Transwiki:Etiquette in Europe

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As expectations regarding good manners differ from person to person and vary according to each situation, no treatise on the rules of etiquette nor any list of faux pas can ever be complete. As the perception of behaviors and actions vary, intercultural competence is essential. However, a lack of knowledge about the customs and expectations of people in Europe can make even the best intentioned person seem rude, foolish, or worse.

European etiquette globally

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Many customs regarding good behavior have been exported to places with cultural traditions based in Europe, including the Americas, Oceania, South Africa and so on. Therefore, much of this article is limited to the discussion of etiquette which is peculiar to only a particular part of Europe.


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While Europe contains a wide variety of social traditions, it is also (excluding Russia) relatively compact, well-traveled and urbanized compared to many other continents or cultural areas. As such many expectations regarding etiquette are shared across Europe.


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  • Etiquette begins with some sensitivity to the perceptions and feelings of others and the intention not to offend. Failing to thank and compliment a host, using a mobile phone in a theatre, taking the last bit of a dish without offering it to others and many other examples of bad manners fall into this category.


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  • As elsewhere, many people in Europe are proud of their distinct ethnic, national, religious, linguistic or cultural identity and may be insulted by those who fail to make the distinction. For example, a French-speaking Belgian may be offended if referred to as French person.
  • Although “lumping” people together is the biggest danger, sometimes “splitting” can be a faux pas as well. An example might be trying to discern whether someone is Irish Catholic or Anglo-Irish.
  • When in doubt, avoid characterizing people according to a cultural identity. Make inquiries regarding identity carefully (if at all).


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  • It is polite for people to invite each other to drink first or to wait until everyone is ready to drink at the same time by toasting.
  • When giving a toast, participants generally expect eye contact. Expectations regarding the touching together of drinking vessels vary greatly. In some circles, its considered unsophisticated to touch glasses whatsoever. In other situations, drinking glasses are contused with great vigor and any resultant spillage or breakage is regarded as part of the fun.


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  • It is often impolite to begin eating before others are ready to begin, or to eat in front of another person without offering to share. Typically all wait for the host, eldest person present or guest of honor to say "let's begin" in some way.
  • In a situation such as a large banquet table or a restaurant where the waiter has failed to bring all food to the table at the same time, it is gracious to insist that others begin eating first while their meals are still warm.
  • It is good manners to hold the knife in the right hand and the fork in the other throughout the meal. This contrasts with the "zig zag method" that is a hallmark of good table manners in the USA. Crossing one's cutlery on the plate means one is taking a break but has not finished eating. Upon finishing a meal, the knife and fork should be left more or less parallel or else it hints that one hasn't eaten enough.[1]
  • Resting one's hands under the table or one's elbow on it are inappropriate for formal settings.


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Chrysanthemums are only appropriate for funerals.
  • In many areas of Europe, even numbers of flowers fewer than a dozen are appropriate only for funerals. This rule does not apply to larger arrangements. Also, certain flowers (such as chrysanthemums) are given only at funerals and most florists will advise against them. As red roses typically connote romantic feeling, they are inappropriate for other circumstances.[1]


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  • Avoid hand gestures with which one is unfamiliar; many hand gestures are impolite. Also, some gestures have different meanings in different cultures. For example, a variation of the thumb-to-index finger "okay" sign is an obscene gesture in some European countries.


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  • Shaking hands while wearing gloves is widely considered impolite. This does not apply to gloves for women designed to be worn indoors.[2]

Hats and Coats

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  • Among many segments of the European population, it is considered rude for men to wear hats or other head coverings indoors, especially in regards to churches, private homes and respected public institution.[3]
  • Anyone wearing coats, boots and other outer garments inside someone’s home is often frowned upon as well. Sitting down at the table to eat with a hat, outerwear or other inappropriate attire is even worse.[4]
  • These rules are sometimes disregarded if the headwear is worn for religious purposes such as a Jewish Yarmulke, or a Muslims headscarf.


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  • Rules of language belong more to a language textbook than this article, but do remember that some languages mark familiarity and/or respect using methods such as the T-V distinction. This often applies to common phrases such as "how are you?" that are sometimes learned in isolation (such as from phrase books).[5]
  • Addressing people with the inappropriately familiar form may be seen as derogatory, insulting, or even aggressive. Conversely, forms that are inappropriately formal may be seen as impolitely snobbish.[6]
  • Some things formerly prohibited by superstitions surrounding bad luck remain as examples of bad manners. Opening an umbrella indoors and accepting a light for a cigarette after two others are two examples.[7]
  • Talking or asking about one's personal wealth, possessions or success in business is widely viewed as vulgar. People will rarely say how much money they make or have in the bank nor will they request such information from someone else. It is a taboo to ask colleagues about their salary and in some places of work it is forbidden.[8]

It is good to note that the salary prohibition is now pretty much gone/ignored - Much to the annoyance of employers


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  • The notion of multiculturalism is widely accepted among the European population and there is a considerable understanding about how different rules apply to different peoples. Accordingly, expecting (for example) a Hasidic Jew to remove his hat when visiting a Church or to badger a Hindu to accept food that violates her dietary laws is a faux pas that would offend many Europeans regardless of their own denominational backgrounds.
  • In many parts of Europe, it is inappropriate to use someone's first name until a certain level of friendship is attained. Typically, this formality is maintained until one person says “you can call me (first name) ” and the other person responds in kind. Even in areas where this guideline holds true it probably doesn’t apply among people below a certain age group nor in some very informal settings.[9]


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  • Pointing at people with the index finger is widely regarded as at least mildly impolite.


