The Eagle Has Landed

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The Eagle Has Landed is a 1976 British action film about a German plot to kidnap Winston Churchill during the height of World War II.

Directed by John Sturges. Written by Tom Mankiewicz, based on the novel by Jack Higgins.
In 1943 sixteen German paratroopers landed in England. In three days they nearly won the War. (taglines)
I have no intention of dying now. But if I'm going to, allow me to choose where and how. ~ Kurt Steiner

Oberstleutnant Kurt Steiner

  • [last lines to his troops before the final battle] It has been a privilege to serve with you.

Oberstleutnant Max Radl

  • [Reading signed orders] "Herr Oberst Radl is acting under my direct and personal orders in a matter of the utmost importance to the Reich. All personnel, military and civil, without distinction of rank, will assist him in any way that Oberst Radl sees fit to demand... Adolf Hitler."


  • Admiral Wilhelm Franz Canaris: Kill Churchill when we've already lost the war? I'm sure you've done a good job Radl; very thorough. But this operation would make the Charge of the Light Brigade look like a sensible military exercise.


[A pistol fires, and the prisoner Steiner just freed falls dead on the passing freight train. A group of Waffen-SS arrive, led by a general]
SS Obergruppenführer: Identify yourself.
Oberstleutnant Kurt Steiner: Oberst Kurt Steiner, commanding the 12th Parachute Detachment.
SS Obergruppenführer: A salute is customary for a general, Herr Oberst. Even to one of SS. You didn't seem quite so discriminating a moment ago.
Steiner: I have nothing for or against Jews, personally. But I've seen too many men die for cause, to watch a young girl be killed for sport!
SS Obergruppenführer: Sturmbannführer Stauff was doing his duty!
Steiner: He reminds me of something that I occasionally pick up on my shoe in the gutter! Very unpleasant, on a hot day. And if you have the dubious honour of commanding this senseless slaughter, I'd advise you to keep him downwind at all times! That is, of course, if YOU can tell the difference anymore.
Oberleutnant Hans Ritter: For God's sake, Kurt...
SS Obergruppenführer: [Feigning amusement] What am I to do with you, Herr Oberst? You are a military hero, awarded the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords for gallantry. Yet responsible for the attempted escape of an enemy of the state. [Furious] Abetted by the mutinous conduct of your men! By rights you should all be court-martialled!
Steiner: Difficult decisions are the privilege of rank, Herr Gruppenführer. [The SS general smiles thinly] But as for my men... they seem to feel a certain loyalty to me. I- don't suppose you could content yourself with my head, and... overlook their part in this thing? [Hopefully] Huh? [The Obergruppenführer just smiles unpleasantly. addressing Ritter] There you go. You see, Hans? It's infallible. I can always tell a thoroughgoing bastard when I see one.

[Oberst Radl is seeing off Liam Devlin for his airdrop from a Bf109 over Ireland]
Liam Devlin: [To the pilot] How do I jump out of this thing?
Pilot: Undo your safety belt. I turn the aircraft upside down, you drop out.
Devlin: [Turning to Radl] Has it occurred to you that piece of paper you keep waving about could just be a clever forgery?
Colonel Max Radl: Why don't you fly to Berchtesgaden and ask him yourself?
Devlin: Oh, let's not bother the man!

[at Studley Constable, Ranger Col Pitts demands to see the Germans and negotiate their surrender]
Colonel Pitts: You speak English?
Corporal Kuniski: Yes.
Pitts: I'm gonna give you five minutes to lay down your arms, and surrender your hostages. You understand what I'm saying?
Kuniski: Yes.
Pitts: Where's your commanding officer?
Kuniski: Yes.
Pitts: Are you makin' fun of me, soldier? [Kuniski just grins]

Father Vereker: Colonel, my one consolation is that that thanks to my sister, your plot has failed.
Steiner: Really? I thought the plot failed because one of my men died saving the little girl out there.

[Captain Harry Clark, having taken command of the Rangers after Colonel Pitts is killed after charging into an ambush, is meeting outside the town church with Oberst Steiner during a truce.]
Oberst Kurt Steiner: And what can I do for you, Captain Clark?
Captain Harry Clark: Surrender.
Steiner: [Amused] Surrender?
Clark: Mr. Churchill is safe and under guard. Your associate Mrs. Grey is dead, and her radio has been confiscated. It's all over, Colonel.
Steiner: [Gestures to the church behind him] I have hostages.
Clark: [smiles] Well, I can't see you bringin' 'em out, women and children in front of you.
Steiner: [returns the smile, acknowledging his bluff has been called] No. [Turns to face the door] Let the villagers go, Altmann.

Mrs. Turner: Colonel, I understand none of this, and I don't wish you well... but I'm grateful for the life of my child.
Steiner: So am I.

Steiner: Goodbye, Captain Clark.
Clark: Colonel, there's no such thing as death with honor. Just death.
Steiner: [Calmly] I have no intention of dying now. But if I'm going to, allow me to choose where and how.

[at the E-boat rendezvous]
Oberstleutnant Kurt Steiner: Mr. Devlin, you are an extraordinary man.
Liam Devlin: Colonel Steiner, you're an extraordinary judge of character.


  • In 1943 sixteen German paratroopers landed in England. In three days they nearly won the War.
  • The daring World War II plot that changed the course of history.
  • The best seller is now a major motion picture.



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