Wikiversity:Page creation requests

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If you have a request for types of materials you would like to use, or develop, please add them to this page (below), or to the subject area you are interested in (see Browse). You can also be bold and try to add materials yourself - see this tutorial page to find out how.

Before requesting new content or pages, use Search function to check if it already exists. Try to make sure that you want to request new content or pages; try not to request stuff that exists, but be bold, so if you do, remember, its not a big deal. It's a Wiki for a reason.

If adding a request, please put its name in the 'Summary' field of the edit form. This allows fellow collaborators watching this page to note additions from their watchlists.

Suggestion: also add a link to the Wikipedia article on the topic. If there aren't even enough people to build an encyclopedia article, then there won't be enough people to build an entire learning project.


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It is highly recommended that you browse for relevant topics before posting them here; they may already exist, or may be in the works.

Add your requests below

Biology as a subject

Business and economics

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Material Planning

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Computer science

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Elementary education

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Materials science

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Miscellaneous engineering

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  • South/Central American Revolutionary Groups
  • Soviet Union History (See w:Russia#Soviet_Union for what is currently available)
  • US History/ Coronado's expedition (1540) through Arizona. Did any Spanish horses escape? Rustled? Did Mustangs get to Texas before about 1720?
  • Page containing links to free-access online peer-reviewed journals - this can be used also to get links for use on subject and project pages (see my userpage for a few already obtained by me: Jimbobalina2005 )
  • The History of Mallsw:Shopping_mall


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Blood disorders
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Proficient learning in this specialty will allow the student to achieve skills in the following areas:

History Taking


Analysis of Investigations


Case based learning
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Case 1

Basic knowledge
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Disorders of the esophagus
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Disorders of the stomach
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Disorders of the small intestine
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Disorders of the appendix
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Disorders of the large intestine
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Disorders of the rectum
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Disorders of the anus
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Disorders of the liver
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Disorders of the pancreas
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Disorders of the biliary system
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Neurological diseases and conditions

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Uncategorized medicine requests

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Counseling psychology

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Category:Sponsored categories

Created pages

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If creating a page, name the page appropriately and link it to it from here. To do this, put your pagename first, the pipe character, and then the name that had been requested here (if different), all enclosed in two square quotes. eg - [[My Fantastic Page Name | Name Requested Here]]

See also

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See also: Category:Wikiversity maintenance -> Wikiversity:Page creation requests -> Wikiversity:Stub -> Category:Stubs

Encorporating STEM in Va. Education