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  • Good manners dictate that in most situations, people in apparent good health surrender their seats to the elderly, handicapped people and pregnant women. Men often surrender their seats to women regardless of other factors.
In Europe, "athletic socks" such as these are widely regarded as inappropriate for adult men and may prompt snickering.
  • White socks, including the style associated with athleticism in the USA, are widely regarded as inappropriate for adult men and may prompt snickering. Tennis courts are a specific exception.


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  • Many Europeans feel it is rude to visit someone's home without bringing a token gift such as sweets, a small toy for the host's child, a beverage to be shared, a book they know the host will enjoy, flowers or whatever. Even young people who observe this custom less stringently enjoy being on the receiving end.
  • This custom holds true whether answering an invitation or dropping by unexpectedly, although the latter is almost certainly a faux pas unless the host has previously indicated that such surprise visits are welcome.


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  • In some European wedding traditions, wearing white is reserved for the bride. Women especially should avoid dressing in white or colors that could be mistaken for white in a dimly lit banquet hall. White combined with other colors (such as a white blouse with an outfit) is fine. Avoid wearing a dress more elegant or ostentatious than the bride's own.
  • Black is not very appropriate for weddings. Dark blue and dark brown are fine. Men in black suits should balance that with an element such as a brightly colored neck tie to avoid looking like one is dressed for a funeral.
  • In some European countries, it's customary to wear the wedding band on the right hand, in others on the left hand, and in some cultures with the groom wearing the band on his right and the bride on her left. Widows and widowers often move the band to the other hand.
  • Engagement bands in lieu of stone-set engagement rings are customary in some places, for both the man and the woman. These are often smaller, and most often go on the opposite hand of the wedding bands.

Special advice for Americans

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  • It is worth noting that American Foreign Policy is a deeply emotional issue for both Americans and Europeans. Even friends who believe they share similar political viewpoints can quickly find themselves in contention when the topic is discussed. Americans should try to remember that seemingly anti-American statements may not be intended to offend. On the other hand, statements by Americans are often taken in the most negative way. Avoiding the subject entirely is no assurance of good will as such an avoidance can be seen as arrogant.
  • Perhaps the only helpful advice for Americans in this arena is to do as much listening and as little talking about this subject as possible without losing one’s cool. Faux pas regarding attire and the choice of wine at dinner are minuscule when compared to bad feelings that can arise from political discussion. Further commentary on this matter is beyond the scope of this article.

European etiquette by region

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This article categorizes countries according to the scheme for geographic subregions as delineated by the United Nations (other categorizations vary):      Northern Europe      Western Europe      Eastern Europe      Southern Europe

This article categorizes countries according to the scheme for geographic subregions as delineated by the United Nations (other categorizations vary).

Eastern Europe

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  • Russian naming conventions are common in Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia itself. Many surnames change based on gender. For example Mr. Ivanov's wife might be Mrs. Ivanova. Accidentally referring to him as Mr. Ivanova or her as Mrs. Ivanov is a serious faux pas. Since understanding these suffixes and how they are applied in a specific region is a relatively simple matter to learn, even monoglot speakers of English are expected to use them correctly.
  • Rather than greeting guests and conducting transactions (such as paying a delivery man) over the threshold, it is more polite to allow people to step inside or to step outside to meet them.


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Czech Republic

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  • As Czechoslovakia ceased to exist in 1993, it is inconsiderate to use this name to refer to the Czech Republic.
  • When you are visiting house or flat you are requested to unshoe. It is very impolite to stay in your shoes inside the house.
  • It is impolite to talk about a salary during a conversation, even with your close friends.
  • If you are with a woman you must enter pub or restaurant first and leave last.
  • When passing people in a theater or cinema row, face them. It is considered rude to pass with your back toward the other person.
  • Refusing offered handshake is a very impolite personal insult.
  • Handshake must be strong and without other gestures or movements.


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  • In Hungary, people traditionally consider clinking their glasses/mugs when drinking beer to be impolite. Clinking with any other alcoholic beverage, such as wine, champagne or hard liquor is customary. (The reason people aren't supposed to toast with beer is this: In 1848/9 there was a Hungarian uprising which failed. A benevolent liberal government by and for Hungarians was declared, but then subsequently it was put down by the Austrian Monarchy. In 1848/9 the hapless Habsburgs foolishly decided to toast their victory over the failed Hungarian revolutionaries with beer. The Hungarians seeing this declared a ban on toasting with beer for 150 years, ending in 1998.)

At this point toasting with beer and clinking your glass or bottles is fine.

  • Refrain from making jokes about or pointing out that the English name Hungary is a homophone with "hungry".


