Mathematics for Applied Sciences (Osnabrück 2011-2012)/Part I/Exercise sheet 13

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Prove the statements (1), (3) and (5) of the rules.

Let . Prove that the sequence converges to .

Give an example of a Cauchy sequence in , such that (in ) it does not converge.

Give an example of a real sequence, that does not converge, but it contains a convergent subsequence.

Let be a non-negative real number and . Prove that the sequence defined recursively as and

converges to .

Let be the sequence of the Fibonacci numbers and

Prove that this sequence converges in and that its limit satisfies the relation

Calculate this .

Let and be two non-negative real numbers. Prove that the arithmetic mean of these numbers is larger than or equal to their geometric mean.

Let , , be a sequence of nested intervals in . Prove that the intersection

consists of exactly one point .

Let be a real number. Prove that the sequence , diverges to .

Give an example of a real sequence , such that it contains a subsequence that diverges to and also a subsequence that diverges to .


Exercise (3 marks)

Give examples of convergent sequences of real numbers and with , , and with such that the sequence

  1. converges to ,
  2. converges to ,
  3. diverges.

Exercise (5 marks)

Let and be polynomials with . Determine, depending on and , whether

(which is defined for sufficiently large) is a convergent sequence or not, and determine the limit in the convergent case.

Exercise (4 marks)

Let , , be a sequence of nested intervals in and let be a real sequence with for all . Prove that this sequence converges to the unique number belonging to the intersection of the family of nested intervals.

Exercise (4 marks)

Let be positive real numbers. We define recursively two sequences and such that , , and that

Prove that is a sequence of nested intervals.

Exercise (2 marks)

Prove that the sequence diverges to .

Exercise (3 marks)

Let be a real sequence with for all . Prove that the sequence diverges to if and only if the sequence converges to .

Exercise (10 marks)

There are persons in a room and they would like to play secret Santa. This means that for each person , another person has to be determined to whom has to give a gift. Every person is only allowed to know who to give the gift, no one is allowed to know more. The people stay the whole time in the room, they do not look away. They only have paper and pens. They are allowed to shuffle and to look in secret at choosen cards. Describe a procedure to determine a gift relation which satisfies all conditions.