Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Atta-Culla-Culla

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Edition of 1900.

ATTA-CULLA-CULLA, Indian chief, lived in the 18th century. About 1738 he was chosen vice-king under Oconostota, their archimagus. In 1755, three years after the outbreak of hostilities between the French and the English, he was party to a treaty that ceded to the English a site for forts. The tribe, having been attacked by white settlers in retaliation for thefts committed in the Fort Duquesne expedition, made war upon the English, and reduced to famine, and finally massacred, the garrison of Fort Loudon. Capt. Stuart was saved by Atta-Culla-Culla and conducted secretly to the British headquarters on the frontier of Virginia. Through Atta-Culla-Culla's influence Capt. Stuart was received by the Cherokees, after peace was restored, as the British agent and superintendent of Indian affairs at the south.