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  • In many areas of Poland, traditions remain strong and it can be impolite to dress casually for Easter, Christmas or other family celebrations.
  • Raised with patriotic notions surrounding the Polish cavalry, most Poles are disgusted by the idea of human consumption of horse meat.
  • When offering a cigarette, one should open the box and allow the receiver to take one rather than handling the cigarette to someone directly. It is also customary to light cigarettes for others, especially for women.
  • When offering a sweet, a little toy for children or a similar small item from a set or an assortment, it's impolite to select one for the receiver. It's also very impolite to take more than one item when selecting one from an assortment.
  • In schools, children may celebrate their own birthdays by bringing wrapped candy for the whole class.
  • When speaking to to someone of equal or higher status then yourself (someone you just met or who is older then you are, teacher, lady in a shop, etc) it is rude to address them as "you" unless you have agreed to be on first name basis. The accepted form is to address people as "pani" (Polish for Mrs.) or "pan" (Polish for Mr).
  • Guests offering to help with doing dishes or cooking meals is considered rude, since it implies that the host is not providing a good service to their guests. Also, refusing more than three times a food or other offer is considered rude for the same reasons.
  • Doctors, even in social situations are often addressed as "pan doktor" or "pani doktor" (Mr. Doctor or Mrs. Doctor). This is due to class division and many people still believing doctors are of higher class and/or breeding.
  • When drinking it is polite to always pour for others first. Before drinking, everyone must (or at least make an attempt to) clink their glasses together with a chorus of "Na zdrowie" (Cheers). If someone is far away, it suffices to go for eye contact and a raise of the glass.
  • When visiting someone, one must unshoe, but it is common that guests are asked not to unshoe.
  • Men visiting women (and on retreat) at their homes is not considered flirtous

Romania and Moldavia

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Transylvania has a population of over 7 million people, including sizeable numbers of Hungarians, Roma and Germans. When visiting Europe, don't trivialize it by mentioning Dracula.
  • Never give an even number of flowers to a living person.
  • Give an even number of flowers when going to a funeral.
  • Never sit at the corner of a table.
  • When offering a cigerette, open the box and let the person taking the cigarette take one.
  • Kiss their hand when greeting women, especially older women.
  • Take off your glove when shaking hands.


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  • In Russia, leaving an empty bottle on the table is widely frowned upon. When a bottle is empty it should be placed in the trash or even moved to the floor so that it is off the table.
  • When passing people in a theater row, face them. It is considered rude to pass with your back toward the other person.
  • As shoes are often taken off and left in the foyer before entering a home, it is polite to ask one's host if they should be removed.


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Northern Europe

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  • In Estonia, tradition dictates that bread is ripped with the fingers rather than cut with a knife.

Republic of Ireland

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Various forms of football are played throughout Europe and teams have legions of loyal fans. In Ireland, rugby, the indigenous Gaelic football game (shown being played here) and the game known in the USA as soccer all have a following. If invited to a game, it is polite to accept and show support for the host's favored team.
  • Although the Irish share some cultural values with the British (including some points of etiquette mentioned in regards to the United Kingdom elsewhere in this article, the Republic of Ireland has been independent of the United Kingdom since 1922 and any confusion to the contrary is likely to offend.
  • British Isles is a correct geographical term, but in most contexts it is more polite to say “Ireland and the UK” or even “these islands.”
  • Although Éire is the official name of the state in the Irish language and will be seen on stamps, currency, etc., it is better to refer to the country as "Ireland" or "the Republic of Ireland" in spoken conversation. Relentless use of “Éire” by RTE announcers has lowered its popularity among the Irish.
  • Be aware of language politics concerning the Irish language. Some Irish feel it should be preserved at all costs, others think it is an impractical burden.
  • In some contexts, the terms "Ireland" and "Irish" refer to just the Republic and in other contexts they include Northern Ireland. For example, phrases such as "the Irish economy" and "Irish politics" exclude Northern Ireland while "the Irish weather" and "archaeology in Ireland" almost certainly include it. One almost has to be Irish to understand the subtleties of this usage and the Irish understand that other people may be confused.
  • Many Irish will remain pleasant and polite rather than reveal their displeasure over certain actions by strangers, especially overseas visitors. Nevertheless, unflattering comparisons between Ireland and the visitor’s homeland, exploitation of a host's hospitality and other boorish behavior will be well noted and the perpetrators of such will be avoided.
  • The legal ban on smoking in workplaces (including bars, restaurants and offices) is almost universally observed. When visiting, rather than lighting a cigarette in someone's house or asking permission to smoke, ask to be excused to step outside for a cigarette
  • When invited to a person's house for dinner, bring sweets or a bottle of wine. Do not bring food other than a dessert as this implies the host's food is of an inferior quality. Gifts of flowers are usually reserved for romantic exchanges but are acceptable when its clear that isn't the intention (such as one couple bringing another couple "a bouquet for the table"). As a guideline, don't spend less than €5.00 on your dinner gift or more than €20.00.Template:Verify source
  • When visiting, guests are obligated to accept a beverage (at least) and perhaps a snack and hosts are obligated to keep insisting until they do ("Ah have a cup of tea in your hand, go on"). It is not impolite for a guest to make a request such as "do you have anything cold to drink instead?" but a request that is too specific ("do you have coffee?") and cannot be filled may distress a polite host and have undesired results, such as the host sending their spouse to buy some.
  • When someone visits around mealtime, it is typical to lay a place at the table and insist that they join.
  • Despite invidious stereotypes perpetuated overseas, over-indulgence in alcohol is taboo in Ireland and uncommon except among some young people. Pubs are a place to socialize rather than a place to drink to a stupor. Implying otherwise is rude.
  • When out with friends, co-workers or relatives, it is customary for people to take turns buying rounds of drinks.[10]
  • Do not buy gifts for work colleagues in Ireland. To do so would be regarded as strange, inappropriate and unprofessional. On the other hand, on returning from a trip abroad, it is gracious to bring a food treat (such as a box of sweets) to be shared around.
  • Niceties such as saying "good morning" to a shopkeeper upon entering a store or "thank you" to the driver when disembarking a bus are prevalent in Irish society.
  • When noting the customs mentioned below in regards to the United Kingdom, many matters of politeness apply such as queuing up for items, saying "excuse me" whenever accidental body contact occurs, and not eating fried potatoes with the fingers in a restaurant. The Irish tend to be a bit more effusive and less restrained than their neighbors in the UK and might be more likely to (for example) hug their in-laws than make do with a handshake.

