compatible with libraries or applications compiled with CUDA 12.x and may lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Added support for hardware compatibility. This allows an engine built on one GPU architecture to work on GPUs of other architectures. This feature is only supported for NVIDIA Ampere and newer architectures. Note that enabling hardware compatibility may result in a degradation in latency/throughput, and is therefore intended to be used primarily to ease the process of upgrading to new hardware. This feature is not supported on JetPack.
  • Added the following layers:
    • IReverseSequence layer has been added to support the ReverseSequence operator in ONNX.
    • INormalization layer has been added to support InstanceNormalization, GroupNormalization, and LayerNormalization operations in ONNX.
  • A new nvinfer1::ICastLayer interface was introduced, which provides a conversion of the data type of the input tensor between FP32, FP16, INT32, INT8, UINT8, and BOOL. The ONNX parser was updated to use ICastLayer instead of IIdentityLayer to implement cast.
  • Introduced restricted runtime installation options when memory consumption is a high priority for deployment: lean or dispatch runtime mode.
    • Lean runtime installation: This installation is significantly smaller than the full installation and allows you to load and run engines that were built with a version compatible builder flag. This installation will not provide the functionality to build a TensorRT plan file.
    • Dispatch runtime installation: This installation allows for deployments with the minimum memory consumption and allows you to load and run engines that were built with a version compatible builder flag and include the lean runtime. This installation does not provide the functionality to build a TensorRT plan file.
    • Added version compatibility support to trtexec. Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information on the trtexec flags.

    For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Installation Guide.

  • By default, TensorRT engines are compatible only with the version of TensorRT with which they are built. Starting in TensorRT 8.6, with the appropriate build-time configuration, engines can be built that are compatible with other TensorRT minor versions within a major version. For more information, refer to Version Compatibility.
    Note: Use of certain version compatibility features requires explicit configuration of the TensorRT runtime to allow host executable code. For more information, refer to Runtime Options.
  • Implemented the following performance enhancements:
    • Improved the Multi-Head Attention (MHA) fusions, speeding up Transformer-like networks.
    • Improved the engine building time and the performance of Transformer-like networks with dynamic shapes.
    • Avoided unnecessary cuStreamSynchronize() calls in enqueueV2() and enqueueV3() when running LSTMs or Transformer-like networks.
    • Improved the performance of various networks on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • Added an optimization level builder flag, which allows TensorRT to spend more engine building time searching for better tactics, or to build the engine much faster by reducing the searching scope. For more information, refer to Builder Optimization Level.
  • Added the multi-stream APIs, which allows users to control how many streams TensorRT can use to run different parts of the network in parallel, potentially resulting in better performance. For more information, refer to Within-Inference Multi-Streaming.
  • Experimental. Extended DLA so that IElementWiseLayer now supports equal operation (ElementWiseOperation::kEQUAL). This is the first ElementWise logical operation that DLA supports. There are several restrictions and requirements imposed when adopting this operation in DLA. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.
    • One such requirement is that you must explicitly set the device type of the ElementWise equal layer to DLA. To enable this feature on trtexec, it now supports a flag --layerDeviceTypes to let you explicitly specify the device type for individual layers. Refer to Commonly Used Command-line Flags for more information on the new flag.
  • Added a new sample called onnx_custom_plugin, which demonstrates how to use plugins written in C++ to run TensorRT on ONNX models with custom or unsupported layers. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /onnx_custom_plugin/ file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.
  • Made the following C++ API changes:
    • Added classes:
      • IReverseSequenceLayer
      • INormalizationLayer
      • ILoggerFinder
    • Added macros:
    • Added functions:
      • getBuilderSafePluginRegistry()
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo::getVectorizedDim()
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo::getComponentsPerElement()
      • IBuilderConfig::setBuilderOptimizationLevel()
      • IBuilderConfig::getBuilderOptimizationLevel()
      • IBuilderConfig::setHardwareCompatibilityLevel()
      • IBuilderConfig::getHardwareCompatibilityLevel()
      • IBuilderCOnfig::setPluginsToSerialize()
      • IBuilderConfig::getPluginToSerialize()
      • IBuilderConfig::getNbPluginsToSerialize()
      • IBuilderConfig::getMaxAuxStreams()
      • IBuilderConfig::setMaxAuxStreams()
      • IBuilder::getPluginRegistry()
      • ICudaEngine::getHardwareCompatibilityLevel()
      • ICudaEngine::getNbAuxStreams()
      • IExecutionContext::setAuxStreams()
      • ILayer::setMetadata()
      • ILayer::getMetadata()
      • INetworkDefinition::addCast()
      • INetworkDefinition::addNormalization()
      • INetworkDefinition::addReverseSequence()
      • INetworkDefinition::getBuilder()
      • IPluginRegistry::isParentSearchEnabled()
      • IPluginRegistry::setParentSearchEnabled()
      • IPluginRegistry::loadLibrary()
      • IPluginRegistry::deregisterLibrary()
      • IRuntime::setTemporaryDirectory()
      • IRuntime::getTemporaryDirectory()
      • IRuntime::setTempfileControlFlags()
      • IRuntime::getTempfileControlFlags()
      • IRuntime::getPluginRegistry()
      • IRuntime::setPluginRegistryParent()
      • IRuntime::loadRuntime()
      • IRuntime::setEngineHostCodeAllowed()
      • IRuntime::getEngineHostCodeAllowed()
      • ITopKLayer::setInput()
    • Added enums:
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel
      • TempfileControlFlag
    • Added enum values:
      • BuilderFLag::kVERSION_COMPATIBLE
      • BuilderFlag::kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME
      • DataType::kFP8
      • LayerType::kREVERSE_SEQUENCE
      • LayerType::kNORMALIZATION
      • LayerType::kCAST
      • MemoryPoolType::kTACTIC_DRAM
      • PreviewFeature::kPROFILE_SHARING_0806
      • TensorFormat::kDHWC
      • UnaryOperation::kISINF
    • Deprecated enums:
      • PreviewFeature::kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES
    • Deprecated macros:
    • Deprecated funtions:
      • FieldMap::FieldMap()
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo::getTensorFormat()
  • Made the following Python API changes:
    • Added classes:
      • ICastLayer
      • IReverseSequenceLayer
      • INormalizationLayer
    • Added functions:
      • IExecutionContext.set_aux_streams()
      • INetworkDefinition.add_cast()
      • INetworkDefinition.add_normalization()
      • INetworkDefinition.add_reverse_sequence()
      • IPluginRegistry.load_library()
      • IPluginRegistry.deregister_library()
      • IRuntime.load_runtime()
      • ITopKLayer.set_input()
    • Added properties:
      • BuilderFlag.EXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME
      • BuilderFlag.FP8
      • BuilderFlag.VERSION_COMPATIBLE
      • DataType.FP8
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel.AMPERE_PLUS
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel.NONE
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo.components_per_element
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo.vectorized_dim
      • IBuilder.get_plugin_registry
      • IBuilderConfig.builder_optimization_level
      • IBuilderConfig.hardware_compatibility_level
      • IBuilderConfig.max_aux_streams
      • IBuilderConfig.plugins_to_serialize
      • ICudaEngine.hardware_compatibility_level
      • ICudaEngine.num_aux_streams
      • ILayer.metadata
      • INetworkDefinition.builder
      • INormalizationLayer.axes
      • INormalizationLayer.compute_precision
      • INormalizationLayer.epsilon
      • INormalizationLayer.num_groups
      • IPluginRegistry.parent_search_enabled
      • IReverseSequenceLayer.batch_axis
      • IReverseSequenceLayer.sequence_axis
      • IRuntime.engine_host_code_allowed
      • IRuntime.load_runtime
      • IRuntime.tempfile_control_flags
      • IRuntime.temporary_directory
      • LayerType.CAST
      • LayerType.NORMALIZATION
      • LayerType.REVERSE_SEQUENCE
      • MemoryPoolType.TACTIC_DRAM
      • PreviewFeature.PROFILE_SHARING_0806
      • TempfileControlFlag.ALLOW_IN_MEMORY_FILES
      • TempfileControlFlag.ALLOW_TEMPORARY_FILES
      • TensorFormat.DHWC
    • Added enums:
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel
      • TempfileControlFlag
    • Added enum values:
      • UnaryOperation.ISINF
    • Deprecated enums:
      • PreviewFeature.FASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES
    • Deprecated properties:
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo.tensor_format

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.
  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.4 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • TensorRT 8.6 adds nvinfer1::BuilderFlag::kFP8 and nvinfer1::DataType::kFP8 to the public API as preparation for the introduction of FP8 support in future TensorRT releases. Despite these, FP8 (8-bit floating point) is not supported by TensorRT and attempting to use FP8 will result in an error or undefined behavior.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.
  • For networks containing normalization layers, particularly if deploying with mixed precision, target the latest ONNX opset that contains the corresponding function ops, for example: opset 17 for LayerNormalization or opset 18 GroupNormalization. Numerical accuracy using function ops is superior to corresponding implementation with primitive ops for normalization layers.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.6.1:
  • Support for CUDA Toolkit 10.2 has been dropped.
  • TensorRT 8.5.3 was the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) and NVIDIA Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices. These devices are no longer supported in TensorRT 8.6. NVIDIA Pascal (SM 6.x) devices are deprecated in TensorRT 8.6.
  • The NvInferRuntimeCommon.h file is being deprecated starting in TensorRT 8.6.0, and will be dropped in TensorRT 9.0. Instead, automotive safety users should include NvInferSafeRuntime.h. All other users should include NvInferRuntime.h.
  • Removed the following samples:
    • C++ samples:
      • sampleSSD
      • sampleUffFasterRCNN
      • sampleUffMNIST
      • sampleUffMaskRCNN
      • sampleUffPluginV2Ext
      • sampleUffSSD
      • sampleMNIST
      • sampleFasterRCNN
      • sampleGoogleNet
      • sampleINT8
      • sampleMNISTAPI
    • Python samples:
      • uff_ssd
      • uff_custom_plugin
      • end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist
      • engine_refit_mnist
      • int8_caffe_mnist
    • introductory_parser_samples - removed from UFF and Caffe options
  • The trtexec argument --buildOnly has been deprecated and was replaced by the argument --skipInference. The argument was renamed to better clarify the intention behind the argument.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks due to unstable tactic selections. The tactic selection stability has been improved in this release.
  • The r525 or later drivers contain the fix for an up to 11% performance variation for some LSTM networks during inference, depending on the order of CUDA stream creation on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • Fixed the issue that TensorRT might output wrong results when there are GEMM, Conv, and MatMul ops followed by a Reshape op.
  • Improved the H100 performance for some ConvNets in TF32 precision.
  • Improved the H100 performance for some Transformers in FP16 precision.
  • Improved the H100 performance for some 3DUNets.
  • Fixed an up to 6% performance drop for OpenRoadNet networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs.
  • Fixed an up to 5% performance drop for UNet networks in INT8 precision with explicit quantization on CUDA 11.x compared to CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • Fixed an up to 16% performance drop for LSTM networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • Fixed an up to 6% performance drop for ResNeXt-50 QAT networks in INT8, FP16, and FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets containing depthwise convolutions (like QuartzNets and EfficientDet-D0) in INT8 precision was not fully optimized. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a ~12% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs for the BERT network on Windows systems. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 6% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on CUDA 11.8 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 13% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP16 precision on V100 T4 GPUs when disableExternalTacticSourcesForCore0805 was enabled. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Fixed the issue that for some QAT models, when FP16 is enabled and a foreign node is created, if a tensor is the output of the foreign node and also serves as input to another node inside the subgraph of the foreign node, TensorRT may report an error with the following message for the node:
    [W] [TRT] Skipping tactic 0x0000000000000000 due to Myelin error: Concat operation "XXX" has different types of operands.
  • Resolved an issue with printing Unicode escape sequences while writing JSON files. This fix addresses previous parsing issues with JSON files in the TREx tool.
  • The DqQFusion would sometimes generate a broken fused node with an empty scale parameter, which violated the following PointWiseFusion’s assertion. This issue has been fixed in this release
  • Explicit quantization on convolution with dynamic weights would fail to build on some platforms like Windows. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 10% performance regression for WaveRNN on Turing GPUs in FP16 precision. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 72% increase in GPU memory usage on H100 for various networks. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 31% performance drop for DeepASR on Turing GPUs in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.5.1. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 12% performance drop for BERT on H100 in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.5.0 EA. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 11% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTM networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The TensorRT engine might fail to build under QAT mode if paired Quantization and Dequantization layers were not adjacent to each other. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The computation to determine the required number of resize dimensions has been improved; resolving an issue with missing quantized resize implementation where support for the number of resize dimensions is limited to 2.
  • When using the algorithm selector API, the HWC1 and HWC4 DLA formats were both reported as TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For some networks, containing matrix multiplication operations on A100, using TF32 could cause accuracy degradation. Disabling TF32 was the workaround. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT engine building could fail if the users added an unnamed layer. This is because TensorRT could generate duplicated layer/tensor names for the unnamed layer. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • HuggingFace demos could fail if the system CUDA version is older than the CUDA version used to build PyTorch. This is because the environment was using the from the system CUDA installation instead of the one distributed by PyTorch. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a small accuracy drop for CortanaASR networks in TF32 precision. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool from CUDA 12.0 could report read-after-write hazards in unusual scenarios. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known issue with huge graphs that cause out of memory errors with specific input shapes even though a larger input shape can be run. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The Python sample yolov3_onnx had a known issue when installing the requirements with Python 3.10. The recommendation was to use a Python version < 3.10 when running the sample. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known functionality issue when cross compiling TensorRT samples. The workaround was to set the TRT_LIB_DIR environment manually. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For networks such as Tacotron 2 decoder, where there was a Convolution operation within a loop body, TensorRT could potentially fail during compilation. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known functional issue with thread safety when using multiple TensorRT builders concurrently. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT compiled for CUDA 11.4 could fail to compile a graph when there were GEMM ops followed by a gelu_erf op. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For transformer decoder-based models (such as GPT2) with sequence length as dynamic, TensorRT 8.5 required additional workspace (up to 2x) as compared to previous releases. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • With the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature enabled on the GPT style decoder models, there could be an up to 20% performance regression for odd sequence lengths only compared to TensorRT without the use of the preview feature. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The auto-tuner assumed that the number of indices returned by INonZeroLayer was half of the number of input elements. Thus, networks that depended on tighter assumptions for correctness could fail to build. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 15% performance drop for the CTFM model on V100 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The tactic optimizer would sometimes still choose a builder that cannot stride according to the timing results when there was a builder for this layer that can stride. If the adjacent reformat node was eliminated in this case, this layer would give outputs with wrong strides. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For some QAT models, if convolution and pointwise fusion resulted in a multi-output layer with some output tensors quantized and others not, the building of the engine could fail with the following error message:
    [E] Error[2]: [optimizer.cpp::filterQDQFormats::4422] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion !n->candidateRequirements.empty() failed. All of the candidates were removed, which points to the node being incorrectly marked as an int8 node.
    One workaround was to disable the kJIT_CONVOLUTIONS tactic source. This issue has been fixed in this release.

Known Issues

  • In some cases, when using the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS builder flag and the required type is set to FP32, the network can fail with a missing tactic due to an incorrect optimization converting the output of an operation to FP16. This can be resolved by removing the OBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS option.
  • TensorRT may fail on devices with small RAM and swap space. This can be resolved by ensuring the RAM and swap space is at least 7 times the size of the network. For example, at least 21 GB of combined CPU memory for a 3 GB network.
  • If an IShapeLayer is used to get the output shape of an INonZeroLayer, engine building will likely fail.
  • ONNX models containing a large number of "Pad" layers have a potential for error accumulation. This can result in accuracy differences in inference between TensorRT and ONNX runtime.
  • In rare cases, when using optimization level 5, you may see build failures with the error message
    “Skipping tactic 0x* due to exception Assertion index <= signedSize(shaders)
    . A workaround solution is to use optimization level 4 instead.
  • If a one-dimension INT8 input is used for a Unary or ElementWise operation, engine building may throw an internal error “Could not find any implementation for node”.
  • Multihead attention fusion might not happen and affect performance if the number of heads is small.
  • If a ONNX model contains a Range operator and its limit input is a data-dependent tensor, engine building will likely fail.
  • Hardware forward compatibility (HFC) is broken on L4T Concord for ViT, Swin-Transformers, and BERT networks in FP16 mode. A workaround is to only use FP32 mode on L4T Concord or turn off HFC.
  • Compute Sanitizer from CUDA Toolkit 12.0/12.1 may report a false alarm about invalid memory access in generatedNativePointwise kernels.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool may cause the process to be terminated unexpectedly. The root cause is a wrong false alarm. The issue can be bypassed with --kernel-regex-exclude kns=scudnn_winograd.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • When using hardware compatibility features, TensorRT can potentially fail while compiling transformer based networks such as BERT. This issue will be fixed in the 8.6.1 release.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free in NVRTC that has been fixed in CUDA 12.1. When using NVRTC from CUDA 12.0 together with the TensorRT static library, you may encounter a crash in certain scenarios. Linking with the NVRTC and PTXJIT compiler from CUDA 12.1 or newer will resolve this issue.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
    • When running ONNX networks with InstanceNormalization operations, there may be up to a 50% decrease in performance.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers may cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8.
  • Using the compute sanitizer tool from CUDA 12.0 may report a cudaErrorIllegalInstruction error on Hopper GPUs in unusual scenarios. This can be ignored, and will be fixed in a future CUDA release.
  • Hardware compatible engines built with CUDA versions older than 11.5 may crash during inference when run on a GPU with a compute capability lower than that of the GPU where the engine was built. A workaround is to build on the GPU with the lowest compute capability.
  • When enabling the cuDNN tactic source manually, there is a potential memory leak from the cuDNN library. This issue will be fixed in a future cuDNN release.
  • There is an up to 28% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Transformer networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs, and up to 85% performance regression on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs. Disable the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag as a workaround.
  • There may be higher peak GPU memory usage when building the engine on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for the CortanaASR model on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.5.
  • There is a known performance regression in the grouped deconvolution layer due to disabling cuDNN tactics. In TensorRT 8.6, performance can be recovered by unsetting nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805. We will close the performance gap in a future release.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for the SegResNet model on Ampere GPUs compared to TensorRT 8.6 EA. This drop can be avoided by enabling the kVERSION_COMPATIBLE flag in the ONNX parser.
  • There is an up to 18% performance drop for the ShuffleNet model on A30/A40 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • There may be minor performance regressions when running ONNX models with InstanceNormalization operators in version compatible mode. Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 7 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for T5 networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 17% performance drop for LSTM on Windows in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance drop for Artifact Reduction networks involving Deconvolution ops in INT8 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 16% performance regression on GPT2, T5, and Temporal-Fusion Transformers on NVIDIA Turing GPUs in FP32 precision due to a necessary accuracy fix. To recover the performance, enable FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 9% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Yolov3 batch size 1 in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 13% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on GPT2 without kv-cache in FP16 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Volta and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 7% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on CortanaASR networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. Disable the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on LSTMs in FP32 precision when dynamic shapes are used on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. Set the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Temporal Fusion Transformers in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Turing and NVIDIA Ampere GPUs.
  • There is an up to 13% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Multi-Layer Perceptron networks in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. Set the kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SORCES_FOR_CORE_0805 preview flag to false as a workaround.

3.2. TensorRT Release 8.6.0 Early Access (EA)

These are the TensorRT 8.6.0 Early Access (EA) Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates Arm®-based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This EA release is for early testing and feedback. For production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 8.5.3.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.


  • In TensorRT 8.6, cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt tactic sources are turned off by default in builder profiling. TensorRT plans to remove the cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt dependency in future releases. If there are critical regressions, set the PreviewFeature flag kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 to false to re-enable cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt.
  • Stubbed static libraries for cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt are provided in $(TRT_LIB_DIR)/stubs. When statically linking TensorRT with no requirement for cuDNN, cuBLAS, or cuBLASLt, the stubbed library can be used to reduce CPU and GPU memory usage.
  • Debian and RPM packages are now using 4-component versioning instead of 3 to better identify differences between TensorRT builds.
  • The tar and zip filenames no longer contain the cuDNN version due to cuDNN no longer being a primary tactic source for TensorRT. cuDNN has a lesser impact on TensorRT’s performance than in previous releases where the cuDNN version was prominent in the package filename.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • CUDA 12.x is now supported starting with the TensorRT 8.6 release. CUDA 11.x builds from this release or a previous release are not compatible with libraries or applications compiled with CUDA 12.x and may lead to unexpected behavior.
  • Added support for hardware compatibility. This allows an engine built on one GPU architecture to work on GPUs of other architectures. This feature is only supported for NVIDIA Ampere and newer architectures. Note that enabling hardware compatibility may result in a degradation in latency/throughput, and is therefore intended to be used primarily to ease the process of upgrading to new hardware.
  • Added the following layers:
    • IReverseSequence layer has been added to support the ReverseSequence operator in ONNX.
    • INormalization layer has been added to support InstanceNormalization, GroupNormalization, and LayerNormalization operations in ONNX.
  • A new nvinfer1::ICastLayer interface was introduced, which provides a conversion of the data type of the input tensor between FP32, FP16, INT32, INT8, UINT8, and BOOL. The ONNX parser was updated to use ICastLayer instead of IIdentityLayer to implement cast.
  • Introduced restricted runtime installation options when memory consumption is a high priority for deployment: lean or dispatch runtime mode.
    • Lean runtime installation: This installation is significantly smaller than the full installation and allows you to load and run engines that were built with a version compatible builder flag. This installation will not provide the functionality to build a TensorRT plan file.
    • Dispatch runtime installation: This installation allows for deployments with the minimum memory consumption and allows you to load and run engines that were built with a version compatible builder flag and include the lean runtime. This installation does not provide the functionality to build a TensorRT plan file.
    • Added version compatibility support to trtexec. Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information on the trtexec flags.

    For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Installation Guide.

  • By default, TensorRT engines are compatible only with the version of TensorRT with which they are built. Starting in TensorRT 8.6, with the appropriate build-time configuration, engines can be built that are compatible with other TensorRT minor versions within a major version. For more information, refer to Version Compatibility.
    Note: Use of certain version compatibility features requires explicit configuration of the TensorRT runtime to allow host executable code. For more information, refer to Runtime Options.
  • Implemented the following performance enhancements:
    • Improved the Multi-Head Attention (MHA) fusions, speeding up Transformer-like networks.
    • Improved the engine building time and the performance of Transformer-like networks with dynamic shapes.
    • Avoided unnecessary cuStreamSynchronize() calls in enqueueV2() and enqueueV3() when running LSTMs or Transformer-like networks.
    • Improved the performance of various networks on NVIDIA Hopper GPUs.
  • Added an optimization level builder flag, which allows TensorRT to spend more engine building time searching for better tactics, or to build the engine much faster by reducing the searching scope. For more information, refer to Builder Optimization Level.
  • Added the multi-stream APIs, which allows users to control how many streams TensorRT can use to run different parts of the network in parallel, potentially resulting in better performance. For more information, refer to Within-Inference Multi-Streaming.
  • Experimental. Extended DLA so that IElementWiseLayer now supports equal operation (ElementWiseOperation::kEQUAL). This is the first ElementWise logical operation that DLA supports. There are several restrictions and requirements imposed when adopting this operation in DLA. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.
    • One such requirement is that you must explicitly set the device type of the ElementWise equal layer to DLA. To enable this feature on trtexec, it now supports a flag --layerDeviceTypes to let you explicitly specify the device type for individual layers. Refer to Commonly Used Command-line Flags for more information on the new flag.
  • Added a new sample called onnx_custom_plugin, which demonstrates how to use plugins written in C++ to run TensorRT on ONNX models with custom or unsupported layers. For specifics about this sample, refer to the GitHub: /onnx_custom_plugin/ file for detailed information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output.
  • Made the following C++ API changes:
    • Added classes:
      • IReverseSequenceLayer
      • INormalizationLayer
      • ILoggerFinder
    • Added macros:
    • Added functions:
      • getBuilderSafePluginRegistry()
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo::getVectorizedDim()
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo::getComponentsPerElement()
      • IBuilderConfig::setBuilderOptimizationLevel()
      • IBuilderConfig::getBuilderOptimizationLevel()
      • IBuilderConfig::setHardwareCompatibilityLevel()
      • IBuilderConfig::getHardwareCompatibilityLevel()
      • IBuilderCOnfig::setPluginsToSerialize()
      • IBuilderConfig::getPluginToSerialize()
      • IBuilderConfig::getNbPluginsToSerialize()
      • IBuilderConfig::getMaxAuxStreams()
      • IBuilderConfig::setMaxAuxStreams()
      • IBuilder::getPluginRegistry()
      • ICudaEngine::getHardwareCompatibilityLevel()
      • ICudaEngine::getNbAuxStreams()
      • IExecutionContext::setAuxStreams()
      • ILayer::setMetadata()
      • ILayer::getMetadata()
      • INetworkDefinition::addCast()
      • INetworkDefinition::addNormalization()
      • INetworkDefinition::addReverseSequence()
      • INetworkDefinition::getBuilder()
      • IPluginRegistry::isParentSearchEnabled()
      • IPluginRegistry::setParentSearchEnabled()
      • IPluginRegistry::loadLibrary()
      • IPluginRegistry::deregisterLibrary()
      • IRuntime::setTemporaryDirectory()
      • IRuntime::getTemporaryDirectory()
      • IRuntime::setTempfileControlFlags()
      • IRuntime::getTempfileControlFlags()
      • IRuntime::getPluginRegistry()
      • IRuntime::setPluginRegistryParent()
      • IRuntime::loadRuntime()
      • IRuntime::setEngineHostCodeAllowed()
      • IRuntime::getEngineHostCodeAllowed()
      • ITopKLayer::setInput()
    • Added enums:
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel
      • TempfileControlFlag
    • Added enum values:
      • BuilderFLag::kVERSION_COMPATIBLE
      • BuilderFlag::kEXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME
      • DataType::kFP8
      • LayerType::kREVERSE_SEQUENCE
      • LayerType::kNORMALIZATION
      • LayerType::kCAST
      • MemoryPoolType::kTACTIC_DRAM
      • PreviewFeature::kPROFILE_SHARING_0806
      • TensorFormat::kDHWC
      • UnaryOperation::kISINF
    • Deprecated enums:
      • PreviewFeature::kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES
    • Deprecated macros:
    • Deprecated funtions:
      • FieldMap::FieldMap()
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo::getTensorFormat()
  • Made the following Python API changes:
    • Added classes:
      • ICastLayer
      • IReverseSequenceLayer
      • INormalizationLayer
    • Added functions:
      • IExecutionContext.set_aux_streams()
      • INetworkDefinition.add_cast()
      • INetworkDefinition.add_normalization()
      • INetworkDefinition.add_reverse_sequence()
      • IPluginRegistry.load_library()
      • IPluginRegistry.deregister_library()
      • IRuntime.load_runtime()
      • ITopKLayer.set_input()
    • Added properties:
      • BuilderFlag.EXCLUDE_LEAN_RUNTIME
      • BuilderFlag.FP8
      • BuilderFlag.VERSION_COMPATIBLE
      • DataType.FP8
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel.AMPERE_PLUS
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel.NONE
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo.components_per_element
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo.vectorized_dim
      • IBuilder.get_plugin_registry
      • IBuilderConfig.builder_optimization_level
      • IBuilderConfig.hardware_compatibility_level
      • IBuilderConfig.max_aux_streams
      • IBuilderConfig.plugins_to_serialize
      • ICudaEngine.hardware_compatibility_level
      • ICudaEngine.num_aux_streams
      • ILayer.metadata
      • INetworkDefinition.builder
      • INormalizationLayer.axes
      • INormalizationLayer.compute_precision
      • INormalizationLayer.epsilon
      • INormalizationLayer.num_groups
      • IPluginRegistry.parent_search_enabled
      • IReverseSequenceLayer.batch_axis
      • IReverseSequenceLayer.sequence_axis
      • IRuntime.engine_host_code_allowed
      • IRuntime.load_runtime
      • IRuntime.tempfile_control_flags
      • IRuntime.temporary_directory
      • LayerType.CAST
      • LayerType.NORMALIZATION
      • LayerType.REVERSE_SEQUENCE
      • MemoryPoolType.TACTIC_DRAM
      • PreviewFeature.PROFILE_SHARING_0806
      • TempfileControlFlag.ALLOW_IN_MEMORY_FILES
      • TempfileControlFlag.ALLOW_TEMPORARY_FILES
      • TensorFormat.DHWC
    • Added enums:
      • HardwareCompatibilityLevel
      • TempfileControlFlag
    • Added enum values:
      • UnaryOperation.ISINF
    • Deprecated enums:
      • PreviewFeature.FASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES
    • Deprecated properties:
      • IAlgorithmIOInfo.tensor_format

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.6 will be retained until at least 2/2024.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.
  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.4 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In explicitly quantized networks, a group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after is expected to run with INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mixed precision. However, on NVIDIA Hopper™ it may fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT if the input channel count is small. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.
  • TensorRT 8.6 adds nvinfer1::BuilderFlag::kFP8 and nvinfer1::DataType::kFP8 to the public API as preparation for the introduction of FP8 support in future TensorRT releases. Despite these, FP8 (8-bit floating point) is not supported by TensorRT and attempting to use FP8 will result in an error or undefined behavior.
  • nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kROUND or nvinfer1::UnaryOperation::kSIGN operations of IUnaryLayer are not supported in the implicit batch mode.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.6.0:
  • Support for CUDA Toolkit 10.2 has been dropped.
  • TensorRT 8.5.3 was the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) and NVIDIA Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices. These devices are no longer supported in TensorRT 8.6. NVIDIA Pascal (SM 6.x) devices are deprecated in TensorRT 8.6.
  • The NvInferRuntimeCommon.h file is being deprecated starting in TensorRT 8.6.0, and will be dropped in TensorRT 9.0. Instead, automotive safety users should include NvInferSafeRuntime.h. All other users should include NvInferRuntime.h.
  • Removed the following samples:
    • C++ samples:
      • sampleSSD
      • sampleUffFasterRCNN
      • sampleUffMNIST
      • sampleUffMaskRCNN
      • sampleUffPluginV2Ext
      • sampleUffSSD
      • sampleMNIST
      • sampleFasterRCNN
      • sampleGoogleNet
      • sampleINT8
      • sampleMNISTAPI
    • Python samples:
      • uff_ssd
      • uff_custom_plugin
      • end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist
      • engine_refit_mnist
      • int8_caffe_mnist
    • introductory_parser_samples - removed from UFF and Caffe options
  • The trtexec argument --buildOnly has been deprecated and was replaced by the argument --skipInference. The argument was renamed to better clarify the intention behind the argument.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks due to unstable tactic selections. The tactic selection stability has been improved in this release.
  • The r525 or later drivers contain the fix for an up to 11% performance variation for some LSTM networks during inference, depending on the order of CUDA stream creation on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • Fixed the issue that TensorRT might output wrong results when there are GEMM, Conv, and MatMul ops followed by a Reshape op.
  • Improved the H100 performance for some ConvNets in TF32 precision.
  • Improved the H100 performance for some Transformers in FP16 precision.
  • Improved the H100 performance for some 3DUNets.
  • Fixed an up to 6% performance drop for OpenRoadNet networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs.
  • Fixed an up to 5% performance drop for UNet networks in INT8 precision with explicit quantization on CUDA 11.x compared to CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • Fixed an up to 16% performance drop for LSTM networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • Fixed an up to 6% performance drop for ResNeXt-50 QAT networks in INT8, FP16, and FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets containing depthwise convolutions (like QuartzNets and EfficientDet-D0) in INT8 precision was not fully optimized. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a ~12% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs for the BERT network on Windows systems. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 6% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on CUDA 11.8 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 13% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP16 precision on V100 T4 GPUs when disableExternalTacticSourcesForCore0805 was enabled. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Fixed the issue that for some QAT models, when FP16 is enabled and a foreign node is created, if a tensor is the output of the foreign node and also serves as input to another node inside the subgraph of the foreign node, TensorRT may report an error with the following message for the node:
    [W] [TRT] Skipping tactic 0x0000000000000000 due to Myelin error: Concat operation "XXX" has different types of operands.

Known Issues

  • Resolved an issue with printing Unicode escape sequences while writing JSON files. This fix addresses previous parsing issues with JSON files in the TREx tool.
  • The TensorRT engine might fail to build under QAT mode if paired Quantization and Dequantization layers are not adjacent to each other.
  • TensorRT engine building may fail if the users add an unnamed layer. This is because TensorRT may generate duplicated layer/tensor names for the unnamed layer.
  • The DqQFusion can generate a broken fused node with an empty scale parameter, which violates the following PointWiseFusion’s assertion.
  • The tactic optimizer may still choose a builder that cannot stride according to the timing results when there is a builder for this layer that can stride. If the adjacent reformat node is eliminated in this case, this layer will give outputs with wrong strides.
  • HuggingFace demos can fail if the system CUDA version is older than the CUDA version used to build PyTorch. This is because the environment is using the from the system CUDA installation instead of the one distributed by PyTorch.
  • There is a small accuracy drop for CortanaASR networks in TF32 precision. This will be fixed in the TensorRT 8.6.1 release.
  • The computation to determine the required number of resize dimensions has been improved; potentially resolving an issue with missing quantized resize implementation where support for the number of resize dimensions is limited to 2.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool from CUDA 12.0 may report read-after-write hazard in unusual scenarios. This can be ignored and will be fixed in a future release.
  • Using the compute sanitizer racecheck tool may cause the process to be terminated unexpectedly. The root cause is a wrong false alarm. The issue can be bypassed with --kernel-regex-exclude kns=scudnn_winograd.
  • If a network has a tensor of type bool with an implicitly data-dependent shape, engine building will likely fail.
  • For networks such as Tacotron 2 decoder, where there is a Convolution operation within a loop body, TensorRT can potentially fail during compilation. This issue will be fixed in the 8.6.1 release
  • There is a known functional issue with thread safety when using multiple TensorRT builders concurrently. This issue will be fixed in the 8.6.1 release.
  • When using hardware compatibility features, TensorRT can potentially fail while compiling transformer based networks such as BERT. This issue will be fixed in the 8.6.1 release.
  • There is an occurance of use-after-free when using NVRTC that is included with CUDA 12.0. You may encounter a crash in unusual scenarios. This issue will be fixed in the 8.6.1 release.
  • Although the version compatible runtime is optimized for efficiency, it may result in slower performance than the full runtime in certain use cases. Most networks can expect no more than a 10% slowdown when using a version-compatible engine compared to a version-locked engine. However, in some cases, a larger performance drop may occur. For example:
    • When running ResNet50_v2 with QAT, there may be up to a 22% decrease in performance.
    • When running DynUNet in FP16 precision, there may be up to a 32% decrease in performance.
    • When running ONNX networks with InstanceNormalization operations, there may be up to a 50% decrease in performance.
  • TensorRT compiled for CUDA 11.4 may fail to compile a graph when there are GEMM ops followed by a gelu_erf op.
  • There is a known issue with huge graphs that cause out of memory errors with specific input shapes even though a larger input shape can be run.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • The Python sample yolov3_onnx has a known issue when installing the requirements with Python 3.10. The recommendation is to use a Python version < 3.10 when running the sample.
  • The auto-tuner assumes that the number of indices returned by INonZeroLayer is half of the number of input elements. Thus, networks that depend on tighter assumptions for correctness may fail to build.
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers may cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8.
  • When using the algorithm selector API, the HWC1 and HWC4 DLA formats are both reported as TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4.
  • For transformer decoder-based models (such as GPT2) with sequence length as dynamic, TensorRT 8.5 requires additional workspace (up to 2x) as compared to previous releases.
  • For some QAT models, if convolution and pointwise fusion results in a multi-output layer with some output tensors quantized and others not, the building of the engine may fail with the following error message:
    [E] Error[2]: [optimizer.cpp::filterQDQFormats::4422] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion !n->candidateRequirements.empty() failed. All of the candidates were removed, which points to the node being incorrectly marked as an int8 node.
    One workaround is to disable the kJIT_CONVOLUTIONS tactic source.
  • For some networks containing matrix multiplication operations on A100, using TF32 may cause accuracy degradation. Try disabling TF32 as a workaround.
  • Using the compute sanitizer tool from CUDA 12.0 may report a cudaErrorIllegalInstruction error on Hopper GPUs in unusual scenarios. This can be ignored, and will be fixed in a future CUDA release.
  • There is a known functionality issue when cross compiling TensorRT samples. Try setting the TRT_LIB_DIR environment manually as a workaround.
  • Explicit quantization on convolution with dynamic weights will fail to build on some platforms like Windows. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression for WaveRNN on Turing GPUs in FP16 precision
  • There may be minor performance regressions when running ONNX models with InstanceNormalization operators in version compatible mode. Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.
  • Convolution on a tensor with an implicitly data-dependent shape may run significantly slower than on other tensors of the same size. Refer to the Glossary for the definition of implicitly data-dependent shapes.
  • For some Transformer models, including ViT, Swin-Transformer, and DETR, there is a performance drop in INT8 precision (including both explicit and implicit quantization) compared to FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 15% performance drop for the CTFM model on V100 compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • There is an up to 72% increase in GPU memory usage on H100 for various networks.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression for LSTM variants with dynamic shapes. This issue can be resolved by disabling the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature in TensorRT 8.6.
  • There is a known issue on H100 that may lead to GPU hang when running TensorRT with high persistentCache usage. Limit the usage to 40% of L2 cache size as a workaround.
  • There is an up to 31% performance drop for DeepASR on Turing GPUs in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.5.1.
  • There is an up to 12% performance drop for BERT on H100 in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.5.0 EA.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for T5 networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 17% performance drop for LSTM on Windows in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance drop for Artifact Reduction networks involving Deconvolution ops in INT8 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • With the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature enabled on the GPT style decoder models, there can be an up to 20% performance regression for odd sequence lengths only compared to TensorRT without the use of the preview feature.
  • There is an up to 16% performance regression on GPT2, T5, and Temporal-Fusion Transformers on NVIDIA Turing GPUs in FP32 precision due to a necessary accuracy fix. To recover the performance, enable FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 9% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on Yolov3 batch size 1 in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.5 on OpenRoadNet in FP16 precision on NVIDIA A10 GPUs.

