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Determinants of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Application of Logit, Panel Markov Regime Switching Model and Self Organizing Maps

Jean-Pierre Allegret
1 and
Raif Cergibozan
CNRS, GREDEG, Bâtiment 2, Campus Azur du CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, 250 rue Albert Einstein, CS 10269, F-06905 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
Department of Economics, Kirklareli University, Kayali Kampüsü B-Blok, 39000 Kirklareli, Turkey
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Entropy 2023, 25(7), 1032;
Submission received: 5 June 2023 / Revised: 1 July 2023 / Accepted: 5 July 2023 / Published: 8 July 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applications of Statistical Physics in Finance and Economics)


The study aims to empirically identify the determinants of the debt crisis that occurred within the framework of 15 core EU member countries (EU-15). Contrary to previous empirical studies that tend to use event-based crisis indicators, our study develops a continuous fiscal stress index to identify the debt crises in the EU-15 and employs three different estimation techniques, namely self-organizing map, multivariate logit and panel Markov regime switching models. Our estimation results show first that the study correctly identifies the time and the length of the debt crisis in each EU-15-member country. Empirical results then indicate, via three different models, that the debt crisis in the EU-15 is the consequence of deterioration of both financial and macroeconomic variables such as nonperforming loans over total loans, GDP growth, unemployment rates, primary balance over GDP, and cyclically adjusted balance over GDP. Furthermore, variables measuring governance quality, such as voice and accountability, regulatory quality, and government effectiveness, also play a significant role in the emergence and the duration of the debt crisis in the EU-15.

1. Introduction

Over the last decade, the European Union went through the most severe economic and political crisis since its creation following World War II. Some economists (i.e., [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) stated that the crisis was the result of contagion of the US subprime crisis to Europe: as the crisis spread to Europe, governments and central banks heavily intervened in real and financial sectors to limit the negative impacts of the crisis. These expansionary policies and bank rescue plans (in other words, nationalization of private debt) resulted in a dramatic rise in public debt stock, leading then to a sovereign debt crisis in some Eurozone member countries.
Some argued that the crisis was related to increasing fiscal deficits and rising public debt stock, but these problems are the consequences of the structural factors associated with the Eurozone (i.e., [8,9,10,11,12,13,14]). The main argument here is the Eurozone is not an optimum currency area a la Mundell [15], since there is no risk sharing system such as an automatic fiscal transfer mechanism to redistribute money to areas/sectors which have been adversely affected by the capital and labor mobility. Moreover, Eurozone is a monetary union without a fiscal union: this design, permitting the free riding of fiscal policies within a framework of common monetary policy, led to differences in inflation rates within the Eurozone member countries. Inflation differences in turn caused a decrease in the trade competitiveness of high-inflation countries, i.e., Greece, Spain. As the option of improving the competitiveness of the economy through exchange rate depreciation was not available, because of the common currency, trade deficits steadily rose in the Southern peripheral countries, leading to constant increases in public debt stock [16]. This was not an important problem until the outbreak of the global financial crisis. With the transition to European Monetary Union (EMU), increasing capital inflows towards peripheral countries resulted in low interest rates facilitating the rollover of the debt stock. In addition, low interest rates led to a decrease in household savings and increased consumption, causing external deficits and an increase in private debt stock.
This study aims to empirically identify the determinants of the European debt crisis. To do so, we employ three different estimation techniques, namely SOM, logit, and Markov models. The main reason to use different methods is the fact that using different methodologies have led to inconsistent results in terms of crisis determinants and crisis prediction (see [17,18,19,20] for further discussion). Hence, we first apply the SOM approach, which allows us to visualize, via crisis maps created for each country, the transition from noncrisis to crisis states. Furthermore, the SOM analysis gives us variables’ order of importance in explaining the occurrence of the debt crises in the EU member countries. In other words, the SOM analysis serves as a filter to determine which indicators should be included into the logit and Markov model estimations. Then, we estimate logit and Markov models with the variables found to be significant by the SOM approach.
This paper brings empirical contributions to the literature on fiscal stress in a monetary union [21,22,23,24]. In the first step, we identify and date debt crises by defining a new fiscal stress index. Second, we use a large data set composed of 51 leading indicators to explain the European debt crises. In particular, this paper includes an important number of governance indicators that have largely been ignored in explaining debt crises. Third, we use different econometric tools—namely the self-organizing maps (SOM), the multivariate logit model (MLM), and the panel Markov regime switching model (PMRSM)—to identify the determinants of the European debt crisis. Our study therefore offers the opportunity of a comparative analysis between different model estimations, which has not been conducted yet in the literature.
According to the results, in addition to financial and macroeconomic variables, such as nonperforming loans over total loans, GDP growth, primary balance over GDP, unemployment, and cyclically adjusted balance over GDP, governance variables (i.e., voice and accountability, regulatory quality and government effectiveness) also play a significant role in the emergence of the European debt crisis. In addition, forecast performances estimates suggest that our different models perform relatively well to predict the debt crisis in the Eurozone.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents data and methodology and the definition of our fiscal stress index. Section 3 discusses estimation results. Section 4 concludes.