The Nordic countries

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Many Scandinavian people take pride in their heritage as explorers and colonizers. Shown here is the Gokstad Viking ship on display in Oslo, Norway.

As Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden share aspects of a common cultural heritage, some guidelines about etiquette may apply throughout the Nordic countries. It is still inconsiderate, however, to blur the distinctions between these nations. One should also note that the term Scandinavia is somewhat ambiguous in the English language but generally refers only to the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the region.

  • Many people of Scandinavian descent are proud of their heritage as explorers and colonizers during the Viking Age, but it is impolite to trivialize that heritage by suggesting that all Vikings did was go on raids, perpetuating false stereotypes such as the wearing of horned helmets, or imply that Vikings are what one should think of when Scandinavia or Nordic countries are mentioned.[11]
  • Not finishing one's food implies that the taste or quality was poor and it could not be eaten or the host does not correctly serve the quantity of food one needs.[1] If you suspect you can't eat something, ask the host if she can remove it before you touch your plate.
  • Using your personal utensils to help yourself to more food will taint the dish and prevent others from eating it.
  • The legal ban on smoking in public places (including bars, restaurants and offices) is almost universally observed. Rather than lighting a cigarette in someone's house or asking permission to smoke, ask to be excused to step outside for a cigarette.
  • In many homes, shoes and outerwear are removed in the foyer.
  • In some regions, that of Finland most notably, people tend to be more reserved and soft spoken than others. In social situations, they may be more comfortable with periods of silence than people from the English-speaking world are accustomed to and may regard behavior appropriate in many other places as boisterous.
  • Prolonged eye contact with strangers is considered intrusive. When making eye contact, immediately move your gaze elsewhere.
  • Physical contact should be avoided, and apologised for if accidental.
  • If hosting a meeting or receiving guests, coffee is expected.
  • In the Nordic countries, titles such as Mr., Mrs., Professor, Doctor, etc. are not used. Younger people usually call each others by first name regardless of relationship, and the T-V distinction is not used even though it exists. In formal written communication, a person should be addressed by first and surname.
  • It is important to be on time. If you are supposed to meet a person at 20.00, it is considered impolite to be late, and you are expected to be there at the precise time.
  • In Iceland, most people do not have surnames but patronymics. A person's last name is his/her father's first name in genitive with -son or -dóttir added according to the person's sex. Icelanders do not change their name upon marriage (this being illegal) so asking a spouse's last name is not impolite. Icelanders never refer to each other by last name only. In formal situations the whole name is used.
  • It is considered polite to stop for pedestrians on roads.

United Kingdom

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When visiting a pub in the United Kingdom (such as the historic The George Inn in London) friends customarily buy rounds of drinks for one another.
  • In the United Kingdom, a "V sign" made with palm towards the viewer can signify either "V for victory" or the "peace" sign of the 1960s. Done backwards, with the palm towards to one giving the signal, this gesture is the equivalent to "the finger".[12]
  • It is generally considered polite to hold a door open (or give it an extra push open) rather than let it slam in the face of someone following you. If someone opens or holds a door open for you, you must always thank them.
  • A small gift for the host given upon entering such as flowers for the table or wine or chocolates for the meal combined with subdued thanks is common.[9]
  • In business mentioning when the person who called a meeting is late can be seen as impolite; if they are important enough to call the meeting they are important enough to wait for.
  • Tea or coffee are offered to guests almost universally. Among some groups, especially at night, a glass of wine or beer may take its place.
  • Touching someone to get their attention (except in extremis) or accidentally touching someone without saying "excuse me" or "sorry" is impolite. This especially counts if said person is a stranger, such as in a shop or pub.
  • Eating chips (french fries) with fingers is not done in a restaurant or at a meal in someone's home. Use a fork instead. This does not apply in a fast food establishment such as McDonald's. Fingers are used to eat meat on the bone, such as chicken legs.
  • Queuing (i.e. "lining up") is expected when there is any demand for an item. The only exception to this is a pub. However it is still rude to accept service from a barperson before someone who has been waiting longer. A simple nod or subtle gesture towards the person who has waited longer will be understood by any experienced server.
  • When out with friends, co-workers or relatives, it is customary for people to take turns buying rounds of drinks.[13]
  • Whereas "asking nicely" is often sufficient for politeness in the USA, tone of voice is not adequate for polite requests in the UK: one should include "please" with all requests.
  • Summoning shop workers or servers with gestures, or particularly with snapping of fingers, is considered rude.
  • It is considered rude not to bag one's own groceries at the check-out. This is a faux pas commonly committed by Americans as bags are commonly packed by store employees in the US. In some shops, particularly supermarkets, help with packing may be offered by the cashier before they begin checking out your items.
  • England is a kingdom within the United Kingdom. Ignoring the subdivisions of the United Kingdom and referring to the whole as "England" is insulting to the inhabitants of Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Sensitivity is appreciated regarding national identity (some prefer to be "English", some "British", some "Scottish", etc.).
  • In Northern Ireland, be particularly aware that some people identify as "Irish" while others identify as "British" and a faux pas made in this area will rarely pass without comment. The term "Northern Irish" is perhaps least likely to offend. Asking people whether they are Catholic or Protestant is insensitive.

