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Core Placement Optimization for Multi-chip Many-core Neural Network Systems with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Nan Wu, Lei Deng, Guoqi Li, Yuan XieAuthors Info & Claims
Article No.: 11, Pages 1 - 27
Published: 19 October 2020 Publication History


Multi-chip many-core neural network systems are capable of providing high parallelism benefited from decentralized execution, and they can be scaled to very large systems with reasonable fabrication costs. As multi-chip many-core systems scale up, communication latency related effects will take a more important portion in the system performance. While previous work mainly focuses on the core placement within a single chip, there are two principal issues still unresolved: the communication-related problems caused by the non-uniform, hierarchical on/off-chip communication capability in multi-chip systems, and the scalability of these heuristic-based approaches in a factorially growing search space. To this end, we propose a reinforcement-learning-based method to automatically optimize core placement through deep deterministic policy gradient, taking into account information of the environment by performing a series of trials (i.e., placements) and using convolutional neural networks to extract spatial features of different placements. Experimental results indicate that compared with a naive sequential placement, the proposed method achieves 1.99× increase in throughput and 50.5% reduction in latency; compared with the simulated annealing, an effective technique to approximate the global optima in an extremely large search space, our method improves the throughput by 1.22× and reduces the latency by 18.6%. We further demonstrate that our proposed method is capable to find optimal placements taking advantages of different communication properties caused by different system configurations, and work in a topology-agnostic manner.


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  1. Core Placement Optimization for Multi-chip Many-core Neural Network Systems with Reinforcement Learning



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