2. Data and Methodology

2.1. The Definition of Fiscal Stress Index

Debt crises are usually identified and dated by a combination of events, such as the inability of borrowers to pay the interest or principal on time, large arrears, or large IMF loans to help the borrower avoid a default. In other words, dating debt crises is generally event-based and is typically founded on the available ex post figures (i.e., [21,25,26]). However, this dating method has several shortcomings. It is based primarily on information about government actions undertaken in response to fiscal stress and depend on information obtained from regulators and international organizations or rating agencies. In addition, the events method identifies crises only when they are severe enough to trigger market events; crises successfully contained by prompt corrective policies are neglected. This means that empirical work suffers from a selection bias. Therefore, in order to fulfill these shortcomings, we develop a fiscal stress index like currency crisis indictors, a la Eichengreen et al. [27] or Kaminsky and Reinhart [28], in order to identify the dates of debt crisis episodes occurred in EU-15 countries over the period from 2003–2015.
The data used for constructing the fiscal stress index (FSI) are gathered from Oxford Economics and IMF International Financial Statistics for the period from 2003–2015. Our fiscal stress index is defined as a continuous variable rather than event-based, contrary to previous studies. The bond yield pressure, imputed interest rate on general government debt minus the real GDP growth rate, public sector borrowing requirements, general government gross debt, and cyclically adjusted primary balance variables are used in calculating our fiscal stress index. The selection of variables in the construction of the index is based on Baldacci et al. [21], McHugh et al. [26], and Hernandez de Cos et al. [23]. Note also that the variables are standardized or weighted according to the empirical crisis literature. The weights of the components of the crisis index are chosen to equalize their volatility and thus avoid the possibility of one of the components dominating the index, allowing us to obtain consistent results concerning dates of debt crises.
The fiscal stress index is calculated as follows:
F S I i , t = Δ B Y P i , t σ B Y P i , t + Δ ( r g ) i , t σ ( r g ) i , t + Δ P S B R i , t σ P S B R i , t + Δ G G G D i , t σ G G G D i , t Δ C A P B i , t σ C A P B i , t
where BYP (bond yield pressure) is government bond spreads (relative to 10-year US Treasury bonds), r − g is the imputed interest rate on general government debt minus real GDP growth rate, GGGD is general government gross debt, and CAPB indicates cyclically adjusted primary balance/GDP. Sub-indexes represent t as time, i as country, and Δ is the differential operator. Increases in BYP, r − g, PSBR, and GGDD augment fiscal pressure, while increases in CAPB reduce fiscal pressure. Because increases in CAPB indicate a balanced budget, its effect is expected to be negative.
We define a debt crisis hitting country i at time t, Ci,t, as a binary variable that can assume either 1 (when the FSI is above its threshold value) or 0 (otherwise):
C i , t = { 1   if   FSI i , t > optimal   threshold   0   otherwise
A critical point is to choose an ‘optimal’ threshold value. Several papers determine an arbitrary threshold. The higher the threshold level is, the lower the number of detected crises is, and vice versa. Therefore, this arbitrary threshold method results in different numbers and effective dates of crises as empirically shown by Kamin et al. [29], Edison [30], and Lestano and Jacobs [31] in the case of currency crises.
In order to avoid problems related to threshold level, we consider different methods based on Candelon et al. [32] to determine the optimal threshold value for the fiscal stress index of each EU-15 country. For this purpose, we use accuracy measures, sensitivity-specificity graphics, and the KLR cut-off method Kaminsky et al. [33] to select the optimal threshold. In this study, we present two different cut-off values, country-specific and global, in the KLR cut-off method. The country-specific cut-off value is the cut-off value determined according to the country’s own fiscal stress index, while the global cut-off value is the cut-off value obtained from the fiscal stress index of all EU-15 countries.
The fiscal stress index for each EU-15 country is constructed according to the Equation (1). In order to identify debt crisis periods, we need to determine optimal threshold (cut-off) values, which are calculated using three different methods (see Table 1). Bold numbers indicate the optimal cut-off values for each country.
Figure 1 presents the crisis and noncrisis periods for EU-15 countries: shaded zones indicate crisis periods, in other words, the period where the index value exceeds the optimal threshold value. As clearly seen from Figure 1, all EU-15 countries except for Germany seem to have gone through the debt crisis following the global financial crisis. As expected, the debt crisis in Greece, Ireland, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Portugal seem to have lasted longer compared to other countries. In addition, Greece seems to have not fully recovered from the debt crisis by the end of 2015.
When we compare our results with those of previous literature [21,22,23], we observe that they do not find any crisis episode in the cases of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, and the Netherlands in the post-2003 period (see Table 2). Our fiscal stress index identifies more ‘debt crisis’ episodes than previous empirical studies applied to debt crises, since it measures the pressure or stress level in a country contrary to other fiscal stress definitions that focus mainly on default events. On the contrary, our results show that Austria in 2009, Belgium in 2003, 2008, and 2009, Finland in 2009, France in 2009, and the Netherlands in 2008 and 2009 had severe fiscal problems. Furthermore, Hernandez de Cos et al. [23] state that Greece, Ireland, Italy, and Portugal had a debt crisis from 2008 to 2010, while our index indicates that Greece from 2008 to 2015, Ireland from 2008 to 2013, Italy from 2007 to 2014, and Portugal from 2009 to 2013 suffered a debt crisis.

2.2. Leading Indicators

Our dataset consists of 51 leading indicators. The selection of leading indicators is based on the studies by Manasse et al. [34], Baldacci et al. [21], McHugh et al. [26], Berti et al. [22], and Hernandez de Cos et al. [23]. Table 3 presents definitions, sources, and descriptive statistics for the selected leading indicators used in the study. We consider five sets of indicators. The first set consists of public and real sector variables: GDP, inflation, unemployment, government expenditure/GDP, primary balance/GDP, cyclically adjusted balance/GDP, revenue/GDP, interest payments/revenue, interest payments/expenses, cash surplus/GDP, REER, savings/expenditures, tax revenue/GDP, and wages. The second category includes financial indicators that exert an influence on sovereign debt situations: bank capital/asset, nonperforming loans/total loans, banking sector leverage, M2/GDP, and banking crisis index. The study uses Laeven and Valencia’s [35,36] definition of a banking crisis.
Our third set of indicators encompasses different debt ratios: external debt/export, external debt/GDP, external debt government/GDP, external debt private/GDP, net debt/GDP, and household debt/GDP. Social indicators constitute our fourth set: health expenditure/GDP, public health expenditure/GDP, Gini coefficient, gross enrollment ratio, fertility rate, and age dependency ratio. Excessive increases in health expenditures, a deterioration in income distribution, a decline in education level and in fertility rate, and an increase in age dependency ratio are expected to increase the likelihood of a debt crisis.
Finally, our fifth and last set includes governance indicators. Only a very small number of studies have examined the effect of governance quality on the likelihood of debt crises [34,37]. In our study, unlike these studies, we directly use a large number of governance indicators in our model, including political stability risk rating, credit rating, trade-credit risk rating, government effectiveness, political stability and freedom from violence/terrorism, regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice and accountability variables. The deterioration of countries’ governance indicators is expected to increase the likelihood of a debt crisis. We use Kaufmann et al. [38] for defining governance indicators. Accordingly, voice and accountability cover freedom of expression, freedom of association, election of government, and free media for a nation’s citizens. Political stability and the freedom from violence/terrorism demonstrate the possibility of government destabilization or overthrow through unconstitutional political violence or terrorism. The government effectiveness indicator is the government’s policymaking and implementation quality and the credibility of its commitment to such policies, as well as the degree to which public services are independent of political repression. Rule of law shows the implementation of contracts in addition to opportunities for crime and violence; the quality of the police, courts, and property rights; and the level of trust and compliance of individuals with society. Control of corruption refers to the use of public power for special gains, with small or large corruption in addition to elite and private interests seizing public power. Political stability refers to the stability of the current government and the entire political system. Trade-credit risk rating means that the trading partner cannot fulfill its obligations. The democracy index refers to the country’s level of democracy.