Southern Europe

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Throughout Southern Europe, many people conduct ordinary conversations in a more lively manner than that which other people, especially Northern Europeans, are accustomed. Loud volume, gesticulation for emphasis, interruptions and casual body contact that might seem rude or boisterous elsewhere is ordinary.[14]


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  • In some homes throughout Croatia, shoes are taken off before entering. When a host insists the guest keep them on it may be a sign of respect.
  • The a "V sign" and "thumbs up" mean “victory” and “okay” respectively. Making an "O" with index and thumb with other fingers extended has positive meaning, and is usually connected with something deemed "first class", such as well prepared food. Elsewhere in Europe these gestures can have impolite meanings.
  • Kissing cheeks after or while handshaking can be impolite. When appropriate, people kiss once on each cheek. In Međimurje, it is a tradition to kiss four times, twice for each cheek.
  • It may be preferable to refer to Croatia as a Southern European or a Central European country rather than a Balkan country.
  • When offering cigars, sweets, or similar items from an assortment, it is impolite to select one for the receiver. It is rude to take more than one when selecting.
  • Introduce others before introducing one's self.


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Whether drawn by the relics of Ancient Greece or the scenes such as these boats docked on Samos Island, visitors to Greece should be aware of some specific ways in which Greeks indicate "yes" and "no".
  • In Greece, signifying "five" or "stop" by holding up five fingers with the palm towards the observer may be mistaken for an offensive gesture akin to the finger. When signifying "five" the palm should face the speaker to avoid a faux pas. A more obvious obscene gesture to be avoided involves making a fist with the thumb placed between the middle and index fingers.[12]
  • "Hello" might also be conveyed with a raised index finger and a closed palm. North American-style arm waving is rude.[9]
  • In a restaurant or other dining establishment, it is good manners to offer to pay for everyone on the table, especially when one has not dined with that company for some time. It is generally expected that this will be reciprocated in another setting. Friendly disputes for the check are usual. Close friends or young people generally share the amount when they dine together.
  • When greeting someone, it is generally appropriate to kiss them if they are relatives or close friends, even of the same gender. A kiss on each cheek is usually appropriate. Some, especially the elderly, will take care to only touch cheeks with the person they are greeting. This does not diminish the symbolism of the gesture, and is done with proper hygiene in mind.
  • While lack of table manners is considered a faux pas, a meal is considered a time of merriment, company, and celebration. Talking and laughter are commonplace, and one is generally expected to participate in such, even if it involves simply smiling or nodding.
  • "Goodbye" is indicated by facing the palm towards yourself with fingers raised and then moving the fingers up and down. Resembling the gesture used elsewhere for "come here", this gesture can confuse non-Greeks. Most of the times, gesturing likewise with the palm facing outwards is also appropriate and understandable.
  • "Yes" and "no" are indicated by nodding the head only once: downwards for yes and upwards for no. Shaking the head several times may be considered bizarre, uncivilized, silly or simply incomprehensible.
  • Another way "no" is conveyed is by a slight raise of the eyebrows, often accompanied by a "tsk" sound. Failing to receive the message can result in embarrassment.
  • Greeks have a saying about stingy people that amounts to, "he would not even offer a glass of water to his guardian angel." Not offering a guest a glass of water or other refreshing drink can be rude, especially when the warm Mediterranean weather has taken its toll on the visitor.
  • Whether coming to sightsee or to pray, it is frowned upon to enter a church with short pants, sleeveless shirts, or other immodest clothes. Christians of all denominations are encouraged to make the sign of the cross when entering a church; this obviously does not apply to non-Christians. In conversation, it is polite to have at least a basic understanding of how Greek Orthodoxy is distinct from the other Christian traditions.

