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Discussion:Parti du progrès (Norvège)

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This article is very poor. I have tried to edit it, but someone insists on changing all my edits. It is claimed that the Progress Party is "extreme-right". This has nothing to do with reality. Is the Danish Liberal Party also "extreme right"? The Progress Party is the stringest supporter of Israel in Norway - a trait not usually combined with being "extreme right". How on earth do you define extreme right? To have a policy about immigration? To say that we have to have a better integration policy? Does that mean you are "extreme right"? Well, if it does, then France is governed by a "extreme right" party! Your president refered to immigrant kids as "scum".. Also, you claim the Progress Party is homophobic, and your reference is an article about the party opposing gay people being allowed to adopt children. To oppose this, does that mean you are homophobic?! Please get your facts right. This article is based on predjudice and incorrect information. It is embarrasing to read.

Bonjour, vous n'avez pas essayé de modifier l'article, vous en avez supprimé la moitié ! Dans l'article il n'est pas dit que le Parti du progrès est d'extrême-droite mais qu'au Parlement de Norvège il est, parmi tous les partis qui y siègent, le plus à droite, ce qui est une réalité. De même, cet article ne dit pas que ce parti est homophobe mais qu'il est accusé d'homophobie par ses opposants. Cela est totalement différent, c'est ce qu'on appelle le Principe de neutralité. Maintenant, certaines formulation vous ont peut-être choqué, nous pouvons les reprendre point par point si vous le désirez. Cordialement, Assalit (d) 30 mars 2009 à 14:36 (CEST).[répondre]

Bonjour Assalit, forgive me for writing in English, but I am not competent enough in French to write, only to read. There are several factual errors in this article, in addition to the questionable labels (extreme-right) and unproportional large "criticism" part. I will write a comprehensive, point by point note shortly with links and references. By the way, did you write this article? --KariNordmann (d) 31 mars 2009 à 13:24 (CEST)[répondre]

Pas de problème avec le fait que vous écriviez en anglais, tant que vous ne me demandez d'écrire moi aussi dans cette langue, je n'en ai pas le courage ! Si vous pouvez me comprendre c'est l'essentiel. C'est effectivement moi qui ait écrit l'article. Il n'est pas parfait bien sûr mais ne méritait quand même pas d'être supprimé de moitié ! J'attends vos suggestions précises pour que nous en discutions, point par point, afin de le modifier au mieux. Cordialement, Assalit (d) 2 avril 2009 à 00:15 (CEST).[répondre]

Corrections[modifier le code]

Salut Assalit! I have been swamped in work, so no time to work on wikipedia lately. But now I do. First of all, let me say that it is, in general a very good and well-informed article. I live in Norway and follow politics, and you are right about many of the things you write. My main criticism is the disproportionally large criticism part. Let me take it point by point, as you asked me to.

Bonjour, merci d'avoir pris le temps d'établir une liste détaillée de ce qui n'allait pas. Assalit (d) 14 mai 2009 à 23:39 (CEST).[répondre]

First of all, I want to once again point out that it is wrong to say that Progress Party (PP) is placed on the extreme right in Parliament. Extreme right has a very negative meaning; it means more than just furthest to the right, like you say. Extreme right means fascist, and the PP is not fascist. There are such parties in Norway already, a nasty party called the “Norwegian Patriots” and another called the White List. The first is like the French National Front, the other is more of a neo-Nazi party. According to your argument, all parties that are furthest to the right in Parliament are extreme right. Accordingly, the Conservatives in UK are extreme right, CDU is extreme right and also UMP. And what about the parties on the left? Norway is currently governed by a party to the left of Labour. This party is the furthest to the left in Parliament. Would you call them extreme left?

Ok, je comprend l'ambiguïté que peut poser un tel qualificatif d'« extrême droite », même si dans mon esprit il s'agissait simplement de différencier le Parti du Progès du Parti conservateur. Je propose donc de dire : « positionné à la droite des partis représentés au Parlement de Norvège ». Assalit (d) 14 mai 2009 à 23:39 (CEST).[répondre]

In the same paragraph, you argue that the PP is socially and culturally conservative. This is questionable. The party is neither anti abortion nor anti homosexuality. It is also in favour of research on stem cells and it wants to abolish Christianity as the state religion. The socially conservative in Norway are the Christian Democrats, not the PP.