2.3. Methodology

The previous literature testing the likelihood of a debt crisis rests on models such as logit-probit, signal approach, and Markov regime switching. We take a different approach by using three different methods in a comparative perspective. SOM or Kohonen maps (SOM model is a learning methodology introduced in the artificial neural network literature by Kohonen [39]), multivariate logit model (MLM), and panel Markov regime switching model (PMRSM). In addition, we test the stability of estimates. Last but not least, the predicting performance of each method is presented.
The SOM is a nonlinear and nonparametric method used to analyze high-dimensional datasets. Specifically, this model portrays low-dimensional images of high-dimensional data. An important contribution of this method compared to many econometric tools is that it does not rely on rigid assumptions. For instance, including too many variables at the same time may induce multicollinearity, where too many parameters cannot be predicted due to observation constraints. Although the SOM method has been used extensively in a large number of scientific fields since it first appeared in the literature, its use in economics is very rare (See [40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49]). For crisis literature, see Sarlin [50,51] and Sarlin and Marghescu [52].
A drawback of the SOM method is to interpret its components without specifying any definite relationship. In order to deal with this drawback, different approaches allow the identification of the significance of variables in SOM analysis. These approaches, which originate from the natural sciences, estimate different indexes such as the structuring index (SI), the relative importance index (RI), the cluster description index (CD), and the Spearman rank correlation index (SRC) [53].
The SI index has been originally developed by Park et al. [54] and Tison et al. [55,56]. A variable with a low SI value indicates that its effect on the cluster of the SOM map is low. In contrast, variables with high SI values explain a significant portion of the differentiation between cluster groups. The SI value of variable i is calculated as follows:
S I i = j = 1 S k = 1 j 1 | w i j w i k | r j r k
where the nominator and denominator show the weight and topological differences between j and k map units, respectively, while S represents the total number of map units.
In RI indexes, each variable is expressed based on the distance matrix as a pie chart proportional to the sum of the variables. In addition, the sum of these effects is standardized at 100. In other words, the importance of the variables in the model depends on the size they have in the pie chart. Accordingly, i is expected to have a high RI value if it is to have a high effect on the SOM structure.
Vesanto [57] uses the CD index, which expresses the variation in each cluster. Thanks to the CD index, the internal properties of each cluster can be displayed. The CD index is calculated as follows:
C C i = l = 1 C S l i D = l = 1 C ( C 1 ) S l i C m = 1 , m 1 C S m i C   where   S l i C = σ l i σ i
where σli and σi indicate the standard deviations of the variable in cluster l and the whole data set, respectively, while C shows the total number of clusters. A high CD value calculated for a variable means that the variable has high significance when it occurs in different clusters.
These methods can give quite a different order of importance in estimates. Hence, in order to deal with this potential inconsistency, not only do we estimate the previous indexes, but we also estimate two different overall indexes to avoid any contradictory results. The overall index (1) is calculated with the following steps. First, four different index values are converted into percentage values. For this, the highest value of each index is accepted as 100 and all other values are calculated based on this value. The main purpose of doing this is to provide a chance to compare different indexes from the same unit. Second, as each index is expressed as a percentage, the following calculation is made so that each index has an overall weight equal to:
O v e r a l l   I n d e x ( 1 ) = X i ( S I ) + X i ( R I ) + X i ( C D ) + X i ( S R C ) 4
where Xi represents the SI, RI, CD and SRC values of the variable i.
The overall index (2) is calculated as follows:
O v e r a l l   I n d e x ( 2 ) = S I μ S I σ S I + R I μ R I σ R I + C D μ C D σ C D + S R C μ S R C σ S R C
where σ S I , σ R I , σ C D , and σ S R C show the standard deviations for the SI, RI, CD, and SRC indexes, respectively. μ S I , μ R I , μ C D , and μ S R C indicate the means of the SI, RI, CD, and SRC indexes, respectively. In the overall index (2), we subtract the value of each index by its means and then divide the result by its standard deviation in order to standardize the indices and ensure that no factor dominates the overall index. The influence of extreme results is minimized with the aim of obtaining more consistent results. In addition, the consistency of the indexes was checked via factor analysis and the results were found to be consistent.
Logit-probit models are widely used in debt crisis literature (e.g., [25,34,58,59]). In such models, the dependent variable, i.e., the fiscal stress index, is converted into a binary variable. It has a value of “1” for values above the threshold (signaling debt crisis periods) and “0” otherwise (normal periods).
The Markov model is also frequently used in papers on financial crises (i.e., [32,60,61,62,63]). The Markov model uses the crisis index in a continuous format. As a result, unlike the logit model, no information is lost regarding crisis duration. Specifically, the Markov model does not require a prior dating of crises; instead, identifying crisis periods are determined within the model itself [64]. In our estimation results, the Davies test also indicates the number of regimes chosen to be appropriate for the predicted models. As in the case of Abiad [64], Alvarez-Plata and Schrooten [62], and Lopes and Nunes [65], who used the Markov model for crises, our study also assumes two different regime periods. The period with lower mean and volatility indicates the tranquil or no crisis regime, while the second regime with higher mean and volatility is said to be crisis.