3.3. TensorRT Release 8.5.3

These are the TensorRT 8.5.3 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux, Windows, and JetPack users. This release incorporates Arm® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or later).
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In QAT networks, for group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after, we can run in INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mix precision before. However, GPU kernels may be missed and fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT in the NVIDIA Hopper™ architecture GPUs if the input channel is small. This will be fixed in the future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.5.3:
  • TensorRT 8.5.3 will be the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) and NVIDIA Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices. These devices will no longer be supported in TensorRT 8.6. NVIDIA Pascal (SM 6.x) devices will be deprecated in TensorRT 8.6.
  • In the next TensorRT release, CUDA Toolkit 10.2 support will be dropped.

Fixed Issues

  • For INT8 fused MHA plugins, support for sequence length 64 and 96 has been added.
  • There was an issue on the PyTorch container where some ONNX models would fail with the error message SSA validation FAIL. This issue has now been fixed.
  • When using IExecutionContext::enqueueV3, a non-null address must be set for every input tensor, using IExecutionContext::setInputTensorAddress or IExecutionContext::setTensorAddress, even if nothing is computed from the input tensor.
  • ISliceLayer with SampleMode::kWRAP sometimes caused engine build failures when one of the strides was 0.This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an issue when a network used implicit batch and was captured using cudaGraph. This issue has now been fixed.
  • When the PreviewFeature kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 is used, some plugins that use cuBLAS reported an CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED error (with CUDA version 11.8). This issue has now been fixed.
  • For some encoder based transformer networks, if there was a forced precision on some layers, TensorRT reports the error (Mismatched type for tensor) during compilation. This issue has now been fixed.
  • For some networks with branches, if there was a forced precision on some layers on one side, TensorRT reports the error Mismatched type for tensor during compilation. This issue has now been fixed.
  • An assertion was triggered when multiple profiles were utilized and the profiles ended up causing different optimizations to occur, thus resulting in an error on the amount of slots being insufficient. This has been fixed to properly initialize the slots used internally.
  • When a Matrix Multiply horizontal fusion pass fuses two layers with bias, the bias fusion didn't handle correctly which led to accuracy issues. This issue has now been fixed.
  • There was an accuracy issue when a network contains an Exp operator and the Exp operator has a constant input. This issue has now been fixed.
  • There was an up to 16% performance drop for LSTM networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on Pascal GPUs. This issue has now been fixed.
  • TensorRT might output wrong results when there were GEMM/Conv/MatMul ops followed by a Reshape op. This issue has now been fixed.


  • In the next TensorRT release, cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt tactic sources will be turned off by default in builder profiling. TensorRT plans to remove the cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt dependency in future releases. Use the PreviewFeature flag kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 to evaluate the functional and performance impact of disabling cuBLAS and cuDNN and report back to TensorRT if there are critical regressions in your use cases.
  • TensorRT Python wheel files before TensorRT 8.5, such as TensorRT 8.4, were published to the NGC PyPI repo. Starting with TensorRT 8.5, Python wheels will instead be published to upstream PyPI. This will make it easier to install TensorRT because it requires no prerequisite steps. Also, the name of the Python package for installation has changed from nvidia-tensorrt to just tensorrt.
  • The C++ and Python API documentation in previous releases was included inside the tar file packaging. This release no longer bundles the documentation inside the tar file since the online documentation can be updated post release and avoids encountering mistakes found in stale documentation inside the packages.

Known Issues

  • TensorRT compiled for CUDA 11.4 may fail to compile a graph when there are GEMM ops followed by a gelu_erf op.
  • There is a known issue with huge graphs that cause out of memory errors with specific input shapes even though a larger input shape can be run.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • The Python sample yolov3_onnx has a known issue when installing the requirements with Python 3.10. The recommendation is to use a Python version < 3.10 when running the sample.
  • The auto-tuner assumes that the number of indices returned by INonZeroLayer is half of the number of input elements. Thus, networks that depend on tighter assumptions for correctness may fail to build.
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • One of the deconvolution algorithms sourced from cuDNN exhibits non-deterministic execution. Disabling cuDNN tactics will prevent this algorithm from being chosen (refer to IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources).
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fall back to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • When using DLA, an elementwise, unary, or activation layer immediately followed by a scale layer may lead to accuracy degradation in INT8 mode. Note that this is a pre-existing issue also found in previous releases rather than a regression.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers may cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8.
  • When using the algorithm selector API, the HWC1 and HWC4 DLA formats are both reported as TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4.
  • For transformer decoder based models (such as GPT2) with sequence length as dynamic, TensorRT 8.5 requires additional workspace (up to 2x) as compared to previous releases.
  • For some QAT models, if convolution and pointwise fusion results in a multi-output layer with some output tensors quantized and others not, the building of the engine may fail with the following error message:
    [E] Error[2]: [optimizer.cpp::filterQDQFormats::4422] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion !n->candidateRequirements.empty() failed. All of the candidates were removed, which points to the node being incorrectly marked as an int8 node.
    One workaround is to disable the kJIT_CONVOLUTIONS tactic source.
  • For some QAT models, when FP16 is enabled and a foreign node is created, if a tensor is the output of the foreign node and also serves as input to another node inside the subgraph of the foreign node, TensorRT may report an error with the following message for the node:
    [W] [TRT] Skipping tactic 0x0000000000000000 due to Myelin error: Concat operation "XXX" has different types of operands.
    One workaround is insert a cast node between the tensor and the node inside the foreign node.
  • There is a ~12% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs for the BERT network on Windows systems.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for Jasper networks compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Turing GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the InceptionV4 network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks due to unstable tactic selections.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 between CUDA 11.8 and CUDA 10.2 on Volta GPUs. This performance drop does not happen on Turing or later GPUs.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets in TF32 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for ResNeXt-50 QAT networks in INT8, FP16, and FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • H100 performance for some Transformers in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets containering depthwise convolutions (like QuartzNets and EfficientDet-D0) in INT8 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some 3DUnets is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for OpenRoadNet networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for T5 networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for UNet networks in INT8 precision with explicit quantization on CUDA 11.x compared to CUDA 10.2 on Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on CUDA 11.8 on Volta GPUs. Downgrading CUDA to CUDA 11.6 fixes the issue.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP16 precision on Tesla T4 GPUs when disableExternalTacticSourcesForCore0805 is enabled.
  • There is an up to 17% performance drop for LSTM on Windows in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance drop for Artifact Reduction networks involving Deconvolution ops in INT8 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on Volta GPUs.
  • With the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature enabled on the GPT style decoder models, there can be an up to 20% performance regression for odd sequence lengths only compared to TensorRT without the use of the preview feature.

3.4. TensorRT Release 8.5.2

These are the TensorRT 8.5.2 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux, Windows, JetPack, and PowerPC Linux users. This release incorporates Arm® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added new plugins: fused Multihead Self-Attention, fused Multihead Cross-Attention, Layer Normalization, Group Normalization, and targeted fusions (such as Split+GeLU) to support the Stable Diffusion demo.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or later).
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In QAT networks, for group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after, we can run in INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mix precision before. However, GPU kernels may be missed and fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT in the NVIDIA Hopper™ architecture GPUs if the input channel is small. This will be fixed in the future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.5.2:
  • TensorRT 8.5 will be the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) devices. Support for Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices will be dropped in TensorRT 9.0.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the accuracy issue of BART with batch size > 1.
  • Memory estimation for dynamic shapes has been improved, which allows some models to run that previously did not.
  • The ONNX parser recognizes the allowzero attribute on Reshape operations for opset 5 and higher, even though ONNX spec requires it only for opset 14 and higher. Setting this attribute to 1 can correct networks that are incorrect for empty tensors, and let TensorRT analyze the memory requirements for dynamic shapes more accurately.
  • Documentation for getProfileShapeValues() incorrectly cited getProfileShape() as the preferred replacement. Now, the documentation has been corrected to cite getShapeValues() as the replacement.
  • TensorRT header files compile with gcc compilers when specified with both -Wnon-virtual-dtor and -Werror compilation options.
  • The ONNX parser was getting incorrect min and max values when they were FP16 numbers. This has been fixed in this release.
  • Improved TensorRT error handling to skip tactics instead of crashing the builder.
  • Fixed the segment fault issue for the EfficientDet network with batch size > 1.
  • Fixed the could not find any implementation error for 3D convolution with depth of kernel size equal to 1.
  • Added an error message in the ONNX parser when traning_mode=1 in BatchNorm operator.
  • Replaced the Python sample for creating custom plugins with a new sample that uses the ONNX parser instead of the UFF parser.
  • Fixed an issue which prohibited some graph fusions and caused performance degradation for StableDiffusion in FP16 precision.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some nodes within conditional subgraphs to be unsupported in INT8 calibration mode.


  • In the next TensorRT release, CUDA toolkit 10.2 support will be dropped.
  • TensorRT 8.5 will be the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) devices. Support for Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices will be dropped in TensorRT 9.0.
  • In the next TensorRT release, cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt tactic sources will be turned off by default in builder profiling. TensorRT plans to remove the cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt dependency in future releases. Use the PreviewFeature flag kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 to evaluate the functional and performance impact of disabling cuBLAS and cuDNN and report back to TensorRT if there are critical regressions in your use cases.
  • TensorRT Python wheel files before TensorRT 8.5, such as TensorRT 8.4, were published to the NGC PyPI repo. Starting with TensorRT 8.5, Python wheels will instead be published to upstream PyPI. This will make it easier to install TensorRT because it requires no prerequisite steps. Also, the name of the Python package for installation has changed from nvidia-tensorrt to just tensorrt.
  • The C++ and Python API documentation in previous releases was included inside the tar file packaging. This release no longer bundles the documentation inside the tar file since the online documentation can be updated post release and avoids encountering mistakes found in stale documentation inside the packages.

Known Issues

  • There is a known issue with huge graphs that cause out of memory errors with specific input shapes even though a larger input shape can be run.
  • TensorRT might output wrong results when there are GEMM/Conv/MatMul ops followed by a Reshape op.
  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • The Python sample yolov3_onnx has a known issue when installing the requirements with Python 3.10. The recommendation is to use a Python version < 3.10 when running the sample.
  • The auto-tuner assumes that the number of indices returned by INonZeroLayer is half of the number of input elements. Thus, networks that depend on tighter assumptions for correctness may fail to build.
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • One of the deconvolution algorithms sourced from cuDNN exhibits non-deterministic execution. Disabling cuDNN tactics will prevent this algorithm from being chosen (refer to IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources).
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fall back to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • When using DLA, an elementwise, unary, or activation layer immediately followed by a scale layer may lead to accuracy degradation in INT8 mode. Note that this is a pre-existing issue also found in previous releases rather than a regression.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers may cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8.
  • When using the algorithm selector API, the HWC1 and HWC4 DLA formats are both reported as TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4.
  • For transformer decoder based models (such as GPT2) with sequence length as dynamic, TensorRT 8.5 requires additional workspace (up to 2x) as compared to previous releases.
  • There is a ~12% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs for the BERT network on Windows systems.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for Jasper networks compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Turing GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the InceptionV4 network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks due to unstable tactic selections.
  • There is an up to 11% performance variation for some LSTM networks during inference depending on the order of CUDA stream creation on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. This will be fixed in r525 drivers.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 between CUDA 11.8 and CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. This performance drop does not happen on NVIDIA Turing or later GPUs.
  • There is an up to 23% performance drop between H100 and A100 for some ConvNets in TF32 precision when running at the same SM clock frequency. This will be improved in future TRT versions.
  • There is an up to 8% performance drop between H100 and A100 for some transformers, including BERT, BART, T5, and GPT2, in FP16 precision at BS=1 when running at the same SM clock frequency. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets in TF32 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for ResNeXt-50 QAT networks in INT8, FP16, and FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • H100 performance for some Transformers in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets containering depthwise convolutions (like QuartzNets and EfficientDet-D0) in INT8 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some 3DUnets is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for OpenRoadNet networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for T5 networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for UNet networks in INT8 precision with explicit quantization on CUDA 11.x compared to CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on CUDA 11.8 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. Downgrading CUDA to CUDA 11.6 fixes the issue.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP16 precision on Tesla T4 GPUs when disableExternalTacticSourcesForCore0805 is enabled.
  • There is an up to 16% performance drop for LSTM networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 17% performance drop for LSTM on Windows in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance drop for Artifact Reduction networks involving Deconvolution ops in INT8 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • With the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature enabled on the GPT style decoder models, there can be an up to 20% performance regression for odd sequence lengths only compared to TensorRT without the use of the preview feature.

3.5. TensorRT Release 8.5.1

These are the TensorRT 8.5.1 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux, Windows, JetPack, and PowerPC Linux users. This release incorporates Arm® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added support for NVIDIA Hopper™ (H100) architecture. TensorRT now supports compute capability 9.0 deep learning kernels for FP32, TF32, FP16, and INT8, using the H100 Tensor Cores and delivering increased MMA throughput over A100. These kernels also benefit from new H100 features such as Asynchronous Transaction Barriers, Tensor Memory Accelerator (TMA), and Thread Block Clusters for increased efficiency.
  • Added support for NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture. TensorRT now supports compute capability 8.9 deep learning kernels for FP32, TF32, FP16, and INT8.
  • Ubuntu 22.04 packages are now provided in both the CUDA network repository and in the local repository format starting with this release.
  • Shapes of tensors can now depend on values computed on the GPU. For example, the last dimension of the output tensor from INonZeroLayer depends on how many input values are non-zero. For more information, refer to Dynamically Shaped Output.
  • TensorRT supports named input dimensions. In an ONNX model, two dimensions with the same named dimension parameter are considered equal. For more information, refer to Named Dimensions.
  • TensorRT supports offloading the IShuffleLayer to DLA. Refer to Layer Support and Restrictions for details on the restrictions for running IShuffleLayer on DLA.
  • Added the following layers:
    • IGatherLayer, ISliceLayer, IConstantLayer, and IConcatenation layers have been updated to support boolean types.
    • INonZeroLayer, INMSLayer (non-max suppression), IOneHotLayer, and IGridSampleLayer.
    For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Operator’s Reference.
  • TensorRT supports heuristic-based builder tactic selection. This is controlled by nvinfer1::BuilderFlag::kENABLE_TACTIC_HEURISTIC. For more information, refer to Tactic Selection Heuristic.
  • The builder timing cache has been updated to support transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT. For more information, refer to Timing Cache.
  • TensorRT supports the RoiAlign ONNX operator through the newly added RoiAlign plug-in. Both opset-10 and opset-16 versions of the operator are supported. For more information about the supported ONNX operators, refer to GitHub.
  • TensorRT supports disabled external tactic sources including cuDNN and cuBLAS use in the core library and allows the usage of cuDNN and cuBLAS in a plug-in by setting the preview feature flag: nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 using IBuilderConfig::setPreviewFeature.
  • TensorRT supports a new preview feature nvinfer1::PreviewFeature::kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805, which aims to reduce build time, runtime and memory requirements for dynamic shaped transformer-based networks
  • TensorRT supports Lazy Module Loading; a CUDA feature, which can significantly reduce the amount of GPU memory consumed. Refer to the NVIDIA CUDA Programming Guide and Lazy Module Loading for more information.
  • TensorRT supports persistent cache; a CUDA feature, which allows data cached in L2 persistently. Refer to Persistent Cache Management for more information.
  • TensorRT supports a preview feature API, which is a mechanism that enables you to opt in for specific experimental features. Refer to Preview Features for more information.
  • The following C++ API functions were added:
    • ITensor::setDimensionName()
    • ITensor::getDimensionName()
    • IResizeLayer::setCubicCoeff()
    • IResizeLayer::getCubicCoeff()
    • IResizeLayer::setExcludeOutside()
    • IResizeLayer::getExcludeOutside()
    • IBuilderConfig::setPreviewFeature()
    • IBuilderConfig::getPreviewFeature()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorShape()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorDataType()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorLocation()
    • ICudaEngine::isShapeInferenceIO()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorIOMode()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorBytesPerComponent()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorComponentsPerElement()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorFormat()
    • ICudaEngine::getTensorFormatDesc()
    • ICudaEngine::getProfileShape()
    • ICudaEngine::getNbIOTensors()
    • ICudaEngine::getIOTensorName()
    • IExecutionContext::getTensorStrides()
    • IExecutionContext::setInputShape()
    • IExecutionContext::getTensorShape()
    • IExecutionContext::setTensorAddress()
    • IExecutionContext::getTensorAddress()
    • IExecutionContext::setInputTensorAddress()
    • IExecutionContext::getOutputTensorAddress()
    • IExecutionContext::inferShapes()
    • IExecutionContext::setInputConsumedEvent()
    • IExecutionContext::getInputConsumedEvent()
    • IExecutionContext::setOutputAllocator()
    • IExecutionContext::getOutputAllocator()
    • IExecutionContext::getMaxOutputSize()
    • IExecutionContext::setTemporaryStorageAllocator()
    • IExecutionContext::getTemporaryStorageAllocator()
    • IExecutionContext::enqueueV3()
    • IExecutionContext::setPersistentCacheLimit()
    • IExecutionContext::getPersistentCacheLimit()
    • IExecutionContext::setNvtxVerbosity()
    • IExecutionContext::getNvtxVerbosity()
    • INetworkDefinition::addOneHot()
    • INetworkDefinition::addNonZero()
    • INetworkDefinition::addGridSample()
    • INetworkDefinition::addNMS()
  • The following C++ classes were added:
    • IOneHotLayer
    • IGridSampleLayer
    • INonZeroLayer
    • INMSLayer
    • IOutputAllocator
  • The following C++ enum values were added:
    • InterpolationMode::kCUBIC
    • FillOperation::kRANDOM_NORMAL
    • TacticSource::kJIT_CONVOLUTIONS
    • DataType::kUINT8
  • The following C++ enum classes were added:
    • TensorIOMode
    • PreviewFeature
  • The following Python API functions/properties were added:
    • ITensor.set_dimension_name()
    • ITensor.get_dimension_name()
    • IResizeLayer.cubic_coeff
    • IResizeLayer.exclude_outside
    • IBuilderConfig.set_preview_feature()
    • IBuilderConfig.get_preview_feature()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_shape()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_dtype()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_location()
    • ICudaEngine.is_shape_inference_io()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_mode()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_bytes_per_component()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_components_per_element()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_format()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_format_desc()
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_profile_shape()
    • ICudaEngine.num_io_tensors
    • ICudaEngine.get_tensor_name()
    • IExecutionContext.get_tensor_strides()
    • IExecutionContext.set_input_shape()
    • IExecutionContext.get_tensor_shape()
    • IExecutionContext.set_tensor_address()
    • IExecutionContext.get_tensor_address()
    • IExecutionContext.infer_shapes()
    • IExecutionContext.set_input_consumed_event()
    • IExecutionContext.get_input_consumed_event()
    • IExecutionContext.set_output_allocator()
    • IExecutionContext.get_output_allocator()
    • IExecutionContext.get_max_output_size()
    • IExecutionContext.temporary_allocator
    • IExecutionContext.execute_async_v3()
    • IExecutionContext.persistent_cache_limit
    • IExecutionContext.nvtx_verbosity
    • INetworkDefinition.add_one_hot()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_non_zero()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_grid_sample()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_nms()
  • The following Python classes were added:
    • IOneHotLayer
    • IGridSampleLayer
    • INonZeroLayer
    • INMSLayer
    • IOutputAllocator
  • The following Python enum values were added:
    • InterpolationMode.CUBIC
    • FillOperation.RANDOM_NORMAL
    • TacticSource.JIT_CONVOLUTIONS
    • DataType.UINT8
  • The following Python enum classes were added:
    • TensorIOMode
    • PreviewFeature
  • Removed the TensorRT layers chapter from the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide appendix section and created a standalone NVIDIA TensorRT Operator’s Reference document.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.5 will be retained until at least 9/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all nonbatch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or later).
  • The DLA compiler is capable of removing identity transposes, but it cannot fuse multiple adjacent transpose layers into a single transpose layer (likewise for reshape). For example, given a TensorRT IShuffleLayer consisting of two non-trivial transposes and an identity reshapes in between. The shuffle layer is translated into two consecutive DLA transpose layers, unless you merge the transposes together manually in the model definition in advance.
  • In QAT networks, for group convolution that has a Q/DQ pair before but no Q/DQ pair after, we can run in INT8-IN-FP32-OUT mix precision before. However, GPU kernels may be missed and fall back to FP32-IN-FP32-OUT in the NVIDIA Hopper™ architecture GPUs if the input channel is small. This will be fixed in the future release.
  • On PowerPC platforms, samples that depend on TensorFlow, ONNX Runtime, and PyTorch are unable to run due to missing Python module dependencies. These frameworks have not been built for PowerPC and/or published to standard repositories.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.5.1:
  • TensorRT 8.5 will be the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) devices. Support for Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices will be dropped in TensorRT 9.0.

Fixed Issues

  • TensorRT’s optimizer would sometimes incorrectly retarget Concat layer inputs produced by Cast layers, resulting in data corruption. This has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 5% performance drop for the ShuffleNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs. This has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 10% performance difference for the WaveRNN network between different OS when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When the TensorRT static library was used to build engines and the NVPTXCompiler static library was used outside of the TensorRT core library at the same time, it was possible to trigger a crash of the process in rare cases. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known issue when ProfilingVerbosity is set to kDETAILED, the enqueueV2() call might take up to 2 ms compared to ProfilingVerbosity=kNONE or kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY. Now, you can use the setNvtxVerbosity() API to disable the costly detailed NVTX generation at runtime without the need to rebuild the engine.
  • There was a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and NVIDIA Pascal® GPUs
    This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an issue when performing PTQ with TensorRT with tensors rank > 4, some layers may cause an assertion about invalid Region Dims. Empty tensors in the network may also cause a seg fault within the INT8 calibration process. These issues were fixed in this release.
  • When performing an L2_Normalization in float16 precision, there was undefined behavior occurring from a fusion. This fusion could be disabled by marking the input to the L2_Normalization as a network output. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT used to incorrectly allow subnetworks of the input network with > 16 I/O tensors to be offloaded to DLA, due to intermediate tensors of the subnetwork that were also the full network outputs not having been counted as I/O tensors. This has been fixed. You may infrequently experience a slightly increased fragmentation.
  • There was a ~19% performance drop on NVIDIA Turing GPUs for the DRIVENet network in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4. This regression has been fixed in this release.
  • On NVIDIA Hopper GPUs, the QKV plugin, which is used by the open-source BERT demo, would fail for fixed sequence lengths of 128 and 384 with FP16. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • To compile the DLA samples, you can now use the listed commands in the README.
  • In convolution or GEMM layers, some extra tactic information would be printed out. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When using QAT, horizontal fusion of convolutions at the end of the net would incorrectly propagate the quantization scales of the weights, resulting in incorrect outputs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • With TensorRT ONNX runtime, building an engine for a large graphic would fail due to the implementation of a foreign node not being found. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The BatchedNMSDynamicPlugin supports dynamic batch only. The behavior was undefined if other dimensions were set to be dynamic. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • On NVIDIA Hopper GPUs, the QKV plug-in, which is used by the open-source BERT demo, would produce inaccurate results for sequence lengths other than 128 and 384. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • A new tactic source kJIT_CONVOLUTIONS was added, however, enabling or disabling it had no impact as it was still in development. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known issue when using INT8 calibration for networks with ILoop or IIfConditional layers. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a ~17% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs for the inflated 3D video classification network in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4.
  • There were up to 25% performance drops for various networks on SBSA systems compared to TensorRT 8.4.
  • There was a ~15% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs for the ResNet_v2_152 network in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4.
  • There was a 17% performance drop for networks containing Deconv+Concat or Slice+Deconv patterns.
  • There was a ~9% performance drop on Volta and Turing GPUs for the WaveRNN network.
  • Some networks would see a small increase in deserialization time. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When using QAT, horizontal fusion of two or more convolutions that have quantized inputs and non-quantized outputs would result in incorrect weights quantization. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When invoking IQuantizeLayer::setAxis with the axis set to -1, the graph optimization process triggered an assertion. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • If the values (not just dimensions) of an output tensor from a plugin were used to compute a shape, the engine would fail to build. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • In the next TensorRT release, CUDA toolkit 10.2 support will be dropped.
  • TensorRT 8.5 will be the last release supporting NVIDIA Kepler (SM 3.x) devices. Support for Maxwell (SM 5.x) devices will be dropped in TensorRT 9.0.
  • In the next TensorRT release, cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt tactic sources will be turned off by default in builder profiling. TensorRT plans to remove the cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt dependency in future releases. Use the PreviewFeature flag kDISABLE_EXTERNAL_TACTIC_SOURCES_FOR_CORE_0805 to evaluate the functional and performance impact of disabling cuBLAS and cuDNN and report back to TensorRT if there are critical regressions in your use cases.
  • TensorRT Python wheel files before TensorRT 8.5, such as TensorRT 8.4, were published to the NGC PyPI repo. Starting with TensorRT 8.5, Python wheels will instead be published to upstream PyPI. This will make it easier to install TensorRT because it requires no prerequisite steps. Also, the name of the Python package for installation has changed from nvidia-tensorrt to just tensorrt.
  • The C++ and Python API documentation in previous releases was included inside the tar file packaging. This release no longer bundles the documentation inside the tar file since the online documentation can be updated post release and avoids encountering mistakes found in stale documentation inside the packages.

Known Issues

  • There are known issues reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the issues is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool. Add the option --keep-debuginfo=yes to the Valgrind command line to suppress these errors.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
        Memory leak errors with nvrtc
        match-leak-kinds: definite
  • The Python sample yolov3_onnx has a known issue when installing the requirements with Python 3.10. The recommendation is to use a Python version < 3.10 when running the sample.
  • The auto-tuner assumes that the number of indices returned by INonZeroLayer is half of the number of input elements. Thus, networks that depend on tighter assumptions for correctness may fail to build.
  • SM 7.5 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes, which quantize the failing layers.
  • One of the deconvolution algorithms sourced from cuDNN exhibits non-deterministic execution. Disabling cuDNN tactics will prevent this algorithm from being chosen (refer to IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources).
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fall back to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • When using DLA, an elementwise, unary, or activation layer immediately followed by a scale layer may lead to accuracy degradation in INT8 mode. Note that this is a pre-existing issue also found in previous releases rather than a regression.
  • When using DLA, INT8 convolutions followed by FP16 layers may cause accuracy degradation. In such cases, either change the convolution to FP16 or the subsequent layer to INT8.
  • When using the algorithm selector API, the HWC1 and HWC4 DLA formats are both reported as TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4.
  • For transformer decoder based models (such as GPT2) with sequence length as dynamic, TensorRT 8.5 requires additional workspace (up to 2x) as compared to previous releases.
  • There is a ~12% performance drop on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs for the BERT network on Windows systems.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for Jasper networks compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Turing GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the InceptionV4 network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks due to unstable tactic selections.
  • There is an up to 11% performance variation for some LSTM networks during inference depending on the order of CUDA stream creation on NVIDIA Turing GPUs. This will be fixed in r525 drivers.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 between CUDA 11.8 and CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. This performance drop does not happen on NVIDIA Turing or later GPUs.
  • There is an up to 23% performance drop between H100 and A100 for some ConvNets in TF32 precision when running at the same SM clock frequency. This will be improved in future TRT versions.
  • There is an up to 8% performance drop between H100 and A100 for some transformers, including BERT, BART, T5, and GPT2, in FP16 precision at BS=1 when running at the same SM clock frequency. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets in TF32 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for ResNeXt-50 QAT networks in INT8, FP16, and FP32 precision at batch-size = 1 compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • H100 performance for some Transformers in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some ConvNets containering depthwise convolutions (like QuartzNets and EfficientDet-D0) in INT8 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some LSTMs in FP16 precision is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • H100 performance for some 3DUnets is not fully optimized. This will be improved in future TensorRT versions.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for OpenRoadNet networks in TF32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for T5 networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for UNet networks in INT8 precision with explicit quantization on CUDA 11.x compared to CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance drop for WaveRNN networks in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on CUDA 11.8 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs. Downgrading CUDA to CUDA 11.6 fixes the issue.
  • There is an up to 13% performance drop for Megatron networks in FP16 precision on Tesla T4 GPUs when disableExternalTacticSourcesForCore0805 is enabled.
  • There is an up to 16% performance drop for LSTM networks in FP32 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 17% performance drop for LSTM on Windows in FP16 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7% performance drop for Artifact Reduction networks involving Deconvolution ops in INT8 precision compared to TensorRT 8.4 on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • With the kFASTER_DYNAMIC_SHAPES_0805 preview feature enabled on the GPT style decoder models, there can be an up to 20% performance regression for odd sequence lengths only compared to TensorRT without the use of the preview feature.

3.6. TensorRT Release 8.4.3

These are the TensorRT 8.4.3 Release Notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates Arm® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all non-batch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or later).
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in NVIDIA JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA on Xavier platforms when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues. NVIDIA Orin platforms are not affected by this.

Fixed Issues

  • When parsing networks with ONNX operand expand on scalar input. TensorRT would error out. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The custom ClipPlugin used in the uff_custom_plugin sample had an issue with a plugin parameter not being serialized, leading to a failure when the plugin needed to be deserialized. This issue has been fixed with proper serialization/deserialization.
  • When working with transformer based networks with multiple dynamic dimensions, if the network had shuffle operations which caused one or more dimensions to be a coalesced dimension (combination of multiple dynamic dimensions) and if this shuffle was further used in a reduction operation such as MatrixMultiply layer, it can potentially lead to corruption of results. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When working with recurrent networks containing Loops and Fill layers, it was possible that the engine may have failed to build. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • In some rare cases when converting a MatrixMultiply layer to a Convolution layer for optimization purposes, the shapes may fail to inference. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • In some cases, Tensor memory was not zero initialized for vectorized dimensions. This resulted in NaN in the output tensor during engine execution. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For the HuggingFace demos, the T5-3B model had only been verified on A100, and was not expected to work on A10, T4, and so on. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Certain spatial dimensions may have caused crashes during DLA optimization for models using single-channel inputs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may have created an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For some networks using sparsity, TensorRT may have produced inaccurate results. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • CUDA 11.7 added a feature called Lazy loading, however, this feature is not supported by TensorRT 8.4 because the CUDA 11.x binaries were built with CUDA Toolkit 11.6.

Known Issues

  • When performing an L2_Normalization in float16 precision, there is undefined behavior occurring from a fusion. This fusion can be disabled by marking the input to the L2_Normalization as a network output.
  • When performing PTQ with TensorRT with tensors rank > 4, some layers may cause an assertion about invalid Region Dims. This can be worked around by fusing the index layers into the 4th dimension to have the tensor have a rank 4.
  • SM75 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes which quantize the failing layers.
  • When the TensorRT static library is used to build engines and the NVPTXCompiler static library is also used outside of the TensorRT core library at the same time, it is possible to trigger a crash of the process in rare cases.
  • TensorRT should only allow up to a total of 16 I/O tensors for a single subnetwork offloaded to DLA. However, there is a leak in the logic that incorrectly allows > 16 I/O tensors. You may need to manually specify the per layer device to avoid the creation of subnetworks with over 16 I/O tensors, for successful engine construction. This restriction will be properly reinstated in a future release.
  • One of the deconvolution algorithms sourced from cuDNN exhibits non-deterministic execution. Disabling cuDNN tactics will prevent this algorithm from being chosen (refer to IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources).
  • Due to ABI compatibility issues, static builds are not supported on SBSA platforms.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known issue when ProfilingVerbosity is set to kDETAILED, the enqueueV2() call may take up to 2ms compared to ProfilingVerbosity=kNONE or kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fall back to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • The Debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • For some networks, using a batch size of 4096 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for Jasper networks compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Turing GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the InceptionV4 network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the ShuffleNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is an up to 10% performance difference for the WaveRNN network between different operating systems when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is an up to 7% performance regression for the 3D-UNet networks compared to TensorRT 8.4 EA when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Orin due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks when running on Windows due to unstable tactic selections.
  • Some networks may see a small increase in deserialization time.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.

3.7. TensorRT Release 8.4.2

These are the TensorRT 8.4.2 Release Notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates Arm® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added samples:
    • tensorflow_object_detection_api, which demonstrates the conversion and execution of the Tensorflow Object Detection API Model Zoo models with TensorRT. For information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output, refer to the GitHub: tensorflow_object_detection_api/ file.
    • detectron2, which demonstrates the conversion and execution of the Detectron 2 Model Zoo Mask R-CNN R50-FPN 3x model with TensorRT. For information about how this sample works, sample code, and step-by-step instructions on how to run and verify its output, refer to the GitHub: detectron2/ file.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all non-batch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or later).
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in NVIDIA JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA on Xavier platforms when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues. NVIDIA Orin platforms are not affected by this.

Fixed Issues

  • The standalone Python wheel files for TensorRT 8.4.1 were much larger than necessary. We have removed some duplication within the Python wheel files, which has resulted in a file size reduction.
  • When parsing networks with random fill nodes defined within conditionals, TensorRT would error out. The issue has been fixed and these networks can now successfully compile.
  • When using multiple Convolution layers using the same input and wrapped with Q/DQ layers, TensorRT could have produced inaccurate results. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Calling a Max Reduction on a shape tensor that has a non-power of two volumes of index dimensions could produce undefined results. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known regression with the encoder model. The encoder model could be built successfully with TensorRT 8.2 but would fail with TensorRT 8.4. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • An assertion error occurred when the constant folding of Boolean type for the slice operation was not enabled. The constant folding of Boolean type for the slice op is now enabled.
  • Parsing ONNX models with conditional nodes that contained the same initializer names would sometimes produce incorrect results. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • An assertion in TensorRT occurred when horizontally fusing Convolution or Matrix Multiplication operations that have weights in different precisions. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Certain models including but not limited to those with loops or conditionals were susceptible to an allocation-related assertion failure due to a race condition. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When using the IAlgorithmSelector interface, if BuildFlag::kREJECT_EMPTY_ALGORITHMS was not set, an assertion occurred where the number of algorithms is zero. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • CUDA 11.7 added a feature called Lazy loading, however, this feature is not supported by TensorRT 8.4 because the CUDA 11.x binaries were built with CUDA Toolkit 11.6.

Known Issues

  • When performing an L2_Normalization in float16 precision, there is undefined behavior occurring from a fusion. This fusion can be disabled by marking the input to the L2_Normalization as a network output.
  • When performing PTQ with TensorRT with tensors rank > 4, some layers may cause an assertion about invalid Region Dims. This can be worked around by fusing the index layers into the 4th dimension to have the tensor have a rank 4.
  • SM75 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes which quantize the failing layers.
  • For some networks using sparsity, TensorRT may produce inaccurate results.
  • When the TensorRT static library is used to build engines and the NVPTXCompiler static library is also used outside of the TensorRT core library at the same time, it is possible to trigger a crash of the process in rare cases.
  • TensorRT should only allow up to a total of 16 I/O tensors for a single subnetwork offloaded to DLA. However, there is a leak in the logic that incorrectly allows > 16 I/O tensors. You may need to manually specify the per layer device to avoid the creation of subnetworks with over 16 I/O tensors, for successful engine construction. This restriction will be properly reinstated in a future release.
  • One of the deconvolution algorithms sourced from cuDNN exhibits non-deterministic execution. Disabling cuDNN tactics will prevent this algorithm from being chosen (refer to IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources).
  • Some models may fail on SBSA platforms when using statically linked binaries.
  • For the HuggingFace demos, the T5-3B model has only been verified on A100, and is not expected to work on A10, T4, and so on.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known issue when ProfilingVerbosity is set to kDETAILED, the enqueueV2() call may take up to 2ms compared to ProfilingVerbosity=kNONE or kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fall back to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • The Debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • For some networks, using batch sizes larger than 32 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Certain spatial dimensions may cause crashes during DLA optimization for models using single-channel inputs.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for Jasper networks compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Turing GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the InceptionV4 network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the ShuffleNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is an up to 10% performance difference for the WaveRNN network between different operating systems when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is an up to 7% performance regression for the 3D-UNet networks compared to TensorRT 8.4 EA when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Orin due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks when running on Windows due to unstable tactic selections.
  • Some networks may see a small increase in deserialization time.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.

3.8. TensorRT Release 8.4.1

These are the TensorRT 8.4.1 Release Notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates Arm® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT releases as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added sampleOnnxMnistCoordConvAC, which contains custom CoordConv layers. It converts a model trained on the MNIST dataset in ONNX format to a TensorRT network and runs inference on the network. Scripts for generating the ONNX model are also provided.
  • The DLA slice layer is supported for DLA 3.9.0 and later. The DLA SoftMax layer is supported for DLA and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.
  • Added a Revision History section to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide to help identify content that’s been added or updated since the previous release.
  • Reduced engine file size and runtime memory use on some networks with large spatial dimension convolution or deconvolution layers.
  • The following C++ API functions and enums were added:
  • The following Python API functions and enums were added:
  • Improved the performance of some convolutional neural networks trained in TensorFlow and exported using the tf2onnx tool or running in TF-TRT.
  • Added the --layerPrecisions and --layerOutputTypes flags to the trtexec tool to allow you to specify layer-wise precision constraints and layer-wise output type constraints.
  • Added the --memPoolSize flag to the trtexec tool to allow you to specify the size of the workspace as well as the DLA memory pools using a unified interface.
  • Added a new interface to customize and query the sizes of the three DLA memory pools: managed SRAM, local DRAM, and global DRAM. For consistency with past behavior, the pool sizes apply per-subgraph (that is, per-loadable). Upon loadable compilation success, the builder reports the actual amount of memory used per pool by each loadable, thus allowing for fine-tuning; upon failure due to insufficient memory a message will be emitted.

    There are also changes outside the scope of DLA: the existing API to specify and query the workspace size (setMaxWorkspaceSize, getMaxWorkspaceSize) has been deprecated and integrated into the new API. Also, the default workspace size has been updated to the device-global memory size, and the TensorRT samples have had their specific workspace sizes removed in favor of the new default value. Refer to Customizing DLA Memory Pools for more information.

  • Added support for NVIDIA BlueField®-2 data processing units (DPUs), both A100X and A30X variants when using the Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) packages.
  • Added support for NVIDIA JetPack 5.0 users. NVIDIA Xavier and NVIDIA Orin™ based devices are supported.
  • Added support for the dimensions labeled with the same subscript in IEinsumLayer to be broadcastable.
  • Added-asymmetric padding support for 3D or dilated deconvolution layers on sm70+ GPUs, when the accumulation of kernel size is equal to or less than 32.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • There are two modes of DLA softmax where the mode is chosen automatically based on the shape of the input tensor, where:
    • the first mode triggers when all non-batch, non-axis dimensions are 1, and
    • the second mode triggers in other cases if valid.

