Queer · Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Husbands of River Song

This was an Eleven-style episode, all “zany antics.” I’d kind of hoped River Song would be different, in a Twelve-style episode. Still, it was nice to have a bit of levity for the Christmas special, particularly after the sadness of the three-part season finale. I don’t have much else to say about the plot etc.,…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Husbands of River Song

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: Face the Raven, Heaven Sent, and Hell Bent

First, “Face the Raven.” It was a bit rushed, but they pulled off the death scene, which seems to have been the only real significance of this episode. (“Lady Me is selling you to some aliens” would’ve fit in an opening scene.) The death scene, though. I’m not gonna lie, I cried, and I resent it…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: Face the Raven, Heaven Sent, and Hell Bent

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: Sleep No More

Finally catching up on Doctor Who! I’m told the final three go together, so I’m planning to put them all in one review, but first just a quick discussion of “Sleep No More.” It was dumb. There were glimmers of something good — Hints of creepiness, with the scientist narrating events from the future. And…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: Sleep No More

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Zygon Inversion

Peter Capaldi acted his heart out in this episode. I’m happy to say “The Zygon Inversion” pulled it all together for me, and even though I wasn’t crazy about the first part, having seen the whole story I can say I really love this episode. Firstly, it was fun to see the Doctor and Osgood…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Zygon Inversion

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Zygon Invasion

The original “Terror of the Zygons” is one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes ever, so I was hoping to love this one, but honestly I was just a bit bored. That’s a statement about me, though — all things being equal, I generally prefer episodes set on alien planets. Modern-day Earth episodes don’t interest me as…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Zygon Invasion

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Girl Who Died

“The Girl Who Died” was all right. Not awful, but a little disappointing after the last four. For starters, it’s all very strange and more than a little silly. It’s corny jokes interspersed with heart-rending infant poetry as translated by the Doctor, with a heavy helping of odd characterization for him and Clara. There’s no…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Girl Who Died

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: Before the Flood

“Before the Flood” was a pleasure to watch and a solid follow-up to “Under the Lake.” There are a few problems, but from the first moments I felt like I could really relax and just be a Doctor Who fan, because this is good stuff. I love the “Listen”-style monologue opening — I loved it…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: Before the Flood

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: Under the Lake

Ohhhhmygod, y’all! That was much more intense than I expected! A streamlined plot AND an awesome deaf character AND an underwater setting AND a genuinely gripping cliffhanger all in one go?? I was pretty into “The Magician’s Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar,” as you know, but “Under the Lake” left more excited for next week than either…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: Under the Lake

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Witch’s Familiar

I regret to inform you all that I really liked this episode, and therefore my curmudgeonly Classic Who fan status may be at risk, but heck… I really liked it. Not to say it’s perfect. Some of it was a bit silly. I still think Colony Sarff is a pointless idea, and even though the story’s all…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Witch’s Familiar

Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Doctor Who Review: The Magician’s Apprentice

When doing weekly reviews, it’s easy to fall into a “the show is only as good as its last episode” mentality. In this case, “The Magician’s Apprentice” is a pretty good episode, but I want to hold off on mega-excitement and see where the season is going. They bring out all the stops for this…… Continue reading Doctor Who Review: The Magician’s Apprentice