George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, January 1774

Cash Accounts

[January 1774]

Jan. 6— To Cards [£] 0.18. 0
8— To Ditto [cash] recd for making a Suit of Cloaths 1. 0. 0
To Ditto for a Bushl of Meal 0. 2. 6
To Ditto recd from Mr [Robert] Adam Shoing his Horse1 0. 4. 0
11— To Ditto recd of Mr Jas Hill by Jos[ia]s Cornelius 132. 3. 1
31— To Ditto recd from Bryan Fairfax Esqr. a years Intt of the money lent him J[ohn] P[arke] C[ustis] 12.19.10
Jany 3— By Cash to Mr Custis 24. 0. 0
By Mrs [Elizabeth] Simpson laying Judy & Daphne 1. 0. 0
By Mrs [Elizabeth] Cox doing work for Mrs Washingtn 0.10. 0
6— By 10 Guineas paid Mr Peale for drawing Mr Custis’s Picture2 13. 2. 6
8— By Freight of 771½ Bushls of wheat from Marlborough3 10. 0. 0
By Cash paid Mr Thos Triplet on Acct4 20. 0. 0
17— By Ditto pd Mr [Harry] Piper for 500 Bls of Coal 18.15. 0
By Ditto pd Mr [William] Ramsay Postage Acct 5. 2. 6
By Ditto pd Ditto on acct of Colo. [George William] F[airfa]x 0.10.10
By Club at Mrs Hawkinss—& Fireworks5 0.15. 0
By Cash lent Mr Phil. Alexander 0.12. 0
18— By Ditto pd Mr Custis’s Overseer6 2. 0. 0
21— By 215 lbs. of Iron of Mr Hall @ 25/ 2.13. 9

AD, General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 105.

1GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends adds “the 9th.”

2Charles Willson Peale, who painted portraits of the members of GW’s household in 1772, was again at Mount Vernon in late December 1773 and early January 1774 (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:108, 109, 221, 225). This portrait was probably a miniature intended as a present for young Custis’s prospective bride, Eleanor Calvert.

4GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends contains the additional phrase “on Acct of Wheat.”

5GW went to the meeting of the Fairfax County court in Alexandria on 17 Jan. and “Suppd at Mrs. Hawkins.” Mary Hawkins ran a tavern in the town (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:227).

6According to GW’s Cash Memoranda, 1772-75 description begins “Pocket-day-Book or Cash-Memorandums,” 9 Aug. 1772–27 May 1773, 29 May 1773–22 March 1774, 26 Oct. 1774–3 May 1775. Manuscript in George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. 24 March-31 October 1774. Manuscript in Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, Calif. description ends the overseer came up “for Mr Custis’s Bull.” See James Hill to GW, 1 Jan. 1774.

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