    The second of the two modes is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. It involves approximations that may result in errors of a small degree. Also, batch size greater than 1 is supported only for DLA 3.9.0 and later. Refer to DLA Supported Layers for more information.

  • On QNX, networks that are segmented into a large number of DLA loadables may fail during inference.
  • You may encounter an error such as, "Unable to load library: nvinfer_builder_resource.dll", if using Python 3.9.10 on Windows. You can workaround this issue by downgrading to an earlier version of Python 3.9.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or later).
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in NVIDIA JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA on Xavier platforms when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues. NVIDIA Orin platforms are not affected by this.

Deprecated and Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.4.1:
  • Removed sampleNMT.
  • The End-To-End Host Latency metric in trtexec output has been removed to avoid confusion. Use the “Host Latency” metric instead for performance metric. For more information, refer to Benchmarking Network.
  • CentOS Linux 8 has reached End-of-Life on Dec 31, 2021. Support for this OS will be deprecated in the next TensorRT release. CentOS Linux 8 support will be completely removed in a future release.
  • In previous TensorRT releases, PDF documentation was included inside the TensorRT package. The PDF documentation has been removed from the package in favor of online documentation, which is updated regularly. Online documentation can be found at
  • The TensorRT shared library files no longer have RUNPATH set to $ORIGIN. This setting was causing unintended behavior for some users. If you relied on this setting before you may have trouble with missing library dependencies when loading TensorRT. It is preferred that you manage your own library search path using LD_LIBRARY_PATH or a similar method.

Fixed Issues

  • If the TensorRT Python bindings were used without a GPU present, such as when the NVIDIA Container Toolkit is not installed or enabled before running Docker, then you may have encountered an infinite loop that required the process to be killed in order to terminate the application. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The EngineInspector detailed layer information always showed batch size = 1 when the engine was built with implicit batch dimensions. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The IElementWiseLayer and IUnaryLayer layers can accept different input datatypes depending on the operation that is used. The documentation was updated to explicitly show which datatypes are supported. For more information, refer to IElementWiseLayer and IUnaryLayer.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there was a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that were expected to be the same were not. For example, if a model had two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics were both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs were different, there was a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 15% performance regression for networks with a Pooling layer located before or after a Concatenate layer. This regression has been fixed in this release.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior. This issue has been fixed in this release. TensorRT does not archive public libnvptxcompiler_static.a and libnvrtc_static.a into libnvinfer_static.a.
  • There was an up to 10% performance regression for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32 compared to TensorRT 6 on Xavier. This regression has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT could have experienced some instability when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a potential memory leak while running models containing the Einsum op. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect was that the TensorRT optimizer was able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which could cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously did not. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT had limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and FullyConnected layers had to be fused. Therefore, if a weights shuffle pattern was not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer. This issue has been fixed in this release
  • Networks that used certain pointwise operations not preceded by convolutions or deconvolutions and followed by slicing on spatial dimensions could crash in the optimizer. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may have encountered Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The README for these samples have been updated with instructions on how to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch.
  • Intermittent accuracy issues were observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The TensorRT plug-ins library used a logger that was not thread-safe and that could cause data races. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For a quantized (QAT) network with ConvTranspose followed by BN, ConvTranspose would be quantized first and then BN would be fused to ConvTranspose. This fusion was wrong and caused incorrect outputs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • During the graph optimization, new nodes were added but there was no mechanism preventing the duplication of node names. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, TensorRT failed compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph would fallback to GPU. Now, rather than the whole subgraph fallback to GPU, only the single node that cannot be run with DLA will fallback to GPU.
  • There was a known functional issue when running networks containing 3D deconvolution layers on L4T. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known functional issue when running networks containing convolution layers on K80. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • A small portion of the data of the inference results of the LSTM graph of a specific pattern was non-deterministic occasionally. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • A small portion of the LSTM graph, in which multiple MatMul layers have opA/opB==kTRANSPOSE consuming the same input tensor, may have failed to build the engine. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For certain networks built for the Xavier GPU, the deserialized engine may have allocated more GPU memory than necessary. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • If a network had a Gather layer with both indices and input dynamic, and the optimization profile had a large dynamic range (difference between max and min), TensorRT could request a very large workspace. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • Python support for Windows included in the zip package is ready for production use.
  • CUDA 11.7 added a feature called Lazy loading, however, this feature is not supported by TensorRT 8.4 because the CUDA 11.x binaries were built with CUDA Toolkit 11.6.

Known Issues

  • Calling a Max Reduction on a shape tensor that has a non-power of two volumes of index dimensions can produce undefined results. This can be fixed by padding the index dimensions to have a volume equal to a power of two.
  • When performing an L2_Normalization in float16 precision, there is undefined behavior occurring from a fusion. This fusion can be disabled by marking the input to the L2_Normalization as a network output.
  • When performing PTQ with TensorRT with tensors rank > 4, some layers may cause an assertion about invalid Region Dims. This can be worked around by fusing the index layers into the 4th dimension to have the tensor have a rank 4.
  • SM75 and earlier devices may not have INT8 implementations for all layers with Q/DQ nodes. In this case, you will encounter a could not find any implementation error while building your engine. To resolve this, remove the Q/DQ nodes which quantize the failing layers.
  • For some networks using sparsity, TensorRT may produce inaccurate results.
  • When the TensorRT static library is used to build engines and the NVPTXCompiler static library is also used outside of the TensorRT core library at the same time, it is possible to trigger a crash of the process in rare cases.
  • TensorRT should only allow up to a total of 16 I/O tensors for a single subnetwork offloaded to DLA. However, there is a leak in the logic that incorrectly allows > 16 I/O tensors. You may need to manually specify the per layer device to avoid the creation of subnetworks with over 16 I/O tensors, for successful engine construction. This restriction will be properly reinstated in a future release.
  • When using multiple Convolution layers using the same input and wrapped with Q/DQ layers, TensorRT may produce inaccurate results
  • One of the deconvolution algorithms sourced from cuDNN exhibits non-deterministic execution. Disabling cuDNN tactics will prevent this algorithm from being chosen (refer to IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources).
  • Some models may fail on SBSA platforms when using statically linked binaries.
  • For the HuggingFace demos, the T5-3B model has only been verified on A100, and is not expected to work on A10, T4, and so on.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • There is a known issue when ProfilingVerbosity is set to kDETAILED, the enqueueV2() call may take up to 2ms compared to ProfilingVerbosity=kNONE or kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fall back to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9 or newer. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9 or newer.
  • The Debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • For some networks, using batch sizes larger than 32 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Certain spatial dimensions may cause crashes during DLA optimization for models using single-channel inputs.
  • There is a known regression with the encoder model. The encoder model can be built successfully with TensorRT 8.2 but fails with TensorRT 8.4.
  • There is a known performance issue when running instance normalization layers on Arm Server Base System Architecture (SBSA).
  • There is an up to 22% performance drop for Jasper networks compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta or NVIDIA Turing GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the InceptionV4 network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP32 precision on NVIDIA Volta GPUs with CUDA 10.2. This performance drop can be avoided if CUDA 11.x is used instead.
  • There is an up to 27% performance drop for BART compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running with both FP16 and INT8 precisions enabled on T4. This performance drop can be fixed by disabling the INT8 precision flag.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for the ShuffleNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is an up to 10% performance drop for the SegResNet network compared to TensorRT 8.2 when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs due to a cuDNN regression in the InstanceNormalization plug-in. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release. You can work around the regression by reverting the cuDNN version to cuDNN 8.2.1.
  • There is an up to 10% performance difference for the WaveRNN network between different operating systems when running in FP16 precision on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs. This will be fixed in a future TensorRT release.
  • There is a performance drop when offloading a SoftMax layer to DLA on NVIDIA Orin as compared to when running the layer on a GPU, with a larger drop for larger batch sizes. As an example, FP16 AlexNet with batch size 16 shows 32% drop when the network runs on DLA as compared to when the last SoftMax layer runs on a GPU.
  • There is an up to 7% performance regression for the 3D-UNet networks compared to TensorRT 8.4 EA when running in INT8 precision on NVIDIA Orin due to a functionality fix.
  • There is an up to 20% performance variation between different engines built from the same network for some LSTM networks when running on Windows due to unstable tactic selections.
  • Some networks may see a small increase in deserialization time.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between NVIDIA Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on NVIDIA Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on NVIDIA Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package Release Notes for details.
  • For transformer-based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on NVIDIA Turing GPUs.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and NVIDIA Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Xavier, DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.

3.9. TensorRT Release 8.4.0 Early Access (EA)

These are the TensorRT 8.4.0 Early Access (EA) Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates ARM® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are also applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This EA release is for early testing and feedback. For production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 8.2.3 or later TensorRT 8.2.x patch.
Note: TensorRT 8.4 EA does not include updates to the CUDA network repository. You should use the local repo installer package instead.

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Reduce engine file size and runtime memory usage on some networks with large spatial dimension convolution or deconvolution layers.
  • The following C++ API functions and enums were added:
  • The following Python API functions and enums were added:
  • Improved the performance of some convolutional neural networks trained in TensorFlow and exported using the tf2onnx tool or running in TF-TRT.
  • Added the --layerPrecisions and --layerOutputTypes flags to the trtexec tool to allow you to specify layer-wise precision constraints and layer-wise output type constraints.
  • Added the --memPoolSize flag to the trtexec tool to allow you to specify the size of the workspace as well as the DLA memory pools via a unified interface.
  • Added a new interface to customize and query the sizes of the three DLA memory pools: managed SRAM, local DRAM, and global DRAM. For consistency with past behavior, the pool sizes apply per-subgraph (i.e. per-loadable). Upon loadable compilation success, the builder reports the actual amount of memory used per pool by each loadable, thus allowing for fine-tuning; upon failure due to insufficient memory a message will be emitted.

    There are also changes outside the scope of DLA: the existing API to specify and query the workspace size (setMaxWorkspaceSize, getMaxWorkspaceSize) has been deprecated and integrated into the new API. Also, the default workspace size has been updated to the device global memory size, and the TensorRT samples have had their specific workspace sizes removed in favor of the new default value. Refer to Customizing DLA Memory Pools for more information.

  • Added support for NVIDIA BlueField®-2 data processing units (DPUs), both A100X and A30X variants when using the ARM Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) packages.
  • Added support for NVIDIA JetPack 5.0 users. NVIDIA Xavier and NVIDIA Orin™ based devices are supported.
  • Added support for the dimensions labeled with the same subscript in IEinsumLayer to be broadcastable.
  • Added asymmetric padding support for 3D or dilated deconvolution layers on sm70+ GPUs, when the accumulation of kernel size is equal to or less than 32.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.4 will be retained until at least 2/2023.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • When static linking with cuDNN, cuBLAS, and cuBLASLt libraries, TensorRT requires CUDA >=11.3.
  • TensorRT attempts to catch GPU memory allocation failure and avoid profiling tactics whose memory requirements would trigger Out of Memory. However, GPU memory allocation failure cannot be handled by CUDA gracefully on some platforms and would lead to an unrecoverable application status. If this happens, consider lowering the specified workspace size if a large size is set, or using the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid tactics that require a lot of GPU memory.
  • 3D Asymmetric Padding is not supported on GPUs older than the NVIDIA Volta GPU architecture (compute capability 7.0).

Deprecated And Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.4.0 EA:
  • The following C++ API functions and classes were deprecated:
    • IFullyConnectedLayer
    • getMaxWorkspaceSize
    • setMaxWorkspaceSize
  • The following Python API functions and classes were deprecated:
    • IFullyConnectedLayer
    • get_max_workspace_size
    • set_max_workspace_size
  • The --workspace flag in trtexec has been deprecated. TensorRT now allocates as much workspace as available GPU memory by default when the --workspace/--memPoolSize flags are not added, instead of having 16MB default workspace size limit in the trtexec in TensorRT 8.2. To limit the workspace size, use the --memPoolSize=workspace:<size> flag instead.
  • The IFullyConnectedLayer operation is deprecated. Typically, you should replace it with IMatrixMultiplyLayer. The MatrixMultiply layer does not support all data layouts supported by the FullyConnected layer currently, so additional work may be required when using BuilderFlag::kDIRECT_IO, if the input of the MatrixMultiply layer is a network I/O tensor:
    • If the MatrixMultiply layer is forced to INT8 precision via a combination of
      • ILayer::setPrecision(DataType::kINT8)
      • IBuilderConfig::setFlag(BuilderFlag::kOBEY_PRECISION_CONSTRAINTS)
      the engine will fail to build.
    • If the MatrixMultiply layer is prefered to run on DLA and GPU fallback is allowed via a combination of
      • IBuilderConfig->setDeviceType(matrixMultiplyLayer,
      • IBuilderConfig->setFlag(BuilderFlag::kGPU_FALLBACK)
      the layer will fall back to run on the GPU.
    • If the MatrixMultiply layer is required to run on DLA and GPU fallback is not allowed via
      • IBuilderConfig->setDeviceType(matrixMultiplyLayer,
      the engine will fail to build.

      To resolve these issues, either relax one of the constraints, or use IConvolutionLayer to create a Convolution 1x1 layer to replace IFullyConnectedLayer.

      Refer to the MNIST API samples (C++, Python) for examples of migrating from IFullyConnectedLayer to IMatrixMultiplyLayer.

Fixed Issues

  • The EngineInspector detailed layer information always showed batch size = 1 when the engine was built with implicit batch dimension. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • The IElementWiseLayer and IUnaryLayer layers can accept different input datatypes depending on the operation that is used. The documentation was updated to explicitly show which datatypes are supported. For more information, refer to IElementWiseLayer and IUnaryLayer.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there was a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that were expected to be the same were not. For example, if a model had two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics were both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs were different, there was a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 15% performance regression for networks with a Pooling layer located before or after a Concatenate layer. This regression has been fixed in this release.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.

Known Issues

  • There is a known functional issue when running networks containing 3D deconvolution layers on L4T.
  • There is a known functional issue when running networks containing convolution layers on K80.
  • A small portion of the data of the inference results of the LSTM graph of a specific pattern is non-deterministic occasionally.
  • If a network has a Gather layer with both indices and input dynamic and the optimization profile has a large dynamic range (difference between max and min), TensorRT could request a very large workspace.
  • For the HuggingFace demos, the T5-3B model has only been verified on A100, and is not expected to work on A10, T4, etc.
  • For a quantized (QAT) network with ConvTranspose followed by BN, ConvTranspose will be quantized first and then BN will be fused to ConvTranspose. This fusion is wrong and causes incorrect outputs.
  • A small portion of the LSTM graph, in which multiple MatMul layers have opA/opB==kTRANSPOSE consuming the same input tensor, may fail to build the engine.
  • During the graph optimization, new nodes are added but there is no mechanism preventing the duplication of node names.
  • TensorRT in FP16 mode does not perform cast operations correctly when only the output types are set, but not the layer precisions.
  • TensorRT does not preserve precision for operations that are imported from ONNX models in FP16 mode.
  • The TensorRT plugins library uses a logger that is not thread-safe which can cause data races
  • There is a potential memory leak while running models containing the Einsum op.
  • There is a known issue when ProfilingVerbosity is set to kDETAILED, the enqueueV2() call may take up to 2ms compared to ProfilingVerbosity=kNONE or kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY.
  • TensorRT may experience some instabilities when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • The debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may encounter Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The workaround is to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch as per the instructions in the sample READMEs.
  • Intermittent accuracy issues are observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2.
  • You may see the following error:
    Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • For some networks, using batch sizes larger than 32 may cause accuracy degradation on DLA.
  • Certain spatial dimensions may cause crashes during DLA optimization for models using single-channel inputs.
  • Networks that use certain pointwise operations not preceded by convolutions or deconvolutions and followed by slicing on spatial dimensions may crash in the optimizer.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • If the TensorRT Python bindings are used without a GPU present, such as when the NVIDIA Container Toolkit is not installed or enabled before running Docker, then you may encounter an infinite loop which requires the process to be killed in order to terminate the application.
  • For certain networks built for the Xavier GPU, the deserialized engine may allocate more GPU memory than necessary.
  • Some networks may see a small increase in deserialization time.
  • Due to the difference in DLA hardware specification between Orin and Xavier, a relative increase in latency is expected when running DLA FP16 operations involving convolution (which includes deconvolution, fully-connected, and concat) on Orin as compared to running on Xavier. At the same DLA clocks and memory bandwidth, INT8 convolution operations on Orin are expected to be about 4x faster than on Xavier, whereas FP16 convolution operations on Orin are expected to be about 40% slower than on Xavier.
  • There is a known issue with DLA clocks that requires users to reboot the system after changing the nvpmodel power mode or otherwise experience a performance drop. Refer to the L4T board support package release notes for details.
  • For transformer based networks such as BERT and GPT, TensorRT can consume CPU memory up to 10 times the model size during compilation.
  • There is an up to 17% performance regression for DeepASR networks at BS=1 on Turing GPUs.
  • If a Pointwise operation has 2 inputs, then a fusion may not be possible leading to lower performance. For example, MatMul and Sigmoid can typically be fused to ConvActFusion but not in this scenario.
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression for MaskRCNN-ResNet-101 on Turing GPUs in INT8 precision.
  • There is an up to 23% performance regression for Jasper networks on Volta and Turing GPUs in FP32 precision.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.

3.10. TensorRT Release 8.2.5

These are the TensorRT 8.2.5 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates ARM® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT release as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are also applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.


Fixed Issues

  • There is a fast configuration for the SoftMax kernel which was not enabled previously when porting it from cuDNN. This performance regression has been fixed in this release.
  • The Scale kernel had previously incorrectly supported strides (due to concat and slice elision). This issue has been fixed with this release.

Known Issues

  • TensorRT attempts to catch GPU memory allocation failure and avoid profiling tactics whose memory requirements would trigger Out of Memory. However, GPU memory allocation failure cannot be handled by CUDA gracefully on some platforms and would lead to an unrecoverable application status. If this happens, consider lowering the specified workspace size if a large size is set, or using the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid tactics that require a lot of GPU memory.
  • TensorRT may experience some instabilities when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there is a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that are expected to be the same are not. For example, if a model has two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics are both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs are different, there is a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. Ensure you the dimension semantics match when exporting ONNX models from frameworks.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • Hybrid precision is not supported with the Pooling layer. Data type of input and output tensors should be the same as the layer precision.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may encounter Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The workaround is to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch as per the instructions in the sample READMEs.
  • Intermittent accuracy issues are observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2.
  • The Debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on NVIDIA Jetson Nano™.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time can increase a lot for this layer on Xavier. It can also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue is being investigated.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.

3.11. TensorRT Release 8.2.4

These are the TensorRT 8.2.4 Release Notes and are applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users. This release incorporates ARM® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT release as well as the following additional changes.

These Release Notes are also applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previously released TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.


Fixed Issues

  • UBSan issues had not been discussed in the documentation. We’ve added a new section that discusses Issues With Undefined Behavior Sanitizer in the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide.
  • There was a functional issue when horizontal merge is followed by a concat layer with axis on non-channel dimension. The issue is fixed in this release.
  • For a network with floating-point output, when the configuration allows using INT8 in the engine, TensorRT has a heuristic for avoiding excess quantization noise in the output. Previously, the heuristic assumed that plugins were capable of floating-point output if needed, and otherwise the engine failed to build. Now, the engine will build, although without trying to avoid quantization noise from an INT8 output from a plugin. Furthermore, a plugin with an INT8 output that is connected to a network output of type INT8 now works.
  • TensorRT was incorrectly computing the size of tensors when doing memory allocations computation. This occurred in cases where dynamic shapes was triggering an integer overflow on the max opt dimension when accumulating the volumes of all the network I/O tensors.
  • TensorRT incorrectly performed horizontal fusion of batched Matmuls along the batch dimension. The issue is fixed in this release.
  • In some cases TensorRT failed to find a tactic for Pointwise. The issue is fixed in this release.
  • There was a functional issue in fused reduction kernels which would lead to an accuracy drop in WeNet transformer encoder layers. The issue is fixed in this release.
  • There were functional issues when two layer's inputs (or outputs) shared the same IQuantization/IDequantization layer. The issue is fixed in this release.
  • When fusing Convolution+Quantization or Pointwise+Quantization and the output type is constrained to INT8, you had to specify the precision for Convolution and Pointwise operations for other fusions to work correctly. If the Convolution and Pointwise precision had not been configured yet, it would have to be float because INT8 precision requires explicitly fusing with Dequantization. The issue is fixed in this release.
  • There was a known crash when building certain large GPT2-XL model variants. The issue is fixed in this release.

Known Issues

  • TensorRT attempts to catch GPU memory allocation failure and avoid profiling tactics whose memory requirements would trigger Out of Memory. However, GPU memory allocation failure cannot be handled by CUDA gracefully on some platforms and would lead to an unrecoverable application status. If this happens, consider lowering the specified workspace size if a large size is set, or using the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid tactics that require a lot of GPU memory.
  • TensorRT may experience some instabilities when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there is a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that are expected to be the same are not. For example, if a model has two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics are both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs are different, there is a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. Ensure you the dimension semantics match when exporting ONNX models from frameworks.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • Hybrid precision is not supported with the Pooling layer. Data type of input and output tensors should be the same as the layer precision.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may encounter Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The workaround is to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch as per the instructions in the sample READMEs.
  • Intermittent accuracy issues are observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2.
  • The Debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    "Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory"
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on NVIDIA Jetson Nano™.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time can increase a lot for this layer on Xavier. It can also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue is being investigated.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.

3.12. TensorRT Release 8.2.3

This is the TensorRT 8.2.3 release notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, as well as incorporates ARM® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.


Fixed Issues

  • There was a known issue where using custom allocator and allocation resizing introduced in TensorRT 8 that would trigger an assert about a p.second failure. This was caused by the application passing to TensorRT the same exact pointer from the re-allocation routine. This assertion has been fixed to be a valid use case.
  • There was an up to 15% performance regression for networks with a Pooling layer located before or after a Concatenate layer. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 20% performance regression for INT8 QAT networks with a Padding layer located before the Q/DQ and Convolution layer. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT does not support explicit quantization (i.e. Q/DQ) for batched matrix-multiplication. This fix introduces support for the special case of quantized batched matrix-multiplication when matrix B is constant and can be squeezed to a 2D matrix. Specifically, in the supported configuration matrix A (the data) can have shape (BS, M, K), where BS is the batch size, and matrix B (the weights) can have shape (1, K, N). The output has shape (BS, M, N) which is computed by broadcasting the weights across the batch dimension. Quantized batched matrix-multiplication has two pairs of Q/DQ nodes that quantize the input data and the weights.
  • An incorrect fusion of two transpose operations caused an assertion to trigger while building the model. This issue has been fixed in this release.

Known Issues

  • TensorRT attempts to catch GPU memory allocation failure and avoid profiling tactics whose memory requirements would trigger Out of Memory. However, GPU memory allocation failure cannot be handled by CUDA gracefully on some platforms and would lead to an unrecoverable application status. If this happens, consider lowering the specified workspace size if a large size is set, or using the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid tactics that require a lot of GPU memory.
  • TensorRT may experience some instabilities when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM.
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there is a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that are expected to be the same are not. For example, if a model has two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics are both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs are different, there is a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. Ensure you the dimension semantics match when exporting ONNX models from frameworks.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • Hybrid precision is not supported with the Pooling layer. Data type of input and output tensors should be the same as the layer precision.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may encounter Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The workaround is to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch as per the instructions in the sample READMEs.
  • Intermittent accuracy issues are observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2.
  • The debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on NVIDIA Jetson Nano™.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time can increase a lot for this layer on Xavier. It can also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue is being investigated.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.

3.13. TensorRT Release 8.2.2

This is the TensorRT 8.2.2 release notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, as well as incorporates ARM® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated before TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.


Fixed Issues

  • In order to install TensorRT using the pip wheel file, you had to ensure that the pip version was less than 20. An older version of pip was required to workaround an issue with the CUDA 11.4 wheel meta packages that TensorRT depends on. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • An empty directory named deserializeTimer under the samples directory was left in the package by accident. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • For some transformer based networks built with PyTorch Multi-head Attention API, the performance could have been up to 45% slower than similar networks built with other APIs due to different graph patterns. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • IShuffleLayer applied to the output of IConstantLayer was incorrectly transformed when the constant did not have type kFLOAT, sometimes causing build failures. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • ONNX models with MatMul operations that used QuantizeLinear/DequantizeLinear operations to quantize the weights, and pre-transpose the weights (that is, do not use a separate Transpose operation) would suffer from accuracy errors due to a bug in the quantization process. This issue has been fixed in this release.

Known Issues

  • TensorRT attempts to catch GPU memory allocation failure and avoid profiling tactics whose memory requirements would trigger Out of Memory. However, GPU memory allocation failure cannot be handled by CUDA gracefully on some platforms and would lead to an unrecoverable application status. If this happens, consider lowering the specified workspace size if a large size is set, or using the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid tactics that require a lot of GPU memory.
  • TensorRT may experience some instabilities when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM. To workaround this issue, disable CUBLAS_LT kernels with --tacticSources=-CUBLAS_LT (setTacticSources).
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there is a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that are expected to be the same are not. For example, if a model has two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics are both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs are different, there is a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. Ensure you the dimension semantics match when exporting ONNX models from frameworks.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • Hybrid precision is not supported with the Pooling layer. Data type of input and output tensors should be the same as the layer precision.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may encounter Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The workaround is to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch as per the instructions in the sample READMEs.
  • Intermittent accuracy issues are observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2.
  • The debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression for networks with a Pooling layer located before or after a Concatenate layer.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on NVIDIA Jetson Nano™.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time can increase a lot for this layer on Xavier. It can also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue is being investigated.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.

3.14. TensorRT Release 8.2.1

This is the TensorRT 8.2.1 release notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, as well as incorporates ARM® based CPU cores for Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and NVIDIA JetPack™ users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) 2 is released as a preview feature in this TensorRT 8.2.1 GA release.

Deprecated API Lifetime

  • APIs deprecated prior to TensorRT 8.0 will be removed in TensorRT 9.0.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 will be retained until at least 8/2022.
  • APIs deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 will be retained until at least 11/2022.

Refer to the API documentation (C++, Python) for how to update your code to remove the use of deprecated features.



  • DLA does not support hybrid precision for pooling layer – data type of input and output tensors should be the same as the layer precision i.e. either all INT8 or all FP16.

Deprecated And Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.2.1:
  • BuilderFlag::kSTRICT_TYPES is deprecated. Its functionality has been split into separate controls for precision constraints, reformat-free I/O, and failure of IAlgorithmSelector::selectAlgorithms. This change enables users who need only one of the subfeatures to build engines without encumbering the optimizer with the other subfeatures. In particular, precision constraints are sometimes necessary for engine accuracy, however, reformat-free I/O risks slowing down an engine with no benefit. For more information, refer to BuilderFlags (C++, Python).
  • The LSTM plugin has been removed. In addition, the Persistent LSTM Plugin section has also been removed from the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide.

Fixed Issues

  • Closed the performance gap between linking with TensorRT static libraries and linking with TensorRT dynamic libraries on x86_64 Linux CUDA-11.x platforms.
  • When building a DLA engine with:
    • networks with less than 4D tensors, some DLA subgraph IO tensors would lack shuffle layers. It would fail compiling the engine. This issue has been fixed in this release.
    • kSUB ElementWise operation whose input has less than 4 dimensions, a scale node was inserted. If the scale cannot run on DLA, it would fail compiling the engine. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known issue with the engine_refit_mnist sample on Windows. The fix was to edit the engine_refit_mnist/ source file and move the import model line before the sys.path.insert() line. This issue has been fixed in this release and no edit is needed.
  • There was an up to 22% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0 for WaveRNN networks on NVIDIA Volta and NVIDIA Turing GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 21% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0 for BERT-like networks on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier platforms. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an accuracy bug resulting in low mAP score with YOLO-like QAT networks where a QuantizeLinear operator was immediately followed by a Concat operator. This accuracy issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a bug in TensorRT 8.2.0 EA where if a shape tensor is used by two different nodes, it can sometimes lead to a functional or an accuracy issue. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known 2% accuracy regression with NasNet Mobile network with NVIDIA Turing GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There could have been build failures with IEinsumLayer when an input subscript label corresponds to a static dimension in one tensor but dynamic dimension in another. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0.3 for Cortana ASR on NVIDIA Ampere Architecture GPUs with CUDA graphs and a single stream of execution. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • Boolean input/output tensors were only supported when using explicit batch dimensions. This has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a possibility of an CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED error when running with cuBLAS/cuBLASLt libraries from CUDA 11.4 update 1 and CUDA 11.4 update 2 on Linux-based platforms. This happened only for the use cases where cuBLAS is loaded and unloaded multiple times. The workaround was to add the following environment variable before launching your application: your_application

    This issue has been fixed in this release.

  • There was a known ~6% - ~29% performance regression on Google® BERT compared to version on NVIDIA A100 GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0.3 for Deep Recommender on Tesla V100, NVIDIA Quadro® GV100, and NVIDIA TITAN V. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • The sample sample_reformat_free_io has been renamed to sample_io_formats, and revised to remove the deprecated flag BuilderFlag::kSTRICT_TYPES. Reformat-free I/O is still available with BuilderFlag::kDIRECT_IO, but generally should be avoided since it can result in a slower than necessary engine, and can cause a build to fail if the target platform lacks the kernels to enable building an engine with reformat-free I/O.
  • The NVIDIA TensorRT Release Notes PDF will no longer be available in the product package after this release. The release notes will still remain available online here.

Known Issues

  • TensorRT attempts to catch GPU memory allocation failure and avoid profiling tactics whose memory requirements would trigger Out of Memory. However, GPU memory allocation failure cannot be handled by CUDA gracefully on some platforms and would lead to an unrecoverable application status. If this happens, consider lowering the specified workspace size if a large size is set, or using the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid tactics that require a lot of GPU memory.
  • TensorRT may experience some instabilities when running networks containing TopK layers on T4 under Azure VM. To workaround this issue, disable CUBLAS_LT kernels with --tacticSources=-CUBLAS_LT (setTacticSources).
  • Under certain conditions on WSL2, an INetwork with Convolution layers that can be horizontally fused before a Concat layer may create an internal error causing the application to crash while building the engine. As a workaround, build your network on Linux instead of WSL2.
  • When running ONNX models with dynamic shapes, there is a potential accuracy issue if the dimension names of the inputs that are expected to be the same are not. For example, if a model has two 2D inputs of which the dimension semantics are both batch and seqlen, and in the ONNX model, the dimension name of the two inputs are different, there is a potential accuracy issue when running with dynamic shapes. Ensure you the dimension semantics match when exporting ONNX models from frameworks.
  • There is a known functional issue (fails with a CUDA error during compilation) with networks using ILoop layers on the WSL platform.
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • For some transformer based networks built with PyTorch Multi-head Attention API, the performance may be up to 45% slower than similar networks built with other APIs due to different graph patterns.
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing IConstantLayer and IShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • Hybrid precision is not supported with the Pooling layer. Data type of input and output tensors should be the same as the layer precision.
  • When installing PyCUDA, NumPy must be installed first and as a separate step:
    python3 -m pip install numpy 
    python3 -m pip install pycuda
    For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Installation Guide.
  • When running the Python engine_refit_mnist, network_api_pytorch_mnist, or onnx_packnet samples, you may encounter Illegal instruction (core dumped) when using the CPU version of PyTorch on Jetson TX2. The workaround is to install a GPU enabled version of PyTorch as per the instructions in the sample READMEs.
  • If an IPluginV2 layer produces kINT8 outputs that are output tensors of an INetworkDefinition that have floating-point type, an explicit cast is required to convert the network outputs back to a floating point format. For example:
    // out_tensor is of type nvinfer1::DataType::kINT8
    auto cast_input = network->addIdentity(*out_tensor);
    cast_input->setOutputType(0, nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT);
    new_out_tensor = cast_input->getOutput(0);
  • Intermittent accuracy issues are observed in sample_mnist with INT8 precision on WSL2.
  • The debian and RPM packages for the Python bindings, UFF, GraphSurgeon, and ONNX-GraphSurgeon wheels do not install their dependencies automatically; when installing them, ensure you install the dependencies manually using pip, or install the wheels instead.
  • You may see the following error:
    Could not load library Error: cannot open shared
            object file: No such file or directory
    after installing TensorRT from the network repo. cuDNN depends on the RPM dependency, however, this dependency installs cuBLAS from CUDA 11.0 rather than cuBLAS from the latest CUDA release. The library search path will not be set up correctly and cuDNN will be unable to find the cuBLAS libraries. The workaround is to install the latest libcublas-11-x package manually.
  • There is a known issue on Windows with the Python sample uff_ssd when converting the frozen TensorFlow graph into UFF. You can generate the UFF model on Linux or in a container and copy it over to work around this issue. Once generated, copy the UFF file to \path\to\samples\python\uff_ssd\models\ssd_inception_v2_coco_2017_11_17\frozen_inference_graph.uff.
  • ONNX models with MatMul operations that use QuantizeLinear/DequantizeLinear operations to quantize the weights, and pre-transpose the weights (i.e. do not use a separate Transpose operation) will suffer from accuracy errors due to a bug in the quantization process.
  • There is an up to 7.5% performance regression compared to TensorRT on NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier™ for ResNeXt networks in FP16 mode.
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression for networks with a Pooling layer located before or after a Concatenate layer.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on NVIDIA Maxwell® and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on NVIDIA Jetson Nano™.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time can increase a lot for this layer on Xavier. It can also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on NVIDIA Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 5% performance drop for networks using sparsity in FP16 precision.
  • There is an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue is being investigated.
  • The engine building time for the networks using 3D convolution, like 3d_unet, is up to 500% longer compared to TensorRT 8.0 due to many fast kernels being added in, which enlarges the profiling time.

3.15. TensorRT Release 8.2.0 Early Access (EA)

This is the TensorRT 8.2.0 Early Access (EA) release notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, as well as ARM Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Breaking API Changes

  • Between TensorRT 8.0 EA and TensorRT 8.0 GA the function prototype for getLogger() has been moved from NvInferRuntimeCommon.h to NvInferRuntime.h. You may need to update your application source code if you’re using getLogger() and were previously only including NvInferRuntimeCommon.h. Since the logger is no longer global, calling the method on IRuntime, IRefitter, or IBuilder is recommended instead.


Deprecated And Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.2.0 EA:
  • Removed sampleMLP.
  • The enums of ProfilingVerbosity have been updated to show their functionality more explicitly:
    • ProfilingVerbosity::kDEFAULT has been deprecated in favor of ProfilingVerbosity::kLAYER_NAMES_ONLY.
    • ProfilingVerbosity::kVERBOSE has been deprecated in favor of ProfilingVerbosity::kDETAILED.
  • Several flags of trtexec have been deprecated:
    • --explicitBatch flag has been deprecated and has no effect. When the input model is in UFF or in Caffe prototxt format, the implicit batch dimension mode is used automatically; when the input model is in ONNX format, the explicit batch mode is used automatically.
    • --explicitPrecision flag has been deprecated and has no effect. When the input ONNX model contains Quantization/Dequantization nodes, TensorRT automatically uses explicit precision mode.
    • --nvtxMode=[verbose|default|none] has been deprecated in favor of --profilingVerbosity=[detailed|layer_names_only|none] to show its functionality more explicitly.
  • Relocated the content from the Best Practices For TensorRT Performance document to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide. Removed redundancy between the two documents and updated the reference information. Refer to Performance Best Practices for more information.
  • IPaddingLayer is deprecated in TensorRT 8.2 and will be removed in TensorRT 10.0. Use ISliceLayer to pad the tensor, which supports new non-constant, reflects padding mode and clamp, and supports padding output with dynamic shape.

Fixed Issues

  • Closed the performance gap between linking with TensorRT static libraries and linking with TensorRT dynamic libraries.
  • In the previous release, the TensorRT ARM SBSA cross packages in the CUDA network repository could not be installed because cuDNN ARM SBSA cross packages were not available, which is a dependency of the TensorRT cross packages. The cuDNN ARM SBSA cross packages have been made available, which resolves this dependency issue.
  • There was an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for WaveRNN in FP16 on Volta and Turing platforms. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was a known accuracy issue of GoogLeNet variants with NVIDIA Ampere GPUs where TF32 mode was enabled by default on Windows. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There was an up to 10% performance regression when TensorRT was used with CUDNN 8.1 or 8.2. When CUDNN 8.0 was used, the performance was restored. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • The new Python sample efficientdet was only available in the OSS release. The sample has been added to the core package in this release.
  • The performance of IReduceLayer has been improved significantly when the output size of the IReduceLayer is small.
  • There was an up to 15% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for path perception network (Pathnet) in FP32. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • Python support for Windows included in the zip package is considered a preview release and not ready for production use.

Known Issues

  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling a subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size in TensorRT 8.0 than TensorRT 7.2 in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • CUDA graph capture will capture inputConsumed and profiler events only when using the build for 11.x and >= 11.1 driver (455 or above).
  • On integrated GPUs, a memory tracking issue in TensorRT 8.0 that was artificially restricting the amount of available memory has been fixed. A side effect is that the TensorRT optimizer is able to choose layer implementations that use more memory, which can cause the OOM Killer to trigger for networks where it previously didn't. To work around this problem, use the IAlgorithmSelector interface to avoid layer implementations that require a lot of memory, or use the layer precision API to reduce precision of large tensors and use STRICT_TYPES, or reduce the size of the input tensors to the builder by reducing batch or other higher dimensions.
  • For some transformer based networks built with PyTorch MultiheadAttention API, the performance may be up to 45% slower than similar networks built with other APIs due to different graph patterns.
  • When building a DLA engine with:
    • networks with less than 4D tensors, some DLA subgraph IO tensors may lack shuffle layers. It will fail compiling the engine.
    • kSUB ElementWise operation whose input has less than 4 dimensions, a scale node is inserted. If the scale cannot run on DLA, it will fail compiling the engine.
  • There is a known 2% accuracy regression with NasNet Mobile network with NVIDIA Turing GPUs. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • TensorRT bundles a version of libnvptxcompiler_static.a inside libnvinfer_static.a. If an application links with a different version of PTXJIT than the version used to build TensorRT, it may lead to symbol conflicts or undesired behavior.
  • Boolean input/output tensors are supported only when using explicit batch dimensions.
  • There is a possibility of an CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED error when running with cuBLAS/cuBLASLt libraries from CUDA 11.4 update 1 and CUDA 11.4 update 2 on Linux-based platforms. This happens only for the use cases where cuBLAS is loaded and unloaded multiple times. The workaround is to add the following environment variable before launching your application: your_application

    This issue will be resolved in a future CUDA 11.4 update.

