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Burgundy (German: Burgund bʊrˈɡʊnt), officially the SS Order State of Burgundy (German: Ordensstaat Burgund ɔɐ̯dənssta:t bʊrˈɡʊnt) is a country located in Western Europe, although it is de jure a part of Germany it is de facto an indipendent nation governed by the SS led by the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler (as to official burgundian information, although it is believed to be led by minister of foreign affairs Ernst Kaltenbrunner). It borders the French State to the west, the Reichskommissariat Niederlande to the North-East , the Greater Germanic Reich to the East, the English Channel to the North and both Switzerland and the Italian Empire to the South. Its provinces span a combined area of around 173,775 square kilometers and contain circa 51 million people, making Burgundy quite populous for its size, It's capital and biggest city is Nanzig, with other large urban centers being hypothesized to be Rodomo, Brüssel, Nord-Paris and Besanz. Burgundy is a totalitarian ultranational-socialist state under a government unlike any other on the planet, commonly referred to as the Burgundian System.

SS Order State of Burgundy
Ordensstaat Burgund
Flag of Burgundy
Coat of arms of Burgundy
Coat of arms
Motto: Blüt und Ehre
Anthem: "SS Marschiert in Feindesland"
"SS marches in enemy territory"
Burgundy in Europe
Burgundy in Europe
and largest city
48°41′N 6°12′E
Official languagesGerman
Unofficial languagesNone
Ethnic groups
100% German
Germanic Paganism
GovernmentTotalitarian Ultranational-Socialist State (Burgundian System)
  • Ernst Kaltenbrunner (supposedly)
    Heinrich Himmler (officially) (more)
  • Richard Söllner (supposedly)
    Unknown (officially) (more)
• Total
173,775 km2 (67,095 sq mi) (90th)
• Estimate
51,708,720 (27th)
• Density
297.56/km2 (770.7/sq mi) (48th)
GDP (PPP)1960 estimate
• Total
Unknown (estimated at around $70 billion)
CurrencyBurgundian Mark (BM (ℬℳ))
Time zoneUTC+1
Calling code+88
ISO 3166 codeOB
Internet TLD.ob

Very little information is currently known about this nation as both immigration and emigration as well as diplomatic trips are outlawed under any circumstance. Many countries around the world, from the Organization of Free Nations, to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, have expressed serious concern about the country, especially after the Geneva incident of 1963, where Swiss seismographs located near the Burgundian border detected an anomalous signal with epicenter near Besanz, and a growth in radioactive particles in the nearby air led them to believe that the mysterious country, dubbed "the Schattenstaat" ("the shadow state") had created its first nuke, even other members of the Einheitspakt show signs of distrust towards their supposed ally; famously, former german Führer Adolf Hitler said on his deathbed that one of his greatest regrets was letting Himmler live and give him land to administrate, saying that :"If Himmler ever obtains nuclear weapons, this world shall be a wasteland in a matter of years". Burgundy is a sovereign state led by former German SS, who defected to Himmler's side during the failed SS Coup d'etat of 1953, and it is divided in 11 regions, originally from Belgium and north-eastern France. In 1944, during World War II it was initially created as the Reichskommissariat Belgien-Nordfrankreich for the purpose of being a buffer state between France and Germany, should the former ever regain part of its hegemony.




Heinrich Himmler, the founder and longest serving head of state

Burgundy's founding is in 1953, during the West Russian War Himmler, seeing Germany as a decadent and corrupted nation, ruined by the Nazis themselves, used the war to his advantage to begin plotting a coup againsts Hitler's government, which was prevented at the last moment by Hans Speidel. Hitler, not wanting to execute his once loyal subject and having more important matters to discuss, decided to create a personal fiefdom for Himmler, as long as he removed himself permanently from german affairs, reluctantly, the Reichsführer-SS agreed and moved with his still loyal SS to Nanzig, the capital of the Ordensstaat, appointing his lieutenant Reinhard Heydrich as the new leader of the german branch of the SS, from 1953 onwards all connections to the outside world were slowly cut and soon enough not even Hitler knew what was going on in there, despite technically having last say over every Burgundian matter, thus creating its nickname of "Shadow state". Sometime in early 1963 it is speculated that Burgundy tested its first nuclear weapon, after the now infamous Geneva incident of 1963.

German Civil War and the Invasion of France


In 1963, following the death of the german Führer Adolf Hitler, a power struggle ensued between the heir apparent and his reformists, Albert Speer, the conservatives of Martin Bormann, the militarists of Hermann Göring and the spartanists of Reinhard Heydrich, this event, known as the German Civil War, sparked the collapse of the Einheitspakt and of German hegemony in Europe, during this conflict, Burgundy sided with the latter by sending large amounts equipment to Heydrich's faction and even suggesting military strategies, such as abbandoning East Prussia to concentrate their forces on their territories next to the Burgundian border. During the same time the Ordensstaat seized the moment of utter chaos and launched a full scale invasion of the French State, with the support of numerous separatists groups in Brittany, although the French fought valiantly, it was no match for Burgundy's sheer professionalism, this was first and only time the burgundian army was seen on the field, some surviving pictures seem to indicate that Burgundian equipment is a direct modification or upgrade over german equipment. The war lasted only a couple of months and after the peace treaty at Rouen, Burgundy expanded its territory, nearly doubling its land area, reaching to the Seine and splitting Paris in two halves known as North-Paris and South-Paris.