3. Estimation Results

We employ three different estimation techniques, namely SOM, logit, and Markov models. Unlike other econometric approaches, the SOM approach allows the researcher to work with large datasets and has the ability to visually monitor, via crisis maps created for each country for the period 2003–2015, the transition from no crisis (tranquil) to crisis states. Furthermore, through the SOM analysis, we are able to determine the variables’ order of importance in explaining the occurrence of the debt crises in the EU member countries. In other words, the SOM analysis serves as a filter to determine which indicators should be included in the logit and Markov model estimations. Figure 2 exhibits our results for a large number of 51 indicators using the SOM estimation method. As seen in Figure 2, each variable has its own component matrix with two-dimensional visuality. Temperature maps allow us to determine the value that each variable takes in crisis and noncrisis periods, obtained from the Davies–Bouldin index. The scale on the right-hand side of each graph (component matrix) increases the readability. To be more precise, each graph in Figure 2 represents the values for the different neurons of the respective variable using a color code ranging from dark blue (low values) to dark red (high values). Before interpreting the results of the SOM analysis, some aspects of the analysis require clarification. First, all countries (input) are placed in only one specific neuron (output) [66]. Since the time dimension of countries is also used in our analysis, the neuron in which the country is placed may change over the years. The analysis results show that countries with similar indicators are placed in the same or close neurons, while countries with different characteristics are placed in more distant neurons. When making interpretations, it is important to note that regardless of the variable analyzed, the location of the country is the same place, i.e., the same neuron. For example, the location of the neuron where Austria is located in 2015 is the same in the component matrix of all variables. Therefore, the value in the component matrix of that variable is interpreted according to the scale on the right side. Figure 2 shows the clusters of countries in the lower right corner. The weight vectors of the SOM neurons reveal the effect of each variable in determining the characteristics of the clusters [67]. The figure shows that there are two different clusters. The first cluster is the crisis cluster shown in yellow. The second cluster is the no crisis cluster shown in red.
Figure 2 shows that the likelihood of the debt crisis jumps with an increase in inflation, unemployment rate, budget deficit-to-GDP ratio, public and private external debt as the share of GDP, household debt, nonperforming loans, age dependency ratio, bank leverage, M2 over GDP, banking crisis index, and interest payments. Figure 2 also suggests that countries in debt crisis have low growth rates, low export-to-GDP ratio, low reserves, low shares of public revenues and taxes to GDP, and low credit ratings. Figure 2 shows the impact of governance indicators on the outbreak of the European debt crisis: estimates indicate that high income inequality, high corruption, low government effectiveness, low political stability risk-rating, low political stability (PSVATT), low regulatory quality, low rule of law, and low voice and accountability increase the crisis probability. FDI over GDP, the ratio of health expenditures to public expenditures, total health expenditures, savings/expenditures, the ratio of imports to GDP, the ratio of foreign trade balance to GDP, OFDI over GDP, capital over asset, and TCRR do not seem to have an effect on the occurrence of the European debt crisis. Finally, indicators related to education do not seem to have an impact on debt crises. It is worth highlighting that our SOM results are consistent with economic intuitions. The results of the SOM analysis are quite similar to the literature. Previous studies in the literature have found that increases in short-term debt, total external debt to GDP ratio, current account deficit to GDP ratio, inflation, level of reserves/GDP ratio, political problems, and trade openness increase the probability of debt crisis. They also find that decreases in foreign exchange reserves, real GDP growth, and primary and overall fiscal balance to GDP ratios are important determinants of debt crises [22,23,25,34,58,59,68,69].
In order to identify the unobserved relationships of the component matrixes, Table 4 exhibits the mean and standard deviation of each leading indicator in crisis and no crisis periods. Overall, results from the SOM analysis are consistent with the results presented in Table 4. For instance, the growth rates of countries in crisis zone tend to be low, leading to a decrease in these countries’ tax revenues and to a rise in both social transfers and unemployment benefits.
Table 5 and Table 6 present the ranking of 51 explanatory variables according to the six indexes selected in our study. In particular, results from the two overall indexes (Table 6) show that the ratio of nonperforming loans over total loans, primary balance over GDP, public sector borrowing requirement, corruption, cash balance over GDP, unemployment, voice and accountability, regulatory quality, rule of law, GDP growth, government effectiveness, and cyclically adjusted balance over GDP are the 10 most important indicators in explaining the outbreak of the European debt crisis. These 10 variables will be used in both logit and Markov estimation.
In order to assess the extent to which the EU-15 countries have been affected by the crisis, we present the behavior of their economies on the maps from 2007 to 2015 (see Figure 3). Specifically, we sum up the above Figures and show the transition of EU-15 countries from no crisis to crisis states over time. Strikingly, we see that, when Europe was hit by the global financial crisis in 2007, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal were already in the crisis zone.
The forecast performance results from the SOM estimates are presented in Table 7. The SOM model correctly predict 79.31% of crisis periods and 74% of the no crisis episodes in the EU-15 from 2003 to 2015. Importantly, the model forecasts 100% of crisis episodes for PIIGS countries.
After having obtained the 10 most significant variables that explain the debt crises from the SOM analysis, we estimate a logit model in which the dependent variable is the fiscal stress index reduced to a binary form. Note that the presence of the multicollinearity problem leads us to estimate each indicator separately.
Table 8 shows that all explanatory variables are statistically significant at 1% or 5%. According to the econometric results, increases in budget balance, PSRR, corruption, cash balance, voice and accountability, regulatory quality, GDP growth, rule of law, government effectiveness, and cyclically adjusted balance are associated with lower probabilities of crisis, while increases in NPL/TL and unemployment increase the likelihood of crisis. The results of the econometric analysis are quite similar to the literature. Manasse et al. [34] find that negative domestic developments (low real GDP growth and high inflation rates) and political factors increase the probability of debt crises. Hernandez de Cos et al. [23] find that fiscal balance over GDP and real GDP growth are important determinants of debt crisis. Bruns and Poghosyan [69] and Cerovic et al. [59] find that primary and overall fiscal balance to GDP ratios have a significant impact on debt crisis.
Figure 4 presents the actual and fitted values of the models estimated for the EU-15. We see that, except for Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Ireland, our studied countries experienced a crisis from 2007 to 2010. As expected, the crisis period was longer for PIIGS countries spanning the period 2007–2014. Table 9 presents the forecast performance matrices for the logit model. Accordingly, the success of the 10 models for predicting crises varies between 50% and 90% for different cut-off values.
In the panel Markov model, the dependent variable (the fiscal stress index) is a continuous variable. To avoid multicollinearity, each variable is estimated separately. Broadly speaking, the results obtained from the Markov approach (Table 10) are similar to those from the logit model. Table 10 suggests that NPL/TL, corruption, cash balance/GDP, voice and accountability, regulatory quality, rule of law, government effectiveness, and cyclically adjusted balance/GDP are statistically significant in only Regime 1, whereas primary balance/GDP, PSRR, unemployment, and GDP growth are statistically significant in Regimes 1 and 2. These results lead us to conclude that the ratios of NPL/TL and unemployment increase the likelihood of crisis, while increases in budget balance, PSRR, corruption, cash balance, voice and accountability, regulatory quality, GDP, and rule of law reduce the likelihood of crisis.
As in the logit model, the Markov model estimates also include the forecast performance of each model and the diagnostic test results. According to the results, there is no normality or autocorrelation problem in the estimated models. In addition, the linearity test shows that using the Markov regime switching model is more appropriate than the linear models. Crisis probabilities obtained from the Markov model are presented separately for the EU-15 and PIIGS. Unlike the logit model, Markov model forecasts show that the crisis started in late 2007 and lasted until 2013, both in PIIGS and the other 10 countries (Figure 5).
The forecast performance results obtained from the panel Markov model are given in Table 11 and Table 12. The models are able to predict, at 0.5 threshold level, all crisis episodes occurred in the EU-15 in the period of 2003–2015 and nearly 80% of no crisis periods. Model test results do not indicate any diagnostic problem and the linearity test results suggest that using nonlinear models such as the Markov and logit is appropriate to predict debt crisis (Table 13).
When we assess the forecast performance of different models, one should note that comparing the results obtained through the SOM with the logit and Markov forecasts can be misleading for two reasons. The first is that SOM uses 51 different leading indicators, while the logit and Markov model employ only 10. The second is that different thresholds cannot be used in the SOM approach. The forecast performance results from SOM show the model can predict crisis periods for the EU-15 more successfully than the no crisis periods. The forecast performance of the logit and Markov models differs according to the selected threshold value. But Markov estimates predict crisis periods more successfully than logit, while logit estimates predict no crisis periods more successfully than the Markov estimates. Markov models could predict approximately 100% of the crisis periods correctly, while the logit model predicted 100% of the no crisis periods (Selecting a lower threshold for both models improves the number of correctly predicted crisis periods but also causes non-crisis periods to be perceived as crises (Type II errors). Markov estimates can be said to have more Type II errors. In contrast, choosing a higher threshold value reduces the number of false alarms but at the expense of increasing the number of missed crises (Type I errors), particularly in logit models).

