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d’Elias Lönnrot (1828)

œuvre littéraire, épopée nationale Modifier
Date de fondation ou de création1828 Modifier
TitreKalevala Modifier
Transcription APIˈkɑlɛʋɑlɑ, ˈkɑle̞ʋɑlɑ Modifier
Nommé(e) en référence àKalev Modifier
Œuvre dérivéeSuite Lemminkäinen, Aino, Die Kalewainen in Pochjola, Väinö's Song, Sampo, The Age of Iron, Kalevala: The New Era Modifier
Genre artistiquepoésie narrative, épopée Modifier
ÉditionQ19558387, The Kalevala, Q30264111, Q30264640, Kalevala, Kalevala, Kalevala, the Land of Heroes, Utenzi wa Kalevala, Q125530561 Modifier
Auteur ou autriceElias Lönnrot Modifier
Traducteur ou traductriceJohn Addison Porter Modifier
Pays d'origineEmpire russe Modifier
Langue de l'œuvre, du nom ou du termecarélien Modifier
Date de publication1835 Modifier
Métrique utiliséeKalevala meter Modifier
PersonnagesVäinämöinen, Ilmarinen, Joukahainen, Aïno, Kalervo, Kullervo, Lemminkäinen, Louhi, Kyllikki, Marjatta Modifier
Publié dansKanteletar Modifier
Décrit parDictionnaire encyclopédique Brockhaus et Efron, Petit Dictionnaire encyclopédique Brockhaus-Efron, The Nuttall Encyclopædia, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4e édition (1885–1890), XIe édition de l'Encyclopædia Britannica, The Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopédie soviétique arménienne, tome 5 Modifier
Statut des droits d'auteurdomaine public, domaine public Modifier
Motif narratifwoman who fell from the sky, lonely creator, culture hero snatched from mother's side, culture hero's (demigod's) departure, culture hero's (divinity's) expected return, cosmic egg, creation from duck's eggs, tree to heaven, sun and moon placed in top of tree, theft of sun, eclipse caused by monster devouring sun or moon, theft of moon, eaux primordiales, topographical features caused by experiences of primitive hero (demigod, deity), bodies of water from tears, origin of disease, theft of light, Vol du feu, origin of lyre, gull a transformed ravished maiden, origin of trees, origin of oak, origin of barley, helpful eagle, helpful bee, bee fetches balm from heaven to restore hero's speech, eagle carries person to safety, tabu: drinking, tabu: looking up, the one compulsory song, compulsion to invite singer to feast, pygmy turns into a giant, transformation: human to eagle, transformation: herd of cattle to wolves, transformation: statue comes to life, transformation combat, transformation contest between magicians, transformation to reach difficult place, transformation to escape from captivity, transformation as punishment, magic object received from deity, beer brewed by means of magic song, magic sword, boat made by magic, magic ship, magic musical instruments, magic formula (charm), magic secret, magic song, music causes magic sleep, magic sword conquers enemy, magic song kills person, serpent charmed into helplessness by magic formula, magic musical instrument calls animals together, magic song to catch animals, revelation of magic secret permits animal to be killed, jewels from tears, magic song heals wound, transportation in magic ship, boat guided by magic songs, magic song causes tree to rise to sky, magic power at cross-roads, human caused to sink into mud, wind produced by magic, fog produced by magic, cold produced by magic, rock in sea created by magic, magic cure of wound, flow of blood magically stopped, magic reinforcements, resuscitation by arrangement of members, land of the dead, life token: comb drips blood, journey to lower world, descent to lower world of dead (Hell, Hades), river entrance to lower world, dead place net across river to prevent living man from returning to earth, dead oppose return of living from land of the dead, giant lies underground with trees growing all over his body, pygmies dressed in copper, strong person as gardener: destroys plants, strong person as rower; breaks boat, strong person as fisher: destroys fish and nets, bow of gold, silver, and copper, golden boat with copper rudder, sampo, giant swallows human, human builds boat and sails about in giant's belly, victim kills swallower from within by burning, origin of iron, devastating monster, suitor contests: bride offered as prize, tasks assigned suitors, wit combat, task: making an invisible knot with an egg, task: making boat from splinters of a spindle and shuttle, task: splitting a hair with a blunt knife, task: bridling a wild horse, task: bridling ferocious bear, task: catching huge fish without nets or tackle, task: capturing elk, task: killing ferocious beast, task: plowing field of vipers, quest over path bristling with sharp points (knives, axes, etc.), quest to lower world for lost words, quest for tears shed into the sea, quest for bride for oneself, quest for unknown magic words, heat test, hanging test, drowning test, owner put to sleep and goods stolen, caring for the child: child killed, messengers announce successive misfortunes to warrior as he sets out for war, old woman helper, inhospitality punished, refuge on rock in sea, man unwittingly ravishes his own sister, conception from eating berry, conception from wind, long pregnancy, precocious speech, precocious speech Modifier
À ne pas confondre avecKalevala Modifier
Galerie CommonsKalevala Modifier
Catégorie CommonsKalevala Modifier
CatégorieCatégorie:Kalevala Modifier
Identifiant VIAF183875184 Modifier
Identifiant Bibliothèque nationale de France120088268 Modifier
Identifiant GND (DNB)4029297-6 Modifier
Identifiant J9U de la Bibliothèque nationale d'Israël987007263421505171 Modifier
Identifiant Bibliothèque du Congrèsn79056738 Modifier
Identifiant Bibliothèque nationale tchèqueunn2006374987 Modifier
Identifiant IdRef028205987 Modifier
Identifiant Cultureel Woordenboekliteratuur-internationaal/kalevala Modifier
Identifiant Den Store DanskeKalevala Modifier
Identifiant Eesti entsüklopeediakalevala Modifier
Identifiant Encyclopædia Britannicatopic/Kalevala Modifier
Identifiant Encyclopædia Universalis d'un articlekalevala Modifier
Identifiant Encyclopédie de Chine (troisième édition)235198 Modifier
Identifiant Freebase/m/048q7 Modifier
Identifiant Grande Encyclopédie catalanekalevala-0 Modifier
Identifiant Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana (ancien)0035242 Modifier
Identifiant de la Grande Encyclopédie russe en ligne2034984 Modifier
Identifiant Iconclass81(KALEVALA) Modifier
Identifiant Krugosvetkultura_i_obrazovanie/literatura/KALEVALA.html Modifier
Identifiant Liber Liber d'un auteurk/kalevala Modifier
Identifiant LyricsTranslatekalevala-finnish-poetry-lyrics.html Modifier
Museum-digital tag ID61694 Modifier
Identifiant de l'encyclopédie en ligne PWN3919215 Modifier
Identifiant Open LibraryOL15445697W Modifier
Identifiant openMLOL d'auteur158501 Modifier
Identifiant Postimees439792 Modifier
Identifiant Quora d'un sujetKalevala Modifier
Identifiant Store norske leksikonKalevala Modifier
Identifiant TV TropesLiterature/TheKalevala Modifier
Identifiant Uppslagsverket FinlandKalevala Modifier
Identifiant Yle18-206463 Modifier
Identifiant YSAY94184 Modifier
Identifiant YSO9672 Modifier

 Titre et éditions
1845 : Première traduction (partielle) de Léouzon le Duc À évaluer
1867 :
Nouvelle traduction de Léouzon le Duc  Relu et corrigé