Comics · Queer · Sci-Fi

Review: Intro to Alien Invasion by Owen King and Mark Jude Poirier

Stacey, a brilliant, overachieving astrobiology major at Fenton College, had planned on just another lonely Spring Break on campus. But when a hurricane batters the small college town, downing power lines and knocking out cell phone reception, Stacey and her friends are stranded with no way to communicate with the outside world at the worst…… Continue reading Review: Intro to Alien Invasion by Owen King and Mark Jude Poirier

History · Nonfiction · Queer

Feminist Friday Review: Satanic Feminism by Per Faxneld

One more post on Satanism and then I’m done for a while, I swear! Probably. Anyway, to recap: Children of Lucifer: The Origins of Modern Religious Satanism by Ruben van Luijk is an excellent, thorough, readable history of Lucifer and Satanism from the earliest possible manifestations through to the present. After that, I read a bunch…… Continue reading Feminist Friday Review: Satanic Feminism by Per Faxneld

Other Stuff · Queer · Sci-Fi · Updates

I’m Starting Book Collections

HAHA I know, I’m trying to cut down on books, why would I be collecting them? Well, part of cutting down the number is because I want to be more intentional about the books I collect and hold onto. I want to complete some series I’d started accumulating, and some collections based on author, but…… Continue reading I’m Starting Book Collections

Comics · Queer

Review: “Ooku: The Inner Chambers” Vol. 1-2 by Fumi Yoshinaga

I recently posted on Facebook asking my friends for manga recommendations. I used to read a few here and there, especially yaoi when it was harder to find queer comics, but it’s been a while. My friend LM of The Lobster Dance reminded me of Ooku: The Inner Chambers by Fumi Yoshinaga, about which they have written…… Continue reading Review: “Ooku: The Inner Chambers” Vol. 1-2 by Fumi Yoshinaga

Children's & Middle Grade · Comics · Nonfiction · Queer · Romance · Sci-Fi · YA

Queering the 2018 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge

As I said in my challenge post, I am once again doing the fabulous Book Riot Read Harder challenge! Book Riot is my favorite bigtime book blog — they’re always inclusive, they talk about all kinds of book genres, their posts are fun to read, and they sell stuff I actually want to buy. Their…… Continue reading Queering the 2018 Book Riot Read Harder Challenge

Comics · History · Nonfiction · Queer

Review: “Queer: A Graphic History” by Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele

Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele, published in 2016. Right off the bat, I thought this book would be something different — a comic book of queer history. Rather, it is a history of queer theory, a much more academic thing, and it’s more a textbook-style introduction with comic-style illustrations rather than a graphic novel.…… Continue reading Review: “Queer: A Graphic History” by Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele

Children's & Middle Grade · Queer · Romance

Review: Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee

Is Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee the first ever middle-grade novel with a bisexual protagonist? I don’t know, maybe. But either way, I’m super happy it exists. Queer-themed fiction is increasingly common in the YA genre, but queer stuff for kids is very rare, especially when the protagonist is queer. (More often it’s parents or a friend). Add…… Continue reading Review: Star-Crossed by Barbara Dee

Adult Fiction · Children's & Middle Grade · Comics · Fantasy · History · Nonfiction · Queer · Sci-Fi

2017 End of Year Book Survey

It’s time for my most favorite post, the end-of-year book survey hosted by Perpetual Page-Turner! Not a lot of people read these all the way through, but I still love doing them. Because survey. And the questions always help me reflect on the books I’ve read in a substantive way. I’m a forgetful little scamp…… Continue reading 2017 End of Year Book Survey

Queer · Updates

2017 Book Diversity and Challenge Recap

Every year, I like to keep track of representation in the books I read. This mainly serves to draw diverse books to my attention, although of course I try to get my percentages up every year too, especially for the books by and about women. (I’m more interested in good representation in the other categories, looking for…… Continue reading 2017 Book Diversity and Challenge Recap