4. Conclusions

This study aimed to empirically examine the European debt crisis. To do so, we first developed a fiscal stress index contrary for each EU-15 country within the period of 2003–2015, contrary to early empirical papers that tend to use event-based crisis indicators. The empirical results show that our fiscal stress index identifies more ‘debt crisis’ episodes and also indicates a longer crisis period, in particular for the so-called PIIGS, than previous empirical studies applied to debt crises (e.g., [21,22,23]).
As the results obtained from the SOM, Logit, and Markov models are very similar, we propose an overall interpretation. The similarity of the results obtained in all three models is an important indicator of consistency for our analysis. Empirical results obtained from three different models indicate that the debt crisis in the EU-15 is the consequence of the deterioration of both financial and macroeconomic variables such as nonperforming loans over total loans, GDP growth, unemployment rates, primary balance over GDP, and cyclically adjusted balance over GDP. Another interesting point in the estimation results is that despite the similar deterioration in macroeconomic variables, some European countries seem to have exited the crisis very quickly contrary to some countries like Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain, or Greece. When comparing these two sets of countries in detail, governance indicators are seen to have played an important role. This situation is observed from the fact that good governance indicators in the SOM, logit, and Markov results significantly reduced the possibility of debt crisis. Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Ireland, which were deeply affected by the crisis for a longer period, have all poor governance indicators. Therefore, the convergence of countries in terms of governance is very important in addition to economic convergence. Moreover, our logit and Markov models were quite successful in predicting the crisis episodes over the period of 2003–2015. To be more precise, nearly all crisis and no crisis periods in the EU-15 were correctly predicted by our models.
What are the policy implications of our findings? The first one is that constructing the continuous-time fiscal stress index which produces consistent and robust results in identifying fiscal pressure and/or crisis episodes may allow the authorities to take measures to prevent crises. The second one is that governance quality matters both in the outbreak and the length of debt crises. Hence, increasing governance quality could be a significant preventive response to future crises, and the EU may exert pressures on member countries to harmonize governance indicators. Moreover, when we analyze the movements of EU-15 countries over time in terms of macro, financial, and fiscal indicators, we find that there is no homogeneous structure. This can be easily observed from the figures obtained from the SOM analysis, which show the movements of these countries over time: Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain exhibit quite different economic indicators from other countries, not only during the financial and debt crises but also in the pre-crisis period of 2002–2006. Even in the pre-crisis period, these countries’ indicators were quite poor. Therefore, it is important that the countries within the European Union should be similar in terms of macro, financial and fiscal indicators.
Further studies can be carried out to include both a wider time period and a larger country set. In this way, more comprehensive results can be achieved for the constructed fiscal stress index and these results can be presented in a comparable way with previous studies. Furthermore, a very large set of indicators can be used to identify the factors that construct the fiscal stress index; it is thus possible to convert these indicators into the index by methods such as principal component analysis, factor analysis, unobserved components model and budget allocation process.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.-P.A. and R.C.; Methodology, R.C.; Software, R.C.; Validation, J.-P.A. and R.C.; Investigation, R.C.; Data curation, R.C.; Writing—original draft, J.-P.A. and R.C.; Writing—review & editing, J.-P.A. and R.C.; Visualization, R.C.; Supervision, J.-P.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data published in this paper are available upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Fiscal stress indexes and their threshold values for EU-15 countries. Note: dashed areas indicate crisis periods.
Figure 1. Fiscal stress indexes and their threshold values for EU-15 countries. Note: dashed areas indicate crisis periods.
Entropy 25 01032 g001
Figure 2. Net output of a SOM analysis: clusters based on unified distance matrix (U-matrix) and component matrixes.
Figure 2. Net output of a SOM analysis: clusters based on unified distance matrix (U-matrix) and component matrixes.
Entropy 25 01032 g002aEntropy 25 01032 g002b
Figure 3. Self-organizing map results for EU-15 countries from 2003–2006 and 2007–2015.
Figure 3. Self-organizing map results for EU-15 countries from 2003–2006 and 2007–2015.
Entropy 25 01032 g003
Figure 4. Predicted probability of crises in the logit models (EU-15 and PIIGS).
Figure 4. Predicted probability of crises in the logit models (EU-15 and PIIGS).
Entropy 25 01032 g004
Figure 5. Predicted probability of crisis in the Markov regime switching models.
Figure 5. Predicted probability of crisis in the Markov regime switching models.
Entropy 25 01032 g005
Table 1. Optimal cut-off values for EU-15.
Table 1. Optimal cut-off values for EU-15.
Accuracy MeasuresSensitivity-Specificity GraphicKLR
CountryCut-OffSensitivitySpecificityCut-OffSensitivitySpecificityCut-Off (S)Cut-Off (G)
United Kingdom0.991100.090.01.753100.0100.03.7486.381
Note: S and G indicate optimal threshold values for specific and all EU-15 countries, respectively.
Table 2. Debt crisis episodes from selected studies.
Table 2. Debt crisis episodes from selected studies.
CountryOur Results:
Crisis Dates
Hernandez de Cos et al. [23]:
Crisis Dates
Baldacci et al. [21]:
Start of Crisis
Berti et al. [22]
Austria2009No crisisNo crisisNo crisis
Belgium2003, 2008–2009No crisisNo crisisNo crisis
Denmark2008–2009n.a.No crisisNo crisis
Finland2009No crisisNo crisisNo crisis
France2009No crisisNo crisisNo crisis
Germany2005No crisisNo crisisNo crisis
Italy2007–20142008–20102008No crisis
Luxembourg2008n.a.n.a.No crisis
Netherlands2008–2009No crisisNo crisisNo crisis
Portugal2009–20132008, 20102008, 20102009–2010
Spain2009–2013n.a.20102009, 2012
Sweden2009, 2013–2014n.a.No crisisNo crisis
United Kingdom2008–2010n.a.No crisis2009
Note: “n.a.” indicates that the country is not included in the study.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of the dataset.
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of the dataset.
Current account of balance of payments
(% of GDP)
CA/GDP 11950(0%)0.945.48−14.4311.93
GDP, real, annual growthGDP growth 11950(0%)1.172.82−9.178.40
Exports, goods & services (% of GDP)X/GDP 11950(0%)54.5239.9618.54213.85
Inflation, consumer prices index (annual %)Inflation 11950(0%)1.791.36−4.464.93