  • Installing the cuda-compat-11-4 package may interfere with CUDA enhanced compatibility and cause TensorRT to fail even when the driver is r465. The workaround is to remove the cuda-compat-11-4 package or upgrade the driver to r470. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There may be build failures with IEinsumLayer when an input subscript label corresponds to a static dimension in one tensor but dynamic dimension in another.
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • TensorRT has limited support for fusing ConstantLayer and ShuffleLayer. In explicit-quantization mode, the weights of Convolutions and Fully-Connected layers must be fused. Therefore, if a weights-shuffle is not supported, it may lead to failure to quantize the layer.
  • There is a known issue with the engine_refit_mnist sample on Windows. To fix the issue, edit the engine_refit_mnist/ source file and move the import model line before the sys.path.insert() line.
  • An empty directory named deserializeTimer under the samples directory was left in the package by accident. This empty directory can be ignored and does not indicate that the package is corrupt or that files are missing. This issue will be corrected in the next release.
  • For DLA networks where a convolution layer consumes an NHWC network input, the compute precision of the convolution layer must match the data type of the input tensor.
  • In order to install TensorRT using the pip wheel file, ensure that the pip version is less than 20. An older version of pip is required to workaround an issue with the CUDA 11.4 wheel meta packages that TensorRT depends on. This issue is being worked on and should be resolved in a future CUDA release.
  • There is a performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on Maxwell and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on Nano.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time can increase a lot for this layer on Xavier. It can also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. The regression does not exist with CUDA 11.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • TensorFlow 1.x is not supported for Python 3.9. Any Python samples that depend on TensorFlow 1.x cannot be run with Python 3.9.
  • DLA automatically upgrades INT8 LeakyRelu layers to FP16 to preserve accuracy. Thus, latency may be worse compared to an equivalent network using a different activation like ReLU. To mitigate this, you can disable LeakyReLU layers from running on DLA.
  • The builder may require up to 60% more memory to build an engine.
  • There is a known ~6% - ~29% performance regression on Google BERT compared to version on NVIDIA A100 GPUs.
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0.3 for Deep Recommender on Tesla V100, Quadro GV100, and Titan V.
  • There is an up to 22% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0 for WaveRNN networks on Volta and Turing GPUs. This issue is being investigated.
  • There is up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0.3 for Cortana ASR on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs with CUDA graphs and a single stream of execution.
  • There is an up to 21% performance regression compared to TensorRT 8.0 for BERT-like networks on Xavier platforms. This issue is being investigated.
  • There is an up to 126% performance drop when running some ConvNets on DLA in parallel to the other DLA and the iGPU on Xavier platforms, compared to running on DLA alone.
  • There is an up to 21% performance drop compared to TensorRT 8.0 for SSD-Inception2 networks on Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 25% performance drop for networks using the InstanceNorm plugin. This issue is being investigated.

3.16. TensorRT Release 8.0.3

This is the TensorRT 8.0.3 release notes. This is a bug fix release supporting Linux x86 and Windows users.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an invalid fusion assertion problem in the fusion optimization pass.
  • Fixed other miscellaneous issues seen in proprietary networks.
  • Fixed a CUDA 11.4 NVRTC issue during kernel generation on Windows.

3.17. TensorRT Release 8.0.2

This is the TensorRT 8.0.2 release notes. This is the initial release supporting A100 for ARM server users. Only a subset of networks have been validated on ARM with A100. This is a network repository release only.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

3.18. TensorRT Release 8.0.1

This is the TensorRT 8.0.1 release notes and is applicable to x86 Linux and Windows users, as well as PowerPC and ARM Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Linux only.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 8.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Breaking API Changes

  • Support for Python 2 has been dropped. This means that TensorRT will no longer include wheels for Python 2, and Python samples will not work with Python 2.
  • All API's have been marked as noexcept where appropriate. The IErrorRecorder interface has been fully integrated into the API for error reporting. The Logger is only used as a fallback when the ErrorRecorder is not provided by the user.
  • Callback changes are now marked noexcept, therefore, implementations must also be marked noexcept. TensorRT has never catered to exceptions thrown by callbacks, but this is now captured in the API.
  • Methods that take parameters of type void** where the array of pointers is unmodifiable are now changed to take type void*const*.
  • Dims is now a type alias for class Dims32. Code that forward-declares Dims should forward-declare class Dims32; using Dims = Dims32;.
  • Between TensorRT 8.0 EA and TensorRT 8.0 GA the function prototype for getLogger() has been moved from NvInferRuntimeCommon.h to NvInferRuntime.h. You may need to update your application source code if you’re using getLogger() and were previously only including NvInferRuntimeCommon.h.



  • For QAT networks, TensorRT 8.0 supports per-tensor and per-axis quantization scales for weights. For activations, only per-tensor quantization is supported. Only symmetric quantization is supported and zero-point weights may be omitted or, if zero-points are provided, all coefficients must have a value of zero.
  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used. Performance improvements for transformer based architectures such as BERT will also not be available when using the static TensorRT library.
  • When using reformat-free I/O, the extent of a tensor in a vectorized dimension might not be a multiple of the vector length. Elements in a partially occupied vector that are not within the tensor are referred to here as vector-padding. For example:
    • On GPU
      • for input tensors, the application shall set vector-padding elements to zero.
      • for output tensors, the value of vector-padding elements is undefined. In a future release, TensorRT will support setting them to zero.
    • On DLA
      • for input tensors, vector-padding elements are ignored.
      • for output tensors, vector-padding elements are unmodified.
  • When running INT8 networks on DLA using TensorRT, operations must be added to the same subgraph to reduce quantization errors across the subgraph of the network that runs on the DLA by allowing them to fuse and retain higher precision for intermediate results. Breaking apart the subgraph in order to inspect intermediate results by setting the tensors as network output tensors, can result in different levels of quantization errors due to these optimizations being disabled.
  • If both kSPARSE_WEIGHTS and kREFIT flags are set in IBuilderConfig, the convolution layers having structured sparse kernel weights cannot be refitted with new kernel weights which do not have structured sparsity. The IRefitter::setWeights() will print an error and return false in that case.
  • Samples which require TensorFlow in order to run, which typically also use UFF models, are not supported on ARM SBSA releases of TensorRT 8.0. There is no good source for TensorFlow 1.15.x for AArch64 that also supports Python 3.8 which can be used to run these samples.
  • Using CUDA graph capture on TensorRT execution contexts with CUDA 10.2 on NVIDIA K80 GPUs may lead to graph capture failures. Upgrading to CUDA 11.0 or above will solve the issue. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On RHEL and CentOS, the TensorRT RPM packages for CUDA 11.3 cannot be installed alongside any CUDA 11.x Toolkit packages, like the Debian packages, due to RPM packaging limitations. The TensorRT runtime library packages can only be installed alongside CUDA 11.2 and CUDA 11.3 Toolkit packages and the TensorRT development packages can only be installed alongside CUDA 11.3 Toolkit packages. When using the TAR package, the TensorRT CUDA 11.3 build can be used with any CUDA 11.x Toolkit.

Deprecated And Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.0.1:
  • Deprecation is used to inform developers that some APIs and tools are no longer recommended for use. TensorRT has the following deprecation policy:
    • This policy comes into effect beginning with TensorRT 8.0.
    • Deprecation notices are communicated in the release notes. Deprecated API elements are marked with the TRT_DEPRECATED macro where possible.
    • TensorRT provides a 12-month migration period after the deprecation. For any APIs and tools deprecated in TensorRT 7.x, the 12-month migration period starts from the TensorRT 8.0 GA release date.
    • APIs and tools will continue to work during the migration period.
    • After the migration period ends, we reserve the right to remove the APIs and tools in a future release.
  • IRNNLayer was deprecated in TensorRT 4.0 and has been removed in TensorRT 8.0. IRNNv2Layer was deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.1. IRNNv2Layer has been deprecated in favor of the loop API, however, it is still available for backwards compatibility. For more information about the loop API, refer to the sampleCharRNN sample with the --Iloop option as well as the Working With Loops chapter.
  • IPlugin and IPluginFactory interfaces were deprecated in TensorRT 6.0 and have been removed in TensorRT 8.0. We recommend that you write new plugins or refactor existing ones to target the IPluginV2DynamicExt and IPluginV2IOExt interfaces. For more information, refer to the Migrating Plugins From TensorRT 6.x Or 7.x To TensorRT 8.x.x section.
  • We removed samplePlugin since it was meant to demonstrate the IPluginExt interface, which is no longer supported in TensorRT 8.0.
  • We have deprecated the Caffe Parser and UFF Parser in TensorRT 7.0. They are still tested and functional in TensorRT 8.0, however, we plan to remove the support in the future. Ensure you migrate your workflow to use tf2onnx, keras2onnx or TensorFlow-TensorRT (TF-TRT) for deployment.

    If using UFF, ensure you migrate to the ONNX workflow through the enablement of a plugin. ONNX workflow is not dependent on plugin enablement. For plugin enablement of a plugin on ONNX, refer to Estimating Depth with ONNX Models and Custom Layers Using NVIDIA TensorRT.

    Caffe and UFF-specific topics in the Developer Guide have been moved to the Appendix section until removal in the subsequent major release.

  • Interface functions that provided a destroy function are deprecated in TensorRT 8.0. The destructors will be exposed publicly in order for the delete operator to work as expected on these classes.
  • nvinfer1::NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_PRECISION is deprecated. Networks that have QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer layers will be automatically processed using Q/DQ-processing, which includes explicit-precision semantics. Explicit precision is a network-optimizer constraint that prevents the optimizer from performing precision-conversions that are not dictated by the semantics of the network. For more information, refer to Working With QAT Networks
  • nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setAlignCorners and nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::getAlignCorners are deprecated. Use nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setCoordinateTransformation, nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setSelectorForSinglePixel and nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setNearestRounding instead.
  • Destructors for classes with destroy() methods were previously protected. They are now public, enabling use of smart pointers for these classes. The destroy() methods are deprecated.
  • The CgPersistentLSTMPlugin_TRT plugin is deprecated.
  • sampleMovieLens and sampleMovieLensMPS have been removed from the TensorRT package.
  • The following C++ API functions, types, and a field, which were previously deprecated, were removed:
    Core Library:
    • DimensionType
    • Dims::Type
    • class DimsCHW
    • class DimsNCHW
    • class IOutputDimensionFormula
    • class IPlugin
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginLayer
    • class IRNNLayer
    • IBuilder::getEngineCapability()
    • IBuilder::allowGPUFallback()
    • IBuilder::buildCudaEngine()
    • IBuilder::canRunOnDLA()
    • IBuilder::createNetwork()
    • IBuilder::getAverageFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::getDebugSync()
    • IBuilder::getDefaultDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::getDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::getDLACore()
    • IBuilder::getFp16Mode()
    • IBuilder::getHalf2Mode()
    • IBuilder::getInt8Mode()
    • IBuilder::getMaxWorkspaceSize()
    • IBuilder::getMinFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::getRefittable()
    • IBuilder::getStrictTypeConstraints()
    • IBuilder::isDeviceTypeSet()
    • IBuilder::reset()
    • IBuilder::resetDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::setAverageFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::setDebugSync()
    • IBuilder::setDefaultDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::setDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::setDLACore()
    • IBuilder::setEngineCapability()
    • IBuilder::setFp16Mode()
    • IBuilder::setHalf2Mode()
    • IBuilder::setInt8Calibrator()
    • IBuilder::setInt8Mode()
    • IBuilder::setMaxWorkspaceSize()
    • IBuilder::setMinFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::setRefittable()
    • IBuilder::setStrictTypeConstraints()
    • ICudaEngine::getWorkspaceSize()
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer::getTranspose()
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer::setTranspose()
    • INetworkDefinition::addMatrixMultiply()
    • INetworkDefinition::addPlugin()
    • INetworkDefinition::addPluginExt()
    • INetworkDefinition::addRNN()
    • INetworkDefinition::getConvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::getDeconvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::getPoolingOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::setConvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::setDeconvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::setPoolingOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • ITensor::getDynamicRange()
    • TensorFormat::kNHWC8
    • TensorFormat::NCHW
    • TensorFormat::kNC2HW2
    Plugins: The following plugin classes were removed:
    • class INvPlugin
    • createLReLUPlugin()
    • createClipPlugin()
    • PluginType
    • struct SoftmaxTree

    Plugin interface methods: For plugins based on IPluginV2DynamicExt and IPluginV2IOExt, certain methods with legacy function signatures (derived from IPluginV2 and IPluginV2Ext base classes) which were deprecated and marked for removal in TensorRT 8.0 will no longer be available. Plugins using these interface methods must stop using them or implement the versions with updated signatures, as applicable.

    Unsupported plugin methods removed in TensorRT 8.0:
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::canBroadcastInputAcrossBatch()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::isOutputBroadcastAcrossBatch()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::getTensorRTVersion()
    • IPluginV2IOExt::configureWithFormat()
    • IPluginV2IOExt::getTensorRTVersion()
    Use updated versions for supported plugin methods:
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::configurePlugin()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::enqueue()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::getOutputDimensions()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::getWorkspaceSize()
    • IPluginV2IOExt::configurePlugin()
    Use newer methods for the following:
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::supportsFormat() has been removed,use IPluginV2DynamicExt::supportsFormatCombination() instead.
    • IPluginV2IOExt::supportsFormat() has been removed,use IPluginV2IOExt::supportsFormatCombination() instead.
    Caffe Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
    UFF Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
  • The following Python API functions, which were previously deprecated, were removed:
    Core library:
    • class DimsCHW
    • class DimsNCHW
    • class IPlugin
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginLayer
    • class IRNNLayer
    • Builder.build_cuda_engine()
    • Builder.average_find_iterations
    • Builder.debug_sync
    • Builder.fp16_mode
    • IBuilder.int8_mode
    • Builder.max_workspace_size
    • Builder.min_find_iterations
    • Builder.refittable
    • Builder.strict_type_constraints
    • ICudaEngine.max_workspace_size
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • INetworkDefinition.add_matrix_multiply_deprecated()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin_ext()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_rnn()
    • INetworkDefinition.convolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.deconvolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.pooling_output_dimensions_formula
    • ITensor.get_dynamic_range()
    • Dims.get_type()
    • TensorFormat.HWC8
    • TensorFormat.NCHW
    • TensorFormat.NCHW2
    Caffe Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
    UFF Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
    • class INvPlugin
    • createLReLUPlugin()
    • createClipPlugin()
    • PluginType
    • struct SoftmaxTree
  • The following Python API functions were removed:
    Core library:
    • class DimsCHW
    • class DimsNCHW
    • class IPlugin
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginLayer
    • class IRNNLayer
    • Builder.build_cuda_engine()
    • Builder.average_find_iterations
    • Builder.debug_sync
    • Builder.fp16_mode
    • IBuilder.int8_mode
    • Builder.max_workspace_size
    • Builder.min_find_iterations
    • Builder.refittable
    • Builder.strict_type_constraints
    • ICudaEngine.max_workspace_size
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • INetworkDefinition.add_matrix_multiply_deprecated()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin_ext()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_rnn()
    • INetworkDefinition.convolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.deconvolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.pooling_output_dimensions_formula
    • ITensor.get_dynamic_range()
    • Dims.get_type()
    • TensorFormat.HWC8
    • TensorFormat.NCHW
    • TensorFormat.NCHW2
    Caffe Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • CaffeParser.plugin_factory
    • CaffeParser.plugin_factory_ext
    UFF Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • UffParser.plugin_factory
    • UffParser.plugin_factory_ext

Fixed Issues

  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer was incorrect. The diagram has been updated and fixed.
  • Improved build times for convolution layers with dynamic shapes and large range of leading dimensions.
  • TensorRT 8.0 no longer requires* to be present on your system when running an application which was linked with the TensorRT static library. The TensorRT static library now requires cuBLAS and other dependencies to be linked at link time and will no longer open these libraries using dlopen().
  • TensorRT 8.0 no longer requires an extra Identity layer between the ElementWise and the Constant whose rank is > 4. For TensorRT 7.x versions, cases like Convolution and FullyConnected with bias where ONNX decomposes the bias to ElementWise, there was a fusion which didn’t support per element scale. We previously inserted an Identity to workaround this.
  • There was a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for Convolution layers with kernel size greater than 5x5. For example, it could lead up to 35% performance regression of the VGG16 UFF model compared to TensorRT 7.1. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When running networks such as Cortana, LSTM Peephole, MLP, and Faster RCNN, there was a 5% to 16% performance regression on GA102 devices and a 7% to 36% performance regression on GA104 devices. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Some RNN networks such as Cortana with FP32 precision and batch size of 8 or higher had a 20% performance loss with CUDA 11.0 or higher compared to CUDA 10.2. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was an issue when compiling the TensorRT samples with a GCC version less than 5.x and using the static libraries which resulted in the error message munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer. RHEL/CentOS 7.x users were most likely to have observed this issue. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • cuTENSOR, used by TensorRT 8.0 EA, was known to have significant performance regressions with the CUDA 11.3 compiler. This regression has been fixed by the CUDA 11.3 update 1 compiler.
  • The installation of PyTorch Quantization Toolkit requires Python version >=3.7, GCC version >=5.4. The specific version of Python may be missing from some operating systems and will need to be separately installed. Refer to the README instructions for the workaround.
  • On platforms with Python >= 3.8, TensorFlow 1.x must be installed from the NVIDIA Python package index. For example:
    pip install --extra-index-url nvidia-tensorflow;
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for QuartzNet variants on Volta GPUs.
  • MNIST images used by the samples previously had to be downloaded manually. These images are now shipped with the samples.
  • You may observe relocation issues during linking if the resulting binary exceeds 2 GB. This can occur if you are linking TensorRT and all of its dependencies into your application statically. A workaround for this linking issue has been documented in Limitations.
  • IProfiler would not correctly call user-implemented methods when used from the Python API. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • TensorRT memory usage has improved and can be better managed via IGpuAllocator::reallocate when more memory is required.
  • TensorRT refitting performance has been improved, especially for large weights and when multiple weights are refitted at the same time. Refitting performance will continue to be optimized in later releases.
  • The interfaces that took an argument of type void** (for example, enqueueV2) now declare it as void*const*.
  • There was an up to 24% performance regression in TensorRT 8.0.0 compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for networks containing Slice layers on Turing GPUs. This issue has been fixed.
  • There was an up to 8% performance regression in TensorRT 8.0.0 compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet variants on Volta GPUs. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • If input tensors with dynamic shapes were found to be inconsistent with the selected optimization profile during engine building or during inference, an error message is issued with graceful program exit instead of assertion failure and abnormal exit.
  • When running TensorRT 8.0.0 with cuDNN 8.2.0, there is a known performance regression for the deconvolution layer compared to running with previous cuDNN releases. For example, some deconvolution layers can have up to 7x performance regression on Turing GPUs compared to running with cuDNN 8.0.4. This has been fixed in the latest cuDNN 8.2.1 release.


  • TensorRT 8.0 will be the last TensorRT release that will provide support for Ubuntu 16.04. This also means TensorRT 8.0 will be the last TensorRT release that will support Python 3.5.
  • Python samples use a unified data downloading workflow. Each sample has a YAML (download.yml) describing the data files that are required to download via a link before running the sample, if any. The download tool parses the YAML and downloads the data files. All other sample code assumes that the data has been downloaded before the code is invoked. An error will be raised if the data is not correctly downloaded. Refer to the Python sample documentation for more information.

Known Issues

  • The TensorRT ARM SBSA cross packages in the CUDA network repository cannot be installed because cuDNN ARM SBSA cross packages are not available, which is a dependency of the TensorRT cross packages. The TensorRT ARM SBSA cross packages may be removed in the near future. You should use the native TensorRT ARM SBSA packages instead.
  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • On PowerPC, some RNN networks have up to a 15% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Some fusions are not enabled when the TensorRT static library is used. This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3 when linking with the static library compared to the dynamic library. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit those weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • There is a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on Maxwell and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation like VGG16 on Nano.
  • There is a known issue that TensorRT selects kLINEAR format when the user uses reformat-free I/O with vectorized formats and with input/output tensors which have only 3 dimensions. The workaround is to add an additional dimension to the tensors with size 1 to make them 4 dimensional tensors.
  • As DLA Deconvolution layers with square kernels and strides between 23 and 32 significantly slow down compilation time, they are disabled by TensorRT to run on DLA.
  • There are some known false alarms reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommendation to suppress the false alarms is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool.
      Memory leak errors with dlopen.
       match-leak-kinds: definite
      Tegra ioctl false alarm

    The suppression file can resolve the false alarms about definite loss related to dlopen() and ioctl() definite loss on the Tegra platform. The other false alarm which can not be added to the suppression file is a sole malloc() call without any call stack.

  • There is an up to 150% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for 3D U-Net variants on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs, if the optimal algorithm choice is constrained by the available workspace. To work around this issue, enlarge the workspace size. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • PluginFieldCollection in the Python API may prematurely deallocate PluginFields. To work around this, assign the list of plugin fields to a named variable:
    plugin_fields = [trt.PluginField(...), ...]
    plugin_field_collection = trt.PluginFieldCollection(plugin_fields)
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • On Jetson devices, the power consumption may increase for the sake of performance improvement when compared against TensorRT 7.1. No significant drop in the performance per watt has been observed.
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for path perception network (Pathnet) in FP32.
  • There is an up to 10-11% performance regression on Xavier:
    • compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for ResNet-152 with batch size 2 in FP16.
    • compared to TensorRT 6 for ResNeXt networks with small batch (1 or 2) in FP32.
  • For networks that use deconv with large kernel size, the engine build time could drop a lot for this layer on Xavier. It could also lead to the launch timed out and was terminated error message on Jetson Nano/TX1.
  • For some networks with large amounts of weights and activation data, DLA may fail compiling the subgraph, and that subgraph will fallback to GPU.
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression when TensorRT is used with CUDNN 8.1 or 8.2. When CUDNN 8.0 is used, the performance is recovered. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 6% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for WaveRNN in FP16 on Volta and Turing platforms.
  • On embedded devices, TensorRT attempts to avoid testing kernel candidates whose memory requirements would trigger the Out of Memory (OOM) killer. If it does trigger, consider reducing the memory requirement for the model by reducing index dimensions, or maximize the available memory by closing other applications.
  • There is a known accuracy issue of GoogLeNet variants with NVIDIA Ampere GPUs where TF32 mode is enabled by default on windows. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 40% regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet with CUDA 11.3 on P100 and V100. When CUDA 11.0 is used, the regression is recovered. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is an up to 10% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 in JetPack 4.5 for ResNet-like networks on NVIDIA DLA when the dynamic ranges of the inputs of the ElementWise ADD layers are different. This is due to a fix for a bug in DLA where it ignored the dynamic range of the second input of the ElementWise ADD layers and caused some accuracy issues.
  • There is a known 4% accuracy regression with Faster R-CNN NasNet network with NVIDIA Ampere and Turing GPUs. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Under some conditions, RNNv2Layer can require a larger workspace size than previous versions of TensorRT in order to run all supported tactics. Consider increasing the workspace size to work around this issue.
  • Engine build times for TensorRT 8.0 may be slower than TensorRT 7.2 due to the engine optimizer being more aggressive.
  • There is an up to 30% performance regression with QAT (quantization-aware-training) EfficientNet networks on V100 compared to TensorRT 7.2. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • The new Python sample efficientdet is only available in the OSS release and will be added in the core package in the next release.

3.19. TensorRT Release 8.0.0 Early Access (EA)

This is the TensorRT 8.0.0 Early Access (EA) release notes and is applicable to Linux x86 users.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added support for RedHat/CentOS 8.3, Ubuntu 20.04, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 Linux distributions. Only a tar file installation is supported on SLES 15 at this time. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Installation Guide.
  • Added Python 3.9 support. Use a tar file installation to obtain the new Python wheel files. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Installation Guide.
  • Added ResizeCoordinateTransformation, ResizeSelector, and ResizeRoundMode; three new enumerations to IResizeLayer, and enhanced IResizeLayer to support more resize modes from TensorFlow, PyTorch, and ONNX. For more information, refer to IResizeLayer.
  • Builder timing cache can be serialized and reused across builder instances. For more information, refer to Builder Layer Timing Cache and trtexec.
  • Added convolution and fully-connected tactics which support and make use of structured sparsity in kernel weights. This feature can be enabled by setting the kSPARSE_WEIGHTS flag in IBuilderConfig. This feature is only available on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs. For more information, refer to Structured Sparsity. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Added two new layers to the API: IQuantizeLayer and IDequantizeLayer which can be used to explicitly specify the precision of operations and data buffers. ONNX’s QuantizeLinear and DequantizeLinear operators are mapped to these new layers which enables the support for networks trained using Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) methodology. For more information, refer to Explicit-Quantization, IQuantizeLayer, IDequantizeLayer, and Q/DQ Fusion.
  • Achieved QuartzNet optimization with support of 1D fused depthwise + pointwise convolution kernel to achieve up to 1.8x end-to-end performance improvement on A100. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Added support for the following ONNX operators: Celu, CumSum, EyeLike, GatherElements, GlobalLpPool, GreaterOrEqual, LessOrEqual, LpNormalization, LpPool, ReverseSequence, and SoftmaxCrossEntropyLoss. For more information, refer to Supported Ops.
  • Added Sigmoid/Tanh INT8 support for DLA. It allows DLA sub-graph with Sigmoid/Tanh to compile with INT8 by auto-upgrade to FP16 internally. For more information, refer to DLA Supported Layers and Restrictions.
  • Added DLA native planar format and DLA native gray-scale format support.
  • Allow to generate reformat-free engine with DLA when EngineCapability is EngineCapability::kDEFAULT.
  • TensorRT now declares API’s with the noexcept keyword to clarify that exceptions must not cross the library boundary. All TensorRT classes that an application inherits from (such as IGpuAllocator, IPluginV2, and so on) must guarantee that methods called by TensorRT do not throw uncaught exceptions, or the behavior is undefined.
  • TensorRT reports errors, along with an associated ErrorCode, via the ErrorRecorder API for all errors. The ErrorRecorder will fallback to the legacy logger reporting, with Severity::kERROR or Severity::kINTERNAL_ERROR, if no error recorder is registered. The ErrorCodes allow recovery in cases where TensorRT previously reported non-recoverable situations.
  • Improved performance of the GlobalAveragePooling operation, which is used in some CNNs like EfficientNet. For transformer based networks with INT8 precision, it’s recommended to use a network which is trained using Quantization Aware Training (QAT) and has IQuantizeLayer and IDequantizeLayer layers in the network definition.
  • TensorRT now supports refit weights via names. For more information, refer to Refitting An Engine.
  • Refitting performance has been improved. The performance boost can be evident when the weights are large or a large number of weights or layers are updated at the same time.
  • Added a new sample.This sample, engine_refit_onnx_bidaf, builds an engine from the ONNX BiDAF model, and refits the TensorRT engine with weights from the model. The new refit APIs allow users to locate the weights via names from ONNX models instead of layer names and weights roles. For more information, refer to Refitting An Engine Built From An ONNX Model In Python.
  • Improved performance for the transformer based networks such as BERT and other networks that use Multi-Head Self-Attention.
  • Added cuDNN to the IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources enum. Use of cuDNN as a source of operator implementations can be enabled or disabled using the IBuilderConfig::setTacticSources API function.
  • The following C++ API functions were added:
    • class IDequanzizeLayer
    • class IQuantizeLayer
    • class ITimingCache
    • IBuilder::buildSerializedNetwork()
    • IBuilderConfig::getTimingCache()
    • IBuilderConfig::setTimingCache()
    • IGpuAllocator::reallocate()
    • INetworkDefinition::addDequantize()
    • INetworkDefinition::addQuantize()
    • INetworkDefinition::setWeightsName()
    • IPluginRegistry::deregisterCreator()
    • IRefitter::getMissingWeights()
    • IRefitter::getAllWeights()
    • IRefitter::setNamedWeights()
    • IResizeLayer::getCoordinateTransformation()
    • IResizeLayer::getNearestRounding()
    • IResizeLayer::getSelectorForSinglePixel()
    • IResizeLayer::setCoordinateTransformation()
    • IResizeLayer::setNearestRounding()
    • IResizeLayer::setSelectorForSinglePixel()
    • IScaleLayer::setChannelAxis()
    • enum ResizeCoordinateTransformation
    • enum ResizeMode
    • BuilderFlag::kSPARSE_WEIGHTS
    • TacticSource::kCUDNN
    • TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4
    • TensorFormat::kDLA_LINEAR
    • TensorFormat::kHWC16
  • The following Python API functions were added:
    • class IDequanzizeLayer
    • class IQuantizeLayer
    • class ITimingCache
    • Builder.build_serialized_network()
    • IBuilderConfig.get_timing_cache()
    • IBuilderConfig.set_timing_cache()
    • IGpuAllocator.reallocate()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_dequantize()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_quantize()
    • INetworkDefinition.set_weights_name()
    • IPluginRegistry.deregister_creator()
    • IRefitter.get_missing_weights()
    • IRefitter.get_all_weights()
    • IRefitter::set_named_weights()
    • IResizeLayer.coordinate_transformation
    • IResizeLayer.nearest_rounding
    • IResizeLayer.selector_for_single_pixel
    • IScaleLayer.channel_axis
    • enum ResizeCoordinateTransformation
    • enum ResizeMode
    • BuilderFlag.SPARSE_WEIGHTS
    • TacticSource.CUDNN
    • TensorFormat.DLA_HWC4
    • TensorFormat.DLA_LINEAR
    • TensorFormat.HWC16

Breaking API Changes

  • Support for Python 2 has been dropped. This means that TensorRT will no longer include wheels for Python 2, and Python samples will not work with Python 2.
  • All API's have been marked as noexcept where appropriate. The IErrorRecorder interface has been fully integrated into the API for error reporting. The Logger is only used as a fallback when the ErrorRecorder is not provided by the user.
  • Callback changes are now marked noexcept, therefore, implementations must also be marked noexcept. TensorRT has never catered to exceptions thrown by callbacks, but this is now captured in the API.
  • Methods that take parameters of type void** where the array of pointers is unmodifiable are now changed to take type void*const*.
  • Dims is now a type alias for class Dims32. Code that forward-declares Dims should forward-declare class Dims32; using Dims = Dims32;.


  • TensorRT 8.0.0 EA has been tested with the following:
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA:
    Note: There are two TensorRT binary builds for CUDA 11.0 and CUDA 11.3. The build for CUDA 11.3 is compatible with CUDA 11.1 and CUDA 11.2 libraries. For both builds, CUDA driver compatible with the runtime CUDA version is required (see Table 2 here). For the CUDA 11.3 build, driver version 465 or above is suggested for best performance.
  • It is suggested that you use TensorRT with a software stack that has been tested; including cuDNN and cuBLAS versions as documented in Features For Platforms And Software. Other semantically compatible releases of cuDNN and cuBLAS can be used, however, other versions may have performance improvements as well as regressions. In rare cases, functional regressions might also be observed.


  • For QAT networks, TensorRT 8.0 supports per-tensor and per-axis quantization scales for weights. For activations, only per-tensor quantization is supported. Only symmetric quantization is supported and zero-point weights may be omitted or, if zero-points are provided, all coefficients must have a value of zero.
  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used. Performance improvements for transformer based architectures such as BERT will also not be available when using static TensorRT library.
  • When using reformat-free I/O, the extent of a tensor in a vectorized dimension might not be a multiple of the vector length. Elements in a partially occupied vector that are not within the tensor are referred to here as vector-padding. For example:
    • On GPU
      • for input tensors, the application shall set vector-padding elements to zero.
      • for output tensors, the value of vector-padding elements is undefined. In a future release, TensorRT will support setting them to zero.
    • On DLA
      • for input tensors, vector-padding elements are ignored.
      • for output tensors, vector-padding elements are unmodified.
  • When running INT8 networks on DLA using TensorRT, operations must be added to the same subgraph to reduce quantization errors across the subgraph of the network that runs on the DLA by allowing them to fuse and retain higher precision for intermediate results. Breaking apart the subgraph in order to inspect intermediate results by setting the tensors as network output tensors, can result in different levels of quantization errors due to these optimizations being disabled.
  • If both kSPARSE_WEIGHTS and kREFIT flags are set in IBuilderConfig, the convolution layers having structured sparse kernel weights cannot be refitted with new kernel weights which do not have structured sparsity. The IRefitter::setWeights() will print an error and return false in that case.

Deprecated And Removed Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 8.0.0:
  • Deprecation is used to inform developers that some APIs and tools are no longer recommended for use. TensorRT has the following deprecation policy:
    • This policy comes into effect beginning with TensorRT 8.0.
    • Deprecation notices are communicated in the release notes. Deprecated API elements are marked with the TRT_DEPRECATED macro where possible.
    • TensorRT provides a 12-month migration period after the deprecation. For any APIs and tools deprecated in TensorRT 7.x, the 12-month migration period starts from the TensorRT 8.0 GA release date.
    • APIs and tools will continue to work during the migration period.
    • After the migration period ends, we reserve the right to remove the APIs and tools in a future release.
  • IRNNLayer was deprecated in TensorRT 4.0 and has been removed in TensorRT 8.0. IRNNv2Layer was deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.1. IRNNv2Layer has been deprecated in favor of the loop API, however, it is still available for backwards compatibility. For more information about the loop API, refer to the sampleCharRNN sample with the --Iloop option as well as the Working With Loops chapter.
  • IPlugin and IPluginFactory interfaces were deprecated in TensorRT 6.0 and have been removed in TensorRT 8.0. We recommend that you write new plugins or refactor existing ones to target the IPluginV2DynamicExt and IPluginV2IOExt interfaces. For more information, refer to the Migrating Plugins From TensorRT 6.x Or 7.x To TensorRT 8.x.x section.
  • We removed samplePlugin since it was meant to demonstrate the IPluginExt interface, which is no longer supported in TensorRT 8.0.
  • We have deprecated the Caffe Parser and UFF Parser in TensorRT 7.0. They are still tested and functional in TensorRT 8.0, however, we plan to remove the support in the future. Ensure you migrate your workflow to use tf2onnx, keras2onnx or TensorFlow-TensorRT (TF-TRT) for deployment.

    If using UFF, ensure you migrate to the ONNX workflow through enablement of a plugin. ONNX workflow is not dependent on plugin enablement. For plugin enablement of a plugin on ONNX, refer to Estimating Depth with ONNX Models and Custom Layers Using NVIDIA TensorRT.

    Caffe and UFF-specific topics in the Developer Guide have been moved to the Appendix section until removal in the subsequent major release.

  • Interface functions that provided a destroy function are deprecated in TensorRT 8.0. The destructors will be exposed publicly in order for the delete operator to work as expected on these classes.
  • nvinfer1::NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_PRECISION is deprecated. Networks that have QuantizeLayer and DequantizeLayer layers will be automatically processed using Q/DQ-processing, which includes explicit-precision semantics. Explicit precision is a network-optimizer constraint that prevents the optimizer from performing precision-conversions that are not dictated by the semantics of the network. For more information, refer to Working With QAT Networks.
  • nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setAlignCorners and nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::getAlignCorners are deprecated. Use nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setCoordinateTransformation, nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setSelectorForSinglePixel and nvinfer1::IResizeLayer::setNearestRounding instead.
  • Destructors for classes with destroy() methods were previously protected. They are now public, enabling use of smart pointers for these classes. The destroy() methods are deprecated.
  • The following C++ API functions, types, and a field, which were previously deprecated, were removed:
    Core Library:
    • DimensionType
    • Dims::Type
    • class DimsCHW
    • class DimsNCHW
    • class IOutputDimensionFormula
    • class IPlugin
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginLayer
    • class IRNNLayer
    • IBuilder::getEngineCapability()
    • IBuilder::allowGPUFallback()
    • IBuilder::buildCudaEngine()
    • IBuilder::canRunOnDLA()
    • IBuilder::createNetwork()
    • IBuilder::getAverageFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::getDebugSync()
    • IBuilder::getDefaultDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::getDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::getDLACore()
    • IBuilder::getFp16Mode()
    • IBuilder::getHalf2Mode()
    • IBuilder::getInt8Mode()
    • IBuilder::getMaxWorkspaceSize()
    • IBuilder::getMinFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::getRefittable()
    • IBuilder::getStrictTypeConstraints()
    • IBuilder::isDeviceTypeSet()
    • IBuilder::reset()
    • IBuilder::resetDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::setAverageFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::setDebugSync()
    • IBuilder::setDefaultDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::setDeviceType()
    • IBuilder::setDLACore()
    • IBuilder::setEngineCapability()
    • IBuilder::setFp16Mode()
    • IBuilder::setHalf2Mode()
    • IBuilder::setInt8Calibrator()
    • IBuilder::setInt8Mode()
    • IBuilder::setMaxWorkspaceSize()
    • IBuilder::setMinFindIterations()
    • IBuilder::setRefittable()
    • IBuilder::setStrictTypeConstraints()
    • ICudaEngine::getWorkspaceSize()
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer::getTranspose()
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer::setTranspose()
    • INetworkDefinition::addMatrixMultiply()
    • INetworkDefinition::addPlugin()
    • INetworkDefinition::addPluginExt()
    • INetworkDefinition::addRNN()
    • INetworkDefinition::getConvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::getDeconvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::getPoolingOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::setConvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::setDeconvolutionOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • INetworkDefinition::setPoolingOutputDimensionsFormula()
    • ITensor::getDynamicRange()
    • TensorFormat::kNHWC8
    • TensorFormat::NCHW
    • TensorFormat::kNC2HW2
    Plugins: The following plugin classes were removed:
    • class INvPlugin
    • createLReLUPlugin()
    • createClipPlugin()
    • PluginType
    • struct SoftmaxTree

    Plugin interface methods: For plugins based on IPluginV2DynamicExt and IPluginV2IOExt, certain methods with legacy function signatures (derived from IPluginV2 and IPluginV2Ext base classes) which were deprecated and marked for removal in TensorRT 8.0 will no longer be available. Plugins using these interface methods must stop using them or implement the versions with updated signatures, as applicable.

