Adult Fiction · Children's & Middle Grade · Other Stuff · YA

How Libraries Work (For Writers and Readers)

I’ve worked in libraries, on and off, for the past 13 years. When I’m not working in them, I’m still there all the time, and have been since I was a wee little child. I’m still not an expert on the back rooms, but I can tell you the biggest thing people don’t understand about how libraries…… Continue reading How Libraries Work (For Writers and Readers)

Children's & Middle Grade · Picture Books · Queer · YA

Banned Books Week 2017

It’s Banned Books Week, and I forgot! Fortunately Eclectic Alli reminded me with her Banned Book Bloggers of the Last Minute linkup. Everyone is welcome! Instead of just doing a review this year or even several reviews, I thought what we’d do is take a look at the top ten most-challenged books of last year…… Continue reading Banned Books Week 2017

Children's & Middle Grade · Picture Books · Queer

LGBT+ Picture Books: The Exceptions

We’re finishing up queer picture books week today! I’ve mentioned a lot of books I like and talked about all the kinds of books that don’t really seem to exist yet, so I thought I’d finish up by talking about four exceptions that didn’t really fit into the other categories. Some of them are just…… Continue reading LGBT+ Picture Books: The Exceptions

Children's & Middle Grade · Picture Books · Queer

LGBT+ Picture Books: Acting Like Animals

So far in our week of queer-friendly picture books we’ve talked about inclusive family lists, books explaining same-sex parents, and books about trans or genderqueer toddlers. As discussed yesterday, there are hardly any queer kids depicted in picture books. Gender seems to be easier for authors to address because we have so many gendered objects…… Continue reading LGBT+ Picture Books: Acting Like Animals

Adult Fiction · Children's & Middle Grade · YA

Sunday Summary 9/28 – Wrapping up Banned Books Week

The Banned Books Week Blog Party was great, thanks entirely to you fine bloggers out there! I’m surprised and pleased by how many posts there were. My friend Gene’O of Sourcerer and Just Gene’O was kind enough to create a Pinterest board for all of them: Here are my five posts from this week,…… Continue reading Sunday Summary 9/28 – Wrapping up Banned Books Week

Adult Fiction

Reblog: Pear Trees Are Obscene! Hurston’s “Their Eyes Were Watching God”

Originally posted on BOOKING IT:
I’m a sexy beast. Click here for source of photo.  This post contributes to the Banned Books Blog Party hosted by hannah at her blog Things Matter.  Click here for more about her blog and the banned books blog party. ? Pear trees in bloom should be banned.  They are just…

Adult Fiction · Children's & Middle Grade · YA

Reblog: #RaisingReaders Monday: fREADom

Originally posted on kateywrites:
Artwork courtesy of the American Library Association Do you find it strange that we have a Banned Books awareness campaign in the United States? I mean, seriously, is this something we actually need to think about here and now? Most Americans realize that banning books is a thing of the past,…