Il ne me semble pas que le PP soit favorable au mariage homosexuel par exemple ou à l'adoption homoparentale. Puisque selon vous ce sont les démocrates-chrétiens (Høyre ?) qui sont socialement conservateurs, alors quelles sont les différences exactes entre Høyre et le PP sur ce plan ? --Assalit (d) 20 mai 2009 à 22:06 (CEST)[répondre]

The next paragraphs about history are very good! Then under recent popular support, you should add more reasons than gas prices to explain why the PP is so popular. Gas prices were an issue last summer; today no one speaks about it. Yet, the PP is more popular than ever. What are the reasons? One factor is dissatisfaction with the current government, another is the weak position of the traditional opposition party on the right; the Conservatives. Many Norwegians want to see drastic changes, and the PP promise drastic changes like lower taxes, closer ties with America, reforming the school system and more. Last but not least, the PP promise stricter immigration policies, and many Norwegians are in favour of that. Under the current government, the amount of asylum seekers has increased drastically and many Norwegians are very sceptical.

Ce serait bien de le rajouter mais il me faudrait des sources précises qui confirment vos dires.

The next paragraphs are very good. You have investigated the policies of the PP very well!

The problems appear under the criticism part, which is bigger than for any other political party on wikipedia. It is almost 1/3 of the article, and many of the claims are completely wrong and the sources are also questionable. I think this is in direct conflict with the NVOP.

I agree that the PP is populist, but again you write right wing extreme, and also etno-nationalist xenophobic, which I strongly disagree with. The sources you use for these claims are very old, which is a problem because the PP has changed drastically over the last 10 years. More importantly, many of them don’t mention right wing extremism, but populism. This means the sources don’t support the claims in the text. The most extreme source, number 23 and 24 are very questionable. In 23, the source is a radical communist. It is unfair and in conflict with NVOP to let him define the politics of the PP. Would you let a fascist define the politics of a radical left wing party? The paragraphs about populism and immigration are good! These are the most important criticism of the PP. The paragraphs about war on terror and environmental policies are slightly out-dated. The war on terror is officially cancelled by Hillary Clinton. And the environmental policies of the PP have developed since the Kyoto protocol was signed. You should investigate all the proposals the PP has made regarding for example nuclear energy. The paragraph about isolation is also correct. And since the last election, the Conservatives have confirmed that they are interested in forming a coalition with the PP, alone if necessary.

L'article ne dit pas que le PP est un parti d'extrême-droite mais que certains observateurs politiques le classent dans cette catégorie, ce qui est la vérité. C'est vrai que les sources sont vieilles. Il faudrait le préciser tout en mentionnant que le PP a évolué, mais je n'ai pas de sources à ce sujet. Les sources 23 et 24 sont des extraits de Nettavisen et de l'Aftenposten, qui n'ont rien de communistes. Si vous avez des informations exactes à propos de la nouvelle politique environnementale du PP, donnez les moi. De même concernant une alliance politique avec les Conservateurs.--Assalit (d) 20 mai 2009 à 22:06 (CEST)[répondre]

The last paragraph is very problematic. There is no source for the claim that the PP dismisses racism. It is completely false! What the PP has said is that it is a problem that some people scream “racism” every time a minority is criticised. It has to be allowed to criticise minorities without being labelled a racist, the PP argued. This is about minorities in general. They have never said anything about Muslims in particular. Actually, the PP has several prominent politicians with minority background. Lastly, the source used to say the PP is homophobic, is a prior member who resigned from the party. Today, the party has several gay members and politicians, especially in the youth movement.

ok je vais supprimer ce passage, tout en déplaçant une partie dans le paragraphe sur l'immigration.--Assalit (d) 20 mai 2009 à 22:06 (CEST)[répondre]

I would advise you to rewrite the criticism part in a more neutral way in accordance with the NVOP. The way it is now is based on false accusations, without credible sources. For Norwegians, it is embarrassing if French people think 30% of Norwegians are nationalist, xenophobic people. Because 30% are likely to vote for the PP in the main election in September. PP is on the right in politics, and they are populist, but it is unfair and wrong to label them racist, homophobic and xenophobic. PP can be compared to the Danish Liberal Party, or even the UMP. Let me know if you need new and better sources. Merci!--KariNordmann (d) 14 mai 2009 à 14:59 (CEST)[répondre]

Tout le problème est l'évolution du PP. Vous ne pouvez pas nier qu'il y a quelques temps, le PP était classé comme étant à l'extrême-droite par certains observateurs. Dès lors il faut trouver de nouvelles sources prouvant une évolution du PP. Cordialement, --Assalit (d) 20 mai 2009 à 22:06 (CEST)[répondre]