    Unsupported plugin methods removed in TensorRT 8.0:
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::canBroadcastInputAcrossBatch()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::isOutputBroadcastAcrossBatch()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::getTensorRTVersion()
    • IPluginV2IOExt::configureWithFormat()
    • IPluginV2IOExt::getTensorRTVersion()
    Use updated versions for supported plugin methods:
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::configurePlugin()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::enqueue()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::getOutputDimensions()
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::getWorkspaceSize()
    • IPluginV2IOExt::configurePlugin()
    Use newer methods for the following:
    • IPluginV2DynamicExt::supportsFormat() has been removed,use IPluginV2DynamicExt::supportsFormatCombination() instead.
    • IPluginV2IOExt::supportsFormat() has been removed,use IPluginV2IOExt::supportsFormatCombination() instead.
    Caffe Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
    UFF Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
  • The following Python API functions, which were previously deprecated, were removed:
    Core library:
    • class DimsCHW
    • class DimsNCHW
    • class IPlugin
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginLayer
    • class IRNNLayer
    • Builder.build_cuda_engine()
    • Builder.average_find_iterations
    • Builder.debug_sync
    • Builder.fp16_mode
    • IBuilder.int8_mode
    • Builder.max_workspace_size
    • Builder.min_find_iterations
    • Builder.refittable
    • Builder.strict_type_constraints
    • ICudaEngine.max_workspace_size
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • INetworkDefinition.add_matrix_multiply_deprecated()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin_ext()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_rnn()
    • INetworkDefinition.convolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.deconvolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.pooling_output_dimensions_formula
    • ITensor.get_dynamic_range()
    • Dims.get_type()
    • TensorFormat.HWC8
    • TensorFormat.NCHW
    • TensorFormat.NCHW2
    Caffe Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
    UFF Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • setPluginFactory()
    • setPluginFactoryExt()
    • class INvPlugin
    • createLReLUPlugin()
    • createClipPlugin()
    • PluginType
    • struct SoftmaxTree
  • The following Python API functions were removed:
    Core library:
    • class DimsCHW
    • class DimsNCHW
    • class IPlugin
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginLayer
    • class IRNNLayer
    • Builder.build_cuda_engine()
    • Builder.average_find_iterations
    • Builder.debug_sync
    • Builder.fp16_mode
    • IBuilder.int8_mode
    • Builder.max_workspace_size
    • Builder.min_find_iterations
    • Builder.refittable
    • Builder.strict_type_constraints
    • ICudaEngine.max_workspace_size
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • IMatrixMultiplyLayer.transpose0
    • INetworkDefinition.add_matrix_multiply_deprecated()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_plugin_ext()
    • INetworkDefinition.add_rnn()
    • INetworkDefinition.convolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.deconvolution_output_dimensions_formula
    • INetworkDefinition.pooling_output_dimensions_formula
    • ITensor.get_dynamic_range()
    • Dims.get_type()
    • TensorFormat.HWC8
    • TensorFormat.NCHW
    • TensorFormat.NCHW2
    Caffe Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • CaffeParser.plugin_factory
    • CaffeParser.plugin_factory_ext
    UFF Parser:
    • class IPluginFactory
    • class IPluginFactoryExt
    • UffParser.plugin_factory
    • UffParser.plugin_factory_ext

Fixed Issues

  • Improved build times for convolution layers with dynamic shapes and large range of leading dimensions.
  • TensorRT 8.0 no longer requires* to be present on your system when running an application which was linked with the TensorRT static library. The TensorRT static library now requires cuBLAS and other dependencies to be linked at link time and will no longer open these libraries using dlopen().
  • TensorRT 8.0 no longer requires an extra Identity layer between the ElementWise and the Constant whose rank is > 4. For TensorRT 7.x versions, cases like Convolution and FullyConnected with bias where ONNX decomposes the bias to ElementWise, there was a fusion which didn’t support per element scale. We previously inserted an Identity to workaround this.
  • There was a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for Convolution layers with kernel size greater than 5x5. For example, it could lead up to 35% performance regression of the VGG16 UFF model compared to TensorRT 7.1. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • When running networks such as Cortana, LSTM Peephole, MLP, and Faster RCNN, there was a 5% to 16% performance regression on GA102 devices and a 7% to 36% performance regression on GA104 devices. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Some RNN networks such as Cortana with FP32 precision and batch size of 8 or higher had a 20% performance loss with CUDA 11.0 or higher compared to CUDA 10.2. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • TensorRT 8.0 will be the last TensorRT release that will provide support for Ubuntu 16.04. This also means TensorRT 8.0 will be the last TensorRT release that will support Python 3.5.
  • Python samples use a unified data downloading workflow. Each sample has a YAML (download.yml) describing the data files that are required to download via a link before running the sample, if any. The download tool parses the YAML and downloads the data files. All other sample code assumes that the data has been downloaded before the code is invoked. An error will be raised if the data is not correctly downloaded. Refer to the Python sample documentation for more information.

Known Issues

  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • Some fusions are not enabled when the TensorRT static library is used. This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3 when linking with the static library compared to the dynamic library. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit those weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • There is a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on Maxwell and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation on Nano.
  • There is an up to 15% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for QuartzNet variants on Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 150% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for 3D U-Net variants on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs if the workspace size is limited to 1GB. Enlarging the workspace size (for example, to 2GB) can workaround this issue.
  • There is a known issue that TensorRT selects kLINEAR format when the user uses reformat-free I/O with vectorized formats and with input/output tensors which have only 3 dimensions. The workaround is to add an additional dimension to the tensors with size 1 to make them 4 dimensional tensors.
  • CuTensor based algorithms on TensorRT 8.0 EA are known to have significant performance regressions due to an issue with the CUDA 11.3 compiler (5x-10x slower than CUDA 11.0 builds). This is due to a compiler regression and the performance should be recovered with a future CUDA release.
  • When running TensorRT 8.0.0 with cuDNN 8.2.0, there is a known performance regression for the deconvolution layer compared to running with previous cuDNN releases. For example, some deconvolution layers can have up to 7x performance regression on Turing GPUs compared to running with cuDNN 8.0.4. This will be fixed in a future cuDNN release.
  • There is a known false alarm reported by the Valgrind memory leak check tool when detecting potential memory leaks from TensorRT applications. The recommended way for suppressing the false alarm is to provide a Valgrind suppression file with the following contents when running the Valgrind memory leak check tool.
       Ignore the dlopen false alarm.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for DenseNet variants on Volta GPUs.
  • There is an up to 24% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.2.3 for networks containing Slice layers on Turing GPUs.
  • While using the TensorRT static library, users are still required to have the cuDNN/cuBLAS dynamic libraries installed at runtime. This issue will be resolved in the GA release so that cuDNN/cuBLAS static libraries will always be used instead.
  • An issue was discovered while compiling the TensorRT samples using the TensorRT static libraries with a GCC version older than 5.x. When using RHEL/CentOS 7.x, you may observe a crash with the error message munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer if the patch below is not applied. More details regarding this issue with a workaround for your own application can be found in the NVIDIA TensorRT Sample Support Guide.
    --- a/samples/Makefile.config
    +++ b/samples/Makefile.config
    @@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ $(OUTDIR)/$(OUTNAME_DEBUG) : $(DOBJS) $(CUDOBJS)
     	$(ECHO) Linking: $@
    -	$(AT)$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LFLAGS) -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group
    +	$(AT)$(CC) -o $@ $(LFLAGS) -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) $^ -Wl,--end-group
     	# Copy every EXTRA_FILE of this sample to bin dir
     	$(foreach EXTRA_FILE,$(EXTRA_FILES), cp -f $(EXTRA_FILE)$(OUTDIR)/$(EXTRA_FILE); )
     	$(ECHO) Linking: $@
    -	$(AT)$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LFLAGSD) -Wl,--start-group $(DLIBS) -Wl,--end-group
    +	$(AT)$(CC) -o $@ $(LFLAGSD) -Wl,--start-group $(DLIBS) $^ -Wl,--end-group
     $(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
  • The tactic source cuBLASLt cannot be selected on SM 3.x devices for CUDA 10.x. If selected, it will fallback to using cuBLAS.

4. TensorRT Release 7.x.x

4.1. TensorRT Release 7.2.3


This is the TensorRT 7.2.3 GA release notes for Windows and Linux x86 users. For NVIDIA Jetson Linux for Tegra users, TensorRT 7.2.3 is an Early Access (EA) release specifically for MLPerf Inference. For production use of TensorRT, we recommend using the TensorRT 7.1.3 GA.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).
Note: The release schedule for the TensorRT 7.2.3 Python pip packages is aligned to the Deep Learning Frameworks 21.03 release and may not be available at the same time as the TensorRT 7.2.3 general release.

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Updated the list of supported TensorFlow ops. Refer to Supported Ops for more information.

Breaking API Changes

  • When building the TensorRT samples statically using the TRT_STATIC=1 make option, the suffix _static will be appended to the output binary file name. For more information, refer to the Building Samples Using Static Libraries section.


  • TensorRT 7.2.3 has been tested with the following:
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.2, 11.0 update 1, 11.1 update 1, and 11.2 update 1.
    Note: If you are developing an application that is being compiled with CUDA 11.2 or you are using CUDA 11.2 libraries to run your application, then you must install CUDA 11.1 using either the Debian/RPM packages or using a CUDA 11.1 tar/zip/exe package. NVRTC from CUDA 11.1 is a runtime requirement of TensorRT and must be present to run TensorRT applications. If you are using the network repo installation method, this additional step is not needed.
  • It is suggested that you use TensorRT with a software stack that has been tested; including cuDNN and cuBLAS versions as documented in the Features For Platforms And Software section. Other semantically compatible releases of cuDNN and cuBLAS can be used, however, other versions may have performance improvements as well as regressions. In rare cases, functional regressions might also be observed.


  • TensorRT 7.2 only supports per-tensor quantization scales for both activations and weights in explicit precision mode. No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to the Working With Explicit Precision Using C++ section.
  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used.
  • When using reformat-free I/O, the extent of a tensor in a vectorized dimension might not be a multiple of the vector length. Elements in a partially occupied vector that are not within the tensor are referred to here as vector-padding. For example:
    • On GPU
      • for input tensors, the application shall set vector-padding elements to zero.
      • for output tensors, the value of vector-padding elements is undefined. In a future release, TensorRT will support setting them to zero.
    • On DLA
      • for input tensors, vector-padding elements are ignored.
      • for output tensors, vector-padding elements are unmodified.
  • When running INT8 networks on DLA using TensorRT, operations must be added to the same subgraph to reduce quantization errors across the subgraph of the network that runs on the DLA by allowing them to fuse and retain higher precision for intermediate results. Breaking apart the subgraph in order to inspect intermediate results by setting the tensors as network output tensors, can result in different levels of quantization errors due to these optimizations being disabled.
  • The IExecutionContext contains shared resources, therefore, calling enqueue or enqueueV2 in from the same IExecutionContext object with different CUDA streams concurrently results in undefined behavior. To perform inference concurrently in multiple CUDA streams, use one IExecutionContext per CUDA stream.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.3:
  • IRNNLayer was deprecated in TensorRT 4.0 and will be removed in TensorRT 8.0. IRNNv2Layer was deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.1 and will be removed in TensorRT 9.0. IRNNv2Layer has been deprecated in favor of the loop API, however, it is still available for backwards compatibility. For more information about the loop API, refer to the sampleCharRNN sample with the --Iloop option as well as the Working With Loops chapter.
  • We have deprecated the Caffe Parser and UFF Parser in TensorRT 7.0. They will be tested and functional in the next major release of TensorRT 8.0, however, we plan to remove the support in the subsequent major release. Ensure you migrate your workflow to use tf2onnx, keras2onnx or TensorFlow-TensorRT (TF-TRT) for deployment.

    If using UFF, ensure you migrate to the ONNX workflow through enablement of a plugin. ONNX workflow is not dependent on plugin enablement. For plugin enablement of a plugin on ONNX, refer to Estimating Depth with ONNX Models and Custom Layers Using NVIDIA TensorRT.
  • We have deprecated TensorFormat::kCHW4 as the DLA color image format. Instead, use TensorFormat::kDLA_HWC4 to specify the DLA color image formats.
  • Interface functions that provided a destroy function will be deprecated in TensorRT 8.0 and will be removed in TensorRT 10.0. The destructors will be exposed publicly in order for the delete operator to work as expected on these classes.

Fixed Issues

  • IIdentityLayer was broken prior to TensorRT 7.0, such that it worked only for identity operations and FP16 to FP32 conversions. The problem was fixed in TensorRT 7.0, however, the fix was omitted from the Release Notes. See comments in NvInfer.h about class IIdentityLayer for a list of supported conversions.
  • Fixed a bug in the builder where networks with depthwise separable convolution layers whose output was also an FP32 output of the network would have failed earlier.


  • Support for Python 2 will be dropped in the next major TensorRT release. This means that TensorRT will no longer include wheels for Python 2, and Python samples will not work with Python 2. Ensure you migrate your application to Python version 3.

Known Issues

  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • Some fusions are not enabled when the TensorRT static library is used. This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3 when linking with the static library compared to the dynamic library. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit those weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • Convolution layers with dynamic shapes and large range of possible index dimensions in the profile have a known build time performance issue. This can be bypassed by using IAlgorithmSelector and disabling cudnnConvolution tactics.
  • There is a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on Maxwell and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for Convolution layers with kernel size greater than 5x5. For example, it can lead up to 35% performance regression of the VGG16 UFF model compared to TensorRT 7.1. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • If the network contains an ElementWise layer, where one operand is a constant and the const rank is > 4, there is going to be a fusion to the Scale layer which doesn't support per element scale. The case can be seen for the Convolution and FullyConnected layers with bias where ONNX decomposes the bias to be ElementWise. To workaround this issue, add an Identity layer between the ElementWise and the const to prevent the fusion.
  • Due to limitations with how requirements can be specified with the RPM application version supported by RHEL/CentOS 7.x, the cuBLAS development package from CUDA 11.1 is required when you are developing applications using TensorRT and CUDA 11.2. Your build environment can reference cuBLAS 11.2 without issues; this is only a packaging issue. This issue will be resolved with the next major CUDA version. Ubuntu does not have this limitation, therefore, cuBLAS 11.1 is not required for CUDA 11.2 development on those OS’s.
  • Some RNN networks such as Cortana with FP32 precision and batch size of 8 or higher have up to a 20% performance loss with CUDA 11.0 or higher compared to CUDA 10.2.
  • You must have* present on your system while running an application linked with the TensorRT static library. TensorRT now links to cuBLAS using dlopen() rather than at compiler link time for both the dynamic and static libraries. A solution to this problem will be worked out in a future release so that cuBLAS can be statically linked once again for applications which require the TensorRT static library.
  • There is an up to 8% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks with heavy FullyConnected operation on Nano.
  • There is a known issue that TensorRT selects kLINEAR format when the user uses reformat-free I/O with vectorized formats and with input/output tensors which have only 3 dimensions. The workaround is to add an additional dimension to the tensors with size 1 to make them 4 dimensional tensors.
  • When running networks such as Cortana, LSTM Peephole, MLP, and Faster RCNN you may observe a 5% to 16% performance regression on GA102 devices and a 7% to 36% performance regression on GA104 devices.
  • When using TensorRT 7.2.3 with DLA, deconvolution layers with square kernels and strides greater than 23 are known to slow down build time by hours. Use IBuilderConfig:: setDeviceType(const ILayer* layer, DeviceType deviceType) to run these layers on the GPU. [JetPack issue]

4.2. TensorRT Release 7.2.2

These are the TensorRT 7.2.2 release notes and are applicable to Windows and Linux x86 users.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added support for Python 3.8. The Linux tar packages now include TensorRT Python binding wheel files that support Python 3.8.
    Note: TensorFlow 1.15.x does not support Python 3.8. Continue to use an earlier Python version if you require UFF support. Updating the TensorRT samples to support TensorFlow 2.x will be done in a future release.
  • Added the following debugging tools:
    Note: Although these tools are shipped with TensorRT, their utility extends beyond the TensorRT workflow.
    ONNX GraphSurgeon API Reference
    ONNX GraphSurgeon provides a convenient way to create and modify ONNX models. For more information, refer to the ONNX GraphSurgeon API Reference.
    Polygraphy API Reference
    Polygraphy is a toolkit designed to assist in running and debugging deep learning models in various frameworks. For more information, refer to the Polygraphy API.
    PyTorch-Quantization Toolkit User Guide
    PyTorch-Quantization is a toolkit for training and evaluating PyTorch models with simulated quantization. Quantization can be added to the model automatically, or manually, allowing the model to be tuned for accuracy and performance. The quantized model can be exported to ONNX and imported to an upcoming version of TensorRT. For more information, refer to the PyTorch-Quantization Toolkit User Guide.
  • Added instructions and a list of limitations for how to build the TensorRT samples using the TensorRT static libraries, including cuDNN and other CUDA libraries that are statically linked. For more information, refer to Building Samples Using Static Libraries.
  • Added the NVIDIA Quick Start Guide. This guide is a starting point for users who want to try out TensorRT; specifically, this document enables users to quickly deploy and run inference on a finished TensorRT engine.


  • TensorRT 7.2.2 has been tested with the following:
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.2, 11.0 update 1, 11.1 update 1, and 11.2.
    Note: If you are developing an application that is being compiled with CUDA 11.2 or you are using CUDA 11.2 libraries to run your application, then you must install CUDA 11.1 using either the Debian/RPM packages or using a CUDA 11.1 tar/zip/exe package. NVRTC from CUDA 11.1 is a runtime requirement of TensorRT and must be present to run TensorRT applications. If you are using the network repo installation method, this additional step is not needed.
  • It is suggested that you use TensorRT with a software stack that has been tested; including cuDNN and cuBLAS versions as documented in the Features For Platforms And Software section. Other semantically compatible releases of cuDNN and cuBLAS can be used, however, other versions may have performance improvements as well as regressions. In rare cases, functional regressions might also be observed.


  • TensorRT 7.2 only supports per-tensor quantization scales for both activations and weights in explicit precision mode. No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.
  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used.
  • When using reformat-free I/O, the extent of a tensor in a vectorized dimension might not be a multiple of the vector length. Elements in a partially occupied vector that are not within the tensor are referred to here as vector-padding. For example:
    • On GPU
      • for input tensors, the application shall set vector-padding elements to zero.
      • for output tensors, the value of vector-padding elements is undefined. In a future release, TensorRT will support setting them to zero.
    • On DLA
      • for input tensors, vector-padding elements are ignored.
      • for output tensors, vector-padding elements are unmodified.
  • When running INT8 networks on DLA using TensorRT, operations must be added to the same subgraph to reduce quantization errors across the subgraph of the network that runs on the DLA by allowing them to fuse and retain higher precision for intermediate results. Breaking apart the subgraph in order to inspect intermediate results by setting the tensors as network output tensors, can result in different levels of quantization errors due to these optimizations being disabled.
  • There is a known issue that TensorRT selects kLINEAR format when the user uses reformat-free I/O with vectorized formats and with input/output tensors which have only 3 dimensions. The workaround is to add an additional dimension to the tensors with size 1 to make them 4 dimensional tensors.
  • The IExecutionContext contains shared resources, therefore, calling enqueue or enqueueV2 in from the same IExecutionContext object with different CUDA streams concurrently results in undefined behavior. To perform inference concurrently in multiple CUDA streams, use one IExecutionContext per CUDA stream.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.2:

Fixed Issues

  • If you had started with a clean system installation and you had not installed the CUDA Toolkit prior to installing the TensorRT samples, then you may of needed to manually install cuda-nvcc-XX-Y and cuda-nvprof-XX-Y, where XX-Y matches the CUDA major and minor version for your desired setup. Without these additional packages, you may have encountered compile errors while building the TensorRT samples. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was up to 23% performance regression on Volta GPUs for some RNN networks. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There was a known accuracy issue of 3D U-Net networks on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs where TF32 mode is enabled by default. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • Support for Python 2 will be dropped in a future TensorRT release. This means that TensorRT will no longer include wheels for Python 2, and Python samples will not work with Python 2. Ensure you migrate your application to Python version 3.

Known Issues

  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • Some fusions are not enabled when the static library is used. This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3 when linking with the static library compared to the dynamic library. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit those weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • Convolution layers with dynamic shapes and large range of possible index dimensions in the profile have a known build time performance issue. This can be bypassed by using IAlgorithmSelector and disabling cudnnConvolution tactics.
  • There is a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for some networks dominated by FullyConnected with activation and bias operations:
    • up to 12% in FP32 mode. This will be fixed in a future release.
    • up to 10% in FP16 mode on Maxwell and Pascal GPUs.
  • There is a known performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.1 for Convolution layers with kernel size greater than 5x5. For example, it can lead up to 35% performance regression of the VGG16 UFF model compared to TensorRT 7.1. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • If the network contains an ElementWise layer, where one operand is a constant and the const rank is > 4, there is going to be a fusion to the Scale layer which doesn't support per element scale. The case can be seen for the Convolution and FullyConnected layers with bias where ONNX decomposes the bias to be ElementWise. To workaround this issue, add an Identity layer between the ElementWise and the const to prevent the fusion.
  • Due to limitations with how requirements can be specified with the RPM version supported by RHEL/CentOS 7.x, the cuBLAS development package from CUDA 11.1 is required when you are developing applications using TensorRT and CUDA 11.2. Your build environment can reference cuBLAS 11.2 without issues; this is only a packaging issue. This issue will be resolved with future CUDA versions. Ubuntu does not have this limitation, therefore, cuBLAS 11.1 is not required for CUDA 11.2 development on those OS’s.
  • Some RNN networks such as Cortana with FP32 precision and batch size of 8 or higher have up to a 20% performance loss with CUDA 11.0 or higher compared to CUDA 10.2.
  • You must have* present on your system while running an application linked with the TensorRT static library. TensorRT now links to cuBLAS using dlopen() rather than at compiler link time for both the dynamic and static libraries. A solution to this problem will be worked out in a future release so that cuBLAS can be statically linked once again for applications which require the TensorRT static library.

4.3. TensorRT Release 7.2.1

These are the TensorRT 7.2.1 release notes and are applicable to Linux x86, Windows x64 and Linux ARM Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • Added support for CUDA 11.1 and GeForce devices with compute capability version 8.6.
  • Added support for Linux ARM Server Base System Architecture (SBSA) users on Ubuntu 18.04.
  • Added instructions for installing TensorRT from a pip wheel file. For step-by-step instructions, refer to pip Wheel File Installation.


  • TensorRT 7.2.1 has been tested with the following:
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.2, 11.0 update 1, and 11.1.
  • It is suggested that you use TensorRT with a software stack that has been tested; including cuDNN and cuBLAS versions as documented in the Features For Platforms And Software section. Other semantically compatible releases of cuDNN and cuBLAS can be used, however, other versions may have performance improvements as well as regressions. In rare cases, functional regressions might also be observed.


  • TensorRT 7.2 only supports per-tensor quantization scales for both activations and weights in explicit precision mode. No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.
  • Replace IRNNLayer and IRNNv2Layer with loops. IRNNLayer was deprecated in TensorRT 4.0 and will be removed in TensorRT 8.0. IRNNv2Layer was deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.1 and will be removed in TensorRT 9.0. Use the loop API to synthesize a recurrent subnetwork. For an example, refer to sampleCharRNN sample, method SampleCharRNNLoop::addLSTMCell. The loop API lets you express general recurrent networks instead of being limited to the prefabricated cells in IRNNLayer and IRNNv2Layer.
  • When using reformat-free I/O, the extent of a tensor in a vectorized dimension might not be a multiple of the vector length. Elements in a partially occupied vector that are not within the tensor are referred to here as vector-padding. For example:
    • On GPU
      • for input tensors, the application shall set vector-padding elements to zero.
      • for output tensors, the value of vector-padding elements is undefined. In a future release, TensorRT will support setting them to zero.
    • On DLA
      • for input tensors, vector-padding elements are ignored.
      • for output tensors, vector-padding elements are unmodified.
  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used.
  • When running INT8 networks on DLA using TensorRT, operations must be added to the same subgraph to reduce quantization errors across the subgraph of the network that runs on the DLA by allowing them to fuse and retain higher precision for intermediate results. Breaking apart the subgraph in order to inspect intermediate results by setting the tensors as network output tensors, can result in different levels of quantization errors due to these optimizations being disabled.
  • There is a known issue that TensorRT selects kLINEAR format when the user uses reformat-free I/O with vectorized formats and with input/output tensors which have only 3 dimensions. The workaround is to add an additional dimension to the tensors with size 1 to make them 4 dimensional tensors.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.2.1:

Fixed Issues

  • A symbol conflict between the cuBLAS static library and the TensorRT plugin static library has been resolved. The Logger class used internally by the TensorRT plugin library has been moved to a namespace to avoid symbol conflicts. You may experience unexpected crashes during initialization or when exiting your application if linking with TensorRT static libraries prior to this fix.
  • There was a known performance regression on P100:
    • 30% regression on 3D networks like 3D U-Net in FP32 mode
    This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • For Windows users with CUDA 11.0, some fusions were not enabled. This means there was a performance loss of around 10% - 60% for networks like BERT and YOLO3. The performance loss depends on the precision used and batch size. This issue has been fixed in this release.
  • There was up to a 10% performance regression for Inception V4 networks in FP32 mode on P100 and V100. This issue has been fixed in this release. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2 networks had up to a 14% performance regression in FP32 mode. This issue has been fixed in this release.


  • Support for Python 2 will be dropped in a future TensorRT release. This means that TensorRT will no longer include wheels for Python 2, and Python samples will not work with Python 2. Ensure you migrate your application to Python version 3.

Known Issues

  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • There is up to 23% performance regression on Volta GPUs for some RNN networks. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Some fusions are not enabled when the static library is used. This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit those weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • There is a known accuracy issue of 3D U-Net networks on NVIDIA Ampere GPUs where TF32 mode is enabled by default. To workaround this issue, TF32 mode can be disabled via TensorRT or by setting the environment variable NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=0 when an engine is built. For more information and how to control TF32, refer to Enabling TF32 Inference Using C++.
  • Convolution layers with dynamic shapes and large range of possible index dimensions in the profile have a known build time performance issue. This can be bypassed by using IAlgorithmSelector and disabling cudnnConvolution tactics.
  • If you are starting with a clean system installation and you have not installed the CUDA Toolkit prior to installing the TensorRT samples, then you may need to manually install cuda-nvcc-XX-Y and cuda-nvprof-XX-Y, where XX-Y matches the CUDA major and minor version for your desired setup. Without these additional packages, you may encounter compile errors while building the TensorRT samples. These additional dependencies will be corrected in a future release.

4.4. TensorRT Release 7.2.0


This is the TensorRT 7.2.0 release notes. We recommend PowerPC users download the TensorRT 7.2.0 build for production use. For Linux and JetPack users, TensorRT 7.2.0 is a Release Candidate (RC). As an RC release, this is a Preview for early testing and feedback. For production use of TensorRT for Linux and JetPack users, we recommend downloading TensorRT 7.1.3. The RC release is subject to change based on ongoing performance tuning and functional testing. For feedback, submit a bug on the NVIDIA Developer website.

These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
FullyConnected Layer optimization
  • Improved performance with Tensor Core in INT8 mode.
  • TensorRT now uses cuBLASLt internally instead of cuBLAS. This decreases the overall runtime memory footprint. Users can revert to the old behavior by using the new setTacticSources API in IBuilderConfig.



  • TensorRT 7.2 only supports per-tensor quantization scales for both activations and weights in explicit precision mode. No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.
  • When using reformat-free I/O, the extent of a tensor in a vectorized dimension might not be a multiple of the vector length. Elements in a partially occupied vector that are not within the tensor are referred to here as vector-padding. For example:
    • On GPU
      • for input tensors, the application shall set vector-padding elements to zero.
      • for output tensors, the value of vector-padding elements is undefined. In a future release, TensorRT will support setting them to zero.
    • On DLA
      • for input tensors, vector-padding elements are ignored.
      • for output tensors, vector-padding elements are unmodified.

Fixed Issues

  • When using an RPM file on RedHat for a cuDNN installation, upgrading from cuDNN v7 to cuDNN v8 directly or indirectly via TensorRT 7.1.3 would cause installation errors. This issue has been fixed in the cuDNN 8.0.2 release.

Known Issues

  • There is a known package dependency issue when installing the python-libnvinfer RPM package on RHEL/CentOS 8.x. You will encounter the following error:
    - nothing provides python >= 2.7 needed by python-libnvinfer-7.2.0-1.cuda11.0.ppc64le

    Listed below are two options you can choose from to workaround this packaging issue:

    Option 1: Install the RPM package by ignoring the missing dependency.
    # Install TensorRT and Python 2.x first
    sudo yum install tensorrt python2
    # Download the RPM package and install the package directly
    sudo yum install yum-utils
    yumdownloader python-libnvinfer
    sudo rpm -Uvh --nodeps python-libnvinfer-*.rpm

    Option 2: Install the TensorRT Python bindings using the Python wheel file.

    An alternative to installing the RPM package for the Python bindings is to instead install the Python wheel file from the TAR package using pip. Refer to step 6 within the Tar File Installation section.

    The Python 3.x RPM packages are not affected by this dependency issue. This issue will be resolved in the next release.

    (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • There is a known performance regression on some RNN networks:
    • up to 12% on Pascal and Turing GPUs
    • up to 20% on Volta GPUs
    (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is a known performance regression on P100:
    • 30% regression on 3D networks like 3D U-Net in FP32 mode
    (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • There is up to a 10% performance regression for Inception V4 networks in FP32 mode on P100 and V100. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • On PowerPC, some RNN networks have up to a 15% performance regression compared to TensorRT 7.0. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • MobileNetV1 and MobileNetV2 networks have up to a 14% performance regression in FP32 mode.
  • Some fusions are not enabled in the following cases:
    • Windows with CUDA 11.0
    • When the static library is used

    This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.

  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit the weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • When using concat on the DLA, all inputs to concat must be exact multiples of the vector size (16 for FP16, 32 for INT8). This will be fixed in a future release of TensorRT.

4.5. TensorRT Release 7.1.3


This is the TensorRT 7.1.3 GA release notes. For production use of TensorRT, we recommend using the TensorRT 7.1.3 build for CUDA 10.2. The CUDA 11.0 RC build is a Preview release for early testing and feedback on NVIDIA A100. This release is subject to change based on ongoing performance tuning and functional testing. For feedback, submit a bug on the NVIDIA Developer website.

These release notes are applicable to JetPack users of TensorRT unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Working with empty tensors

TensorRT supports empty tensors. A tensor is an empty tensor if it has one or more dimensions with length zero. Zero-length dimensions usually get no special treatment. If a rule works for a dimension of length L for an arbitrary positive value of L, it usually works for L=0 too. For more information, refer to Working With Empty Tensors.

Builder layer timing cache
The layer timing cache will cache the layer profiling information during the builder phase. If there are other layers with the same input/output tensor configuration and layer params, then the TensorRT builder will skip profiling and reuse the cached result for the repeated layers. Models with many repeated layers (for example, BERT, WaveGlow, etc...) will see a significant speedup in builder time. The builder flag kDISABLE_TIMING_CACHE can be set if you want to disable this feature. For more information, refer to Builder Layer Timing Cache and Initializing The Engine.
Pointwise fusion based on code generation
Pointwise fusion was introduced in TensorRT 6.0.1 to fuse multiple adjacent pointwise layers into one single layer. In this release, its implementation has been updated to use code generation and runtime compilation to further improve performance. The code generation and runtime compilation happen during execution plan building. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Best Practices Guide.
Dilation support for deconvolution
IDeconvolutionLayer now supports a dilation parameter. This is accessible through the C++ API, Python API, and the ONNX parser (refer to ConvTranspose). For more information, refer to IDeconvolutionLayer.
Selecting FP16 and INT8 kernels
TensorRT supports Mixed Precision Inference with FP32, FP16, or INT8 as supported precisions. Depending on the hardware support, you can choose to enable either of the above precision to accelerate inference. You can also choose to execute trtexec with the --best option directly, which would enable all supported precisions for inference resulting in best performance. For more information, refer to Mixed Precision.
Calibration with dynamic shapes
INT8 calibration with dynamic shapes supports the same functionality as a standard INT8 calibrator but for networks with dynamic shapes. You will need to provide a calibration optimization profile that would be used to set the dimensions for calibration. If a calibration optimization profile is not set, the first network optimization profile will be used as a calibration optimization profile. For more information, refer to INT8 Calibration With Dynamic Shapes.
Algorithm selection
Algorithm selection provides a mechanism to select and report algorithms for different layers in a network. This can also be used to deterministically build TensorRT engine or to reproduce the same implementations for layers in the engine. For more information, refer to Algorithm Selection and Determinism And Reproducibility In The Builder.
INT8 calibration
The Legacy class IInt8LegacyCalibrator is un-deprecated. It is provided as a fallback option if the other calibrators yield poor results. A new kCALIBRATION_BEFORE_FUSION has been added which allows calibration before fusion. For more information, refer to INT8 Calibration Using C++.
Quantizing and dequantizing scale layers
A quantizing scale layer can be specified as a scale layer with output precision type of INT8. Similarly, a dequantizing scale layer can be specified as a scale layer with output precision type of FP32. Networks must be created with Explicit Precision mode to use these layers. Quantizing and dequantizing (QDQ) scale layers only support per-tensor quantization scales i.e. a single scale per tensor. Also, No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.
Samples compilation
A new Makefile option TRT_STATIC=1 has been added which allows you to build the TensorRT samples with TensorRT and most dependent libraries statically linked into the sample binary.
Group normalization plugin
A new group normalization plugin has been added. For details on group normalization, refer to the Group Normalization paper.
TF32 support
TF32 is enabled by default for DataType::kFLOAT. On the NVIDIA Ampere architecture-based A100/GA100 GPU, TF32 can speed up networks using FP32, typically with no loss of accuracy. It combines FP32 dynamic range and format with FP16 precision. TF32 can be disabled via TensorRT or by setting the environment variable NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=0 when an engine is built. For more information and how to control TF32, refer to Enabling TF32 Inference Using C++. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
New plugins
Added new plugins for common operators in the BERT model, including embedding layer normalization, skip layer normalization and multi-head attention.
This plugin performs the following two tasks:
  • Embeds an input sequence consisting of token IDs and segment IDs. This consists of token embedding lookup, segment embedding lookup, adding positional embeddings and finally, layer normalization.
  • Preprocesses input masks that are used to mark valid input tokens in sequences that are padded to the target sequence length. It assumes contiguous input masks and encodes the masks as a single number denoting the number of valid elements. This plugin supports FP32 mode and FP16 mode.
This plugin adds a residual tensor, and applies layer normalization, meaning, transforming the mean and standard deviation to beta and gamma, respectively. Optionally, it can add a bias vector before layer normalization. This plugin supports FP32 mode, FP16 mode, and INT8 mode. It may bring a negative impact on the end-to-end prediction accuracy when running under INT8 mode.
This plugin takes query, key, and value tensors and computes scaled multi-head attention, that is to compute scaled dot product attention scores SoftMax(K' * Q / sqrt(HeadSize)) and return values weighted by these attention scores. This plugin supports FP32 mode, FP16 mode, and INT8 mode. It is optimized for sequence lengths 128 and 384, and INT8 mode is only available for those sequence lengths.

These plugins only support GPUs with compute capability >= 7.0. For more information about these new BERT-related plugins, refer to TensorRT Open Source Plugins.

New sample
sampleAlgorithmSelector shows an example of how to use the algorithm selection API based on sampleMNIST. This sample demonstrates the usage of IAlgorithmSelector to deterministically build TensorRT engines. It also shows the usage of IAlgorithmSelector::selectAlgorithms to define heuristics for selection of algorithms. For more information, refer to Algorithm Selection and Algorithm Selection API Usage Example Based On sampleMNIST In TensorRT.
onnx_packnet is a Python sample which uses TensorRT to perform inference with the PackNet network. PackNet is a self-supervised monocular depth estimation network used in autonomous driving. For more information, refer to TensorRT Inference Of ONNX Models With Custom Layers.
Multi-Instance GPU (MIG)
Multi-instance GPU, or MIG, is a new feature in NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture that enables user-directed partitioning of a single GPU into multiple smaller GPUs. This improves GPU utilization by enabling the GPU to be shared effectively by parallel compute workloads on bare metal, GPU pass through, or on multiple vGPUs. For more information, refer to Working With Multi-Instance GPU. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
Improved ONNX Resize operator support
The ONNX resize modes asymmetric, align_corners, half_pixel, and pytorch_half_pixel are now supported. For more information on these resize modes, refer to the ONNX Resize Operator Specification.



