ECOSOC July 2024: Election of the New President of ECOSOC

In July 2024, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) welcomed its newly elected President for its Session of 2025, H.E. Mr. Bob Rae (Canada), who set out three priorities for the upcoming year focusing on migration, artificial intelligence, and financing for development. Ambassador Rae emphasized gender equality and inclusivity as crosscutting themes for his tenure. The newsletter also detailed the election of Vice Presidents, the Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives of Costa Rica, Nepal, and Poland. The outgoing President, H.E. Ms. Paula Narvaez (Chile), expressed gratitude for the collective efforts towards sustainable development and highlighted the challenges ahead.

The newsletter also covered significant events, including the High-level Political Forum (HLPF) and the High-level Segment. The HLPF addressed pressing issues such as poverty, zero hunger, climate action, peace, justice and strong institutions, and partnerships for sustainable development, culminating in the Ministerial Declaration. The High-level Segment included presentations on long-term trends impacting the SDGs and discussions on multilateral solutions for sustainable development. The Management Segment saw the adoption of numerous resolutions and decisions, reflecting ECOSOC's commitment to various global challenges. Additionally, the Special Meeting on Care and Support Systems emphasized the need to support policies that assist the female-dominated unpaid care economy, advancing gender equality. The Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti continues its important work in mobilizing resources in support of Haiti, and a joint meeting with the Peacebuilding Commission addressed the development and peace dimensions of forced displacement, focusing on countries’ best practices in creating durable solutions.