Psychonauts 2

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Psychonauts 2 is a platform game developed by Double Fine and published by Xbox Game Studios. The game was announced at The Game Awards 2015 ceremony, and released on August 25, 2021 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, with releases for macOS and Linux planned for a future, unannounced date.

Previously on Psychonauts

Raz [v.o]: Dear True Psychic Tales Magazine, It's me again! Razputin Aquato! I know I write a lot, and you haven't printed any of my True Psychic Submissions so far, but this one's different. This one's TRUE. I just helped rescue Truman Zanotto, the Grand Head of the Psychonauts... ...and father of Lili Zanotto, my girlfriend. Although, that term is still very fresh and might need fact checking before we go to print. There was a kiss, but-- Okay, I'm already getting off track. Let me start at the beginning. I grew up in the circus-- The Aquato Family Circus. A ragtag little caravan of acrobats run by my parents. We were taught all our lives to hate and fear psychics-- or "fortune tellers" as we knew them. All because of some old thing where they cursed the Aquatos to die in water. Problem is, I AM psychic. I have been all my life. I hid my powers from my family, practicing them in secret, until one fateful night. After a show, a mysterious stranger handed me a brochure for Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. A training facility for psychic kids, operated by the international espionage agency we all know as... The Psychonauts! I ran away from home that night. When I got to Whispering Rock, I blended in seamlessly with the other campers. Superstar secret agents Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello taught me Levitation and PSI Blast. I learned Pyro- and Tele-kinesis from Ford Cruller himself! He was all over camp. Literally all over, due to his ability to teleport. He even took up psychic residence in my head, which I could prove to you if you had a piece of bacon. Needless to say, things were going great! The one little catch was that the head coach of the camp was stealing campers' brains and putting them inside armored death tanks that I guess he was gonna use to take over the world or something. I went into his mind and found out he just had some issues with his father. I mean who doesn't, right? Now he's okay. Not GREAT, but okay. Just as Ford Cruller was making me an honorary Psychonaut for all my hard work, word came in that Truman Zanotto had been kidnapped. So my fellow Psychonauts and I jumped in a jet and set out to find him. Our search led us to an abandoned underwater outpost of the Psychonauts in a dangerous part of the ocean known as the Rhombus of Ruin. We found Truman there, held captive by Dr. Loboto, unlicensed dentist and amateur brain surgeon. We freed Grand Head Zanotto, but he's got Psilirium poisoning and can't tell us what happened. We know Loboto wasn't acting alone, but he won't tell us who hired him to kidnap Truman. Agent Nein has an idea how to get the information using an elaborate psychic construction implanted in Loboto's mind. It's risky, but that's just a way of life when you are a Psychonaut. If I don't make it back, I really hope you consider publishing my letter. And also, please consider the sample layout and illustrations I included. Well, I'd better get my head in the right place. The mission is about to begin.

Loboto's Labyrinth

Raz [v.o]: Three days ago, Truman Zanatto, the Grand Head of the PSYCHONAUTS, was kidnapped. Yesterday, with my help, the Psychonauts rescued Truman from the underwater lair of DOCTOR LOBOTO. But trust me— there's no way Loboto was working alone. Today, we're on a mission: Find out who hired Doctor Loboto to kidnap Truman Zanatto. My name... is Raz. And today is my first official day on the job.

Loboto: I put the egg in the box and the box in the basket and the basket in the ocean and... no, no, that's not it! Put the old box in the basket and the egg in the ocean—
Loboto: S-s-simple!
Mysterious Figure: And if you tell anyone about me, anyone at all... You'll have to deal with HER.
Loboto: No! Not HER! Please don't make me look at HER again! No! NO!! I WON'T TELL ANYONE! I PROMISE! NO, PLEASE!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Raz: [gasps]
Loboto: No! Not her! I won't tell...
Coach Oleander: That bozo's brain was booby-trapped!
Sasha: Yes, whoever hired Loboto to kidnap Truman knew he might be psychically interrogated.
Milla: The poor thing looks terrified.
Lili: Did anyone get a good look at his boss?
Raz: I saw him, but I couldn't tell who he was. And I saw... something else... I saw the thing that terrified Loboto. It was... a woman. Dressed in black fur. She was floating over the ruins of a city, and she was commanding serpents of... water. There was something familiar about her...
Sasha: Razputin, I'm going to show you a picture...
Raz: That's her! Wait a second... I thought I recognized her! True Psychic Tales Issue 43! She's on the cover!
Sasha: Maligula.
Raz: The Deluge of Grulovia.
Coach Oleander: Maligula? She's been dead for twenty years!
Lili: Ford Cruller killed her himself!
Milla: ...a battle from which he never truly recovered.
Sasha: She was a monster-a ruthless, power-hungry psychic who drowned hundreds of her own countrymen. Nevertheless, she still has her loyal followers to this day. This file documents recent activity believed to be the work of these modern day "Deluginaries".
Raz: What are they up to?
Sasha: Well, it's ridiculous really. There is no scientific basis to... Necromancy.
Raz: What?
Lili: They're trying to bring her back to life?
Milla: It's silly, darling. But if they believe they can do it, they might do some dangerous things.
Sasha: Milla, have you considered the other disturbing fact in all of this? That unstable character...
(Loboto: Beat it! Get lost!)
Milla: ...Could never kidnap the Grand Head of the Psychonauts without help? Yes.
Lili: You mean...
Raz: There's a mole in the Psychonauts!
Loboto: If you think this is the mole, you're dumber than you look!