  • TensorRT 7.1 only supports per-tensor quantization scales for both activations and weights in explicit precision mode. No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.1.3:
  • The fc_plugin_caffe_mnist Python sample has been deprecated. The FCPlugin is not selected by fc_plugin_caffe_mnist which was intended to demonstrate its usage. This is because there is no default importer for FCPlugin in the Caffe parser.
  • Python 2.7 support has been deprecated. A warning will be emitted when you import the TensorRT bindings for Python 2.7. You should update your application to support Python 3.x to prevent issues with future TensorRT releases. In addition, the legacy Python bindings have been removed. You will need to migrate your application to the new Python bindings if you haven’t done so already. Refer to the Python Migration Guide.
  • Support for CUDA Compute Capability version 3.0 has been removed. Support for CUDA Compute Capability versions 5.0 and lower may be removed in a future release. Specifically:
    CUDA Compute Capability Version Status
    Maxwell SM 5.0 (2014-2017):
    • GM10X - GeForce 745
    • GM10X - GeForce 750
    • GM10X - GeForce 830
    • GM10X - GeForce 840
    • Quadro K620
    • Quadro K1200
    • Quadro K2200
    • M5XX
    • M6XX
    • M1XXX
    • M2000
    Kepler SM 3.7 (2014):
    • GK210 - K8
    Kepler SM 3.5 (2013):
    • GK110 - K20
    • GeForce GTX 780 family
    • GTX Titan
    Kepler SM 3.0 (2012):
    • GK10X GPUs
    • GeForce 600 series
    • K10
    • GRID K1/K2
    • Quadro K series
  • Many methods of class IBuilder have been deprecated. The following table shows deprecated methods of class IBuilder that have replacements in IBuilder:
    Deprecated IBuilder Method IBuilder Replacement
    createNetwork() createNetworkV2(0)
    buildCudaEngine(network) buildEngineWithConfig(network,config)
    reset(network) reset()
    The next table shows the deprecated methods of IBuilder that have direct equivalents in class IBuilderConfig with the same name.
    Deprecated IBuilder Methods with Direct Equivalents in IBuilderConfig
    • setMaxWorkspaceSize
    • getMaxWorkspaceSize
    • setDeviceType
    • getDeviceType
    • isDeviceTypeSet
    • resetDeviceType
    • setDefaultDeviceType
    • getDefaultDeviceType
    • setDLACore
    • getDLACore
    • setEngineCapability
    • getEngineCapability
    Timing methods in IBuilder also have replacements in IBuilderConfig, with new names.
    Deprecated IBuilder Method Replacement In IBuilderConfig
    setMinFindIterations setMinTimingIterations
    getMinFindIterations getMinTimingIterations
    setAverageFindIterations setAvgTimingIterations
    getAverageFindIterations getAvgTimingIterations
    Finally, some IBuilder methods related to boolean properties have been replaced with methods for setting/getting flags. For example, these calls on an IBuilder:
    can be replaced with these calls on a IBuilderConfig:
    The following table lists the deprecated methods and the corresponding flag.
    Deprecated IBuilder Method Corresponding Flag
    • setHalf2Mode
    • setFp16Mode
    • getHalf2Mode
    • getFp16Mode
    • setInt8Mode
    • getInt8Mode
    setDebugSync BuilderFlag::kDEBUG
    • setRefittable
    • getRefittable
    • setStrictTypeConstraints
    • getStrictTypeConstraints
    allowGPUFallback BuilderFlag::kGPU_FALLBACK
  • The INvPlugin creator function has been deprecated since TensorRT 5.1.x and has now been fully removed. We recommend that users upgrade their plugins to one of the later plugin interfaces, refer to Extending TensorRT With Custom Layers for more information.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed memory leaks in engine serialization when UFF models are used.
  • Fixed a crash during engine build for networks with RNNv2 on Windows.
  • Statically linking with TensorRT library resulted in segfault in certain cases. The issue is now fixed.
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to dynamic shapes, specifically:
    • padding modes for convolution and deconvolution,
    • engines with multiple optimization profiles, and
    • empty tensors (tensors with zero volume).


Known Issues

  • In the CUDA 11.0 RC release, there is a known performance regression on some RNN networks:
    • up to 50% on Turing GPUs
    • up to 12% on Pascal and Volta GPUs
  • There is known performance regression between 30-80% for networks like ResNet-50 and MobileNet when run in FP16 mode on SM50 devices.
  • The Windows library size is 600 MB bigger than the Linux library size. This will be fixed in the next release.
  • Static compiling of samples with the CentOS7 CUDA 11.0 RC build fails.
  • There is a known performance regressions on P100:
    • 50-100% regression on 3D networks like 3D U-Net
    • 17% on Xception in FP16 mode
  • There is a known performance regression for Inception V3 and V4 networks in FP32 mode:
    • up to 60% on V100
    • up to 15% on RTX6000
  • Some fusions are not enabled on Windows with CUDA 11. This would mean performance loss of around 10% for networks like YOLO3.
  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit the weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • Some fusions are not enabled in the following cases:
    • Windows with CUDA 11
    • When the static library is used

    This means there is a performance loss of around 10% for networks like BERT and YOLO3. The performance loss depends on precision used and batch size and it can be up to 60% in some cases.

  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are not supported when the static TensorRT library is used.
  • There is an error in the file included in the sampleUffFasterRCNN sample. Specifically, line 34 in the config file should be changed from: dynamic_graph.remove('input_2') todynamic_graph.remove(dynamic_graph.find_nodes_by_name('input_2'))
  • Updated: June 25, 2020
    When using an RPM file on RedHat for installation, installing cuDNN v8 directly or via TensorRT 7.1.3 will enable users to build their application with cuDNN v8. However, in order for the user to compile an application with cuDNN v7 after cuDNN v8 is installed, the user will need to perform the following steps:
    1. Issue sudo mv /usr/include/cudnn.h /usr/include/cudnn_v8.h.
    2. Issue sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/libcudnn /usr/include/cudnn.h.
    3. Switch to cuDNN v7 by issuing sudo update-alternatives --config libcudnn and choose cuDNN v7 from the list.

    Steps 1 and 2 are required for the user to be able to switch between v7 and v8 installations. After steps 1 and 2 are performed once, step 3 can be used repeatedly and the user can choose the appropriate cuDNN version to work with. For more information, refer to Installing From An RPM File and Upgrading From v7 To v8.

4.6. TensorRT Release 7.1.2 Release Candidate (RC)

These are the TensorRT 7.1.2 Release Candidate (RC) release notes and are applicable to data center and workstation Linux users. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 7.x.x release as well as the following additional changes. These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
INT8 calibration
The Legacy class IInt8LegacyCalibrator is un-deprecated. It is provided as a fallback option if the other calibrators yield poor results. A new kCALIBRATION_BEFORE_FUSION has been added which allows calibration before fusion. For more information, refer to INT8 Calibration Using C++.
Quantizing and dequantizing scale layers
A quantizing scale layer can be specified as a scale layer with output precision type of INT8. Similarly, a dequantizing scale layer can be specified as a scale layer with output precision type of FP32. Networks must be created with Explicit Precision mode to use these layers. Quantizing and dequantizing (QDQ) scale layers only support per-tensor quantization scales i.e. a single scale per tensor. Also, No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.
Samples compilation
A new Makefile option TRT_STATIC=1 has been added which allows you to build the TensorRT samples with TensorRT and most dependent libraries statically linked into the sample binary.
Group normalization plugin
A new group normalization plugin has been added. For details on group normalization, refer to the Group Normalization paper.
TF32 support
TF32 is enabled by default for DataType::kFLOAT. On the NVIDIA Ampere architecture-based A100/GA100 GPU, TF32 can speed up networks using FP32, typically with no loss of accuracy. It combines FP32 dynamic range and format with FP16 precision. TF32 can be disabled via TensorRT or by setting the environment variable NVIDIA_TF32_OVERRIDE=0 when an engine is built. For more information and how to control TF32, refer to Enabling TF32 Inference Using C++. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
New plugins
Added new plugins for common operators in the BERT model, including embedding layer normalization, skip layer normalization and multi-head attention.
This plugin performs the following two tasks:
  • Embeds an input sequence consisting of token IDs and segment IDs. This consists of token embedding lookup, segment embedding lookup, adding positional embeddings and finally, layer normalization.
  • Preprocesses input masks that are used to mark valid input tokens in sequences that are padded to the target sequence length. It assumes contiguous input masks and encodes the masks as a single number denoting the number of valid elements. This plugin supports FP32 mode and FP16 mode.
This plugin adds a residual tensor, and applies layer normalization, meaning, transforming the mean and standard deviation to beta and gamma, respectively. Optionally, it can add a bias vector before layer normalization. This plugin supports FP32 mode, FP16 mode, and INT8 mode. It may bring a negative impact on the end-to-end prediction accuracy when running under INT8 mode.
This plugin takes query, key, and value tensors and computes scaled multi-head attention, that is to compute scaled dot product attention scores SoftMax(K' * Q / sqrt(HeadSize)) and return values weighted by these attention scores. This plugin supports FP32 mode, FP16 mode, and INT8 mode. It is optimized for sequence lengths 128 and 384, and INT8 mode is only available for those sequence lengths.

These plugins only support GPUs with compute capability >= 7.0. For more information about these new BERT-related plugins, refer to TensorRT Open Source Plugins.



  • TensorRT 7.1 only supports per-tensor quantization scales for both activations and weights in explicit precision mode. No shift weights are allowed for the QDQ scale layer as only symmetric quantization is supported. For more information, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.1.2:
  • The fc_plugin_caffe_mnist Python sample has been deprecated. The FCPlugin is not selected by fc_plugin_caffe_mnist which was intended to demonstrate its usage. This is because there is no default importer for FCPlugin in the Caffe parser.


Known Issues

  • There is a known issue that graph capture may fail in some cases for IExecutionContext::enqueue() and IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(). For more information, refer to the documentation for IExecutionContext::enqueueV2(), including how to work around this issue.
  • There is a known ~40% performance regression on 3D networks like 3D Unet.
  • There is a known ~50% performance regression on LSTM autoencoder with BS=8.
  • There is a minor performance regression across a variety of networks that will be fixed in TensorRT 7.1.x GA.
  • The diagram in IRNNv2Layer is incorrect. This will be fixed in TensorRT 7.1.x GA.
  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit the weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.

4.7. TensorRT Release 7.1.0 Early Access (EA)

These are the TensorRT 7.1.0 Early Access (EA) release notes and are applicable to NVIDIA® Jetson™ Linux for Tegra™ users. This release includes several fixes from the previous TensorRT 6.0.0 and later releases as well as the following additional changes. These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

This preview release is for early testing and feedback, therefore, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 7.0.0.

For previous TensorRT documentation, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
Working with empty tensors
TensorRT supports empty tensors. A tensor is an empty tensor if it has one or more dimensions with length zero. Zero-length dimensions usually get no special treatment. If a rule works for a dimension of length L for an arbitrary positive value of L, it usually works for L=0 too. For more information, refer to Working With Empty Tensors.
Builder layer timing cache
The layer timing cache will cache the layer profiling information during the builder phase. If there are other layers with the same input/output tensor configuration and layer params, then the TensorRT builder will skip profiling and reuse the cached result for the repeated layers. Models with many repeated layers (for example, BERT, WaveGlow, and so on) will see a significant speedup in builder time. The builder flag kDISABLE_TIMING_CACHE can be set if you want to disable this feature. For more information, refer to Builder Layer Timing Cache and Initializing The Engine.
Pointwise fusion based on code generation
Pointwise fusion was introduced in TensorRT 6.0.1 to fuse multiple adjacent pointwise layers into one single layer. In this release, its implementation has been updated to use code generation and runtime compilation to further improve performance. The code generation and runtime compilation happen during execution plan building. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Best Practices Guide.
Dilation support for deconvolution
IDeconvolutionLayer now supports a dilation parameter. This is accessible through the C++ API, Python API, and the ONNX parser (refer to ConvTranspose). For more information, refer to IDeconvolutionLayer.
Selecting FP16 and INT8 kernels
TensorRT supports Mixed Precision Inference with FP32, FP16, or INT8 as supported precisions. Depending on the hardware support, you can choose to enable either of the above precision to accelerate inference. You can also choose to execute trtexec with the --best option directly, which would enable all supported precisions for inference resulting in best performance. For more information, refer to Mixed Precision.
Calibration with dynamic shapes
INT8 calibration with dynamic shapes supports the same functionality as a standard INT8 calibrator but for networks with dynamic shapes. You will need to provide a calibration optimization profile that would be used to set the dimensions for calibration. If a calibration optimization profile is not set, the first network optimization profile will be used as a calibration optimization profile. For more information, refer to INT8 Calibration With Dynamic Shapes.
Algorithm selection
Algorithm selection provides a mechanism to select and report algorithms for different layers in a network. This can also be used to deterministically build TensorRT engine or to reproduce the same implementations for layers in the engine. For more information, refer to Algorithm Selection and Determinism And Reproducibility In The Builder.
New sample

sampleAlgorithmSelector shows an example of how to use the algorithm selection API based on sampleMNIST. This sample demonstrates the usage of IAlgorithmSelector to deterministically build TensorRT engines. It also shows the usage of IAlgorithmSelector::selectAlgorithms to define heuristics for selection of algorithms. For more information, refer to Algorithm Selection and Algorithm Selection API Usage Example Based On sampleMNIST In TensorRT.


Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.1.0:
  • Python 2.7 support has been deprecated. A warning will be emitted when you import the TensorRT bindings for Python 2.7. You should update your application to support Python 3.x to prevent issues with future TensorRT releases. In addition, the legacy Python bindings have been removed. You will need to migrate your application to the new Python bindings if you haven’t done so already. Refer to the Python Migration Guide for more information.
  • Support for CUDA Compute Capability version 3.0 has been removed. Support for CUDA Compute Capability versions 5.0 and lower may be removed in a future release. Specifically:
    CUDA Compute Capability Version Status
    Maxwell SM 5.0 (2014-2017):
    • GM10X - GeForce 745
    • GM10X - GeForce 750
    • GM10X - GeForce 830
    • GM10X - GeForce 840
    • Quadro K620
    • Quadro K1200
    • Quadro K2200
    • M5XX
    • M6XX
    • M1XXX
    • M2000
    Kepler SM 3.7 (2014):
    • GK210 - K8
    Kepler SM 3.5 (2013):
    • GK110 - K20
    • GeForce GTX 780 family
    • GTX Titan
    Kepler SM 3.0 (2012):
    • GK10X GPUs
    • GeForce 600 series
    • K10
    • GRID K1/K2
    • Quadro K series
  • Many methods of class IBuilder have been deprecated. The following table shows deprecated methods of class IBuilder that have replacements in IBuilder:
    Deprecated IBuilder Method IBuilder Replacement
    createNetwork() createNetworkV2(0)
    buildCudaEngine(network) buildEngineWithConfig(network,config)
    reset(network) reset()
    The next table shows the deprecated methods of IBuilder that have direct equivalents in class IBuilderConfig with the same name.
    Deprecated IBuilder Methods with Direct Equivalents in IBuilderConfig
    • setMaxWorkspaceSize
    • getMaxWorkspaceSize
    • setDeviceType
    • getDeviceType
    • isDeviceTypeSet
    • resetDeviceType
    • setDefaultDeviceType
    • getDefaultDeviceType
    • setDLACore
    • getDLACore
    • setEngineCapability
    • getEngineCapability
    Timing methods in IBuilder also have replacements in IBuilderConfig, with new names.
    Deprecated IBuilder Method Replacement In IBuilderConfig
    setMinFindIterations setMinTimingIterations
    getMinFindIterations getMinTimingIterations
    setAverageFindIterations setAvgTimingIterations
    getAverageFindIterations getAvgTimingIterations
    Finally, some IBuilder methods related to boolean properties have been replaced with methods for setting/getting flags. For example, these calls on an IBuilder:
    can be replaced with these calls on a IBuilderConfig:
    The following table lists the deprecated methods and the corresponding flag.
    Deprecated IBuilder Method Corresponding Flag
    • setHalf2Mode
    • setFp16Mode
    • getHalf2Mode
    • getFp16Mode
    • setInt8Mode
    • getInt8Mode
    setDebugSync BuilderFlag::kDEBUG
    • setRefittable
    • getRefittable
    • setStrictTypeConstraints
    • getStrictTypeConstraints
    allowGPUFallback BuilderFlag::kGPU_FALLBACK
  • The INvPlugin creator function has been deprecated since TensorRT 5.1.x and has now been fully removed. We recommend that users upgrade their plugins to one of the later plugin interfaces, refer to Extending TensorRT With Custom Layers.

Fixed Issues

  • DLA has restrictions on usage that were previously undocumented. Some programs that might have worked, but violated these restrictions, are now expected to fail at build time. For more information, refer to Restrictions With DLA and FAQs.


Known Issues

  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so any attempt to refit the weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.

4.8. TensorRT Release 7.0.0

These are the TensorRT 7.0.0 release notes for Linux and Windows users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 6.0.1 release as well as the following additional changes. These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previous TensorRT release notes, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
Working with loops
TensorRT supports loop-like constructs, which can be useful for recurrent networks. TensorRT loops support scanning over input tensors, recurrent definitions of tensors, and both “scan outputs” and “last value” outputs. For more information, refer to Working With Loops.
ONNX parser with dynamic shapes support
The ONNX parser supports full-dimensions mode only. Your network definition must be created with the explicitBatch flag set. For more information, refer to Importing An ONNX Model Using The C++ Parser API and Working With Dynamic Shapes.
TensorRT container with OSS
The TensorRT monthly container release now contains pre-built binaries from the TensorRT Open Source Repository. For more information, refer to the monthly released TensorRT Container Release Notes starting in 19.12+.
BERT INT8 and mixed precision optimizations
Some GEMM layers are now followed by GELU activation in the BERT model. Since TensorRT doesn’t have IMMA GEMM layers, you can implement those GEMM layers in the BERT network with either IConvolutionLayer or IFullyConnectedLayer layers depending on what precision you require. For example, you can leverage IConvolutionLayer with H == W == 1 (CONV1x1) to implement a FullyConnected operation and leverage IMMA math under INT8 mode. TensorRT supports the fusion of Convolution/FullyConnected and GELU. For more information, refer to NVIDIA TensorRT Best Practices Guide and Adding Custom Layers Using The C++ API.
Working with Quantized Networks
TensorRT now supports quantized models trained with Quantization Aware Training. Support is limited to symmetrically quantized models, meaning zero_point = 0 using QuantizeLinear and DequantizeLinear ONNX ops. For more information, refer to Working With Quantized Networks and QDQ Fusions.
New layers
The IFillLayer is used to generate an output tensor with the specified mode. For more information, refer to C++ class IFillLayer or Python class IFillLayer.
The IIteratorLayer enables a loop to iterate over a tensor. A loop is defined by loop boundary layers. For more information, refer to C++ class IIteratorLayer or Python class IIteratorLayer and Working With Loops.
Class ILoopBoundaryLayer defines a virtual method getLoop() that returns a pointer to the associated ILoop. For more information, refer to C++ class ILoopBoundaryLayer or Python class ILoopBoundaryLayer and Working With Loops.
The ILoopOutputLayer specifies an output from the loop. For more information, refer to C++ class ILoopOutputLayer or Python class ILoopOutputLayer and Working With Loops.
The IParametricReluLayer represents a parametric ReLU operation, meaning, a leaky ReLU where the slopes for x < 0 can be different for each element. For more information, refer to C++ class IParametricReluLayer or Python class IParametricReluLayer.
The IRecurrenceLayer specifies a recurrent definition. For more information, refer to C++ class IRecurrenceLayer or Python class IRecurrenceLayer and Working With Loops.
The ISelectLayer returns either of the two inputs depending on the condition. For more information, refer to C++ class ISelectLayer or Python class ISelectLayer.
The ITripLimitLayer specifies how many times the loop iterates. For more information, refer to C++ class ITripLayer or Python class ITripLayer and Working With Loops.
New operations

ONNX: Added ConstantOfShape, DequantizeLinear, Equal, Erf, Expand, Greater, GRU, Less, Loop, LRN, LSTM, Not, PRelu, QuantizeLinear, RandomUniform, RandomUniformLike, Range, RNN, Scan, Sqrt, Tile, and Where.

For more information, refer to the supported ops list here.

Boolean tensor support
TensorRT supports boolean tensors which can be marked as network input and output. IElementWiseLayer, IUnaryLayer (only kNOT), IShuffleLayer, ITripLimit (only kWHILE) and ISelectLayer support the boolean datatype. Boolean tensors can be used only with FP32 and FP16 precision networks. For more information, refer to Layers.



  • UFF samples, such as sampleUffMNIST, sampleUffSSD, sampleUffPluginV2Ext, sampleUffMaskRCNN, sampleUffFasterRCNN, uff_custom_plugin, and uff_ssd, support TensorFlow 1.x and not models trained with TensorFlow 2.0.
  • Loops and DataType::kBOOL are supported on limited platforms. On platforms without loop support, INetworkDefinition::addLoop returns nullptr. Attempting to build an engine using operations that consume or produce DataType::kBOOL on a platform without support, results in validation rejecting the network. For details on which platforms are supported with loops, refer to Features For Platforms And Software.
  • Explicit precision networks with quantized and de-quantized nodes are only supported on devices with hardware INT8 support. Running on devices without hardware INT8 support results in undefined behavior.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 7.0.0:
  • Backward Compatibility and Deprecation Policy - When a new function, for example foo, is first introduced, there is no explicit version in the name and the version is assumed to be 1. When changing the API of an existing TensorRT function foo (usually to support some new functionality), first, a new routine fooV<N> is created where N represents the Nth version of the function and the previous version fooV<N-1> remains untouched to ensure backward compatibility. At this point, fooV<N-1> is considered deprecated, and should be treated as such by users of TensorRT.

    Starting with TensorRT 7, we will be eliminating deprecated API per the following policy.
    • APIs already marked deprecated prior to TensorRT 7 (6 and older) will be removed in the next major release of TensorRT 8.
    • APIs deprecated in TensorRT <M>, where M is the major version greater than or equal to 7, will be removed in TensorRT <M+2>. This means that deprecated APIs remain functional for two major releases before they are removed.
  • Deprecation of Caffe Parser and UFF Parser - We are deprecating Caffe Parser and UFF Parser in TensorRT 7. They will be tested and functional in the next major release of TensorRT 8, but we plan to remove the support in the subsequent major release. Plan to migrate your workflow to use tf2onnx, keras2onnx or TensorFlow-TensorRT (TF-TRT) for deployment.

Fixed Issues

  • You no longer have to build ONNX and TensorFlow from source in order to workaround pybind11 compatibility issues. The TensorRT Python bindings are now built using pybind11 version 2.4.3.
  • Windows users are now able to build applications designed to use the TensorRT refittable engine feature. The issue related to unresolved symbols has been resolved.
  • A virtual destructor has been added to the IPluginFactory class.

Known Issues

  • The UFF parser generates unused IConstantLayer objects that are visible via method NetworkDefinition::getLayer but optimized away by TensorRT, so an attempt to refit the weights with IRefitter::setWeights will be rejected. Given an IConstantLayer* layer, you can detect whether it is used for execution by checking: layer->getOutput(0)->isExecutionTensor().
  • The ONNX parser does not support RNN, LSTM, and GRU nodes when the activation type of the forward pass does not match the activation type of the reverse pass in bidirectional cases.
  • The INT8 calibration does not work with dynamic shapes. To workaround this issue, ensure there are two passes in the code:
    1. Using a fixed shape input to build the engine in the first pass, allows TensorRT to generate the calibration cache.
    2. Then, create the engine again using the dynamic shape input and the builder will reuse the calibration cache generated in the first pass.

5. TensorRT Release 6.x.x

5.1. TensorRT Release 6.0.1

This is the TensorRT 6.0.1 release notes for Linux and Windows users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.x.x releases as well as the following additional changes. These release notes are applicable to workstation, server, and JetPack users unless appended specifically with (not applicable for Jetson platforms).

For previous TensorRT release notes, see the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • New layers:
    The IResizeLayer implements the resize operation on an input tensor. For more information, refer to IResizeLayer: TensorRT API and IResizeLayer: TensorRT Developer Guide.
    The IShapeLayer gets the shape of a tensor. For more information, refer to IShapeLayer: TensorRT API and IShapeLayer: TensorRT Developer Guide.
    PointWise fusion
    Multiple adjacent pointwise layers can be fused into a single pointwise layer, to improve performance. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Best Practices Guide.
  • New operators:
    3-dimensional convolution
    Performs a convolution operation with 3D filters on a 5D tensor. For more information, refer to addConvolutionNd and IConvolutionalLayer.
    3-dimensional deconvolution
    Performs a deconvolution operation with 3D filters on a 5D tensor. For more information, refer to addDeconvolutionNd and IDeconvolutionLayer.
    3-dimensional pooling
    Performs a pooling operation with a 3D sliding window on a 5D tensor. For more information, refer to addPoolingNd and IPoolingLayer.
  • New plugins:

    Added a persistent LSTM plugin; a half precision persistent LSTM plugin that supports variable sequence lengths. This plugin also supports bi-direction, setting initial hidden/cell values, storing final hidden/cell values, and multi layers. You can use it through the PluginV2 interface, achieves better performance with small batch sizes, and is currently only supported on Linux. For more information, refer to Persistent LSTM Plugin. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

  • New operations:
    Added ResizeBilinear and ResizeNearest ops.
    Added Resize op.

    For more information, refer to the supported ops list here.

  • New samples:
    Added sampleDynamicReshape which demonstrates how to use dynamic input dimensions in TensorRT by creating an engine for resizing dynamically shaped inputs to the correct size for an ONNX MNIST model. For more information, refer to Working With Dynamic Shapes, Digit Recognition With Dynamic Shapes, and GitHub: sampleDynamicReshape.
    Added sampleReformatFreeIO which uses a Caffe model that was trained on theMNIST dataset and performs engine building and inference using TensorRT. Specifically, it shows how to use reformat free I/O tensors APIs to explicitly specify I/O formats to TensorFormat::kLINEAR, TensorFormat::kCHW2, and TensorFormat::kHWC8 for Float16 and INT8 precision. For more information, refer to Specifying I/O Formats Using The Reformat Free I/O Tensors APIs and GitHub: sampleReformatFreeIO.
    Added sampleUffPluginV2Ext which implements the custom pooling layer for the MNIST model (data/samples/lenet5_custom_pool.uff) and demonstrates how to extend INT8 I/O for a plugin. For more information, refer to Adding A Custom Layer That Supports INT8 I/O To Your Network In TensorRT and GitHub: sampleUffPluginV2Ext.
    Added sampleNMT which demonstrates the implementation of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) based on a TensorFlow seq2seq model using the TensorRT API. The TensorFlow seq2seq model is an open sourced NMT project that uses deep neural networks to translate text from one language to another language. For more information, refer to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) Using A Sequence To Sequence (seq2seq) Model, Importing A Model Using The C++ API For Safety, and GitHub: sampleNMT.
    This sample, sampleUffMaskRCNN, performs inference on the Mask R-CNN network in TensorRT. Mask R-CNN is based on the Mask R-CNN paper which performs the task of object detection and object mask predictions on a target image. This sample’s model is based on the Keras implementation of Mask R-CNN and its training framework can be found in the Mask R-CNN Github repository. For more information, refer to sampleUffMaskRCNN. This sample is available only in GitHub: sampleUffMaskRCNN and is not packaged with the product. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
    This sample, sampleUffFasterRCNN, is a UFF TensorRT sample for Faster-RCNN in NVIDIA Transfer Learning Toolkit SDK. This sample serves as a demo of how to use pretrained Faster-RCNN model in Transfer Learning Toolkit to do inference with TensorRT. For more information, refer to sampleUffFasterRCNN. This sample is available only in GitHub: sampleUffFasterRCNN and is not packaged with the product. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • New optimizations:
    Dynamic shapes
    The size of a tensor can vary at runtime. IShuffleLayer, ISliceLayer, and the new IResizeLayer now have optional inputs that can specify runtime dimensions. IShapeLayer can get the dimensions of tensors at runtime, and some layers can compute new dimensions. For more information, refer to Working With Dynamic Shapes, TensorRT Layers, Digit Recognition With Dynamic Shapes, and GitHub: sampleDynamicReshape.
    Reformat free I/O
    Network I/O tensors can be different to linear FP32. Formats of network I/O tensors now have APIs to be specified explicitly. The removal of reformatting is beneficial to many applications and specifically saves considerable memory traffic time. For more information, refer to Working With Reformat-Free Network I/O Tensors and Example 4: Add A Custom Layer With INT8 I/O Support Using C++.
    Layer optimizations
    Shuffle operations that are equivalent to identify operations on the underlying data will be omitted, if the input tensor is only used in the shuffle layer and the input and output tensors of this layer are not input and output tensors of the network. TensorRT no longer executes additional kernels or memory copies for such operations. For more information, refer to How Does TensorRT Work?.
    New INT8 calibrator
    MinMaxCalibrator - Preferred calibrator for NLP tasks. Supports per activation tensor scaling. Computes scales using per tensor absolute maximum value. For more information, refer to INT8 Calibration Using C++.
    Explicit precision
    You can manually configure a network to be an explicit precision network in TensorRT. This feature enables users to import pre-quantized models with explicit quantizing and dequantizing scale layers into TensorRT. Setting the network to be an explicit precision network implies that you will set the precision of all the network input tensors and layer output tensors in the network. TensorRT will not quantize the weights of any layer (including those running in lower precision). Instead, weights will simply be cast into the required precision. For more information about explicit precision, refer to Working With Explicit Precision Using C++ and Working With Explicit Precision Using Python.
  • Installation:
    • Added support for RPM and Debian packages for PowerPC users. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)



  • Upgrading TensorRT to the latest version is only supported when the currently installed TensorRT version is equal to or newer than the last two public releases. For example, TensorRT 6.x.x supports upgrading from TensorRT 5.0.x and TensorRT 5.1.x. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • Calibration for a network with INT8 I/O tensors requires FP32 calibration data.
  • Shape tensors cannot be network inputs or outputs. Shape tensors can be created by IConstantLayer, IShapeLayer, or any of the following operations on shape tensors: IConcatenationLayer, IElementWiseLayer, IGatherLayer, IReduceLayer (kSUM, kMAX, kMIN, kPROD), IShuffleLayer, or ISliceLayer.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 6.0.1:
Samples changes
  • The PGM files for the MNIST samples have been removed. A script, called (or for CUDA 10.2), has been provided in the samples/mnist/data directory to generate the images using the dataset.
  • --useDLACore=0 is no longer a valid option for sampleCharRNN as DLA does not support FP32 or RNN’s, and the sample is only written to work with FP32 in all cases.

Fixed Issues

  • Logging level Severity::kVERBOSE is now fully supported. Log messages with this level of severity are verbose messages with debugging information.
  • Deconvolution layer with stride > 32 is now supported on DLA.
  • Deconvolution layer with kernel size > 32 is now supported on DLA.

Known Issues

  • For Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS7, in order for ONNX, TensorFlow and TensorRT to co-exist in the same environment, ONNX and TensorFlow must be built from source using your system's native compilers. It’s especially important to build ONNX and TensorFlow from source when using the IBM Anaconda channel for PowerPC to avoid compatibility issues with pybind11 and protobuf. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)
  • PointWise fusions will be disabled when the SM version is lower than 7.0 due to a performance issue. This includes all pre-Volta GPUs, for example, Pascal, Maxwell, Kepler, TX-1, TX-2, Nano.
  • TensorRT assumes that all resources for the device it is building on are available for optimization purposes. Concurrent use of multiple TensorRT builders (for example, multiple trtexec instances) to compile on different targets (DLA0, DLA1 and GPU) may oversubscribe system resources causing undefined behavior (meaning, inefficient plans, builder failure, or system instability).

    It is recommended to use trtexec with the --saveEngine argument to compile for different targets (DLA and GPU) separately and save their plan files. Such plan files can then be reused for loading (using trtexec with the --loadEngine argument) and submitting multiple inference jobs on the respective targets (DLA0, DLA1, GPU). This two step process alleviates over-subscription of system resources during the build phase while also allowing execution of the plan file to proceed without interference by the builder.

  • Windows users are currently unable to refit an engine due to some linking issues. You will encounter undefined symbols while building an application designed to use the TensorRT refittable engine feature. (not applicable for Jetson platforms)

6. TensorRT Release 5.x.x

6.1. TensorRT Release 5.1.5

This is the TensorRT 5.1.5 release notes for Linux and Windows users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.1.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

For previously released versions of TensorRT, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
TensorRT Open Source Software (OSS)

The TensorRT GitHub repository contains the Open Source Software (OSS) components of NVIDIA TensorRT. Included are the sources for TensorRT plugins and parsers (Caffe and ONNX) libraries, as well as sample applications demonstrating usage and capabilities of the TensorRT platform. Refer to the file for prerequisites, steps for downloading, setting-up the build environment, and instructions for building the TensorRT OSS components.

For more information, see the NVIDIA Developer news article NVIDIA open sources parsers and plugins in TensorRT.


Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.1.5:
  • getDIGITS has been removed from the TensorRT package.

Known Issues

  • For Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS7, there is a known bug when trying to import TensorRT and ONNX Python modules together due to different compiler versions used to generate their respective Python bindings. As a work around, build the ONNX module from source using your system's native compilers.
  • You may see the following warning when running programs linked with TensorRT 5.1.5 and CUDA 10.1 libraries:
    [W] [TRT] TensorRT was compiled against cuBLAS 10.2.0 but is linked against cuBLAS 10.1.0.
    You can resolve this by updating your CUDA 10.1 installation to 10.1 update 1 here.
  • There is a known issue in sample yolov3_onnx with ONNX versions > 1.4.1. To work around this, install version 1.4.1 of ONNX through:
    pip uninstall onnx; pip install onnx==1.4.1

6.2. TensorRT Release 5.1.3

This is the TensorRT 5.1.3 release notes for PowerPC users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.1.x releases as well as the following additional changes.

For previously released versions of TensorRT, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Archived Documentation.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
The files for many samples, located within each sample source directory, have been greatly improved. We hope this makes it easier to understand the sample source code and successfully run the sample.
ONNX parser
The ONNX parser now converts GEMMs and MatMuls using the MatrixMultiply layer, and adds support for scaling the results with the alpha and beta parameters.
Asymmetric padding
  • IConvolutionLayer, IDeconvolutionLayer and IPoolingLayer directly support setting asymmetric padding. You do not need to add an explicit IPaddingLayer.
  • The new APIs are setPaddingMode(), setPrePadding() and setPostPadding(). The setPaddingMode() method takes precedence over setPaddingMode() and setPrePadding() when more than one padding method is used.
  • The Caffe, UFF, and ONNX parsers have been updated to support the new asymmetric padding APIs.
Precision optimization
TensorRT provides optimized kernels for mixed precision (FP32, FP16 and INT8) workloads on Turing GPUs, and optimizations for depthwise convolution operations. You can control the precision per-layer with the ILayer APIs.


  • TensorRT 5.1.3 has been tested with the following:
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.1.
  • TensorRT will now emit a warning when the major, minor, and patch versions of cuDNN and cuBLAS do not match the major, minor, and patch versions that TensorRT is expecting.


  • For CentOS and RHEL users, when choosing Python 3:
    • Only Python version 3.6 from EPEL is supported by the RPM installation.
    • Only Python versions 3.4 and 3.6 from EPEL are supported by the tar installation.
  • In order to run the UFF converter and its related C++ and Python samples on PowerPC, it’s necessary to install TensorFlow for PowerPC. For more information, refer to Install TensorFlow on Power systems.
  • In order to run the PyTorch samples on PowerPC, it’s necessary to install PyTorch specifically built for PowerPC, which is not available from PyPi. For more information, refer to Install PyTorch on Power systems.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.1.3:
  • sampleNMT has been removed from the TensorRT package. The public data source files have changed and no longer work with the sample.

Fixed Issues

The following issues have been resolved in TensorRT 5.1.3:
  • Fixed the behavior of the Caffe crop layer when the layer has an asymmetric crop offset.
  • ITensor::getType() and ILayer::getOutputType() now report the type correctly. Previously, both types reported DataType::kFLOAT even if the output type should have been DataType::kINT32. For example, the output type of IConstantLayer with DataType::kINT32 weights is now correctly reported as DataType::kINT32. The affected layers include:
    • IConstantLayer (when weights have type DataType::kINT32)
    • IConcatentationLayer (when inputs have type DataType::kINT32)
    • IGatherLayer (when first input has type DataType::kINT32)
    • IIdentityLayer (when input has type DataType::kINT32)
    • IShuffleLayer (when input has type DataType::kINT32)
    • ISliceLayer (when input has type DataType::kINT32)
    • ITopKLayer (second output)
  • When using INT8 mode, dynamic ranges are no longer required for INT32 tensors, even if you’re not using automatic quantization.
  • Using an INT32 tensor where a floating-point tensor is expected, or vice-versa, issues an error explaining the mismatch instead of asserting failure.
  • The ONNX TensorRT parser now attempts to downcast INT64 graph weights to INT32.
  • Fixed an issue where the engine would fail to build when asymmetric padding convolutions were present in the network.

Known Issues

  • When running ShuffleNet with small batch sizes between 1 and 4, you may encounter performance regressions of up to 15% compared to TensorRT 5.0.
  • When running ResNeXt101 with a batch size of 4 using INT8 precision on a Volta GPU, you may encounter intermittent performance regressions of up to 10% compared to TensorRT 5.0. Rebuilding the engine may resolve this issue.
  • There is a known issue in sample yolov3_onnx with ONNX versions > 1.4.1. To work around this, install version 1.4.1 of ONNX through:
    pip uninstall onnx; pip install onnx==1.4.1

6.3. TensorRT Release 5.1.2 Release Candidate (RC)

This is the release candidate (RC) for TensorRT 5.1.2 and is applicable to Linux and Windows users. This RC includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 5.0.2.

This preview release is for early testing and feedback, therefore, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 5.0.2.

For previously released versions of TensorRT, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Documentation Archives.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
Improved performance of HMMA and IMMA convolution
The performance of Convolution, including Depthwise Separable Convolution and Group Convolution has improved in FP16 and INT8 modes on Volta and Turing. For example: ResNeXt-101 batch=1 INT8 3x speedup on Tesla T4.
Reload weights for an existing TensorRT engine
Engines can be refitted with new weights. For more information, refer to Refitting An Engine.
New supported operations
Caffe: Added BNLL, Clip and ELU ops. Additionally, the leaky ReLU option for the ReLU op (negative_slope != 0) was added.

UFF: Added ArgMax, ArgMin, Clip, Elu, ExpandDims, Identity, LeakyReLU, Recip, Relu6, Sin, Cos, Tan, Asin, Acos, Atan, Sinh, Cosh, Asinh, Acosh, Atanh, Ceil, Floor, Selu, Slice, Softplus and Softsign ops.

ONNX: Added ArgMax, ArgMin, Clip, Cast, Elu, Selu, HardSigmoid, Softplus, Gather, ImageScaler, LeakyReLU, ParametricSoftplus, Sin, Cos, Tan, Asin, Acos, Atan, Sinh, Cosh, Asinh, Acosh, Atanh, Ceil, Floor, ScaledTanh, Softsign, Slice, ThresholdedRelu and Unsqueeze ops.

For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Support Matrix.

