• Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books - Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial Intelligence by Kate Crawford
  • Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books - The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design by Aaron Roth & Michael Kearns
  • Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books - Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control by Stuart Russell
  • Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books - The Technological Singularity by Murray Shanahan
  • Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books - Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong by Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen
  • Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books - 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke

Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Books, recommended by Paula Boddington

Advances in artificial intelligence pose a myriad of ethical questions, but the most incisive thinking on this subject says more about humans than it does about machines, says Paula Boddington, philosopher and author of a recent AI ethics textbook. We first spoke to Paula in 2017—a long time ago in a fast-moving field. This week we caught up with her to find out what’s happened since then and which new books have taken the conversation over ethics and AI further.

  • The best books on Digital Ethics - Zed: A Novel by Joanna Kavenna
  • The best books on Digital Ethics - Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Cathy O'Neil
  • The best books on Digital Ethics - Mindf*ck: Inside Cambridge Analytica’s Plot to Break the World by Christopher Wylie
  • The best books on Digital Ethics - Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism by Safiya Umoja Noble
  • The best books on Digital Ethics - AI Ethics by Mark Coeckelbergh

The best books on Digital Ethics, recommended by Carissa Véliz

Philosophers have a lot to add to debates about digital technology and the moral issues raised by its rapid rise, argues Carissa Véliz, a professor at the University of Oxford’s Institute for Ethics in AI. Here she talks us through books for the general reader that introduce some of the challenges of digital ethics, from concerns about privacy and bias to the threat to democracy and the future of humanity.