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27 TO 29 NOVEMBER 2023

                                                                         Programme of work
Item 1 Opening of the session and credentials of representatives and observers
Item 2 Report of the Chairperson of the Council
Item 3 Status report on outstanding contributions to the Administrative Part of the Budget and Member State voting rights
            C/114/4 Rev.1 - Status report on outstanding contributions (as at 30 September 2023)
                    (Restricted document, please log in to gain access)
Item 4 Election of officers
Item 5 Adoption of the agenda
            C/114/1 - Provisional agenda
            C/114/2/Rev.1 - Programme of work
            C/114/10 - Agenda
Item 6 Draft reports on the 113th Session of the Council and Sixth Special Session of the Council
            C/113/L/7 - Draft Report on the 113th Session of the Council
            C/Sp/6/L/3 - Draft report on the Sixth Special Session of the Council 
            Resolution 1407Reports on the 113th and 6th Special sessions of the Council
Item 7 Report on matters discussed at the Thirty-second and Thirty-third Sessions of the Standing Committee on
Programmes and Finance
  (a)      Summary update on the Programme and Budget for 2023
            C/114/7 - Summary update on the Programme and Budget for 2023
  (b)      Programme and Budget for 2024
            C/114/6 - Programme and Budget for 2024
            Resolution 1408 - Programme and Budget for 2024
  (c)      Report on the privileges and immunities granted to the Organization by States
             S/33/5 - Tenth annual report of the Director General on improvements in the
                         privileges and immunities granted to the Organization by the States
  d)      Other items discussed at the Thirty-second and Thirty-third Sessions of the Standing Committee on
          Programmes and Finance
           S/32/13 - Report of the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance
                        on the Thirty-second Session
           S/33/14 - Report of the Standing Committee on Programmes and Finance
                        on the Thirty-third Session
           Resolution 1409 - Reports on the 32nd and 33rd Sessions of the SCPF
Item 8 Date and place of the next sessions
            Resolution 1410Convening the next regular Session
            Resolution 1411  - Convening a special session of the Council
Item 9 Report of the Director General
            C/114/8 - Director General's report to the 114th Session of the Council
            Statement by Director General Amy Pope to the 114th Session of the IOM Council, 27 November 2023
Item 10 General debate
Item 11 High-level segment
       Climate impact on human mobility: a global call for solutions
Item 12 Any other business and closure of the session
            C/113/12 - Report on the 113th Session of the Council
            C/Sp/6/5 - Report on the Sixth Special Session of the Council
            C/114/9 - List of participants
            C/114/11 - List of documents
            C/114/L/6 - Draft report on the 114th Session of the Council


HIGH-LEVEL SEGMENT (copies provided by the delegations; check against delivery)

High-level segment presentation by the Director General
Member States        
Albania Cabo Verde Guatemala Peru Türkiye
Antigua and Barbuda Canada Guyana Philippines Tuvalu
Australia Chile Hungary Republic of Korea Uganda
Bahamas Colombia India Russian Federation United Kingdom
Bangladesh Costa Rica     Iran (Islamic Republic of) Somalia United Republic of Tanzania
Belgium Denmark Japan South Africa United States of America
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ecuador Malta Spain Zimbabwe
Botswana El Salvador  Nepal Suriname  
Brazil Gambia Netherlands Switzerland  
Burkina Faso Germany  Nigeria Tajikistan  
European Union
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia


GENERAL DEBATE (copies provided by the delegations; check against delivery)

Africa Group Arab Group Asia Pacific Group European Union GRULAC
Member States        
Afghanistan Côte d'Ivoire Honduras Niger Sweden
Algeria Croatia India Nigeria Switzerland
Armenia Cuba Iran (Islamic Republic of) Norway Thailand
Australia Cyprus Ireland Pakistan Timor-Leste
Austria Democratic Republic of the Congo Israel Paraguay Tunisia
Azerbaijan Denmark Italy Peru Türkiye
Bangladesh Ecuador Jamaica Philippines Uganda
Belarus Egypt Japan Poland Ukraine
Belgium El Salvador Jordan Portugal United Kingdom
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Estonia Lao PDR Republic of Korea United States of America
Botswana Ethiopia Lesotho Republic of Moldova Uruguay
Brazil Finland Libya Romania Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Bulgaria France Madagascar Samoa Viet Nam
Burkina Faso Gabon Malawi Sierra Leone Yemen
Cameroon Gambia Mexico Slovakia Zambia
Canada Germany Mongolia South Africa Zimbabwe
Chad Ghana Morocco South Sudan  
China Greece Mozambique Spain  
Colombia Guyana Namibia Sri Lanka  
Costa Rica Holy See Netherlands Sudan  
Sovereign Order of Malta    
Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)    
International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)