Italy and the Vatican

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In general, modest attire is appropriate when visiting holy places worldwide. Certainly short pants and tank tops are not appropriate when visiting churches in Italy and Vatican City. Shown here is St. Peter's Basilica.
  • When visiting a home in Italy it is impolite to remove one's coat until asked.
  • Rather than biting into a piece of bread, it is more polite to break off (not cut with a knife) a small piece and place it whole into one's mouth.[1]
  • Putting one's hat on a bed is impolite and reminiscent of how a priest would lay his hat on a bed while performing last rites.
  • Upon entering a shop, it is proper to greet the proprietor with Buongiorno or some other polite greeting, even if just browsing.
  • It is usually impolite to begin drinking before everyone has been served a drink and a toast has been made (even just raising glasses for a second). It is equally impolite to begin eating before everyone has been served.
  • Before eating, people typically exchange wish one another Buon appetito. Such practice shuold be avoided in extremely formal occasion (e.g. a banquet in an embassy) because it could be seen as vulgar behavior.
  • It is inappropriate to rest one's hands under the table or to have one's elbows on it.
  • Complimenting on food and asking for more is widely regarded as a very polite thing to do and every host is expected to prepare food in abundance. It is also customary, since family lunches last until late in the afternoon, to ask guests to stay for dinner and help finish all the food.
  • Asking for the check immediately after finishing one's meal is impolite. One's dining companions will typically expect time to relax and enjoy un caffè (a coffee) and ammazzacaffè (after-dinner liqueur). Doing otherwise is acceptable only if all the people having the meal are in a similar hurry (e.g. during a work lunch break).
  • In a related matter, Italians may conduct business at a different pace than that to which others may be accustomed. Attention is often paid to building relationships before getting down to the bottom line.[15]
  • Whether coming to sightsee or to pray, it is improper to enter a church in Italy or Vatican City with short pants, sleeveless shirts, or immodest clothing. Violators may be denied admission or asked to leave, especially with larger churches.
  • While church scandals, personal piety and other religious matters are popular topics of conversation between friends, approach these subjects carefully. Likewise, Italy has a tumultuous political history and this topic should be approached with due consideration.
  • Many Italians take pride in una bella figura or what English-speakers might call “a sense of fashion”. This means formal business attire is often expected for the workplace and stylish clothing is typical for social situations.[16]
  • Remember that Italy has strong regional and local traditions: assuming that a custom of Rome is also customary in Turin or in Palermo is usually a bad idea.
  • In some places in the Italian Alps, German culture and language predominate.
  • Due to its history and traditions, it is considered offensive to refer to the Sardinian language as an Italian dialect. Being traditionally shepherds it might be rude to refer Sardinians as an ignorant people.
  • When greeting a friend or a relative, even of the same sex, it is usual to exchange a kiss on both cheeks. Kissing a person that has just been presented is very unusual.


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  • When being introduced to someone or greeting a friend in Portugal, it is common to shake hands and, if one or both of the participants is female, a kiss on each cheek is exchanged as well. This also applies for good-byes.
  • Not all Portuguese people understand Spanish and it is impolite to assume that they do. Responding "I don't speak Spanish" when spoken to in Portuguese is likely to offend.
  • Talking about the Estado Novo (1928-1974) in causal conservation is deemed inappropriate. Many people experiences of the time very differently, sometimes good and sometimes bad.


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  • In Serbia, leaving a glass full when one is done drinking is a traditional way to invite wealth and prosperity into a home.
  • People kiss each other three times for greetings (does not matter if they are male or female) if they are relatives (not appropriate for another relationship such as business. Strangers shake hands.
  • Sharing bills in the restaurants or café is unusual in some parts of a country. If the people go out together, they buy rounds of drinks.
  • It may be preferable to refer to Serbia as a Southern European or a Central European country rather than a Balkan country.
The Basque people of Spain are proud of their identity. As the Basque language is unrelated to other languages spoken in Europe, implying that it is a dialect of Spanish demonstrates ignorance. Shown here is Basque Liverpool FC's star midfielder Xabi Alonso.
  • In Spain, observe the same guidelines regarding handshakes and kisses on the cheek mentioned in regards to Portugal.
  • At restaurants it is considered rude for the staff to bring a customer the check without the customer first requesting it.[12]
  • Leaving a tip at restaurants and drinking establishments is a common practice, though it is not necessary and the amount is usually low. Normally one leaves coins from the change when paying with cash and no tip at all when paying by credit card.
  • Within Spain there are at least the four distinct ethno-linguistic groups: Galician, Catalan, Spanish & Basque. Nearly everyone speaks the dominant language, Castellano Spanish, but being ignorant of the other cultures is impolite. Also, do not refer to the other three languages as dialects of Spanish.
  • In a related issue, there are independence movements within Spain among the groups mentioned with strong feelings on both sides of the issue. Be careful and respectful when discussing this.
  • Some other "hot issues" in Spain are bullfighting, religion, and political issues surrounding fascism and nationalism. Regarding the last one, as Spain suffered a civil war within living memory, emotions run deep.
  • One usually waves and/or says hello to people in such situations as entering a shop and seeing shopkeeper or spying a neighbor, even someone with whom one has never had conversation.
  • When entering a place where there are people eating, it is polite to tell them to enjoy their meal que aproveche. Of course this wouldn't apply in a large restaurant.
As Turkey is a Muslim majority country, many points of etiquette in the Middle East apply here as well. Shown here is the interior dome of the Selimiye Mosque in the city of Edirne.
  • Spain is among the most liberal countries in Europe; it may be wise to anticipate liberal views in regards to issues such as same sex marriage.[17]


