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Homework statements

Exam 1 grading

New questions and answers - Questions may be publicly posted here.

The best method for asking homework questions is to use email. This will ensure the most prompt response. --Egm6321.f09.TA 21:36, 11 October 2009 (UTC)

Class: You may want to send e-mail to the TA to ask questions. But if your questions involved equations, then it is better to write down these equations (using different writing tools); one of these writing tools and method to communicate equations to the TA is to type your equations and questions here, then inform the TA via e-mail, and provide the TA with the link to this wiki page. Egm6321.f09 14:51, 13 October 2009 (UTC)

hello I have two questions the first is in regards to HW3 problem 4:

I understand why is and that this gives when differentiated WRT x , but for I get which does not satisfy the anwer

Be careful, what you did was not correct. You need to think about the total derivative of wrt , i.e., , and not the partial derivative . Once you understand this difference, you should be able to answer this question and other related questions. Egm6321.f09 23:19, 6 October 2009 (UTC)

Second in regards to HW 3 Problem 5 I cannot seem to get the relations to work out I am getting the following values for the :

am I on the right track here? --Egm6321.f09.team7.benedict 03:38, 6 October 2009 (UTC)

Hi i received a notice from the professor stating,

"WARNING: Please move your work to the user namespace, and request a deletion of all of your wiki page under the main namespace by inserting the delete or delete my page template at the top of the page so wikiversity custodian could delete them. Remember to log in when you perform these operations so you are not mistaken to be vandals. Failure to do the above immediately will result in a lower HW grade. Eml4500.f08 09:28, 25 September 2008 (UTC)"

i am new to using wiki media and i would like to know what a user namespace and main namespace means.

Egm6321.f09.Team06.sada 20:34, 22 September 2009 (UTC)

Look at the signature "Eml4500.f08 09:28, 25 September 2008 (UTC)"; that was not me this semester; that was me in Fall 2008 !! Someone used my message in Fall 2008 for a different class to convey the message to you, which is a valid message. You want to put your work in the user namespace. Talk to your teammates first, or any other student in the class; someone should be able to explain to you. You can also rewatch my lecture about using mediawiki. If you still cannot get help or figure out from my lecture, the TA would be the next step. You need to provide a link to your work that was not in the user namespace. Without that link, it is not possible to know what you did that was wrong. Egm6321.f09 23:19, 6 October 2009 (UTC)