Health expenditure, total (% of GDP)H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP 118015(7.69%)9.521.206.8011.97
Unemployment rate (%)Unemployment 11950(0%)8.464.652.3327.51
Government expenditure as % of GDPGOV.EXP/GDP 11950(0%)48.115.9032.9665.65
Foreign direct investment, inward, share of GDPFDI/GDP 11932(1.02%)37.58138.23−6.751144.76
Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP)CPS/GDP 11950(0%)110.7735.8354.56202.19
Health expenditure, public (% of government expenditure)H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP 118015(7.69%)
Primary net lending/borrowing (also referred as primary balance) (% of GDP)Primary Balance/GDP 21950(0%)−0.943.71−29.736.04
Cyclically adjusted balance (% of potential GDP)Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP 21950(0%)−2.533.39−18.614.01
Revenue (% of GDP)Revenue/GDP 21950(0%)45.036.1832.7957.44
Reserves, foreign exchange, excluding gold, USDReserves 11950(0%)25,169.3824,607.29143.55119,026
Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP)Cash Balance/GDP 217916(8.20%)−3.514.23−32.374.11
Tax revenue (% of GDP)Tax Revenue/GDP 117916(8.20%)22.225.850.3135.08
Savings/ExpendituresSavings/Expenditures 11941(0.51%)
Imports, goods & services (% of GDP)M/GDP 11950(0%)50.4531.8122.92177.65
Trade balance/GDPTrade/GDP 11950(0%)4.089.10−12.5536.20
External debt, total, share of exportsEX-DEBT/X 11905(2.56%)673.46498.41258.782807.26
Political stability risk rating (7 = lowest risk)PSRR 31950(0%)5.810.624.266.83
Credit rating, averageCredit Rating 31950(0%)17.884.150.0020.00
Exchange rate, effective realREER 31950(0%)101.525.4688.99127.40
External debt, total, share of GDPEX-DEBT/GDP 11905(2.56%)511.16983.5582.985490.03
External debt government/GDPEX-DEBT-GOV/GDP 117916(8.20%)41.9625.611.65152.47
External debt private/GDPEX-DEBT-PRIVATE/GDP 117718 (9.23%)214.75195.4533.511067.07
Foreign direct investment, outward, share of GDPOFDI/GDP 118213(6.67%)39.26128.79−3.95833.68
Wages, hourly, USDWAGE 318213(6.67%)32.4410.108.1951.67
Net debt (% of GDP)NET_DEBT/GDP 216421(10.77%)42.8847.10−69.74176.57
Bank capital to assets ratio (%)CAPITAL/ASSETS 117025(12.82%)5.771.513.0013.97
Bank nonperforming loans to total gross loans (%)NPL/TGL 11878(4.10%)4.585.930.0834.67
Trade credit risk rating (7 = lowest risk)TCRR 315223(11.79%)5.321.990.007.00
Household Debt/GDPHousehold Debt/GDP 312570(35.90%)84.1636.1546.78217.51
Control of CorruptionCorruption 11950(0%)1.540.71−0.252.55
Government EffectivenessGOV.EFFECT 11950(0%)1.510.510.212.36
Political Stability and Absence of Violence/TerrorismPSAVTT 11950(0%)0.810.46−0.471.66
Regulatory QualityRegulatory Quality 11950(0%)1.430.380.341.92
Rule of LawRule of Law 11950(0%)1.490.480.242.12
Voice and AccountabilityVoice and Accountability 11950(0%)1.350.240.561.83
Gini coefficientGINI COEFF 4,513560(30.77%)36.663.0928.5144.56
Gross enrolment ratio, tertiary, both sexes (%)Enrolment Tertiary 115639(20%)67.4416.3310.33110.26
Gross enrollment ratio, primary, both sexes (%)Enrolment Primary 117223(11.79%)103.984.8695.71120.90
Gross enrolment ratio, secondary, both sexes (%)Enrolment Secondary 117223(11.79%)110.4613.1491.39164.81
Fertility rate, total (births per woman)Fertility Rate 118015(7.69%)1.640.241.212.06
Age dependency ratio, old (% of working-age population)Age Dependency 11950(0%)25.903.9915.2535.08
Interest payments (% of revenue)INT_PAY/REVENUE 119516(8.20%)6.773.790.2717.29
Interest payments (% of expense)INT_PAY/EXPENSE 117916(8.20%)
Banking sector leverageBank Leverage 118015(7.69%)16.039.523.8951.56
M2/GDPM2/GDP 318213(6.67%)81.3122.0941.62133.32
Fiscal Stress IndexFSI 61950(0%)0.722.83−9.7815.99
DemocracyDemocracy 71950 (0%)9.840.488.0010.00
Index of Banking Crises (Laeven and Valencia, 2013)Banking Crises1950(0%)0.580.490.001.00
Note: Obs, Mis. Val, M, Min and Max denote observations, missing value, mean, minimum and maximum, respectively, while 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 indicate World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Oxford Economics, World Income Inequality Database, and Standardized World Income Inequality.
Table 4. Self-organizing map-based cluster results.
Table 4. Self-organizing map-based cluster results.
Frequency (%)64.29035.71064.29035.710
GDP Growth1.7540.0662.5273.017
H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP9.5479.4751.1091.345
H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP15.65114.0962.09311.941
Primary Balance/GDP0.115−2.9492.2644.919
Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP−1.184−5.0462.2893.683
Cash Balance/GDP−1.956−6.3172.2715.378
Tax Revenue/GDP23.46919.6605.4516.406
Credit Rating19.25415.3103.0914.645
Household Debt/GDP71.747108.85627.48039.372
Regulatory Quality1.6151.0820.2180.378
Rule of Law1.7521.0140.2130.476
Voice and Accountability1.4831.1090.1380.205
GINI COEFF35.67738.5232.7522.888
Enrollment Tertiary66.14569.36017.51313.812
Enrollment Primary103.028105.8294.2285.458
Enrollment Secondary111.447108.45314.07211.030
Fertility Rate1.7141.5080.1970.266
Age Dependency25.41326.8063.7254.334
Bank Leverage15.47417.0588.31211.362
Banking Crises0.5200.6910.5020.465
Table 5. List of significant variables ranked based on four indexes (SI—structuring index, RI—relative importance, CD—cluster description, and SRC—Spearman’s rank correlation) in a SOM.
Table 5. List of significant variables ranked based on four indexes (SI—structuring index, RI—relative importance, CD—cluster description, and SRC—Spearman’s rank correlation) in a SOM.
1GOV.EFFECT1328.206Primary Balance/GDP2.487NPL/TGL4.238GDP growth−0.639 ***
2PSRR1320.574EX-DEBT-GOV/GDP2.370Unemployment3.074Primary Balance/GDP−0.527 ***
3Voice and Accountability1313.764PSRR2.347Cash Balance/GDP2.368Cash Balance/GDP−0.428 ***
4Rule of Law1313.293Corruption2.329Rule of Law2.235Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP−0.398 ***
5Corruption1310.869NET_DEBT/GDP2.283Primary Balance/GDP2.173NPL/TGL0.386 ***
6Regulatory Quality1282.465Unemployment2.231GOV.EFFECT1.805Banking Crises0.373 ***
7CA/GDP1241.308Regulatory Quality2.194PSRR1.746EX-DEBT/X0.341 ***
8INT_PAY/REVENUE1215.579M2/GDP2.194Regulatory Quality1.736CA/GDP−0.324 ***
9PSAVTT1192.348CAPITAL/ASSET2.182Corruption1.722Bank Leverage0.323 ***
11NET_DEBT/GDP1097.219Cash Balance/GDP2.168Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP1.609PSRR−0.306 ***
12Trade/GDP1048.616GINI COEFF2.136EX-DEBT-GOV/GDP1.584Voice and Accountability−0.302 ***
13Age Dependency1023.416Reserves2.132Inflation1.522NET_DEBT/GDP0.302 ***
14Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP992.023Enrollment Tertiary2.131Credit Rating1.503Savings/Expenditures−0.295 ***
15WAGE983.387CPS/GDP2.127Voice and Accountability1.491EX-DEBT-GOV/GDP0.280 ***
16Revenue/GDP927.769Bank Leverage2.120WAGE1.469INT_PAY/REVENUE0.269 ***
17Enrollment Tertiary927.575Banking Crises2.114Household Debt/GDP1.433Rule of Law−0.268 ***
18NPL/TGL926.662Voice and Accountability2.097INT_PAY/REVENUE1.371TCRR−0.267 ***
19Unemployment908.386GDP growth2.085Bank Leverage1.367Trade/GDP−0.262 ***
20X/GDP907.778EX-DEBT/GDP2.078Fertility Rate1.350OFDI/GDP−0.260 ***
21Tax Revenue/GDP904.0651Trade/GDP2.057FSI1.317Corruption−0.255 ***
