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Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 43.2 (2000) i

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We are pleased to announce that Perspsectives in Biology and Medicine has moved to the Johns Hopkins University Press. We are proud that this distinguished academic press has chosen to publish Perspectives. We are especially pleased that Perspectives will be included in Project Muse, Hopkins' electronic journal publishing project <>. We are confident that the journal will thrive in its new home.

Perspectives was founded in 1957 by Dwight Ingle, who was then Professor of Physiology at the University of Chicago. In his introductory editorial describing the mission of this new journal, Ingle quoted Hughlings Jackson: "We have multitudes of facts, but we require, as they accumulate, organizations of them into higher knowledge. We require generalizations and working hypotheses." Perspectives will continue to publish essays that organize "facts" into "higher knowledge," essays which provide a "perspective" that will help our readers understand and appreciate subjects outside their own areas of expertise. Ingle went on to say: "The orientation of Perspectives will be toward man and his illnesses, but with appreciation of the fact that the roots of medical theory reach into all fields of biology." Over time, we have come to appreciate that "man and his illnesses" must be understood in an even broader context, a context that includes the humanities and social sciences as well as the natural sciences. Perspectives is an interdisciplinary journal; our readers include physicians, scientists, and scholars in other disciplines who are interested in biology and medicine. Because our goal is to publish papers that our readers will find interesting and informative, we encourage readers to submit essays to the journal and we welcome Letters to the Editors.

From the time it was founded, Perspectives has been sponsored by the Division of the Biological Sciences at the University of Chicago and has been published by the University of Chicago Press. We would like to thank all of the people at the University of Chicago who supported the journal during its first forty-three years.

Richard L. Landau
Robert L. Perlman