Post-war developments


After the war Burgundy stayed on its path of isolationism and again removed itself from world affairs, not participating in any conflict or skirmish, even refusing the german invitation to rejoin the Einheitspakt after the victory of Bormann's conservatives, and basically ignoring all diplomatic approaches, it is in this era that many neo-nazi conspiracy theorists hypothesize Burgundy made its first breakthrough in medicine, supposedly creating some kind of life-extending drug, that allowes Himmler to continue leading the country, despite being well over 90 years old today, and denying his death at all, some other belive that Burgundy, through some kind of esoteric rituals, obtained the solution to Eternal life, allowing its élites to basically survive indefinetly againsts old age and diseases, the more widely accepted theory is that Himmler quietly passed away around March of 1983 as around that time all public appearances of Himmler ceased and instead sending one of his ministries, mainly Reinhard Heydrich and others

1990's and German TV hijacking


To this day almost no other information has ever left the country, its status as a rogue state remains since its inception in 1953 and no security leaks have ever happened, even some of the world's most proficient hackers to this day aren't able to crack burgundian cyber security, on the other hand Burgundy has been held responsible for the ZDF hijacking of 1990 where for 32 seconds the main german TV channel ZDF was hijacked, sending a pirate broadcast of a Burgundian Sun cross occupying most of the screen while a robotic voice left cryptic messages.

"Der verfallene Körper deines Führers ist der seiner Ideologie, ein Kadaver, der für diese Erde, an der du festhältst, nicht haltbar ist, die arische Rasse hat nichts von dieser Welt, die du beschützt, zu gewinnen, sondern aus ihrer Asche... Lasst eure unbeständige Existenz los und nehmt euren Platz unter den Göttern der neuen Erde ein. Das Feuer wird diese vorbereite Welt reinigen, denn niemand wird unseren Aufstieg überleben."

"Your Führer's decayed body is that of his ideology, a carcass unsustainable for this earth you hold onto, the Aryan race has nothing to gain from this world you protect, but from its ashes... Let go of your fickle existence and take your place among the gods of the new world. The fire shall purify this world made ready, for none shall survive our ascension."

— The message left by the supposed burgundian hijackers

It is still unconfirmed if this message actually came from Burgundy, and because of the country's isolationism it will probably remain a mystery forever.

List of supposed leaders


According to the most widely accepted theories, Himmler passed away in March of 1983 with one of the largest proponents of this theory being italian historian and scientist Alessio Giacomi, who after studying various records and with his best estimates has stylized a list of successors to Himmler based on public appearances beginning and suddenly ending, his proposition is as follows:

As of 1991 this line of succession is considered the most accurate and the one adopted my most governments of the world, despite Kaltenbrunner making public statements "on behalf of Himmler" and being his self-proclaimed "minister of foreign affairs".

"As the SS Order State of Burgundy's minister of foreign affairs, on behalf of our glorious Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, I hereby declare our state has no interest in ceding core Burgundian soil to the French State as it is vital not only to our nation's development, but also an integral part of the nation."

— Ernst Kaltenbrunner during a summit, regarding the french territories conquered in the 50's

Foreign Relations


Being so reserved about itself the nation has little to no relations with other countries, even allies in the Unity Pact or Germany itself, no visitors are ever allowed in the country for any reason and also emigration is forbidden, with extremely severe and numerous border patrol it's impossible to access the country in any way, even diplomatic leaders and ambassadors are not allowed, keeping the mystery of the country alive, because of this, almost every country in the world refuses to even attempt establishing diplomatic relations with Burgundy, with some notable exeptions being the Reichskommissariat Kaukasien and the German branch of the Schutzstaffel.


A Burgundian soldier holding a modified Sturmgewehr 44

Although almost nothing is known of the Burgundian army, it is rumored to heave quietly become one of the most professional armies in the world, with an estimated 2.5 million active soldiers with essentially the same training as the german SS, one of the most feared special forces in the world, along with the american Marines, the WRRF's Spetsnaz, along with the possibility of the nation owning a nuclear arsenal. The only thing that Burgundy seems to lack is a large navy as no Burgundian warships have ever been sighted, probably due to the country's relatvely small coastline and its tendency to secret keeping. Reports from soldiers of the Invasion of France refer to the burgundian army as "A relentless war machine, crushing its enemies quicly, efficiently and silently, capable of overwehlming even the strongest of fortresses".