NVTX support
NVIDIA Tools Extension SDK (NVTX) is a C-based API for marking events and ranges in your applications. NVTX annotations were added in TensorRT to help correlate the runtime engine layer execution with CUDA kernel calls. NVIDIA Nsight Systems supports collecting and visualizing these events and ranges on the timeline. NVIDIA Nsight Compute also supports collecting and displaying the state of all active NVTX domains and ranges in a given thread when the application is suspended.
New layer
Added support for the Slice layer. The Slice layer implements a slice operator for tensors. For more information, see ISliceLayer.
Changed RNNv1 and RNNv2 validation of hidden and cell input/output dimensions. This affects only bidirectional RNNs.
Added Entropy Calibration algorithm; which is the preferred calibrator.
Python support
Python 3 is now supported for CentOS and RHEL users. The Python 3 wheel files have been split so that each wheel file now contains the Python bindings for only one Python version and follows pip naming conventions.
New Python samples
  • INT8 Calibration In Python - This sample demonstrates how to create an INT8 calibrator, build and calibrate an engine for INT8 mode, and finally run inference in INT8 mode.
  • Engine Refit In Python - This sample demonstrates the engine refit functionality provided by TensorRT. The model first trains an MNIST model in PyTorch, then recreates the network in TensorRT.
For more information, refer to the NVIDIA Samples Support Guide.
NVIDIA Machine Learning network repository installation
TensorRT 5.1 can now be directly installed from the NVIDIA Machine Learning network repository when only the C++ libraries and headers are required. The intermediate step of downloading and installing a local repo from the network repo is no longer required. This simplifies the number of steps required to automate the TensorRT installation. For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Installation Guide.

Breaking API Changes

  • A kVERBOSE logging level was added in TensorRT 5.1, however, due to ABI implications, kVERBOSE is not currently being used. Messages at the kVERBOSE logging level may be emitted in a future release.



  • A few optimizations are disabled when building refittable engines:
    • IScaleLayer operations that have non-zero count of weights for shift or scale and are mathematically the identity function will not be removed, since a refit of the shift or scale weights could make it a non-identity function. IScaleLayer operations where the shift and scale weights have zero count are still removed if the power weights are unity.
    • Optimizations for multilayer perceptrons are disabled. These optimizations target serial compositions of IFullyConnectedLayer, IMatrixMultiplyLayer, and IActivationLayer.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.1.2 RC:
  • The UFF Parser which is used to parse a network in UFF format will be deprecated in a future release. The recommended method of importing TensorFlow models to TensorRT is using TensorFlow with TensorRT (TF-TRT). For step-by-step instructions on how to accelerate inference in TF-TRT, refer to the TF-TRT User Guide and Release Notes. For source code from GitHub, refer to Examples for TensorRT in TensorFlow (TF-TRT).
  • Deprecated --engine=<filename> option in trtexec. Use --saveEngine=<filename> and --loadEngine=<filename> instead for clarity.

Known Issues

  • Using the current public data sources, sampleNMT produces incorrect results which results in a low BLEU score. This sample will be removed in the next release so that we can update the source code to work with the latest public data.
  • There is a known multilayer perceptron (MLP) performance regression in TensorRT 5.1.2 compared to TensorRT 5.0. During the engine build phase the GPU cache state may lead to different tactic selections on Turing. The magnitude of the regression depends on the batch size and the depth of the network.
  • On sampleSSD and sampleUffSSD during INT8 calibration, you may encounter a file read error in TensorRT-5.1.x.x/data/samples/ssd/VOC2007/list.txt. This is due to line-ending differences on Windows vs Linux. To workaround this problem, open list.txt in a text editor and ensure that the file is using Unix-style line endings.
  • Python sample yolov3_onnx is functional only for ONNX versions greater than 1.1.0 and less than 1.4.0.

6.4. TensorRT Release 5.1.1 Release Candidate (RC)

This is the release candidate (RC) for TensorRT 5.1.1 and is applicable to automotive users on PDK version 5.1.3. This RC includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 5.0.3.

This preview release is for early testing and feedback, therefore, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 5.0.3.

For previously released versions of TensorRT, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Documentation Archives.

Key Features And Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Breaking API Changes

  • A kVERBOSE logging level was added in TensorRT 5.1.0, however, due to ABI implications, kVERBOSE is no longer being used in TensorRT 5.1.1. It may be used again in a future release.


  • TensorRT 5.1.1 RC has been tested with the following:
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.1.


  • The Python API is not included in this package.

Known Issues

  • When linking against CUDA 10.1, performance regressions may occur under Drive 5.0 QNX and Drive 5.0 Linux because of a regression in cuBLAS. This affects the FullyConnected layers in AlexNet, VGG19, and ResNet-50 for small batch sizes (between 1 and 4).
  • Performance regressions of around 10% may be seen when using group convolutions caused by a CUDA mobile driver bug. These regressions might be seen in networks such as ResNext and ShuffleNet.

6.12. TensorRT Release 5.1.0 Release Candidate (RC)

This is the release candidate (RC) for TensorRT 5.1.0. It includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 5.0.x.

This preview release is for early testing and feedback, therefore, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 5.0.2.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Improved performance of HMMA and IMMA convolution
The performance of Convolution, including Depthwise Separable Convolution and Group Convolution has improved in FP16 and INT8 modes on Volta, Xavier and Turing. For example:
  • ResNet50 INT8 batch=8 1.2x speedup on Jetson AGX Xavier
  • MobileNetV2 FP16 batch=8 1.2x speedup on Jetson AGX Xavier
  • ResNeXt-101 batch=1 INT8 3x speedup on Tesla T4
Reload weights for an existing TensorRT engine
Engines can be refitted with new weights. For more information, refer to Refitting An Engine.
DLA with INT8
Added support for running the AlexNet network on DLA using trtexec in INT8 mode. For more information, refer to Working With DLA.
New supported operations
Caffe: Added BNLL, Clip and ELU ops. Additionally, the leaky ReLU option for the ReLU op (negative_slope != 0) was added.

UFF: Added ArgMax, ArgMin, Clip, Elu, ExpandDims, Identity, LeakyReLU, Recip, Relu6, Sin, Cos, Tan, Asin, Acos, Atan, Sinh, Cosh, Asinh, Acosh, Atanh, Ceil, Floor, Selu, Slice, Softplus and Softsign ops.

ONNX: Added ArgMax, ArgMin, Clip, Cast, Elu, Selu, HardSigmoid, Softplus, Gather, ImageScaler, LeakyReLU, ParametricSoftplus, Sin, Cos, Tan, Asin, Acos, Atan, Sinh, Cosh, Asinh, Acosh, Atanh, Ceil, Floor, ScaledTanh, Softsign, Slice, ThresholdedRelu, and Unsqueeze ops.

For more information, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Support Matrix.

NVTX support
NVIDIA Tools Extension SDK (NVTX) is a C-based API for marking events and ranges in your applications. NVTX annotations were added in TensorRT to help correlate the runtime engine layer execution with CUDA kernel calls. NVIDIA Nsight Systems supports collecting and visualizing these events and ranges on the timeline. NVIDIA Nsight Compute also supports collecting and displaying the state of all active NVTX domains and ranges in a given thread when the application is suspended.
New layer
Added support for the Slice layer. The Slice layer implements a slice operator for tensors. For more information, refer to ISliceLayer.
Changed RNNv1 and RNNv2 validation of hidden and cell input/output dimensions. This affects only bidirectional RNNs.
Added Entropy Calibration algorithm; which is the preferred calibrator. This is also the required calibrator for DLA INT8 because it supports per activation tensor scaling.
Added verbose severity level in ILogger for emitting debugging messages. Some messages that were previously logged with severity level kINFO are now logged with severity level kVERBOSE. Added new ILogger derived class in samples and trtexec. Most messages should be categorized (using the severity level) as:
For verbose debug informational messages.
For "instructional" informational messages.
For warning messages.
For error messages.
For fatal error messages.
  • INT8 Calibration In Python - This sample demonstrates how to create an INT8 calibrator, build and calibrate an engine for INT8 mode, and finally run inference in INT8 mode.
  • Engine Refit In Python - This sample demonstrates the engine refit functionality provided by TensorRT. The model first trains an MNIST model in PyTorch, then recreates the network in TensorRT.
For more information, refer to the NVIDIA Samples Support Guide.
Python bindings
Added Python bindings to the aarch64-gnu release package (Debian and Tar).
RPM installation
Provided installation support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS users to upgrade from TensorRT 5.0.x to TensorRT 5.1.x. For more information, refer to the upgrading instructions.

Breaking API Changes

  • A new logging level, kVERBOSE, was added in TensorRT 5.1.0. Messages are being emitted by the TensorRT builder and/or engine using this new logging level. Since the logging level did not exist in TensorRT 5.0.x, some applications might not handle the new logging level properly and in some cases the application may crash. In the next release, more descriptive messages will appear when using the kINFO logging level because the kVERBOSE messages will be produced using kINFO. However, the kVERBOSE logging level will remain in the API and kVERBOSE messages may be emitted in a future TensorRT release.


  • TensorRT 5.1.0 RC has been tested with cuDNN 7.3.1.
  • TensorRT 5.1.0 RC has been tested with TensorFlow 1.12.0.
  • TensorRT 5.1.0 RC has been tested with PyTorch 1.0.
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.0.


  • A few optimizations are disabled when building refittable engines.
    • IScaleLayer operations that have non-zero count of weights for shift or scale and are mathematically the identity function will not be removed, since a refit of the shift or scale weights could make it a non-identity function. IScaleLayer operations where the shift and scale weights have zero count are still removed if the power weights are unity.
    • Optimizations for multilayer perceptrons are disabled. These optimizations target serial compositions of IFullyConnectedLayer, IMatrixMultiplyLayer, and IActivationLayer.
  • DLA limitations
    • FP16 LRN is supported with the following parameters:
      • local_size = 5
      • alpha = 0.0001
      • beta = 0.75
    • INT8 LRN, Sigmoid, and Tanh are not supported.
    For more information, refer to DLA Supported Layers.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.1.0 RC:
  • Deprecated --engine=<filename> option in trtexec. Use --saveEngine=<filename> and --loadEngine=<filename> instead for clarity.

Known Issues

  • When the tensor size is too large, such as a single tensor that has more than 4G elements, overflow may occur which will cause TensorRT to crash. As a workaround, you may need to reduce the batch size.

6.6. TensorRT Release 5.0.6

This is the release for TensorRT 5.0.6 and is applicable to JetPack 4.2.0 users.

This release includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT Release 5.0.5.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements for JetPack users.
  • Python support for AArch64 Linux is included as an early access release. All features are expected to be available, however, some aspects of functionality and performance will likely be limited compared to a non-EA release.
  • The UFF parser’s memory usage was significantly reduced to better accommodate boards with small amounts of memory.


Known Issues

  • The default workspace size for sampleUffSSD is 1 GB. This may be too large for the Jetson TX1 NANO, therefore, change the workspace for the builder in the source file via the following code:
  • In order to run larger networks or larger batch sizes with TensorRT, it may be necessary to free memory on the board. This can be accomplished by running in headless mode or killing processes with high memory consumption.
  • Due to limited system memory on the Jetson TX1 NANO, which is shared between the CPU and GPU, you may not be able run some samples, for example, sampleFasterRCNN.
  • Python sample yolov3_onnx is functional only for ONNX versions greater than 1.1.0 and less than 1.4.0.

6.7. TensorRT Release 5.0.5

This is the TensorRT 5.0.5 release notes for Android users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.0.x releases as well as the following additional fixes.

For previous TensorRT 5.0.x release notes, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Release Notes.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements for Android users.
  • TensorRT 5.0.5 has two sub-releases:
    • TensorRT (without DLA support)
    • TensorRT (with DLA support)


  • TensorRT 5.0.5 supports CUDA 10.0
  • TensorRT 5.0.5 supports cuDNN 7.3.1
  • TensorRT 5.0.5 supports the Android platform with API level 26 or higher

Limitations In 5.0.5

  • TensorRT supports DLA while TensorRT does not.

Known Issues

  • For TensorRT, some sample programs have --useDLACore in their command line arguments, however, do not use it because this release does not support DLA.
  • When running trtexec from a saved engine, the --output and --input command line arguments are mandatory. For example:
    ./trtexec --onnx=data/mnist/mnist.onnx --fp16 --engine=./mnist_onnx_fp16.engine
    ./trtexec --engine=./mnist_onnx_fp16.engine --input=Input3 --output=Plus214_Output_0
  • When running applications that use DLA on Xavier based platforms that also contain a discrete GPU (dGPU), you may be required to select the integrated GPU (iGPU). This can be done using the following command:

6.8. TensorRT Release 5.0.4

This is the TensorRT 5.0.4 release notes for Windows users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.0.x releases as well as the following additional fixes.

For previous TensorRT 5.0.x release notes, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Release Notes.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements for the Windows platform.
  • ONNX model parsing support has been added.
  • Two new samples showcasing ONNX model parsing functionality have been added:
    • sampleOnnxMNIST
    • sampleINT8API
  • CUDA 9.0 support has been added.


  • TensorRT 5.0.4 supports Windows 10
  • TensorRT 5.0.4 supports CUDA 10.0 and CUDA 9.0
  • TensorRT 5.0.4 supports CUDNN 7.3.1
  • TensorRT 5.0.4 supports Visual Studio 2017

Limitations In 5.0.4

  • TensorRT 5.0.4 does not support Python API on Windows.

Known Issues

  • NVIDIA’s Windows display driver sets timeout detection recovery to 2 seconds by default. This can cause some timeouts within TensorRT’s builder and cause crashes. For more information, refer to Timeout Detection & Recovery (TDR) to increase the default timeout threshold if you encounter this problem.
  • TensorRT Windows performance is slower than Linux due to the operating system and driver differences. There are two driver modes:
    • WDDM (around 15% slower than Linux)
    • TCC (around 10% slower than Linux.) TCC mode is generally not supported for GeForce GPUs, however, we recommend it for Quadro or Tesla GPUs. Detailed instructions on setting TCC mode can be found here: Tesla Compute Cluster (TCC).
    • Volta FP16 performance on CUDA 9.0 may be up to 2x slower than on CUDA 10.0. We expect to mitigate this issue in a future release.
    • Most README files that are included with the samples assume that you are working on a Linux workstation. If you are using Windows and do not have access to a Linux system with an NVIDIA GPU, then you can try using VirtualBox to create a virtual machine based on Ubuntu. You may also want to consider using a Docker container for Ubuntu. Many samples do not require any training, therefore the CPU versions of TensorFlow and PyTorch are enough to complete the samples.
    • For sample_ssd and sample_uff_ssd, the INT8 calibration script is not supported natively on Windows. You can generate the INT8 batches on a Linux machine and copy them over in order to run sample_ssd in INT8 mode.
    • For sample_uff_ssd, the Python script convert-to-uff is not packaged within the .zip. You can generate the required .uff file on a Linux machine and copy it over in order to run sample_uff_ssd. During INT8 calibration, you may encounter a file reading error in TensorRT/data/samples/ssd/VOC2007/list.txt. This is due to line-ending differences on Windows. To work around this, open list.txt in a text editor and ensure that the file is using Unix-style line endings.
    • For sample_int8_api, the legacy runtime option is not supported on Windows.
    • When issuing -h for sampleINT8API, the --write_tensors option is missing. The --write_tensors option generates a file that contains a list of network tensor names. By default, it writes to the network_tensors.txt file. For information about additional options, issue --tensors.

6.9. TensorRT Release 5.0.3

This is the TensorRT 5.0.3 release notes for Automotive and L4T users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.0.x releases as well as the following additional fixes.

For previous TensorRT 5.0.x release notes, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Release Notes.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.
  • For this TensorRT release, JetPack L4T and Drive D5L are supported by a single package.

Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for details.


TensorRT 5.0.3 supports the following product versions:
  • CUDA 10.0
  • cuDNN 7.3.1
  • NvMedia DLA version 2.2
  • NvMedia VPI Version 2.3

Known Issues

  • For multi-process execution, and specifically when executing multiple inference sessions in parallel (for example, of trtexec) target different accelerators, you may observe a performance degradation if cudaEventBlockingSync is used for stream synchronization.
    One way to work around this performance degradation is to use the cudaEventDefault flag when creating the events which internally uses the spin-wait synchronization mechanism. In trtexec, the default behavior is to use blocking events, but this can be overridden with the --useSpinWait option to specify spin-wait based synchronization.
    Note: The spin-wait mechanism can increase CPU utilization on the system.

    For more information about CUDA blocking sync semantics, refer to Event Management.

  • There is a known issue when attempting to cross compile samples for mobile platforms on an x86_64 host machine. As cross-platform CUDA packages are structured differently, the following changes are required for samples/Makefile.config when compiling cross platform.
    Line 80
    Line 109

6.10. TensorRT Release 5.0.2

This is the TensorRT 5.0.2 release notes for Desktop users. This release includes fixes from the previous TensorRT 5.0.x releases as well as the following additional fixes.

For previous TensorRT 5.0.x release notes, refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Release Notes.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Added support for CentOS 7.5, Ubuntu 18.04, and Windows 10.
You must use CUDA 10.0 or later if you are using a Turing GPU.
DLA (Deep Learning Accelerator)

The layers supported by DLA are Activation, Concatenation, Convolution, Deconvolution, ElementWise, FullyConnected, LRN, Pooling, and Scale. For layer specific constraints, refer to DLA Supported Layers. AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and LeNet for MNIST networks have been validated on DLA. Since DLA support is new to this release, it is possible that other CNN networks that have not been validated will not work. Report any failing CNN networks that satisfy the layer constraints by submitting a bug using the NVIDIA Developer website. Ensure you log-in, click on your name in the upper right corner, click My account > My Bugs and select Submit a New Bug.

The trtexec tool can be used to run on DLA with the --useDLACore=N where N is 0 or 1, and --fp16 options. To run the MNIST network on DLA using trtexec, issue:
 ./trtexec --deploy=data/mnist/mnist.prototxt --output=prob --useDLACore=0 --fp16 --allowGPUFallback

trtexec does not support ONNX models on DLA.

Redesigned Python API
The Python API has gone through a thorough redesign to bring the API up to modern Python standards. This fixed multiple issues, including making it possible to support serialization via the Python API. Python samples using the new API include parser samples for ResNet-50, a Network API sample for MNIST, a plugin sample using Caffe, and an end-to-end sample using TensorFlow.
Support has been added for user-defined INT8 scales, using the new ITensor::setDynamicRange function. This makes it possible to define dynamic range for INT8 tensors without the need for a calibration data set. setDynamicRange currently supports only symmetric quantization. A user must either supply a dynamic range for each tensor or use the calibrator interface to take advantage of INT8 support.
Plugin Registry
A new searchable plugin registry, IPluginRegistry, is a single registration point for all plugins in an application and is used to find plugin implementations during deserialization.
C++ Samples
This sample demonstrates how to perform inference on the Caffe SSD network in TensorRT, use TensorRT plugins to speed up inference, and perform INT8 calibration on an SSD network. To generate the required prototxt file for this sample, perform the following steps:
  1. Download models_VGGNet_VOC0712_SSD_300x300.tar.gz.
  2. Extract the contents of the tar file:
    tar xvf
  3. Edit the deploy.prototxt file and change all the Flatten layers to Reshape operations with the following parameters:
    reshape_param {
        shape {
          dim: 0
          dim: -1
          dim: 1
          dim: 1
  4. Update the detection_out layer by adding the keep_count output, for example, add:
    top: "keep_count"
  5. Rename the deploy.prototxt file to ssd.prototxt and run the sample.
  6. To run the sample in INT8 mode, install Pillow first by issuing the $ pip install Pillow command, then follow the instructions from the README.
This sample demonstrates how to perform INT8 Inference using per-tensor dynamic range. To generate the required input data files for this sample, perform the following steps:
Running the sample:
  1. Download the Model files from GitHub, for example:
  2. Unzip the tar file:
    tar -xvzf resnet50.tar.gz
  3. Rename resnet50/model.onnx to resnet50/resnet50.onnx, then copy the resnet50.onnx file to the data/int8_api directory.
  4. Run the sample:
    ./sample_int8_api [-v or --verbose]
Running the sample with a custom configuration:
  1. Download the Model files from GitHub.
  2. Create an input image with a PPM extension. Resize it with the dimensions of 224x224x3.
  3. Create a file called reference_labels.txt. Ensure each line corresponds to a single imagenet label. You can download the imagenet 1000 class human readable labels from here. The reference label file contains only a single label name per line, for example, 0:'tench, Tinca tinca' is represented as tench.
  4. Create a file called dynamic_ranges.txt. Ensure each line corresponds to the tensor name and floating point dynamic range, for example <tensor_name> : <float dynamic range>. In order to generate tensor names, iterate over the network and generate the tensor names. The dynamic range can either be obtained from training (by measuring the min/max value of activation tensors in each epoch) or using custom post processing techniques (similar to TensorRT calibration). You can also choose to use a dummy per tensor dynamic range to run the sample.
Python Samples
This sample demonstrates a full ONNX-based pipeline for inference with the network YOLOv3-608, including pre- and post-processing.
This sample demonstrates a full UFF-based inference pipeline for performing inference with an SSD (InceptionV2 feature extractor) network.
A plugin class IPluginV2 has been added together with a corresponding IPluginV2 layer. The IPluginV2 class includes similar methods to IPlugin and IPluginExt, so if your plugin implemented IPluginExt previously, you will change the class name to IPluginV2. The IPlugin and IPluginExt interfaces are to be deprecated in the future, therefore, moving to the IPluginV2 interface for this release is strongly recommended.

Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.

Breaking API Changes

  • The choice of which DLA core to run a layer on is now made at runtime. You can select the device type at build time, using the following methods:
    IBuilder::setDeviceType(ILayer* layer, DeviceType deviceType)
    IBuilder::setDefaultDeviceType(DeviceType deviceType)
    where DeviceType is:
        kGPU,  //!< GPU Device
        kDLA,  //!< DLA Core
    The specific DLA core to execute the engine on can be set by the following methods:
    IBuilder::setDLACore(int dlaCore)
    IRuntime::setDLACore(int dlaCore)
    The following methods have been added to get the DLA core set on IBuilder or IRuntime objects:
    int IBuilder::getDLACore()
    int IRuntime::getDLACore()
    Another API has been added to query the number of accessible DLA cores as follows:
    int IBuilder::getNbDLACores()
    Int IRuntime::getNbDLACores()
  • The --useDLA=<int> on trtexec tool has been changed to --useDLACore=<int>, the value can range from 0 to N-1, N being the number of DLA cores. Similarly, to run any sample on DLA, use --useDLACore=<int> instead of --useDLA=<int>.


  • TensorRT 5.0.2 has been tested with cuDNN 7.3.1.
  • TensorRT 5.0.2 has been tested with TensorFlow 1.9.
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.0 and CUDA 9.0. CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 9.2 are no longer supported. On Windows only, CUDA 10.0 is supported for TensorRT 5.0.1 RC.

Limitations In 5.0.2

  • TensorRT 5.0.2 does not include support for DLA with the INT8 data type. Only DLA with the FP16 data type is supported by TensorRT at this time. DLA with INT8 support is planned for a future TensorRT release.
  • Android is not supported in TensorRT 5.0.2.
  • The Python API is only supported on x86-based Linux platforms.
  • The create*Plugin functions in the NvInferPlugin.h file do not have Python bindings.
  • ONNX models are not supported on DLA in TensorRT 5.0.2.
  • The included resnet_v1_152, resnet_v1_50, lenet5, and vgg19 UFF files do not support FP16 mode. This is because some of the weights fall outside the range of FP16.
  • The ONNX parser is not supported on Windows 10. This includes all samples which depend on the ONNX parser. ONNX support will be added in a future release.
  • Tensor Cores supporting INT4 were first introduced with Turing GPUs. This release of TensorRT 5.0 does not support INT4.
  • The yolov3_onnx Python sample is not supported on Ubuntu 14.04 and earlier.
  • The uff_ssd sample requires tensorflow-gpu for performing validation only. Other parts of the sample can use the CPU version of tensorflow.
  • The Leaky ReLU plugin (LReLU_TRT) allows for only a parameterized slope on a per tensor basis.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.0.2:
  • The majority of the old Python API, including the Lite and Utils API, are deprecated. It is currently still accessible in the tensorrt.legacy package, but will be removed in a future release.
  • The following Python examples are deprecated:
    • caffe_to_trt
    • pytorch_to_trt
    • tf_to_trt
    • onnx_mnist
    • uff_mnist
    • mnist_api
    • sample_onnx
    • googlenet
    • custom_layers
    • lite_examples
    • resnet_as_a_service
  • The detectionOutput Plugin has been renamed to the NMS Plugin.
  • The old ONNX parser will no longer be packaged with TensorRT; instead, use the open-source ONNX parser.
  • The DimensionTypes class is deprecated.
  • The plugin APIs that return INvPlugin are being deprecated and they now return IPluginV2. These APIs will be removed in a future release. Refer to NvInferPlugin.h inside the TensorRT package.
  • The nvinfer1::IPluginFactory, nvuffparser1::IPluginFactory, and nvuffparser1::IPluginFactoryExt plugins are still available for backward compatibility. However, it is still recommended to use the Plugin Registry and implement IPluginCreator for all new plugins.
  • The libnvinfer.a, libnvinfer_plugin.a, and libnvparsers.a libraries have been renamed to libnvinfer_static.a, libnvinfer_plugin_static.a, and libnvparsers_static.a respectively. This makes TensorRT consistent with CUDA, cuDNN, and other NVIDIA software libraries. It also avoids some ambiguity between dynamic and static libraries during linking.

Known Issues

  • Only AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and MNIST are known to work with DLA. Other networks may work, but they have not been extensively tested.
  • For this TensorRT release, there are separate JetPack L4T and Drive D5L packages due to differences in the DLA library dependencies. In a future release, this should become unified.
  • The static library libnvparsers_static.a requires a special build of protobuf to complete static linking. Due to filename conflicts with the official protobuf packages, these additional libraries are only included in the tar file at this time. The two additional libraries that you will need to link against are libprotobuf.a and libprotobuf-lite.a from the tar file.
  • The ONNX static libraries libnvonnxparser_static.a and libnvonnxparser_runtime_static.a require static libraries that are missing from the package in order to complete static linking. The two static libraries that are required to complete linking are libonnx_proto.a and libnvonnxparser_plugin.a, as well as the protobuf libraries mentioned earlier. You will need to build these two missing static libraries from the open source ONNX project. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
  • The C++ API documentation is not included in the TensorRT zip file. Refer to the online documentation if you want to view the TensorRT C++ API.
  • Most README files that are included with the samples assume that you are working on a Linux workstation. If you are using Windows and do not have access to a Linux system with an NVIDIA GPU, then you can try using VirtualBox to create a virtual machine based on Ubuntu. Many samples do not require any training, therefore the CPU versions of TensorFlow and PyTorch are enough to complete the samples.
  • The NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide has been written with Linux users in mind. Windows specific instructions, where possible, will be added in a future revision of the document.
  • If sampleMovieLensMPS crashes before completing execution, an artifact (/dev/shm/sem.engine_built) will not be properly destroyed. If the sample complains about being unable to create a semaphore, remove the artifact by running rm /dev/shm/sem.engine_built.
  • To create a valid UFF file for sampleMovieLensMPS, the correct command is:
    python sampleMovieLens.pb -p
    where is a script that is shipped with sampleMovieLens. Do not use the command specified by the README.
  • The trtexec tool does not currently validate command-line arguments. If you encounter failures, double check the command-line parameters that you provided.

TensorRT Release 5.0.1 Release Candidate (RC)

This is the release candidate (RC) for TensorRT 5.0.1 release notes. This release is for Windows users only. It includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 4.0.1.

This preview release is for early testing and feedback, therefore, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 4.0.1.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Added support for CentOS 7.5, Ubuntu 18.04, and Windows 10.
You must use CUDA 10.0 or later if you are using a Turing GPU.
DLA (Deep Learning Accelerator)

The layers supported by DLA are Activation, Concatenation, Convolution, Deconvolution, ElementWise, FullyConnected, LRN, Pooling, and Scale. For layer specific constraints, refer to DLA Supported Layers. Networks such as AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and MNIST work with DLA. Other CNN networks may work, but they have not been extensively tested and may result in failures including segfaults.

The trtexec tool can be used to run on DLA with the --useDLA=N and --fp16 options. To run the AlexNet network on DLA using trtexec, issue:
 ./trtexec --deploy=data/AlexNet/AlexNet_N2.prototxt --output=prob --useDLA=1 --fp16 --allowGPUFallback

trtexec does not support ONNX models to run on DLA.

Redesigned Python API
The Python API has been rewritten from scratch and includes various improvements. In addition to several bug fixes, it is now possible to serialize and deserialize an engine to and from a file using the Python API. Python samples using the new API include parser samples for ResNet-50, a Network API sample for MNIST, a plugin sample using Caffe, and an end-to-end sample using TensorFlow.
Support for user-defined INT8 scales, using the new ITensor::setDynamicRange function. This makes it possible to provide custom INT8 calibration without the need for a calibration data set. setDynamicRange currently supports only symmetric quantization. Furthermore, if no calibration table is provided, calibration scales must be provided for each layer.
Plugin Registry
A new searchable plugin registry, IPluginRegistry, that is a single registration point for all plugins in an application and is used to find plugin implementations during deserialization.
This sample demonstrates how to preprocess the input to the SSD network, perform inference on the SSD network in TensorRT, use TensorRT plugins to speed up inference, and perform INT8 calibration on an SSD network.

Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for details.

Breaking API Changes

  • The IPluginExt API has 4 new methods, getPluginType, getPluginVersion, destroy and clone. All plugins of type IPluginExt will have to implement these new methods and re-compile. This is a temporary issue; we expect to restore compatibility with the 4.0 API in the GA release. For more information, see Migrating Plugins From TensorRT 5.0.0 RC To TensorRT 5.0.x for guidance on migration.


  • TensorRT 5.0.1 RC has been tested with cuDNN 7.3.0.
  • TensorRT 5.0.1 RC has been tested with TensorFlow 1.9.
  • TensorRT 5.0.1 RC for Windows has been tested with Visual Studio 2017.
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.0 and CUDA 9.0. CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 9.2 are no longer supported. On Windows only, CUDA 10.0 is supported for TensorRT 5.0.1 RC.

Limitations In 5.0.1 RC

  • For this release, there are separate JetPack L4T and Drive D5L packages due to differences in the DLA library dependencies. In a future release, this should become unified.
  • Android is not supported in TensorRT 5.0.1 RC.
  • The Python API does not support DLA.
  • The create*Plugin functions in the NvInferPlugin.h file do not have Python bindings.
  • The choice of which DLA device to run on is currently made at build time. In GA, it will be selectable at runtime.
  • ONNX models are not supported on DLA in TensorRT 5.0.1 RC.
  • The included resnet_v1_152, resnet_v1_50, lenet5, and vgg19 UFF files do not support FP16 mode. This is because some of the weights fall outside the range of FP16.
  • Python is not supported on Windows 10. This includes the graphsurgeon and UFF Python modules.
  • The ONNX parser is not supported on Windows 10. This includes all samples which depend on the ONNX parser. ONNX support will be added in a future release.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.0.1 RC:
  • Majority of the old Python API, including the Lite and Utils API, is deprecated. It is currently still accessible in the tensorrt.legacy package, but will be removed in a future release.
  • The following Python examples:
    • caffe_to_trt
    • pytorch_to_trt
    • tf_to_trt
    • onnx_mnist
    • uff_mnist
    • mnist_api
    • sample_onnx
    • googlenet
    • custom_layers
    • lite_examples
    • resnet_as_a_service
  • The detectionOutput Plugin has been renamed to the NMS Plugin.
  • The old ONNX parser will no longer be packaged with TensorRT; instead, use the open-source ONNX parser.
  • The DimensionTypes class.
  • The plugin APIs that return IPlugin are being deprecated and they now return IPluginExt. These APIs will be removed in a future release. Refer to the NvInferPlugin.h file inside the package.
  • nvinfer1::IPluginFactory, nvuffparser1::IPluginFactory, and nvuffparser1::IPluginFactoryExt (still available for backward compatibility). Instead, use the Plugin Registry and implement IPluginCreator for all new plugins.
  • libnvinfer.a, libnvinfer_plugin.a, and libnvparsers.a have been renamed to libnvinfer_static.a, libnvinfer_plugin_static.a, and libnvparsers_static.a respectively. This makes TensorRT consistent with CUDA, cuDNN, and other NVIDIA software libraries. It also avoids some ambiguity between dynamic and static libraries during linking.

Known Issues

  • The Plugin Registry will only register plugins with a unique {name, version} tuple. The API for this is likely to change in future versions to support multiple plugins with same name and version.
  • Only AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and MNIST are known to work with DLA. Other networks may work, but they have not been extensively tested.
  • The static library libnvparsers_static.a requires a special build of protobuf to complete static linking. Due to filename conflicts with the official protobuf packages, these additional libraries are only included in the tar file at this time. The two additional libraries that you will need to link against are libprotobuf.a and libprotobuf-lite.a from the tar file.
  • The ONNX static libraries libnvonnxparser_static.a and libnvonnxparser_runtime_static.a require static libraries that are missing from the package in order to complete static linking. The two static libraries that are required to complete linking are libonnx_proto.a and libnvonnxparser_plugin.a, as well as the protobuf libraries mentioned earlier. You will need to build these two missing static libraries from the open source ONNX project. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
  • If you upgrade only uff-converter-tf, for example using apt-get install uff-converter-tf, then it will not upgrade graphsurgeon-tf due to inexact dependencies between these two packages. You will need to specify both packages on the command line, such as apt-get install uff-converter-tf graphsurgeon-tf in order to upgrade both packages. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • The fc_plugin_caffe_mnist python sample cannot be executed if the sample is built using pybind11 v2.2.4. We suggest that you instead clone pybind11 v2.2.3 using the following command:
    git clone -b v2.2.3
  • The C++ API documentation is not included in the TensorRT zip file. Refer to the online documentation if you want to view the TensorRT C++ API.
  • Most README files that are included with the samples assume that you are working on a Linux workstation. If you are using Windows and do not have access to a Linux system with an NVIDIA GPU, then you can try using VirtualBox to create a virtual machine based on Ubuntu. Many samples do not require any training, therefore the CPU versions of TensorFlow and PyTorch are enough to complete the samples.
  • The NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide has been written with Linux users in mind. Windows specific instructions, where possible, will be added in a future revision of the document.

TensorRT Release 5.0.0 Release Candidate (RC)

This is the release candidate (RC) for TensorRT 5.0.0. It includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 4.0.1.

This preview release is for early testing and feedback, therefore, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use TensorRT 4.0.1.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Added support for CentOS 7.5 and Ubuntu 18.04.
You must use CUDA 10.0 or later if you are using a Turing GPU.
DLA (Deep Learning Accelerator)

The layers supported by DLA are Activation, Concatenation, Convolution, Deconvolution, ElementWise, FullyConnected, LRN, Pooling, and Scale. For layer specific constraints, see DLA Supported Layers. Networks such as AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and MNIST work with DLA. Other CNN networks may work, but they have not been extensively tested and may result in failures including segfaults.

The trtexec tool can be used to run on DLA with the --useDLA=N and --fp16 options. To run the AlexNet network on DLA using trtexec, issue:
 ./trtexec --deploy=data/AlexNet/AlexNet_N2.prototxt --output=prob --useDLA=1 --fp16 --allowGPUFallback

trtexec does not support ONNX models to run on DLA.

Redesigned Python API
The Python API has been rewritten from scratch and includes various improvements. In addition to several bug fixes, it is now possible to serialize and deserialize an engine to and from a file using the Python API. Python samples using the new API include parser samples for ResNet-50, a Network API sample for MNIST, a plugin sample using Caffe, and an end-to-end sample using TensorFlow.
Support for user-defined INT8 scales, using the new ITensor::setDynamicRange function. This makes it possible to provide custom INT8 calibration without the need for a calibration data set. setDynamicRange currently supports only symmetric quantization. Furthermore, if no calibration table is provided, calibration scales must be provided for each layer.
Plugin Registry
A new searchable plugin registry, IPluginRegistry, that is a single registration point for all plugins in an application and is used to find plugin implementations during deserialization.

Refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for more information.

Breaking API Changes

  • The IPluginExt API has 4 new methods, getPluginType, getPluginVersion, destroy and clone. All plugins of type IPluginExt will have to implement these new methods and re-compile. This is a temporary issue; we expect to restore compatibility with the 4.0 API in the GA release. For more information, refer to Migrating Plugins From TensorRT 4.0.x To TensorRT 5.0 RC for guidance on migration.
  • Upcoming changes in TensorRT 5.0 GA for plugins
    • A new plugin class IPluginV2 and a corresponding IPluginV2 layer will be introduced. The IPluginV2 class includes similar methods to IPlugin and IPluginExt, so if your plugin implemented IPluginExt previously, you will change the class name to IPluginV2.
    • The IPluginCreator class will create and deserialize plugins of type IPluginV2 as opposed to IPluginExt.
    • The create*Plugin() methods in NvInferPlugin.h will return plugin objects of type IPluginV2 as opposed to IPluginExt.


  • TensorRT 5.0.0 RC has been tested with cuDNN 7.3.0.
  • TensorRT 5.0.0 RC has been tested with TensorFlow 1.9.
  • This TensorRT release supports CUDA 10.0 and CUDA 9.0. CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 9.2 are no longer supported.

Limitations In 5.0.0 RC

  • For this release, there are separate JetPack L4T and Drive D5L packages due to differences in the DLA library dependencies. In a future release, this should become unified.
  • Android is not supported in TensorRT 5.0.0 RC.
  • The Python API does not support DLA.
  • The create*Plugin functions in the NvInferPlugin.h file do not have Python bindings.
  • The choice of which DLA device to run on is currently made at build time. In GA, it will be selectable at runtime.
  • ONNX models are not supported on DLA in TensorRT 5.0 RC.
  • The included resnet_v1_152, resnet_v1_50, lenet5, and vgg19 UFF files do not support FP16 mode. This is because some of the weights fall outside the range of FP16.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in TensorRT 5.0.0:
  • Majority of the old Python API, including the Lite and Utils API, is deprecated. It is currently still accessible in the tensorrt.legacy package, but will be removed in a future release.
  • The following Python examples:
    • caffe_to_trt
    • pytorch_to_trt
    • tf_to_trt
    • onnx_mnist
    • uff_mnist
    • mnist_api
    • sample_onnx
    • googlenet
    • custom_layers
    • lite_examples
    • resnet_as_a_service
  • The detectionOutput Plugin has been renamed to the NMS Plugin.
  • The old ONNX parser will no longer be packaged with TensorRT; instead, use the open-source ONNX parser.
  • The DimensionTypes class.
  • The plugin APIs that return IPlugin are being deprecated and they now return IPluginExt. These APIs will be removed in a future release. Refer to the NvInferPlugin.h file inside the package.
  • nvinfer1::IPluginFactory, nvuffparser1::IPluginFactory, and nvuffparser1::IPluginFactoryExt (still available for backward compatibility). Instead, use the Plugin Registry and implement IPluginCreator for all new plugins.
  • libnvinfer.a, libnvinfer_plugin.a, and libnvparsers.a have been renamed to libnvinfer_static.a, libnvinfer_plugin_static.a, and libnvparsers_static.a respectively. This makes TensorRT consistent with CUDA, cuDNN, and other NVIDIA software libraries. It also avoids some ambiguity between dynamic and static libraries during linking.

