Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet 12

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Prove that in there is no element such that .

Calculate by hand the approximations in the Heron process for the square root of with initial value .

Let be a real sequence. Prove that the sequence converges to if and only if for all a natural number exists, such that for all the estimation holds.

Examine the convergence of the following sequence

where .

Let and be convergent real sequences with for all . Prove that holds.

Let and be three real sequences. Let for all and and be convergent to the same limit . Prove that also converges to the same limit .

Let be a convergent sequence of real numbers with limit equal to . Prove that also the sequence

converges, and specifically to .

Prove, by induction, the Simpson formula (or Simpson identity) for the Fibonacci numbers . It says ()

Prove by induction the Binet formula for the Fibonacci numbers. This says that

holds ().

Examine for each of the following subsets

the concepts upper bound, lower bound, supremum, infimum, maximum and minimum.

  1. ,
  2. ,
  3. ,
  4. ,
  5. ,
  6. ,
  7. ,
  8. ,
  9. .


Exercise (3 marks)

Examine the convergence of the following sequence

where .

Exercise (3 marks)

Determine the limit of the real sequence given by

Exercise (4 marks)

Prove that the real sequence

converges to .

Exercise (5 marks)

Examine the convergence of the following real sequence .

Exercise (5 marks)

Let and be sequences of real numbers and let the sequence be defined as and . Prove that converges if and only if and converge to the same limit.

Exercise (3 marks)

Determine the limit of the real sequence given by