• The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Poe: Poetry, Tales, and Selected Essays by Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - The Detective Stories of Edgar Allan Poe: Three Tales Featuring C. Auguste Dupin by Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography by Arthur Hobson Quinn
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe by Daniel Hoffman
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Pym: A Novel by Mat Johnson

The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books, recommended by Shawn Rosenheim

You can’t turn on a television or pass an airport bookstore without seeing the influence of America’s most generative writer, Edgar Allan Poe. He orginated true life crime and detective fiction, sci-fi and horror story tropes, and wrote unforgettable poems. Poe expert Shawn Rosenheim, a professor at Williams College, recommends where to start with Poe, as well as the best books about his influence.

  • The Best Shirley Jackson Books - The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
  • The Best Shirley Jackson Books - We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
  • The Best Shirley Jackson Books - The Lottery, and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson
  • The Best Shirley Jackson Books - The Letters of Shirley Jackson edited by Laurence Jackson Hyman
  • The Best Shirley Jackson Books - Life Among the Savages by Shirley Jackson

The Best Shirley Jackson Books, recommended by Joan Passey

Shirley Jackson, the 20th-century horror author, has had a remarkable resurgence in popularity in recent years, with a series of screen adaptations bringing her writing to a new audience. Joan Passey, an academic at Bristol University and co-editor of an upcoming collection of essays on the ‘mother of horror’, selects five books that offer the best introduction to Shirley Jackson’s work.