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  • As Turkey has a Muslim majority, many points of etiquette in the Middle East apply here as well. As much of Turkey is in Asia, many points of etiquette in Asia also apply, such as notes regarding the respect paid to older people.
  • Any comment to a person about the appearance of the latter's female relatives or wife might be seen as rude.
  • If invited to dinner, one is expected to bring something (usually dessert). Avoid bringing alcohol unless sure that the host partakes.
  • Friends might greet each other by handshaking and touching or kissing the cheeks. This is inappropriate for business.
  • Shoes are often taken off in the foyer (not outside the house unless they are especially dirty). Slippers may be offered. It is a faux pas to refuse slippers unless one’s socks are extremely clean and in good condition.
  • Hosts typically insist that guests keep eating. One needn’t eat much, but should at least taste a bit of everything on the table and express appreciation for the taste and quality.

Western Europe

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  • Belgium contains several separate ethno-linguistic communities, including the Dutch-speaking Flemish people of Flanders, the French-speaking community of the Walloon region and a relatively small German-speaking community in the east of Belgium. At times terms such as Walloon or Flemish indicate cultural identity, while other times they indicate only geographical location. Belgians themselves are still wrestling with these terms and a little understanding of that fact goes a long way.
  • The Flemish political party Vlaams Belang is excluded from any coalition government by the so-called cordon sanitaire and this is a bad issue to raise in conversation. Many Belgians are secretive about their political views, as reflected in a discrepancy between exit polls and actual election results.[18]


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The people of France observe some particular points of etiquette related to respect for and appreciation of wine. Shown here is the Pont-de-Pierre in Bordeaux, "wine capital of the world" and producer of Bordeaux wine.
  • Understanding the pride people in France have for their own language, many English-speakers are reluctant to demonstrate their own lack of French language skill and bad pronunciation. However, it is always impolite to open a conversation with a stranger with English (except perhaps if the interlocutor just spoke English, and even then "May I please speak to you in English as well?" is polite). Instead, etiquette demands that something at resembling pardonnez-moi, s'il vous plait. parlez-vous anglais? be voiced in an appropriately non-arrogant manner.[19]
  • Not finishing one's food implies that the taste or quality was poor and it could not be eaten or the host does not correctly serve the quantity of food one needs.[1]
  • Not finishing the wine is considered very rude as it indicates that the host has served the vine of poor quality.
  • The rule about not pouring one's drink first mentioned at the start of this article does apply. However, with a newly opened bottle of wine it is considerate to pour a little bit of wine in one's own glass first so that stray cork particles don't go into another person's drink.[1]
  • Bringing a bottle of wine to someone's house for dinner suggests that the hosts won't be providing wine of adequate quality. An exception might be when one explains that they have discovered a good wine and wish to share a sample and get their host's opinion.[20]
  • It is a faux pas to judge a wine based on only one characteristic, such as the region where it is produced or, (most especially) price.[21]
  • Putting a piece of bread on one's plate is uncouth. Leave it on the table beside the plate. Also, rather than biting into a piece of bread, it is more polite to break off (not cut with a knife) a small piece and place it whole into one's mouth.[1][22]
  • It is inappropriate to rest one's hands under the table or to have one's elbows on it.[1]
  • For both sexes, shaking hands with a woman in a casual context is distancing. Embracing (holding each other loosely in the arms while lightly kissing each other's cheek) is usually expected. The number of cheek-kisses varies from region to region between 2, 3 or 4.[23]
  • The American "okay gesture" means "zero" or "worthless" in France.[24]
  • Wishing people "Bon Appétit" before a meal is considered to be a vulgarity.