"[L'armee bourguignonne] est un ennemi terrifiant, différent de tout ce que le monde a jamais vu, notre position a été attaqueée à 1h du matin, à 1h10 du matin, toute la ville où nous étios installés était déjà un tas de gravats. Avec les progrès technologiques des 60 dernières années, la pensée de ce dont ils pourraient être capabels aujourd'hui est glaçante."

"[The Burgundian army] is a terrifying foe, unlike anything the world has ever seen, our position was attacked at around 1:00AM, by 1:10AM the city we were stationed in was already a pile of rubble. With the technological advancements of the last 60 years the thought of what they could be capable of today is bone-chilling."

— Jean-Baptiste Haillet, french soldier during the burgundian invasion



Physical geography


Burgundy shares borders with France (1100 km), Germany (550 km), Switzerland (250 km), Italy (400 km) and the Netherlands (450 km). Its total surface, including water area, is 173,775 km2 (67,095 sq mi). It lies between latitudes 44°45' and 51°30' N, and longitudes 0°0' and 7°12' E.

Burgundy has three main geographical regions; the coastal plain in the northwest and the central plateau both belong to the Anglo-Belgian Basin, and the Ardennes uplands in the southeast to the Hercynian orogenic belt.

The coastal plain consists, or at least consisted mainly of sand dunes and polders. Further inland lied a smooth, slowly rising landscape irrigated by numerous waterways, with fertile valleys and the northeastern sandy plain of the Kempen. The thickly forested hills and plateaus of the Ardennes were more rugged and rocky with caves and small gorges. Extending westward, this area is eastwardly connected to the Eifel in Germany by what was once the High Fens plateau, southward, in what was once the Franche-Comté province of France, lies Mount Pelau, the highest point in the country at 1,495 m (4,905 ft).

The climate is naturally maritime temperate with significant precipitation in all seasons (Köppen climate classification: Cfb), like most of northwest Europe, But due to the heavy industrialization of Burgundy the air is incredibly polluted, making it barley breathable, this colossal ammounts of smog often spew into neighbouring countries. The average temperature is lowest in January at 0 °C (32 °F) and highest in July at 23 °C (73 °F). The average precipitation per month varies between 42 mm (1.7 in) for February and April, to 86 mm (3.4 in) for July, based on trends on last known belgian data, adjusted for the pollution.

Phytogeographically, Burgundy is shared between the Atlantic European and Central European provinces of the Circumboreal Region within the Boreal Kingdom, if plant life even still exists in there. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, the territory of Burgundy belonged to the terrestrial ecoregions of Atlantic mixed forests and Western European broadleaf forests.



The territory of Burgundy is divided into eleven Regions, which are administered by the four divisions of the Burgundian SS: the Flemish Legion, the Walloon Legion the Charlemagne Legion and the Reichsführer-SS Legion.

Province German name Capital Area
Flanders Flandern Brüssel 13,620 km2 (5,260 sq mi)
Wallonia Wallonien Namur 16,850 km2 (6,510 sq mi)
Calais Kalen Kalen 21,110 km2 (8,150 sq mi)
Ardennes Ardennes-Meuse Maasburg 17,060 km2 (6,590 sq mi)
Franche-Comté Freigrafschaft Nanzig 16,200 km2 (6,300 sq mi)
Champagne Kampen Reimen 25,606 km2 (9,887 sq mi)
Burgundy Burgund Tischau 31,582 km2 (12,194 sq mi)
Seine Maritime Normandie Rodomo 6,280 km2 (2,420 sq mi)
Picardy Pickardien Beauvais 19,400 km2 (7,500 sq mi)
Seine et Marne Seine und Marne Melun 6,000 km2 (2,300 sq mi)
North-Paris Nord-Paris Nord-Paris 19,400 km2 (7,500 sq mi)
Total Ordensstaat Burgund Nanzig 173,775 km2 (67,095 sq mi)



Almost nothing is known about Burgundian economics, being one of, if not the most isolated in the world, even if Burgundy was technically part of the Einheitspakt, it acts completely independently and has been autosufficient since its creation, many people consider this an economic miracle as from the outside, looking in with what few things are known, the Ordensstaat should an "unsustainable experiment" and a "complete joke of an economy which survived God-knows-how", many like to joke on how Himmler beliving that economics was "a Judeo Bolshevic invention" simply outlawed all applications of it, declaring that "Burgundy shall thrive without an economy"



Due to its extreme and almost fanatical racial hygiene regulations known across the world, Burgundian demographics are quite straight-forward, Burgundy considers all non-aryans (untermenschen) as the lowest forms of human life, and seeks the eradication of all non-germanic culture within its borders, forever reshaping the people under their boot, burgundan official reports declare that 100% of the population considers itself German with no ethnic minorities, due to the nature of the country itself there's no way to verify such claims.



Although quite unusual for such a nation, Burgundy has a state religion which has been declared as Himmler's personal interpretation of germanic paganism, it is reported that such religion is so popular and adored that no citizen refuses to celebrate it, whether this is a real fact or a form of coercion or even indoctrination or brain washing is still a hotly debated topic to this day.