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See also: siliconite





From silicon +‎ -ite, after Silicon Valley.



Siliconite (plural Siliconites)

  1. (rare) A person who lives or works in Silicon Valley.
    • 1992 June 29, Vijay Joglekar, “Valley of the Nerds - 3”, in austin.general[1] (Usenet):
      R.U. Sirius, whose journalistic rounds put him in constant contact with Siliconites of all descriptions, says, "In my experience, the most creative people in computers experiment with drugs. It's a very bizarre culture, where the freaks are the elite. [] "
    • 1996 October 7, [email protected], “Re: Organic/Unsafe”, in talk.politics.animals[2] (Usenet):
      Are you kidding? $60,000 is what Siliconites pay the illegal Guatemalan gardener who has to go all the way to Gilroy before he can find a place he can afford to rent. (As long as he, the wife and kids share the place with his brother and his family.)
    • 2004 March 6, Roy Chang, “Re: Bangalore: Silicon Valley or Coolie Valley?”, in[3] (Usenet):
      The supposed main difference was that the Siliconites consist of Jewish managers and South Asian engineers/managers. Bangalorites are just South Asian. Which ever way you look at it south Asians dominate IT. R&D is also a strong point.