Known Issues

  • The Plugin Registry will only register plugins with a unique {name, version} tuple. The API for this is likely to change in future versions to support multiple plugins with same name and version.
  • Only AlexNet, GoogleNet, ResNet-50, and MNIST are known to work with DLA. Other networks may work, but they have not been extensively tested.
  • The static library libnvparsers_static.a requires a special build of protobuf to complete static linking. Due to filename conflicts with the official protobuf packages, these additional libraries are only included in the tar file at this time. The two additional libraries that you will need to link against are libprotobuf.a and libprotobuf-lite.a from the tar file.
  • The ONNX static libraries libnvonnxparser_static.a and libnvonnxparser_runtime_static.a require static libraries that are missing from the package in order to complete static linking. The two static libraries that are required to complete linking are libonnx_proto.a and libnvonnxparser_plugin.a, as well as the protobuf libraries mentioned earlier. You will need to build these two missing static libraries from the open source ONNX project. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
  • If you upgrade only uff-converter-tf, for example using apt-get install uff-converter-tf, then it will not upgrade graphsurgeon-tf due to inexact dependencies between these two packages. You will need to specify both packages on the command line, such as apt-get install uff-converter-tf graphsurgeon-tf in order to upgrade both packages. This will be fixed in a future release.
  • The fc_plugin_caffe_mnist python sample cannot be executed if the sample is built using pybind11 v2.2.4. We suggest that you instead clone pybind11 v2.2.3 using the following command:
    git clone -b v2.2.3

7. TensorRT Release 4.x.x

7.1. TensorRT Release 4.0.1

This TensorRT 4.0.1 General Availability release includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.4.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • TensorRT 4.0.1 GA has been tested with cuDNN 7.1.3 and now requires cuDNN 7.1.x.
  • Support for ONNX 1.0 (Open Neural Network Exchange) has been implemented. ONNX is a standard for representing deep learning models that enable models to be transferred between frameworks. TensorRT can now parse the network definitions in ONNX format, in addition to NVCaffe and UFF formats.
  • The Custom Layer API now supports user-defined layers that take half precision, or FP16, inputs and return FP16 outputs.
  • Added support for the MatrixMultiply, Constant, Gather, Ragged SoftMax, Reduce, RNNv2 and TopK layers (for K up to 25).
  • This release has optimizations which target recommender systems like Neural Collaborative Filtering.
  • Many layers now support the ability to broadcast across the batch dimension.
  • In TensorRT 3.0, INT8 had issues with rounding and striding in the Activation layer. This may have caused INT8 accuracy to be low. Those issues have been fixed.
  • The C++ samples and Python examples were tested with TensorFlow 1.8 and PyTorch 0.4.0 where applicable.
  • Added sampleOnnxMNIST. This sample shows the conversion of an MNIST network in ONNX format to a TensorRT network.
  • Added sampleNMT. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) using sequence to sequence (seq2seq) models has garnered a lot of attention and is used in various NMT frameworks. sampleNMT is a highly modular sample for inferencing using C++ and TensorRT API so that you can consider using it as a reference point in your projects.
  • Updated sampleCharRNN to use RNNv2 and converting weights from TensorFlow to TensorRT.
  • Added sampleUffSSD. This sample converts the TensorFlow Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) network to a UFF format and runs it on TensorRT using plugins. This sample also demonstrates how other TensorFlow networks can be preprocessed and converted to UFF format with support of custom plugin nodes.
  • Memory management improvements (refer to the NVIDIA TensorRT Developer Guide for details).
    • Applications may now provide their own memory for activations and workspace during inference, which is used only while the pipeline is running.
    • An allocator callback is available for all memory allocated on the GPU. In addition, model deserialization is significantly faster (from system memory, up to 10x faster on large models).

Using TensorRT 4.0.1

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • The builder methods setHalf2Mode and getHalf2Mode have been superseded by setFp16Mode and getFp16Mode which better represent their intended usage.
  • The sample utility giexec has been renamed to trtexec to be consistent with the product name, TensorRT, which is often shortened to TRT. A compatibility script for users of giexec has been included to help users make the transition.

Deprecated Features

  • The RNN layer type is deprecated in favor of RNNv2, however, it is still available for backwards compatibility.
  • Legacy GIE version defines in NvInfer.h have been removed. They were NV_GIE_MAJOR, NV_GIE_MINOR, NV_GIE_PATCH, and NV_GIE_VERSION. The correct alternatives are NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR, NV_TENSORRT_MINOR, NV_TENSORRT_PATCH, and NV_TENSORRT_VERSION which existed in TensorRT 3.0.4 as well.
  • Dimension types are now ignored in the API, however, they are still available for backwards compatibility.

Known Issues

  • If the ONNX parser included with TensorRT is unable to parse your model, then try updating to the latest open source ONNX parser, which may resolve your issue.
  • PyTorch no longer supports Python 3.4 with their current release (0.4.0). Therefore, the TensorRT PyTorch examples will not work when using Python 3 on Ubuntu 14.04.
  • Reshape to a tensor that has a larger number of dimensions than the input tensor is not supported.
  • Reformat has a known memory overwrite issue on Volta when FP16 is used with the Concatenation layer and the Reformat layer.
  • If you have two different CUDA versions of TensorRT installed, such as CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 9.0, or CUDA 9.2 using local repos, then you will need to execute an additional command to install the CUDA 8.0 version of TensorRT and prevent it from upgrading to the CUDA 9.0 or CUDA 9.2 versions of TensorRT.
    sudo apt-get install libnvinfer4=4.1.2-1+cuda8.0 \
    sudo apt-mark hold libnvinfer4 libnvinfer-dev
  • sampleNMT
    • Performance is not fully optimized
  • sampleUffSSD
    • Some precision loss was observed while running the network in INT8 mode, causing some objects to go undetected in the image. Our general observation is that having at least 500 images for calibration is a good starting point.
  • Performance regressions
    • Compared to earlier TensorRT versions, a 5% slowdown was observed on AlexNet when running on GP102 devices with batch size 2 using the NvCaffeParser.
    • Compared to earlier TensorRT versions, a 5% to 10% slowdown was observed on variants of inception and some instances of ResNet when using the NvUffParser.
  • The NvUffParser returns the output tensor in the shape specified by the user, and not in NCHW shape as in earlier versions of TensorRT. In other words, the output tensor shape will match the shape of the tensor returned by TensorFlow, for the same network.
  • The Python 3.4 documentation is missing from the Ubuntu 14.04 packages. Refer to the Python 2.7 documentation or view the online Python documentation as an alternative.
  • Some samples do not provide a -h argument to print the sample usage. You can refer to the README.txt file in the sample directory for usage examples. Also, if the data files for some samples cannot be found it will sometimes raise an exception and abort instead of exiting normally.
  • If you have more than one version of the CUDA toolkit installed on your system and the CUDA version for TensorRT is not the latest version of the CUDA toolkit, then you will need to provide an additional argument when compiling the samples. For example, you have CUDA 9.0 and CUDA 9.2 installed and you are using TensorRT for CUDA 9.0.
    make CUDA_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/cuda-9.0
  • When you pip uninstall the tensorrtplugins Python package, you may see the following error which can be ignored.
    OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorrtplugins-'
  • Due to a bug in cuDNN 7.1.3, which is the version of cuDNN TensorRT has been validated against, using RNNs with half precision on Kepler GPUs will cause TensorRT to abort. FP16 support is non-native on Kepler GPUs, therefore, using any precision other than FP32 is discouraged except for testing.
  • sampleMovieLens is currently limited to running a maximum of 8 concurrent processes on a Titan V and may result in suboptimal engines during parallel execution. The sample will be enhanced in the near future to support a greater degree of concurrency. Additionally, to ensure compatibility with TensorRT, use TensorFlow <= 1.7.0 to train the model. There may be a conflict between the versions of CUDA and/or cuDNN used by TensorRT and TensorFlow 1.7. We suggest that you install TensorFlow 1.7 CPU in order to complete the sample.
    python -m pip install tensorflow==1.7.0

7.2. TensorRT Release 4.0 Release Candidate (RC) 2

This TensorRT 4.0 Release Candidate (RC) 2 includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.4. TensorRT 4.0 RC2 supports desktop and Tegra platforms. This release candidate is for early testing and feedback, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use 3.0.4.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • TensorRT 4.0 RC2 for mobile supports cuDNN 7.1.2.
  • TensorRT 4.0 RC2 for desktop supports cuDNN 7.1.3.
  • Support for ONNX 1.0 (Open Neural Network Exchange) has been implemented. TensorRT can now parse the network definitions in ONNX format, in addition to NVCaffe and UFF formats.
  • The Custom Layer API now supports user-defined layers that take half precision, or FP16, inputs and return FP16 tensors.
  • Added support for the MatrixMultiply, Constant, Gather, Ragged SoftMax, Reduce, RNNv2 and TopK layers (for K up to 25).
  • Added SampleONNXMNIST sample. Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is a standard for representing deep learning models that enable models to be transferred between frameworks. This sample shows the conversion of an MNIST network in ONNX format to a TensorRT network.

Deprecated Features

  • The RNN layer type is deprecated in favor of RNNv2, however, it is still available for backwards compatibility.
  • Legacy GIE version defines in NvInfer.h have been removed. They were NV_GIE_MAJOR, NV_GIE_MINOR, NV_GIE_PATCH, and NV_GIE_VERSION. The correct alternatives are NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR, NV_TENSORRT_MINOR, NV_TENSORRT_PATCH, and NV_TENSORRT_VERSION which existed in TensorRT 3.0.4 as well.
  • Dimension Types are now ignored in the API, however, they are still available for backwards compatibility.

Known Issues

SampleMLP and SampleNMT are included in this release, however, they are beta samples. They are currently not optimized for mobile platforms.

TensorRT Release 4.0 Release Candidate (RC)

This TensorRT 4.0 Release Candidate (RC) includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.4. TensorRT 4.0 RC supports x86 desktop platforms only. This release candidate is for early testing and feedback, for production use of TensorRT, continue to use 3.0.4.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • Support for ONNX 1.0 (Open Neural Network Exchange) has been implemented. TensorRT can now parse the network definitions in ONNX format, in addition to NVCaffe and UFF formats.
  • The Custom Layer API now supports user-defined layers that take half precision, or FP16, inputs and return FP16 tensors.
  • Added support for the MatrixMultiply, Constant, Gather, Ragged SoftMax, Reduce, RNNv2 and TopK layers (for K up to 25).
  • The samples were tested with TensorFlow 1.6. You must be using cuDNN 7.0.x in order to use both TensorRT and TensorFlow at the same time since TensorFlow 1.6 does not support cuDNN 7.1.x yet.
  • Added SampleMLP sample for multi-layer perceptrons.
  • Added SampleONNXMNIST sample. Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is a standard for representing deep learning models that enable models to be transferred between frameworks. This sample shows the conversion of an MNIST network in ONNX format to a TensorRT network.
  • Added SampleNMT sample. Neural Machine Translation (NMT) using sequence to sequence (seq2seq) models has garnered a lot of attention and is used in various NMT frameworks. SampleNMT is a highly modular sample for inferencing using C++ and TensorRT API so that you can consider using it as a reference point in your projects.
  • Updated SampleCharRNN sample to use RNNv2 and converting weights from TensorFlow to TensorRT.

Deprecated Features

  • The RNN layer type is deprecated in favor of RNNv2, however, it is still available for backwards compatibility.
  • Legacy GIE version defines in NvInfer.h have been removed. They were NV_GIE_MAJOR, NV_GIE_MINOR, NV_GIE_PATCH, and NV_GIE_VERSION. The correct alternatives are NV_TENSORRT_MAJOR, NV_TENSORRT_MINOR, NV_TENSORRT_PATCH, and NV_TENSORRT_VERSION which existed in TensorRT 3.0.4 as well.
  • Dimension Types are now ignored in the API, however, they are still available for backwards compatibility.

Known Issues

  • If you were previously using the machine learning debian repository, then it will conflict with the version of libcudnn7 that is contained within the local repository for TensorRT. The following commands will downgrade libcudnn7 to version, which is supported and tested with TensorRT, and hold the package at this version. If you are using CUDA 8.0 for your application, ensure you replace cuda9.0 with cuda8.0.
    sudo apt-get install libcudnn7= libcudnn7-dev=
    sudo apt-mark hold libcudnn7 libcudnn7-dev
    If you would like to later upgrade libcudnn7 to the latest version, then you can use the following commands to remove the hold.
    sudo apt-mark unhold libcudnn7 libcudnn7-dev
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • If you have both the CUDA 8.0 and CUDA 9.0 local repos installed for TensorRT, then you will need to execute an additional command to install the CUDA 8.0 version of TensorRT and prevent it from upgrading to the CUDA 9.0 version of TensorRT.
    sudo apt-get install libnvinfer4=4.1.0-1+cuda8.0 libnvinfer-dev=4.1.0-1+cuda8.0
    sudo apt-mark hold libnvinfer4 libnvinfer-dev
  • If you installed the dependencies for the TensorRT python examples using pip install tensorrt[examples] then it could replace the GPU accelerated version of TensorFlow with the CPU accelerated version of TensorFlow. You will need to remove the version of TensorFlow installed as a TensorRT dependency and install the GPU accelerated version in its place.
    pip uninstall tensorflow
    pip install tensorflow-gpu
  • SampleNMT
    • Performance is not fully optimized
    • SampleNMT does not support FP16
    • The vocabulary files are expected to be in the ../../../../data/samples/nmt/deen directory from the executable. The sample doesn’t print usage if vocabulary files are not present in the above mentioned path. For more information, see the README.txt file for usage details.
  • SampleMLP
    • Performance is not fully optimized
    • SampleMLP does not support FP16
    • The accuracy of MLPs for handwritten digit recognition is lower than CNNs, therefore, the sample may give an incorrect prediction in some cases.
    • SampleMLP usage has incorrect details on the -a parameter. It should be -a <#>. The activation to use on the layers, defaults to 1. Valid values are 1[ReLU], 2[Sigmoid], and 3[TanH]; instead of -a <#>. The activation to use in on the layers, defaults to 1. Valid values are 0[ReLU], 1[Sigmoid], and 2[TanH].
    • The timing information printed by the sample may not be accurate.
  • Performance regressions
    • A 5% slowdown was observed on AlexNet when running on GP102 devices with batch size 2 using the Caffe parser.
    • A 5% to 10% slowdown was observed on variants of inception, some instances of ResNet, and some instances of SSD when using the UFF parser.

8. TensorRT Release 3.x.x

8.1. TensorRT Release 3.0.4

This TensorRT 3.0.4 General Availability release is a minor release and includes some improvements and fixes compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.2.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • Fixed an issue with INT8 deconvolution bias. If you have seen an issue with deconvolution INT8 accuracy especially regarding TensorRT. 2.1, then this fix should solve the issue.
  • Fixed an accuracy issue in FP16 mode for NVCaffe models.

Using TensorRT 3.0.4

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • The UFF converter script is packaged only for x86 users. If you are not an x86 user, and you want to convert TensorFlow models into UFF, you need to obtain the conversion script from the x86 package of TensorRT.

8.2. TensorRT Release 3.0.3

This TensorRT 3.0.3 General Availability release is a minor release and includes some improvements and fixes compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.2. This release is for AArch64 only.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • Added support for Xavier

Using TensorRT 3.0.3

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • When building the samples in this release, it is necessary to specify CUDA_INSTALL_DIR as an argument to the Makefile.
  • This release does not support TensorRT Python bindings.

Known Issues

  • When building the samples on aarch64 natively, there is an issue in the Makefile.config file that requires you to provide an additional option to make, namely CUDA_LIBDIR.
  • The infer_caffe_static test fails on D5L Parker dGPU. This is a regression from the previous release.
  • QnX has known performance issues with the mmap and malloc() operating system memory allocation routines. These issues can affect the performance of TensorRT; up to 10X.

8.3. TensorRT Release 3.0.2

This TensorRT 3.0.2 General Availability release is a minor release and includes some improvements and fixes compared to the previously released TensorRT 3.0.1.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

  • Fixed a bug in one of the INT8 deconvolution kernels that was generating incorrect results. This fixed accuracy regression from 2.1 for networks that use deconvolutions.
  • Fixed a bug where the builder would report out-of-memory when compiling a low precision network, in the case that a low-precision version of the kernel could not be found. The builder now correctly falls back to a higher precision version of the kernel.
  • Fixed a bug where the existence of some low-precision kernels were being incorrectly reported to the builder.

Using TensorRT 3.0.2

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • When working with large networks and large batch sizes on the Jetson TX1 you may see failures that are the result of CUDA error 4. This error generally means a CUDA kernel failed to execute properly, but sometimes this can mean the CUDA kernel actually timed out. The CPU and GPU share memory on the Jetson TX1 and reducing the memory used by the CPU would help the situation. If you are not using the graphical display on L4T you can stop the X11 server to free up CPU and GPU memory. This can be done using:
    $ sudo systemctl stop lightdm.service

Known Issues

  • INT8 deconvolutions with biases have the bias scaled incorrectly. U-Net based segmentation networks typically have non-zero bias.
  • For TensorRT Android 32-bit, if your memory usage is high, then you may see TensorRT failures. The issue is related to the CUDA allocated buffer address being higher or equal to 0x80000000 and it is hard to know the exact memory usage after which this issue is hit.
  • If you are installing TensorRT from a tar package (instead of using the .deb packages and apt-get), you will need to update the custom_plugins example to point to the location that the tar package was installed into. For example, in the <PYTHON_INSTALL_PATH>/tensorrt/examples/custom_layers/tensorrtplugins/ file change the following:
    • Change TENSORRT_INC_DIR to point to the <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/include directory.
    • Change TENSORRT_LIB_DIR to point to <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/lib directory.
  • If you were previously using the machine learning debian repository, then it will conflict with the version of libcudnn7 that is contained within the local repository for TensorRT. The following commands will downgrad libcudnn7 to the CUDA 9.0 version, which is supported by TensorRT, and hold the package at this version.
    sudo apt-get install libcudnn7= 
    sudo apt-mark hold libcudnn7 libcudnn7-dev
    If you would like to later upgrade libcudnn7 to the latest version, then you can use the following commands to remove the hold.
    sudo apt-mark unhold libcudnn7 libcudnn7-dev
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

8.4. TensorRT Release 3.0.1

This TensorRT 3.0.1 General Availability release includes several enhancements and improvements compared to the previously released TensorRT 2.1.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

NVCaffe 0.16 is now supported.
New deep learning layers or algorithms
  • The TensorRT deconvolution layer previously did not support non-zero padding, or stride values that were distinct from kernel size. These restrictions have now been lifted.
  • The TensorRT deconvolution layer now supports groups.
  • Non-determinism in the deconvolution layer implementation has been eliminated.
  • The TensorRT convolution layer API now supports dilated convolutions.
  • The TensorRT API now supports these new layers (but they are not supported via the NvCaffeParser):
    • unary
    • shuffle
    • padding
  • The Elementwise (eltwise) layer now supports broadcasting of input dimensions.
  • The Flatten layer flattens the input while maintaining the batch_size. This layer was added in the UFF converter and NvUffParser.
  • The Squeeze layer removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor. This layer was added in the UFF converter and NvUffParser.
Universal Framework Format 0.2
UFF format is designed to encapsulate trained neural networks so that they can be parsed by TensorRT. It’s also designed in a way of storing the information about a neural network that is needed to create an inference engine based on that neural network.
  • Performance regressions seen from v2.1 to 3.0.1 Release Candidate for INT8 and FP16 are now fixed.
    • The INT8 regression in LRN that impacted networks like GoogleNet and AlexNet is now fixed.
    • The FP16 regression that impacted networks like AlexNet and ResNet-50 is now fixed.
  • The performance of the Xception network has improved, for example, by more than 3 times when batch size is 8 on Tesla P4.
  • Changed how the CPU synchronizes with the GPU in order to reduce the overall load on the CPU when running inference with TensorRT.
  • The deconvolution layer implementation included with TensorRT was, in some circumstances, using significantly more memory and had lower performance than the implementation provided by the cuDNN library. This has now been fixed.
  • MAX_TENSOR_SIZE changed from (1<<30) to ((1<<31)-1). This change enables the user to run larger batch sizes for networks with large input images.
  • All Python examples now import TensorRT after the appropriate framework is imported. For example, the example imports TensorFlow before importing TensorRT. This is done to avoid cuDNN version conflict issues.
  • The tf_to_trt and pytorch_to_trt samples shipped with the TensorRT 3.0 Release Candidate included network models that were improperly trained with the MNIST dataset, resulting in poor classification accuracy. This version has new models that have been properly trained with the MNIST dataset to provide better classification accuracy.
  • The pytorch_to_trt sample originally showed low accuracy with MNIST, however, data and training parameters were modified to address this.
  • The giexec command line wrapper in earlier versions would fail if users specify workspace >= 2048 MB. This issue is now fixed.
The AverageCountExcludesPadding attribute has been added to the pooling layer to control whether to use inclusive or exclusive averaging. The default is true, as used by most frameworks. The NvCaffeParser sets this to false, restoring compatibility of padded average pooling between NVCaffe and TensorRT.
TensorRT Python API
TensorRT 3.0.1 introduces the TensorRT Python API, which provides developers interfaces to:
  • the NvCaffeParser
  • the NvUffParser
  • The nvinfer graph definition API
  • the inference engine builder
  • the engine executor
  • the perform calibration for running inference with INT8
  • a workflow to include C++ custom layer implementations
TensorRT Lite: A simplified API for inference
TensorRT 3.0.1 provides a streamlined set of API functions (tensorrt.lite) that allow users to export a trained model, build an engine, and run inference, with only a few lines of Python code.
Streamlined export of models trained in TensorFlow into TensorRT
With this release, you can take a trained model in TensorFlow saved in a TensorFlow protobuf and convert it to run in TensorRT. The TensorFlow model exporter creates an output file in a format called UFF (Universal Framework Format), which can then be parsed by TensorRT.
Currently the export path is expected to support the following:
  • TensorFlow 1.3
  • FP32 CNNs
  • FP16 CNNs
The TensorFlow export path is currently not expected to support the following:
  • Other versions of TensorFlow (0.9, 1.1, etc.)
  • RNNs
  • INT8 CNNs
The NVIDIA Volta architecture is now supported, including the Tesla V100 GPU. On Volta devices, the Tensor Core feature provides a large performance improvement, and Tensor Cores are automatically used when the builder is set to half2mode.
TensorRT 3.0.1 runs on the QNX operating system on the Drive PX2 platform.

Release Notes 3.0.1 Errata

  • Due to the cuDNN symbol conflict issues between TensorRT and TensorFlow, the tf_to_trt Python example works with TensorFlow 1.4.0 only and not prior versions of TensorFlow.
  • If your system has multiple libcudnnX-dev versions installed, ensure that cuDNN 7 is used for compiling and running TensorRT samples. This problem can occur when you have TensorRT and a framework installed. TensorRT uses cuDNN 7 while most frameworks are currently on cuDNN 6.
  • There are various details in the Release Notes and Developer Guide about the pytorch_to_trt Python example. This sample is no longer part of the package because of cuDNN symbol conflict issues between PyTorch and TensorRT.
  • In the Installation and Setup section of the Release Notes, it is mentioned that TENSORRT_LIB_DIR should point to <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/lib64. Instead, TENSORRT_LIB_DIR should point to <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/lib.
  • There are some known minor performance regressions for FP32 mode on K80 for large batch sizes on CUDA 8. Update to CUDA 9 if you see similar performance regression.

Using TensorRT 3.0.1

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • Although networks can use NHWC and NCHW, TensorFlow users are encouraged to convert their networks to use NCHW data ordering explicitly in order to achieve the best possible performance.
  • The library file is now called The links for libnvcaffe_parsers are updated to point to the new libnvparsers library. The static library libnvcaffe_parser.a is also linked to the new libnvparsers.

Known Issues

Installation and Setup
  • If you are installing TensorRT from a tar package (instead of using the .deb packages and apt-get), you will need to update the custom_plugins example to point to the location that the tar package was installed into. For example, in the <PYTHON_INSTALL_PATH>/tensorrt/examples/custom_layers/tensorrtplugins/ file change the following:
    • Change TENSORRT_INC_DIR to point to the <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/include directory.
    • Change TENSORRT_LIB_DIR to point to <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/lib64 directory.
  • The PyTorch based sample will not work with the CUDA 9 Toolkit. It will only work with the CUDA 8 Toolkit.
  • When using the TensorRT APIs from Python, import the tensorflow and uff modules before importing the tensorrt module. This is required to avoid a potential namespace conflict with the protobuf library as well as the cuDNN version. In a future update, the modules will be fixed to allow the loading of these Python modules to be in an arbitrary order.
  • The TensorRT Python APIs are only supported on x86 based systems. Some installation packages for ARM based systems may contain Python .whl files. Do not install these on the ARM systems, as they will not function.
  • The TensorRT product version is incremented from 2.1 to 3.0.1 because we added major new functionality to the product. The libnvinfer package version number was incremented from 3.0.2 to 4.0 because we made non-backward compatible changes to the application programming interface.
  • The TensorRT debian package name was simplified in this release to tensorrt. In previous releases, the product version was used as a suffix, for example tensorrt-2.1.2.
  • If you have trouble installing the TensorRT Python modules on Ubuntu 14.04, refer to the steps on installing swig to resolve the issue. For installation instructions, see Unix Installation.
  • The Flatten layer can only be placed in front of the Fully Connected layer. This means that the Flatten layer can only be used if its output is directly fed to a Fully Connected layer.
  • The Squeeze layer only implements the binary squeeze (removing specific size 1 dimensions). The batch dimension cannot be removed.
  • If you see the Numpy.core.multiarray failed to import error message, upgrade your NumPy to version 1.13.0 or greater.
  • For Ubuntu 14.04, use pip version >= 9.0.1 to get all the dependencies installed.
TensorFlow Model Conversion
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export works only when running TensorFlow with GPU support enabled. The converter does not work if TensorFlow is running without GPU acceleration.
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export does not work with network models specified using the TensorFlow Slim interface, nor does it work with models specified using the Keras interface.
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export does not support recurrent neural network (RNN) models.
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export may produce a model that has extra tensor reformatting layers compared to a model generated directly using the C++ or Python TensorRT graph builder API. This may cause the model that originated from TensorFlow to run slower than the model constructed directly with the TensorRT APIs.
  • Although TensorFlow models can use either NHWC or NCHW tensor layouts, TensorFlow users are encouraged to convert their models to use the NCHW tensor layout explicitly, in order to achieve the best possible performance when exporting the model to TensorRT.
  • The TensorFlow parser requires that input will be fed to the network in NCHW format.
Other known issues
  • On the V100 GPU, running models with INT8 only works if the batch size is evenly divisible by 4.
  • TensorRT Python interface requires NumPy 1.13.0 while the installing TensorRT using pip may only install 1.11.0. Use sudo pip install numpy -U to update if the NumPy version on the user machine is not 1.13.0.

TensorRT Release 3.0 Release Candidate (RC)

This is the second preview release of TensorRT. For production use of TensorRT, continue to use 2.1.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

The NVIDIA Volta architecture is now supported, including the Tesla V100 GPU. On Volta devices, the Tensor Core feature provides a large performance improvement, and Tensor Cores are automatically used when the builder is set to half2mode.
Streamlined export of models trained in TensorFlow into TensorRT
With this release you can take a trained model in TensorFlow saved in a TensorFlow protobuf and convert it to run in TensorRT. The TensorFlow model exporter creates an output file in a format called UFF (Universal Framework Format), which can then be parsed by TensorRT.
Currently the export path is expected to support the following:
  • Tensorflow 1.3
  • FP32 CNNs
  • FP16 CNNs
The TensorFlow export path is currently not expected to support the following:
  • Other versions of TensorFlow (0.9, 1.1, etc.)
  • RNNs
  • INT8 CNNs
TensorFlow convenience functions
NVIDIA provides convenience functions so that when using UFF and TensorRT to export a model and run inference, only a few lines of code is needed.
Universal Framework Format 0.1
UFF format is designed to encapsulate trained neural networks so they can be parsed by TensorRT.
Python API
TensorRT 3.0 introduces the TensorRT Python API, which provides developers interfaces to:
  • the NvCaffeParser
  • the NvUffParser
  • The nvinfer graph definition API
  • the inference engine builder
  • the engine executor

TensorRT also introduces a workflow to include C++ custom layer implementations in Python based TensorRT applications.

New deep learning layers or algorithms
  • The TensorRT deconvolution layer previously did not support non-zero padding, or stride values that were distinct from kernel size. These restrictions have now been lifted.
  • The TensorRT deconvolution layer now supports groups.
  • Non-determinism in the deconvolution layer implementation has been eliminated.
  • The TensorRT convolution layer API now supports dilated convolutions.
  • The TensorRT API now supports these new layers (but they are not supported via the NvCaffeParser):
    • unary
    • shuffle
    • padding
  • The Elementwise (eltwise) layer now supports broadcasting of input dimensions.
TensorRT 3.0 runs on the QNX operating system on the Drive PX2 platform.

Known Issues

Installation and Setup
  • If you are installing TensorRT from a tar package (instead of using the .deb packages and apt-get), then the custom_plugins example will need to be updated to point to the location that the tar package was installed to. For example, in the <PYTHON_INSTALL_PATH>/tensorrt/examples/custom_layers/tensorrtplugins/ file change the following:
    • Change TENSORRT_INC_DIR to point to the <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/include directory.
    • Change TENSORRT_LIB_DIR to point to the <TAR_INSTALL_ROOT>/lib directory.
  • The PyTorch based sample will not work with the CUDA 9 Toolkit. It will only work with the CUDA 8 Toolkit.
  • When using the TensorRT APIs from Python, import the tensorflow and uff modules before importing the tensorrt module. This is required to avoid a potential namespace conflict with the protobuf library. In a future update, the modules will be fixed to allow the loading of these Python modules to be in an arbitrary order.
  • The TensorRT Python APIs are only supported on x86 based systems. Some installation packages for ARM based systems may contain Python .whl files. Do not install these on the ARM systems, as they will not function.
  • The TensorRT product version is incremented from 2.1 to 3.0 because we added major new functionality to the product. The libnvinfer package version number was incremented from 3.0.2 to 4.0 because we made non-backward compatible changes to the application programming interface.
  • The TensorRT debian package name was simplified in this release to tensorrt. In previous releases, the product version was used as a suffix, for example tensorrt-2.1.2.
  • If you have trouble installing the TensorRT Python modules on Ubuntu 14.04, refer to the steps on installing swig to resolve the issue. For installation instructions, see Unix Installation.
  • There is a performance regression in the LRN layer when the network is running in INT8 mode. It impacts networks like GoogleNet and AlexNet but not ResNet-50, VGG-19 etc.
TensorFlow Model Conversion
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export works only when running TensorFlow with GPU support enabled. The converter does not work if TensorFlow is running without GPU acceleration.
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export does not work with network models specified using the TensorFlow Slim interface, nor does it work with models specified using the Keras interface.
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export does not support recurrent neural network (RNN) models.
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export does not support convolutional layers that have asymmetric padding (a different number of zero-padded rows and columns).
  • The TensorFlow to TensorRT model export may produce a model that has extra tensor reformatting layers compared to a model generated directly using the C++ or Python TensorRT graph builder API. This may cause the model that originated from TensorFlow to run slower than the model constructed directly with the TensorRT APIs.
  • Although TensorFlow models can use either NHWC or NCHW tensor layouts, TensorFlow users are encouraged to convert their models to use the NCHW tensor layout explicitly, in order to achieve the best possible performance.
Other known issues
  • The Inception v4 network models are not supported with this Release Candidate with FP16 on V100.
  • On V100, running models with INT8 do not work if the batch size is not divisible by 4.
  • The Average Pooling behavior has changed to exclude padding from the computation, which is how all other Pooling modes handle padding. This results in incorrect behavior for network models which rely on Average Pooling and which include padding, such as Inception v3. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • In this Release Candidate, the arguments for the script are slightly different than the ones for the giexec executable, and can be a source of confusion for users. Consult the documentation carefully to avoid unexpected errors. The command-line arguments will be changed to match giexec in a future update.
  • The INT8 Calibration feature is not available in the TensorRT Python APIs.
  • The examples/custom_layer sample will not work on Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 systems, however, it does work properly on Ubuntu 16.04 systems. This will be fixed in the next update of the software.

8.6. TensorRT Release 3.0 Early Access (EA)

This is a preview release of TensorRT. For production use of TensorRT, continue to use 2.1.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Streamlined export for models trained in TensorFlow to TensorRT
With this release you can take a TensorFlow trained model saved in a TensorFlow protobuf and convert it to run in TensorRT. The TensorFlow to UFF converter creates an output file in a format called UFF (Universal Framework Format) which can then be read into TensorRT.
Currently the export path is expected to support the following:
  • Tensorflow 1.0
  • FP32 CNNs
  • FP16 CNNs
The TensorFlow export path is currently not expected to support the following:
  • Other versions of TensorFlow (0.9, 1.1, etc..)
  • RNNs
  • INT8 CNNs
TensorFlow convenience functions
NVIDIA provides convenience functions so that when using UFF and TensorRT to export a model and run inference, only a few lines of code is needed.
Universal Framework Format 0.1
UFF format is designed as a way of storing the information about a neural network that is needed to create an inference engine based on that neural network.
Python API
TensorRT 3.0 introduces the TensorRT Python API, allowing developers to access:
  • the NvCaffeParser
  • the NvUffParser
  • The nvinfer graph definition API
  • the inference engine builder
  • the inference-time interface for engine execution within Python

TensorRT also introduces a workflow to include C++ custom layer implementations in Python based TensorRT applications.

Using TensorRT 3.0

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • Although networks can use NHWC and NCHW, TensorFlow users are encouraged to convert their networks to use NCHW data ordering explicitly in order to achieve the best possible performance.
  • Average pooling behavior changed to exclude the padding from the computation. The padding is now excluded from the computation in all of the pooling modes. This results in incorrect behavior for networks which rely on average pooling which includes padding, such as inceptionV3. This issue will be addressed in a future release.
  • The library file is now called The links for libnvcaffe_parsers are updated to point to the new libnvparsers library. The static library libnvcaffe_parser.a is also linked to the new libnvparsers. For example:
    • Old structure: links to which links to
    • New structure: links to which links to which links to file).

Known Issues

  • TensorRT does not support asymmetric padding.
  • Some TensorRT optimizations disabled just for this Early Release (EA) to ensure that the UFF model runs properly. This will be addressed in TensorRT 3.0.
  • The TensorFlow conversion path is not fully optimized.
  • INT8 Calibration is not available in Python.
  • Deconvolution is not implemented in the UFF workflow.

9. TensorRT Release 2.x.x

TensorRT Release 2.1

This TensorRT 2.1 General Availability release is a minor release and includes the following improvements and fixes.

Key Features and Enhancements

This TensorRT release includes the following key features and enhancements.

Custom Layer API
If you want TensorRT to use novel, unique or proprietary layers in the evaluation of certain networks, the Custom Layer API lets you provide a CUDA kernel function that implements the functionality you want.
You have two ways you can install TensorRT 2.1:
  1. Ubuntu deb packages. If you have root access and prefer to use package management to ensure consistency of dependencies, then you can use the apt-get command and the deb packages.
  2. Tar file based installers. If you do not have root access or you want to install multiple versions of TensorRT side-by-side for comparison purposes, then you can use the tar file install. The tar file installation uses target dep-style directory structures so that you can install TensorRT libraries for multiple architectures and then do cross compilation.
INT8 support
TensorRT can be used on supported GPUs (such as P4 and P40) to execute networks using INT8 rather than FP32 precision. Networks using INT8 deliver significant performance improvements.
Recurrent Neural Network
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) are two popular and powerful variations of a Recurrent Neural Network cell. Recurrent neural networks are designed to work with sequences of characters, words, sounds, images, etc. TensorRT 2.1 provides implementations of LSTM, GRU and the original RNN layer.

Using TensorRT 2.1

Ensure you are familiar with the following notes when using this release.
  • Running networks in FP16 or INT8 may not work correctly on platforms without hardware support for the appropriate reduced precision instructions.
  • GTX 750 and K1200 users will need to upgrade to CUDA 8 in order to use TensorRT.
  • If you have previously installed TensorRT 2.0 EA or TensorRT 2.1 RC and you install TensorRT 2.1, you may find that the old meta package is still installed. It can be safely removed with the apt-get command.
  • Debian packages are supplied in the form of local repositories. Once you have installed TensorRT, you can safely remove the TensorRT local repository debian package.
  • The implementation of deconvolution is now deterministic. In order to ensure determinism, the new algorithm requires more workspace.
  • FP16 performance was significantly improved for batch size = 1. The new algorithm is sometimes slower for batch sizes greater than one.
  • Calibration for INT8 does not require labeled data. SampleINT8 uses labels only to compare the accuracy of INT8 inference with the accuracy of FP32 inference.
  • Running with larger batch sizes gives higher overall throughput but uses more memory. When trying TensorRT out on GPUs with smaller memory, be aware that some of the samples may not work with batch sizes of 128.
  • The included Caffe parser library does not currently understand the NVIDIA/Caffe format for batch normalization. The BVLC/Caffe batch normalization format is parsed correctly.

Deprecated Features

The parameterized calibration technique introduced in the 2.0 EA pre-release has been replaced by the new entropy calibration mechanism.
  • The Legacy class IInt8LegacyCalibrator is deprecated.

Known Issues

  • When using reduced precision, either INT8 or FP16, on platforms with hardware support for those types, pooling with window sizes other than 1,2,3,5 or 7 will fail.
  • When using MAX_AVERAGE_BLEND or AVERAGE pooling in INT8 with a channel count that is not a multiple of 4, TensorRT may generate incorrect results.
  • When downloading the Faster R-CNN data on Jetson TX1 users may see the following error:
    ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by 'CN=DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA,,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US':
      Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
    To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate`.

    Adding the --no-check-certificate flag should resolve the issue.



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