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Expections regarding etiquette that hold true in Germany may also apply wherever German-speaking people can be found here. Shown here are vinyards owned by the Prince of Liechtenstein, ruler of the smallest German-speaking country in the world.
  • People in Germany do not typically hug or kiss to be polite. Such affectionate greetings are usually reserved for close friends and relatives.
  • Be wary of touching someone who is not an intimate or close friend. It may be considered inappropriate. This may extend to a person's belongings.
  • If the name of a person is known, it is expected to be added to a salutation (i.e. "Guten Tag, Herr/Frau ..." instead of just "Guten Tag").
  • It has become impolite to refer to an adolescent unmarried female as Fräulein because the term has been used increasingly to refer to misbehaving little girls. All women should now be referred to as Frau.[25]
  • When indoors, take off your winter jacket and hat. It is considered rude to continue wearing a jacket and might make some people think you're just dropping in and might leave at any moment so that it's not even worth taking off your outer shell. In this vein, it might be considered disrespectful. For those unused to the cool German winter, a solution might be to take off your jacket initially and than put it back on later when you feel too cold.
  • It is good manners to greet and say good bye to strangers in such situations as a waiting room or a shared table in a fast food restaurant. In some situations, like when entering an elevator, such pleasantries are optional.
  • Although discussing political topics is not generally frowned upon, it is impolite to ask how someone will vote in a specific matter.
  • The Third Reich is a sensitive subject. Nazi symbolism and gestures are illegal in Germany, as is denying the holocaust.
  • People often wish each other Guten Appetit ("good appetite/enjoy the meal") before eating.
  • German pubs (especially older ones) commonly feature a bell hanging over the counter. One shouldn't ring it unless they intend to buy a round for everyone in the establishment.
  • Following an academic lecture, it is considered polite to knock lightly on the table/bench instead of clapping. The latter is considered inappropriate. Not knocking is usually fine, too.
  • At work, people often bring cake or sweets or buy lunch for colleagues on their own birthday or when leaving the company. Colleagues may collect money for a shared gift on such occasions.
  • Public display of affection, such as holding hands or kissing, is commonly accepted but may be inappropriate in certain surroundings (work, church, high class restaurants, etc.)
  • Waving of one's hand from left to right in front of the face is a gesture indicating that someone is crazy or deranged. The "tapped in the head" and "you've got a screw loose" gestures used among English speakers are employed by Germans as well. All of them are rude.
  • People in Germany can use phrases like "please" and "thank you" more sparingly than many English-speakers and may use voice tones that sound unkind to those unfamiliar with inflection in the German language. Accordingly, be careful not to mistake this difference for rudeness or hostility when there is none.
  • Many Germans make a strong division between work and personal life; calling a German at home to discuss business is rarely appreciated.
  • Some of the points of etiquette mentioned here will hold true for German-speaking people elsewhere in Europe including those in Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the South Tyrol province of Italy and various locations in Eastern Europe (especially within Russia and Kazakhstan).


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  • As Austria is a traditionally Catholic nation, greetings such as Gruß Gott are very common, but would be considered offensive in Protestant Germany.
  • It is considered very rude to refer to an Austrian as a German. Though they speak the same language, Austrians are very proud of their national identity.


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These parliament buildings in The Hague lie within the region of the Netherlands known as Holland, as do such other well-known places as Amsterdam and Rotterdam. However, "Holland" and "Netherlands" are not synonymous and it is polite to make the distinction when appropriate.
  • Holland is a region within the Netherlands. As such well-known cities as Amsterdam and Rotterdam are in this region, calling time spent there "a trip to Holland" is accurate. However, referring to the whole country as "Holland" is incorrect. Most Dutch people will not be offended by this mistake, as they themselves use the reference, for instance when discussing sports-related events. This is not universal however, as some people from the North and East of the country can take offence.
  • Being invited to visit in the afternoon does not imply a dinner invitation and it is rude for the guest to extend such a visit into mealtime unless specifically invited further by the host.
  • Promptness is a sign of courtesy to the extent that being more than five minutes early or late is impolite, even with close friends.
  • Teasing one another or making fun of third parties is a common dynamic for creating bond of friendship. An unwillingness to engage in this playfulness can be seen as arrogant.
  • In some parts of the country, it is traditional to kiss family and friends three times on alternating cheeks upon each meeting.
  • When arriving at a birthday party, one is expected to shake hands with everyone present and to congratulate everyone related to the occasion. For example, children are congratulated on the birthday of their parents and vice versa.[26]
  • As mentioned in regards to Germany, people in the Netherlands customarily provide treats for co-workers on their own birthday.[27]
  • When out with friends, co-workers or relatives, it is customary for people to take turns buying rounds of drinks.
  • It is usually impolite to begin drinking before everyone has been served a drink and a toast has been made (even just raising glasses for a second). It is equally impolite to begin eating before everyone has been served.

See also

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  1. a b c d e f g h Window on the World
  2. Bartelby's
  3. Victorian Age Etiquette
  4. Victorian Age Etiquette
  5. Hervey Sandor, Ian Higgins, Sandor G J Hervey. (2002) Thinking French Translation, Routledge (UK). p. 46. ISBN 0-415-25522-8.
  6. Michel Walter Pharand. (2001) Bernard Shaw and the French, University Press of Florida. p. 113. ISBN 0-8130-1828-5.
  7. Almanac
  8. De Belg laat niet graag in zijn loonzakje kijken. [1]
  9. a b c Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named 1,2122,,00.html
  10. SIRC [2]
  11. Cavendish International (Asia) Pte. Ltd. ISBN 1-55868-767-X.
  12. a b c Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named 2006_08.html
  13. SIRC [3]
  14. Erin Richards Cultural Etiquette September 19th, 2006
  15. Conducting Business, Italian Style
  16. Conducting Business, Italian Style
  17. New York Times, "Spain..most liberal
  18. Ongeloofwaardige opiniepeiling van De Standaard/VRT [4]
  19. Sally Adamson Taylor. (2004) Culture Shock! France (Culture Shock! France), Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte. Ltd. ISBN 1-55868-767-X.
  20. Giving Gifts
  21. Giving Gifts
  22. Food and Culture
  23. Ming TV
  24. Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named airman/0406
  25. Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named fauxpas2
  26. The Undutchables by Colin White & Lourie Boucke, page 135
  27. The Undutchables by Colin White & Lourie Boucke, page 135