22Fertility Rate892.051Enrollment Secondary2.046Enrollment Primary1.291Credit Rating−0.255 ***
23M/GDP868.569NPL/TGL2.016PSAVTT1.270M2/GDP0.249 ***
24Cash Balance/GDP865.003FDI/GDP1.98INT_PAY/EXPENSE1.242PSAVTT−0.247 ***
25Democracy853.076TCRR1.977H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP1.213Household Debt/GDP0.231 ***
26EX-DEBT-GOV/GDP852.431H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP1.917GDP growth1.194Unemployment0.229 ***
27GOV.EXP/GDP833.429H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP1.908CA/GDP1.186GOV.EXP/GDP0.223 ***
28EX-DEBT/X822.099Inflation1.903TCRR1.185Regulatory Quality−0.211 ***
29M2/GDP813.392OFDI/GDP1.881Tax Revenue/GDP1.175X/GDP−0.192 ***
30Credit Rating810.121Enrollment Primary1.873Age Dependency1.163Enrolment Primary0.186 **
31Banking Crises787.017Age Dependency1.854GINI COEFF1.045M/GDP−0.173 **
32H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP774.519Tax Revenue/GDP1.849CPS/GDP1.038INT_PAY/EXPENSE0.171 **
33Savings/Expenditures761.388Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP1.847Reserves0.938GINI COEFF0.166 *
34Bank Leverage756.183Revenue/GDP1.835Banking Crises0.928EX-DEBT/GDP0.153 **
35EX-DEBT-PRIVATE/GDP756.152REER1.829H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP0.927Revenue/GDP−0.152 **
36CPS/GDP738.579CA/GDP1.801NET_DEBT/GDP0.922H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP−0.140 *
37GINI COEFF712.864Household Debt/GDP1.791CAPITAL/ASSETS0.849Age Dependency0.105
38Reserves707.545Credit Rating1.759Trade/GDP0.824Tax Revenue/GDP−0.103
39H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP700.329Fertility Rate1.755GOV.EXP/GDP0.811FDI/GDP−0.101
40Enrollment Secondary683.320GOV.EXP/GDP1.745M2/GDP0.809CPS/GDP0.090
41Primary Balance/GDP682.901Rule of Law1.735Savings/Expenditures0.793H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP0.087
42Enrollment Primary667.923X/GDP1.730Enrollment Tertiary0.789Reserves−0.071
43EX-DEBT/GDP647.172PSAVTT1.691Enrollment Secondary0.784Enrollment Secondary0.061
44GDP growth642.788GOV.EFFECT1.672Revenue/GDP0.760CAPITAL/ASSET−0.059
46FSI615.079FSI1.541X/GDP0.540Fertility Rate−0.058
49Household Debt/GDP567.960M/GDP1.477Democracy0.301Democracy−0.026
50REER564.612Democracy1.473EX-DEBT/GDP0.216Enrollment Tertiary−0.020
Note: ***, ** and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively.
Table 6. List of significant variables ranked based on SRC (crisis and non-crisis periods)—Spearman’s rank correlation and overall indexes) in a SOM.
Table 6. List of significant variables ranked based on SRC (crisis and non-crisis periods)—Spearman’s rank correlation and overall indexes) in a SOM.
RankSRC (Crisis)ValuesSRC (No Crisis)ValuesOverall Index (1)ValuesOverall Index (2)Values
1GDP growth−0.752 ***Primary Balance/GDP−0.543 ***NPL/TGL14.112NPL/TGL5.992
2Banking Crises0.547 ***GDP growth−0.510 ***Primary Balance/GDP12.135Primary Balance/GDP4.780
3Household Debt/GDP0.516 ***Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP−0.315 **Cash Balance/GDP11.617PSRR4.769
4EXDEBT/GDP0.512 ***Cash Balance/GDP−0.284 ***GDP growth11.148Corruption4.257
5EXDEBT/X0.490 ***Bank Leverage0.263 ***Unemployment11.059Cash Balance/GDP3.969
6Primary Balance/GDP−0.476 ***Trade/GDP−0.259 ***PSRR10.725Unemployment3.902
7GOV.EXP/GDP0.471 ***WAGE0.251 ***Rule of Law10.508Voice and Accountability3.472
8Bank Leverage0.459 ***Banking Crises0.251 ***GOV.EFFECT10.221Regulatory Quality3.357
9EXDEBTPRIVATE/GDP0.401 ***EXDEBT/X0.239 ***Corruption10.185Rule of Law2.978
10M2/GDP0.393 ***GOV.EXP/GDP0.238 ***Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP10.128GDP growth2.645
11Cash Balance/GDP−0.333 ***GINI COEFF0.215 **Voice and Accountability10.029GOV.EFFECT2.548
12NPL/TGL0.320 ***Savings/Expenditures−0.194 **Regulatory Quality9.609EX-DEBT-GOV/GDP2.453
13Savings/Expenditures−0.314 ***CA/GDP−0.192 **CA/GDP9.302NET_DEBT/GDP2.420
14Enrollment Secondary0.305 **NPL/TGL0.192 **EX-DEBT-GOV/GDP9.234Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP2.094
16Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP−0.264 *CAPITAL/ASSETS−0.161 *Bank Leverage8.828CA/GDP1.855
17GINI COEFF−0.262 **FSI1INT_PAY/REVENUE8.728Bank Leverage1.174
18Unemployment0.260 **Democracy−0.156Banking Crises8.665Banking Crises1.038
19Credit Rating−0.240 **X/GDP−0.145PSAVTT8.515Trade/GDP0.985
21Fertility Rate0.226 *EXDEBT/GDP0.139Credit Rating8.178INT_PAY/REVENUE0.526
22CAPITAL/ASSETS−0.220 *M2/GDP0.117Trade/GDP8.012M2/GDP0.358
23M/GDP0.211 *TCRR−0.100TCRR7.578Credit Rating−0.182
24INT_PAY/EXPENSE−0.210 *Tax Revenue/GDP−0.099M2/GDP7.492Age Dependency−0.517
25FSI1H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP0.097Household Debt/GDP7.352GINI COEFF−0.551
27Trade/GDP0.173Enrollment Primary−0.093Savings/Expenditures7.065Tax Revenue/GDP−1.037
28WAGE0.171PSAVTT−0.085Enrollment Primary7.025CPS/GDP−1.041
29OFDI/GDP−0.168Enrollment Tertiary0.085GOV.EXP/GDP6.854Enrollment Tertiary−1.087
30H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP−0.162Rule of Law−0.068Age Dependency6.852Enrollment Primary−1.182
31H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP0.157Unemployment0.065GINI COEFF6.824Revenue/GDP−1.206
32Reserves−0.152Reserves0.062Tax Revenue/GDP6.585GOV.EXP/GDP−1.332
33Tax Revenue/GDP0.142NET_DEBT/GDP0.062Revenue/GDP6.427Household Debt/GDP−1.367
34REER0.140INT_PAY/REVENUE0.057Fertility Rate6.327Reserves−1.433
35CPS/GDP0.135FDI/GDP−0.057X/GDP6.301H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP−1.441
36NET_DEBT/GDP0.119Voice and Accountability−0.056WAGE6.297Fertility Rate−1.506
37Enrollment Primary0.117REER0.053H. Expenditure (Total)/GDP6.274X/GDP−1.676
38Regulatory Quality−0.109Age Dependency0.052CPS/GDP6.170EX-DEBT/X−1.694
39Enrollment Tertiary0.084Household Debt/GDP−0.051H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP6.159H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP−1.734
41Voice and Accountability−0.07Enrollment Secondary0.048Reserves5.780Savings/Expenditures−2.043
42FDI/GDP0.052EXDEBTPRIVATE/GDP0.048M/GDP5.721Enrollment Secondary−2.128
43CA/GDP0.049H.EXP (Public)/GOV.EXP0.041Inflation5.701Inflation−2.279
44INT_PAY/REVENUE0.032CPS/GDP−0.040Enrollment Tertiary5.568EX-DEBT/GDP−2.285
47Age Dependency0.021Regulatory Quality0.033Enrollment Secondary5.312M/GDP−2.937
48Corruption0.013Fertility Rate−0.027EX-DEBT/GDP5.222EX-DEBT-PRIVATE/GDP−3.759
52Democracy0.004Credit Rating0.010FDI/GDP4.017Democracy−4.365
Note: ***, ** and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively.
Table 7. Forecast performance of SOM.
Table 7. Forecast performance of SOM.
CriteriaModel (EU-15)Model (PIIGS)
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises79.31%
% and number of correctly predicted crises74.00%
Table 8. Logit estimation results.
Table 8. Logit estimation results.
Dependent Variable: FSI
VariablesModel 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
NPL/TGL0.150 ***
0.063 **
0.167 ***
0.164 ***
0.131 ***
0.108 ***
0.096 ***
0.168 ***
0.093 ***
0.175 ***
Primary Balance/GDP−0.280 ***
−0.251 ***
−0.153 *
−0.277 ***
−0.265 ***
−0.266 ***
−0.285 ***
−0.162 **
−0.259 ***
−0.249 **
PSRR−0.375 ***
Corruption −1.094 ***
Cash Balance/GDP−0.173 **
Unemployment 0.024 ***
Voice and Accountability −1.537 ***
Regulatory Quality −1.361 ***
Rule of Law −1.296 ***
GDP growth −0.612 ***