Hollis' Classroom


Lady Luctopus Casino


Hollis' Hot Streak


The Quarry


Questionable Area?


Compton's Cookoff


PSI-King's Sensorium


Eye Shrine

Vision: Eyes are the window. Color is the bridge.
PSI King: [After demonstrating the Time Bubble ability] When you're alone as long as I was, time loses some of its meaning, and your perception of it becomes your reality.
Vision: Light and time bend together to fill the universe.
PSI King: Doesn't anyone here just want to sit and talk? It’s always “no, no, no,” and then kill, kill, kill. Why do all these creeps hate you so much?
Vision: Nothing truly bends but our minds.
Vision: We are all just frequencies in the same beam of light, rainbow-bound and bonded.
Vision: Is this the end? Or have we bent around back to the beginning?


Vision: Well, this is the campgrounds. Dr. Touch and Audie used to like to come here.
PSI King: They liked to get high out here.
Raz: So you're saying they're up there?
PSI King: Yep. The view up there is amazing.

Hand-Ear Shrine

Dr. Touch: You don't need to reach far to touch the infinite.
Dr. Touch: To see is to wonder, but to touch is to KNOW.
PSI King: Oh, that looked painful. But take it from me–feeling bad is better than feeling nothing.
Audie O: All that sound requires is the cooperation of the entire universe between us.

Concession Stands

Vision: Tasty and Sniffles hung around here a lot. Ohh, so many scent and flavors!
PSI King: And lines, man. So many loooong lines.
Raz: I'll go find Tasty and Sniffles.

Tongue-Nose Shrine

Tasty: Can you taste the sky?
PSI King: So many people eat without really tasting. Such a shame.
Sniffles: Can you smell the universe?
Tasty: The flavor of the big bang is ever expanding.
Sniffles: A smell is both something you give and something you take.
Tasty: The secrets of the universe are always on the tip of your tongue.

Ford's Fractured Mind


Strike City

Raz: Hey, look at that giant Ford head! Wonder if there's any brains in there…
Ford: More than you got, sonny!
Germ Crane Operator: When this world gets destroyed, I want it to be PERFECT.
Ford: Hey, cheer up. Even gutter balls return, eventually.

Ford's Follicles


Cruller's Correspondence

Ford: But don't take all day! The mail must sail, into tomorrow, no time to borrow!

Tomb of the Sharkophagus


Green Needle Gulch


Bob's Bottles


Cassie's Collection


Lucrecia's Lament


Fatherland Follies

Raz: Whoa, Lili. Your dad was really a big fan of Nick from the mailroom.
Lili: Well... most people are... except... my dad! My dad once told me he thought Nick Johnsmith was an obsequious... little... LICKSPITTLE!!!
Raz: Lickspittle?
Lili: That's how my dad talked. My REAL dad. Raz, this ISN'T my dad's mind!
Raz: Lili!
Ride Operator: Hey, you kids! Get off that carpet! VIPs only!
Raz: If it's not your dad's mind, whose mind is it?
Lili: His.
Raz: Nick's brain IS missing... but... I mean... Nick?
Ride Operator: Make way, common folk! Make room for Gzesarevich Gristol Malik, future Gzar of Grulovia!
Raz: Nick is the Gzesarevich?
Lili: I can't believe it. What's a Gzesarevich?
Raz: The missing heir to the throne of Grulovia. He lived in exile with his family after Maligula destroyed the capital. Why is his brain in your dad's body?
Lili: And where is my father's real brain?

Final Boss


