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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

The influence of urban encroachment on squirrel gliders (Petaurus norfolcensis): effects of road density, light and noise pollution

Mitchell J. Francis A , Peter G. Spooner A B and Alison Matthews A
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A Institute of Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, PO Box 789, Albury, NSW 2640, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Wildlife Research 42(4) 324-333
Submitted: 11 September 2014  Accepted: 8 July 2015   Published: 19 August 2015


Context: Loss and degradation of habitat from urban development is a key threat to the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis), because its distribution coincides where most people live in Australia. Squirrel gliders are known to occur in or around urban fringes where native vegetation is retained; however, little is known about specific anthropogenic factors that may affect their persistence.

Aims: We investigated the relative influence of biophysical and urban factors on the use of large hollow-bearing Eucalyptus trees, which are a key resource for squirrel gliders. The study was located in a typical urban growth area located in southern New South Wales.

Methods: A stratified random sampling approach was used to survey squirrel gliders in urban and rural areas. Infrared, motion-sensor cameras were placed in 34 selected trees for 17 nights to record squirrel glider occupancy and activity. Data on urban (e.g. light and noise pollution levels, road and housing density) and biophysical (e.g. tree height, hollow-bearing tree density, vegetation cover) variables were recorded at each survey tree. Data were statistically analysed using general linear modelling approaches.

Key results: Squirrel gliders were detected more frequently in the rural matrix (23.4% of camera trap-nights) than in urban areas (9.5%). Model results showed that tree height, and the distance to neighbouring trees, had a significant influence on the occurrence and activity of squirrel gliders. Road density and light pollution were included in ‘best’ models to explain glider activity (a negative influence), and noise pollution negatively influenced glider occurrence. Although gliders used large trees in both urban and rural areas, activity generally decreased as levels of urbanisation increased.

Conclusions and implications: Access to and availability of key resources such as tall, hollow-bearing trees is critical for gliders to persist in urban environments. Squirrel gliders will tolerate human stressors such as roads, noise and light pollution to a certain extent, but impacts on population viability remain largely unknown. Novel solutions need to be developed to lessen the effects of anthropogenic factors (such as light and noise) on patches of native vegetation retained in urban areas for conservation purposes.

Additional keywords: aboreal fauna, camera traps, gliding, road ecology, tree age, tree height, urbanisation.


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