GOV.EFFECT −1.260 ***
Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP −0.165 ***
−1.541 **
−2.605 ***
−2.390 ***
−1.713 ***
−2.333 ***
Pseudo R20.270.260.300.
LR Stat59.4 ***58.4 ***63.7 ***57.4 ***59.0 ***58.2 ***60.0 ***99.7 ***59.6 ***57.4 ***
Akaike Info0.910.910.890.920.910.910.900.690.910.92
Note: ***, ** and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level, respectively. The values in parentheses are standard deviations.
Table 9. Forecast performance of logit models.
Table 9. Forecast performance of logit models.
Cut-Off LevelModel 1 Model 2 Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
C = 0.5
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises95.10%
% and number of correctly predicted crises50%
C = 0.25
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises76.22%
% and number of correctly predicted crises69.23%
C = 0.2
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises68.53%
% and number of correctly predicted crises76.92%
Table 10. Markov Estimation Results.
Table 10. Markov Estimation Results.
VariablesModel 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
NPL/TGL (Regime 1)0.0852 ***
0.0860 ***
0.0840 ***
0.0691 **
0.0799 ***
0.0824 ***
0.0740 ***
0.0429 ***
0.0850 ***
0.0840 ***
NPL/TGL (Regime 2)0.0020
Primary Balance/GDP (Regime 1)−0.3012 ***
−0.0316 ***
−0.2882 ***
−0.3030 ***
−0.2977 ***
−0.2997 ***
−0.2967 ***
−0.2192 ***
−0.3010 ***
−0.3076 ***
Primary Balance/GDP (Regime 2)−0.2277 **
−0.2347 **
−0.2100 *
−0.2210 *
−0.2290 **
−0.2362 **
−0.2399 **
−0.2273 **
PSRR (Regime 1)−0.5258 **
PSRR (Regime 2)−1.6070 *
Corruption (Regime 1) −0.5181 ***
Corruption (Regime 2) −0.8653
Cash Balance/GDP (Regime 1) −0.1913 ***
Cash Balance/GDP (Regime 2) −0.0698
(Regime 1)
0.0893 **
(Regime 2)
0.1897 *
Voice and Accountability (Regime 1) −1.8370 ***
Voice and Accountability (Regime 2) −3.2583
Regulatory Quality (Regime 1) −1.0375 ***
Regulatory Quality (Regime 2) −1.5038
Rule of Law
(Regime 1)
−0.8168 ***
Rule of Law
(Regime 2)
GDP growth (Regime 1) −0.4262 ***
GDP growth (Regime 2) −0.5844 ***
GOV.EFFECT (Regime 1) −0.6890 **
GOV.EFFECT (Regime 2) −1.9062
Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP (Regime 1) −0.2166 ***
Cyclically Adjusted Balance/GDP (Regime 2) −0.2517
CONSTANT (Regime 1)3.0353 **
0.7753 **
−0.6157 ***
−0.7358 **
2.4941 ***
1.4636 ***
1.2027 ***
0.7648 ***
1.0208 **
−0.5427 ***
CONSTANT (Regime 2)11.6515 **
3.9409 ***
2.3620 **
6.9388 **
4.9064 **
4.6355 **
2.4270 ***
5.2348 ***
1.7041 **
Note: ***, ** and * represent statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. The values in parentheses are t-values.
Table 11. Forecast performance of PMRSM (EU-15).
Table 11. Forecast performance of PMRSM (EU-15).
Cut-Off LevelModel 1 Model 2 Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
C = 0.5
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
% and number of correctly predicted crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%0%100%100%
C = 0.25
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises72.72%54.54%63.63%63.63%63.63%63.63%63.63%90.90%63.63%72.72%
% and number of correctly predicted crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
C = 0.2
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises54.54%45.45%45.45%27.27%45.45%45.45%36.36%81.81%45.45%54.54%
% and number of correctly predicted crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
Table 12. Forecast performance of PMRSM (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain).
Table 12. Forecast performance of PMRSM (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Spain).
Cut-Off LevelModel 1 Model 2 Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
C = 0.5
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%100%
% and number of correctly predicted crises66.66%66.66%83.33%66.66%83.33%83.33%50.00%33.33%83.33%83.33%
C = 0.25
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises42.86%28.57%28.57%28.57%28.57%28.57%28.57%85.71%28.57%28.57%
% and number of correctly predicted crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%83.33%100%100%
C = 0.2
% and number of correctly predicted non-crises42.86%28.57%28.57%28.57%28.57%28.57%28.57%57.14%28.57%28.57%
% and number of correctly predicted crises100%100%100%100%100%100%100%83.33%100%100%
Table 13. Test statistics for the Markov regime switching models.
Table 13. Test statistics for the Markov regime switching models.
ModelsModel 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8Model 9Model 10
Sigma 0−0.3609−0.3618−0.3417−0.3967−0.3563−0.3652−0.3619−0.3880−0.3605−0.3658
Sigma 11.42221.42761.63801.41621.42811.42351.43271.52411.42191.4227
P000. 79440. 79420.80010.78590.79530.79370.79590.83270.79440.7940
Linearity Test χ 2 (7)168.13 ***168.60 ***168.32 ***168.17 ***168.84 ***168.79 ***170.34 ***204.02 ***168.15 ***168.59 ***
Portmanteau Serial correlation χ 2 (6)19.66 [0.10]21.30 [0.07]19.45 [0.11]21.41 [0.07]21.26 [0.07]20.68 [0.08]24.23 [0.03]9.46 [0.73]19.33 [0.11]19.63 [0.10]
Doornik and Hansen Normality χ 2 (2)4.27 [0.12]4.51 [0.10]5.47 [0.06]7.16 [0.03]3.89 [0.14]4.97 [0.08]3.88 [0.14]3.24 [0.20]4.33 [0.11]5.03 [0.08]
Davies p-value[0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000][0.000]
Note: *** represents statistical significance at the 1% level. The values in brackets are p-values.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Allegret, J.-P.; Cergibozan, R. Determinants of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Application of Logit, Panel Markov Regime Switching Model and Self Organizing Maps. Entropy 2023, 25, 1032.

AMA Style

Allegret J-P, Cergibozan R. Determinants of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Application of Logit, Panel Markov Regime Switching Model and Self Organizing Maps. Entropy. 2023; 25(7):1032.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Allegret, Jean-Pierre, and Raif Cergibozan. 2023. "Determinants of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis: Application of Logit, Panel Markov Regime Switching Model and Self Organizing Maps" Entropy 25, no. 7: 1032.

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