Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/735

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rights of the publishing department include all manner of works, from full scores of modern operas to popular instruction books.

[ A. J. H. ]

MEYERBEER, G. P. 324b, l. 26, for 1861 read 1862.

MICROLOGUS. For corrections see Ornithoparcus in Appendix.

MIGNON. Opéra Comique in three acts words by MM. Carré and Barbier, founded on 'Wilhelm Meister'; music by Ambroise Thomas. Produced at the Opéra Comique, Paris, Nov. 17 1866, and in London, at Drury Lane, July 5, 1870.

[ M. ]

MIKADO, THE. Comic opera in two acts, words by W. S. Gilbert, music by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Produced at the Savoy Theatre, March 14, 1885.

[ M. ]

MILAN. For corrections to lines 18–21 of article see Gafori, in Appendix, vol. iv. p. 643.

MILANOLLO, The Sisters. Add date of birth of Teresa, Aug. 28, and of Maria, June 19. The day of the latter's death is Oct. 21.

MINOR. See also Day, vol. i. p. 436a, and Helmholtz, vol. i. p. 725.

MISERERE. P. 336b, l. 18 from bottom, add after the word Geminiani (i.e. Alfieri), and see vol. iii. 523a, note 1.

MISSA DE ANGELIS. The name generally given to a very beautiful Plain-Chaunt Mass, in Mode XIII, prescribed in the Ratisbon Gradual, for use 'In Festis Solemnibus,' and appended to the Mechlin Gradual, as a 'Missa ad libitum.' Judging from the internal evidence afforded by the freedom of its phrasing, and the Mode in which it is written, the Missa de Angelis would seem to be by no means the oldest Mass of this class now in use: its antiquity is, however, great enough to have obliterated all trace of its history, and even of the origin of the name by which it is now generally designated, and under which it is perhaps more frequently sung than any other Mass of its kind, both in its original form, and in the English translation used at S. Alban's, Holborn, S. Mary's, Paddington, and other London Churches in which Gregorian Services are encouraged.

The number of the older Masses to which allusion has been made is very small. The Ordinarium Missse in the Ratisbon Gradual, published under the authority of the Congregation of Rites, contains: the 'Missa in Tempore Paschali' in Modes VII and VIII; a very fine 'Missa in Duplicibus,' beginning in Mode I, and another in Mode VIII; a 'Missa Beatæ Marias' beginning in Mode I, and another in Mode VIII; the 'Missa in Dominicis,' in Mode I and II; the 'Missæ in Festis Semiduplicibus' and 'In Festis Simplicibus,' both begining in Mode VIII; the well-known 'Missa pro Defunctis,' beginning in Mode I, and including the famous 'Dies iræ' in Modes I and II; and some smaller Masses, sung in Advent, and Lent, during Octaves, and on Ferial Days. The Mechlin Gradual also gives another 'Missa ad libitum' in Mode XIII, and yet another in Modes VII and VIII.

Some editions of the Paris Gradual add to these a spurious 'Missa Regia,' professedly in Mode I, but really in the modern key of D minor, composed by Dumont, Maître de Chapelle to Louis XIV, in acknowledged imitation of the older unisonous Masses, but in utter ignorance of the principles upon which they are constructed, and without a trace of appreciation of their true style or sentiment. This Mass was once very popular in France, and much sung in the Paris Churches; but since the revival of the taste for pure Ecclesiastical Music, it has wisely been discarded in favour of the older Masses which it was intended to displace.

[ W. S. R. ]

MISSA PAPAE MARCELLI. Line 3 of article, for 1567 read 1569.

MIZLER, L. C. At end of article add a reference to the English edition of Spitta's 'Bach,' vol. iii. 22–25.

MODES, ECCLESIASTICAL. P. 343a, l. 26, for Plain Chaunt read Plain Song. P. 343b, end of second paragraph, for Polyphonic Music read Polyphonia.

MOLINARA, LA. Add that the air 'Nel cor più non mi sento' is known in England as 'Hope told a flattering tale.'

MOLIQUE, B. P. 351b, bottom line, for 1849 read 1840. P. 352a, l. 10 from end of article, add day of death, May 10. Line 7 from end, for a Pianoforte Trio read two Pianoforte Trios.

MONDAY, Joseph. See Vowles, in Appendix.

MONDAY POPULAR CONCERTS. For additions see Saturday Popular Concerts, and add that the 1000th concert took place on Monday, April 4, 1887.

MONIUSZKO, Stanislaus. Correct date of birth to 1820. P. 353b, l. 2, for 1858 read 1846, and add date of production of 'Der Paria,' 1869, and that he wrote numerous operettas, etc. Last line, for in read June 4.

MORALT. Add date of birth of Johann. Baptist, Jan. 10.

MORDENT. Example 4. It should be mentioned that many excellent authorities consider it right to play this passage without the accidental, i.e. using A, not A♯, as the auxiliary note of the mordent. See Spitta's 'Bach,' English edition, i. 403, note 89. Example 7, the last note but one should be D, not B. The sentence between examples 8 and 9 should be compared with the article Treatment of the Organ.

MORIANI, Napoleone. Line 2 of article, for about 1806 read March 10, 1808. Add day of death, March 4.

MORLACCHI, Francesco. P. 366b, l. 28 from bottom, add date of 'Raoul de Créqui,' 1811, of 'La Capricciosa pentita,' 1813, and the 'Passion,' 1812. P. 367a, l. 19, add date of 'Il Sacrifizio d'Abramo,' 1817. Line 39, add 'Lao-