Adult Fiction · Romance

Feminist Friday Review: Lady Windermere’s Lover by Miranda Neville

Hell hath no fury . . . Damian, Earl of Windermere, rues the day he drunkenly gambled away his family’s estate and was forced into marriage to reclaim it. Now, after hiding out from his new bride for a year, Damian is finally called home, only to discover that his modest bride has become an…… Continue reading Feminist Friday Review: Lady Windermere’s Lover by Miranda Neville


Feminist Friday Review: Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski

(I’ve decided to transform the “Is This Feminist?” series into a series of Feminist Friday Reviews. I think framing the question the old way was limiting the books I could meaningfully review. Welcome to the new version!) I’ve read a lot of books on sexuality, but Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform…… Continue reading Feminist Friday Review: Come As You Are by Emily Nagoski

History · Nonfiction

Is This Feminist? Dian Hanson’s History of Pin-Up Magazines

I stumbled onto Dian Hanson’s History of Pin-Up Magazines in a used bookstore and knew I had to have it. A beautiful, colorful block of three hardback books in a case, promising to not only educate me about a genre of historical erotic literature outside my particular area, but also to be beautiful in its own right.…… Continue reading Is This Feminist? Dian Hanson’s History of Pin-Up Magazines

Children's & Middle Grade · Picture Books · Queer · YA

Banned Books Week 2017

It’s Banned Books Week, and I forgot! Fortunately Eclectic Alli reminded me with her Banned Book Bloggers of the Last Minute linkup. Everyone is welcome! Instead of just doing a review this year or even several reviews, I thought what we’d do is take a look at the top ten most-challenged books of last year…… Continue reading Banned Books Week 2017

History · Nonfiction · Queer

A Queer Public History Reading List

I’ve spent the past two years studying public history, and making it as queer as I possibly can. (Evidence: the capstone project I just shared.) I’ve done as much extra reading as I could cram in, but only found a handful of sources related to queer public history and queer museum practices, so I’ve compiled…… Continue reading A Queer Public History Reading List

Adult Fiction · Comics · History · Queer · Sci-Fi

I Digitized Some Gay Pulp For You

The time has come, friends, to show you some of what I’ve been doing these two long years in graduate school. I can’t show you my actual thesis yet, because there’s a possibility of academic publication, but I’ve been in a public history and museum studies program and that means I’ve also done a public…… Continue reading I Digitized Some Gay Pulp For You

History · Nonfiction · Queer

Review: “Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade” by Justin Spring

I don’t review much nonfiction on this blog. I like reading it, I often make a particular effort to include it in lists, and y’all seem to enjoy reading my term papers, but I haven’t done many reviews for some reason. I guess nonfiction books can seem more specialized, and even if I think a…… Continue reading Review: “Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade” by Justin Spring

Comics · Queer

Is This Feminism? Grant Morrison’s Wonder Woman

I’m a big fan of DC Comics’ Earth One series. They’re retellings of the most famous heroes’ origin stories, and that can be terribly overdone, but these graphic novels have their own unique tone and they’ve been released as full volumes on a pretty slow schedule (not monthly issues) so they maintain some interest. They’re “darker…… Continue reading Is This Feminism? Grant Morrison’s Wonder Woman

History · Sci-Fi · TV & Movies

Star Trek Miniskirts: Feminist or Nah?

Originally posted on Comparative Geeks:
Aesthetics carry messages about values. Star Trek, while frequently written about in historical, literary, and technological terms, was also a visual experience with a distinctive aesthetic, and there’s a lot there to talk about! I just wrote a term paper on the topic, and it’s my pleasure to bring you…

Queer · TV & Movies

#queerpop: Do You Wanna Buy This Yogurt?

Chobani is the latest company to make waves with a queer-themed advertisement, following after controversies like the rainbow-Oreo ad or the pictures of happy same-sex couples in the JC Penney catalog. The ad in question shows two hot women in bed, one of them eating yogurt and one sleeping. I admit, I didn’t know…… Continue reading #queerpop: Do You Wanna Buy This Yogurt?