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Unicorn Cleanse


The best gifts you can give yourself are a clear mind, a joyful heart, and plenty of energy. When you have those, everything else flows easily. The Unicorn Cleanse is a two week online program where you will discover how to detoxify your mind, let go of the things that are holding you back, and really and truly FEEL GOOD! Together we will uncover ways to stop looking for problems, to leave the past behind, to hit pause on projecting fears into the future, and raise your vibration so that you feel unstoppable!


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Do you ever wish you could just press the reset button on your entire life?! It seems impossible to grab our dreams and run with them when we don’t feel good. During the Unicorn Cleanse, I’ll be your coach every day for two weeks, showing you exactly how to raise your happiness and energy levels.
Think of it as a juice cleanse… for your mind!

2019 is halfway over, and we want to finish strong! But what if you feel stuck? What if you’re in a fog that you can’t see your way out of? What if you’ve lost your mojo? How can you clear out the mental and emotional clutter so that you can move forward into 2020 feeling strong, happy, and powerful?

It’s so frustrating when there are two sides of you at war. One side of you wants to slay every challenge that’s in your way, and the other side wants to take a long nap. The result is that we live in a constant state of stopping and starting, pushing and pulling, going back and forth within our heads. It’s exhausting… And we never make the kind of progress that we know we are capable of.

The truth is that we are all able to live extraordinary lives and create amazing things. That’s what I want for you! The best and nothing less! But in order to do that, we need to get ourselves into a rhythm of consistently feeling good.

The Unicorn Cleanse will show you exactly how to do that.

Every day for two weeks, I’ll be showing you what you need to do to start feeling really good. You’ll be given simple daily tasks, receive fun instructional videos, learn my favourite techniques for busting out of a bad mood, and discover how to leave all that mental funk in the dust. You’ll create new morning routines and learn to see your world in a whole new way. The Unicorn Cleanse is a crash course in emotional fitness.

The lessons are easy and will take less than ten minutes a day. They are simple, quick, and effective, so they can fit into your lifestyle seamlessly. The goal of each email is clear: to get you feeling good.

Why is it so important to feel good every day? Excellent question. It’s important to feel good because how we feel sets the tone for absolutely everything else. It’s only when you tap into a sense of deep joy that you remember who you truly are. You remember that you are not your worries or anxieties. You get back in touch with that sense of childlike wonder. You are reminded, at a soul level, that you are completely luminous… and capable of creating your own universe.

When you step into this place of personal power on a daily basis, everything else works. Your relationships get more loving and juicy. Your finances flourish. Your friendships become more fun. Your creativity feels effortless. It sounds simple, but it’s true: it all starts with feeling good.

When we don’t make feeling good a priority, we get overwhelmed by the old stories we’re telling ourselves. We squash our energy down, focus on the wrong things, and turn off the faucet of fabulousness that would otherwise be flowing freely.

I don’t want you to make excuses for yourself anymore. I want you to be the glorious, sparkly, dazzling unicorn I know you are capable of being! You can totally do it. All it requires is a commitment to feeling good.

My daily lessons will show you exactly what you need to do to raise your energy levels, feel fantastic, and use that confidence out in the real world.

I want you to feel so good every morning that getting dressed is a creative act! I want you to be so high on life that you see opportunities everywhere. I want you to be so psyched that synchronicity becomes an everyday occurrence, and that you attract everything you’ve ever wanted because you’re finally in alignment.

Baby, I want you to feel so unstoppable that your friends and family are afraid of what you’ll do next!

The path to personal power and pleasure is right here, and it is so much easier than you think. Let’s do this.



Q. What’s the format?
When you sign up, you’ll receive an email* welcoming you to the Unicorn Cleanse, and then we get started! You’ll get a lesson every day for two weeks, with activities, videos, and prompts.

Best of all, you get to keep the lessons for life! If you ever want a refresher, you can simply start the class all over again, whenever you please.

* If you don’t, check your Spam and Trash folders! If there’s still no trace, email us so we can track it down. Hotmail accounts often have problems — if you have a Gmail account, we recommend you use that instead!

Q. Do I need any supplies?
No. These are all really simple things you can do on your own, no other items will be necessary.

Q. What is your refund policy?
As per industry standard, I don’t offer refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed. That having been said, I have never had anyone ask for a refund! I’m absolutely confident that if you work through the activities, the Unicorn Cleanse will completely change your attitude and make you feel powerful, strong, and full of love.


"Gala Darling, I don't know how to even put into words the impact you've had on my life. First with your book, then with your online classes and ultimately with the amazing retreats in Morocco and Tulum. I am a completely different woman since that first retreat in Marrakech. You taught me to dig inside myself and to see the powerful beautiful goddess that I am. You introduced me to new ideas, a belief in myself and unexpectedly, to new friends that will last a lifetime. You are a bright light in a sometimes dark world and I will forever be thankful that the universe put you in my life."

Wendy Malarsie

"Gala Darling gives you the tools to utilize the power and strength that you already have inside you. Gala says she believes in you and she means it. She wants us all to succeed and that much caring is truly magical. Plus you become a part of this really great lady gang and the good vibes of the event you attend, continue to spill over in your life forever. Thank you for being you!! Because you are truly one of a kind and such an amazing person."

Islandia Lane

More Testimonials

“I was at the the start of my self love story. Now I understand my past mistakes as lessons. I’ve always been perfectly imperfect. I’m more confident in my abilities and sincerely believe in myself. The cool, confident woman that I’ve always wanted to become has always been in me. I learned that creative pursuits bring me straight to the present and open up so many opportunities. I understand that I should celebrate ALL my accomplishments. I’ve learned to accept compliments with a solid “thank you,” and continue on with my life, because they are life’s treats and I effing deserve them.”

Nicole Valdes

Sign up for the Unicorn Cleanse today!



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