Page:History of England (Froude) Vol 2.djvu/239

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the conservation of the peace, unity, and tranquillity of this realm—any usage, custom, foreign lawes, foreign authority, prescription, or any other thing or things to the contrary hereof notwithstanding.'[1]

Considerable sarcasm has been levelled at the assumption by Henry of this title; and on the accession of Elizabeth, the Crown, while reclaiming the authority, thought it prudent to retire from the designation. Yet it answered a purpose in marking the nature of the revolution, and the emphasis of the name carried home the change into the mind of the country. It was the epitome of all the measures which had been passed against the encroachments of the spiritual powers within and without the realm; it was at once the symbol of the independence of England, and the declaration that thenceforth the civil magistrate was supreme within the English dominions over Church as well as State.[2]

  1. Act of Supremacy, 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 1.
  2. To guard against misconception, an explanatory document was drawn up by the Government at the time of the passing of the Act, which is highly curious and significant. 'The King's Grace,' says this paper, 'hath no new authority given herehy that he is recognized as supreme Head of the Church of England; for in that recognition is included only that he have such power as to a king of right appertaineth by the law of God; and not that he should take any spiritual power from spiritual ministers that is given to them by the Gospel. So that these words, that the King is supreme Head of the Church, serve rather to declare and make open to the world, that the King hath power to suppress all such extorted powers, as well of the Bishop of Rome as of any other within this realm, whereby his subjects might be grieved; and to correct and remove all things whereby any unquietness might arise amongst the people; rather than to prove that he should pretend thereby to take any powers from the siiccessors of the apostles that was given to them by God. And forasmuch as, in the session of this former Parliament