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Nat Microbiol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 Mar 29.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Microbiol. 2020 Sep 1; 5(9): 1079–1087.
Published online 2020 Jun 22. doi: 10.1038/s41564-020-0743-8

Table 1

Meta-supported genetic variants.
TaxonModelrsIDSNP IDChromosomePosition (bp)EAFβsep-valueNQhetPI2 Closest gene
G_Ruminococcus P/Ars1500189709:134648925_G_A9134,648,9250.0100.1110.2946.68×10-14 389010.7630.00581.417 RAPGEF1
G_Coprococcus P/Ars5611775831:96741622_G_A196,741,6220.0120.1610.2831.10×10-10 389022.0360.00090.924NA
G_Butyricicoccus ABrs5580847216:24931691_G_A1624,931,6910.0730.2570.0415.54 x10-10 38901.2480.5360.000 ARHGAP17
F_Sutterellaceae P/Ars449429711:44145588_G_T1144,145,5880.0110.1440.3146.80 x10-10 38903.4780.17642.497 EXT2
G_Dialister P/Ars711890211:121440231_G_A11121,440,2310.3060.7340.0534.14 x10-09 38900.6840.7100.000 SORL1
G_u_F_Porphyromonadaceae ABrs3598075113:96011248_G_T1396,011,2480.2590.1960.0345.07 x10-09 20941.0900.5800.000 ABCC4
G_Parabacteroides ABrs132075886:41519430_G_A641,519,4300.229-0.1800.0316.89 x10-09 38905.1200.07760.938 FOXP4
G_u_F_Erysipelotrichaceae P/Ars67332982:56450856_A_G256,450,8560.8911.6400.0856.91 x10-09 38901.7390.4190.000 CCDC85A
C_Gammaproteobacteria ABrs11686500015:95639861_G_A1595,639,8610.0250.5550.0968.41 x10-09 32131.8470.3970.000NA
G_u_P_Firmicutes ABrs117883369:111688387_T_C9111,688,3870.273-0.1430.0251.66 x10-08 34855.3880.06862.882 IKBKAP
G_u_P_Firmicutes P/Ars346566576:16613223_G_A616,613,2230.0220.2940.2181.82 x10-08 38902.8450.24129.710 ATXN1
G_u_O_Bacteroidales P/Ars1161358444:168179343_G_A4168,179,3430.0432.1090.1342.32 x10-08 38901.9690.3740.000 SPOCK3
G_Veillonella P/Ars11733874815:58714239_G_A1558,714,2390.0192.8870.1902.42 x10-08 38902.1090.3485.178 LIPC

Genetic variants, representing LD-tagged loci, associated with 16S gut microbiome phenotypes at a meta-p-value smaller than 2.5×10-08. Presented are the microbial taxa, the trait model type - abundance (AB) or presence/absence (P/A) - the reference SNP identifier (rsID), the SNP ID composed of chromosome, base pair (build hg19), alternative allele and effect allele, chromosome, position (bp), the effect allele frequency (EAF), the meta estimated effect size (β; presented as odds ratios for P/A, and in SD units of change for AB outcomes), standard error (se, in log(OR) scale for P/A outcomes), two-sided inverse variance fixed effect meta p-value, meta-sample size (N), Cochran’s Q heterogeneity statistic (Q), the heterogeneity p-value (hetP), the proportion of variation among studies due to heterogeneity (I2) and the physically closest gene (+/- 250kb). P, C, O, F, G preceding taxa names indicate the classification levels phylum, class, order, family and genus, while u indicates unclassified. Genetic variants are sorted by significance (p-value), with the top two surpassing the study-wide meta-analysis p-value shaded in blue. Taxon names include abbreviated taxonomic levels, where “G” represents genus, “F” family, “O” order, “P” phylum, and “u” unclassified.