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List of vetted Palestinian families that have reached out to me (part 1)

as Tumblr tells me I have reached my daily limit, I’m not able to reblog every day all the posts with the gofundme links of all the people that are asking me for help. I am now compiling this list of all the Palestinian families that have reached out to me that are in need of Help. I will still be answering asks and reblogging what I can.

Please consider donating to these campaigns if you have the means to do so.

I will reblog this series of posts every day, I will try to update the list frequently and I will also add more families at the end of every week.

the list will be divided between vetted and unvetted campaigns

link to the gofundme tag on my blog, this is always updated

part 2 / part 3 / Part 4 / part 5 / part 6

unvetted campaigns list

the first part of the list will be under the cut

Keep reading

Hi everyone. Mohammed Khalil (@ahmed0khalil) has asked me to share his story, and I’m writing on his behalf. Mohammed created the donation campaign for his little brother 6-year-old Ahmed, and he aims to raise funds to evacuate his family of 8. You can see in his blog how much he loves and worries for 6-year-old Ahmed. Mohammed is only 19 years old. This is not normal. He should have been in school, not begging for our attention to try and raise enough funds so that they can buy food, water, medicine, and a chance to evacuate to safety.

In Gaza, where the sounds of bombing blend with the cries of children, Mohammed and Ahmed's family experienced days they never imagined they would endure. Mohammed (19) and Ahmed (6) have four other siblings: Fathi, Aya, Anas and Abdullah. Aya (21) is a uni nursing student and Anas (15) is also a school student. Neither of them can study anymore with the current genocide. This war is especially hard on Fathi (23), who is blind and suffering from coronary artery disease, Abdullah (11) who is autistic and does not understand what is happening, and Ahmed (6), a small child who had barely started kindergarten before his education came to a halt.


The destruction that struck the area left them with no place to live. The sounds of explosions fill the horizon, and the homes that once sheltered them have become piles of rubble. They suddenly found themselves outside their home, homeless.

The bombing not only destroyed their home, but also severely injured Mohammed. Mohammed was sitting at the entrance of the school his family was sheltering in when three bombs were dropped in front of him. The bombs destroyed a residential tower in front of Mohammed. Dust filled the air and the resulting rubble and shrapnel fell on Mohammed, injuring him in the leg. Mohammed was so severely wounded that he could not walk, and he had to lie there, hurt and bleeding, for 2 hours before the Palestinian Red Crescent came and carried him to the hospital.

The bombing shattered the glass in the school Mohammed and his family was staying at, but thankfully the children sustained no serious injuries. Soon after, they were asked to evacuate the school immediately as there were news that the IOF were going to bomb the Abbas prison near it. And so even though Mohammed was wounded, he could not rest and wait for his leg to heal, but had to leave again with his family.


Now they are living in a small tent in a refugee camp. Mohammed told me that they had to bathe in polluted water and the place smelled of sewage and corpses. Camp life was difficult not only because of the scarcity of food, the infectious disease, and the polluted water, but also because of the psychological torture they endure. Looking at all the devastation, and how the world seems indifferent to their suffering, Mohammed told me that they, including young innocent 6-year-old Ahmed, had begun to lose hope for a better future.


Internet is unstable and often lacking in the refugee camp. Mohammed is using the precious time when Internet is available to tell me his story. I hope you will not turn away their calls for help. They urgently need donations to provide for shelter, food, and medicine, as well as to evacuate out of Gaza. Donations are coming in really slowly for Mohammed’s campaign, and I beg all of you, please, don't turn a blind eye to his story. 

Mohammed’s campaign has been shared by 90-ghost and I’ve also been talking extensively with him. He is a very nice person and he just really wants to help his family survive. Please, please, help Mohammed evacuate himself, his 5 siblings and his parents! Little 6-year-old Ahmed does not deserve to live in fear of falling bombs every day, and neither does Mohammed and the rest of his family. 

Really low funds! Only €1,185 raised of €50,000 target!!

Please share/reblog and donate to help a family of 8! These are children we are talking about, and my heart breaks for what they have to endure.

Please follow Mohammed and Ahmed on @ahmed0khalil to get updates on their situation!

Low Funds! Only €1,200 raised of €50,000 target!

Keep reading

Hello dear friends

My name is Ahmed Khalil from the Gaza Strip. I am a member of a family of eight. Our home was destroyed, and we were forcibly displaced from northern Gaza to the south after orders from Israeli forces.💔🙏

With a heavy heart and a feeling of shame, I am sending you this message from under the bombardment and destruction. The relentless bombing never seems to stop, making Gaza an unsafe place to live.🥺🍉

I ask you to stand by my side and help save me and my family. We urgently need your financial support and help in sharing my posts so that I can secure the basic necessities for my family. Additionally, your donations can help us evacuate to a safe place.🙏🙏🍉

Your small donation and sharing will make a difference and have a significant impact. Please don't hesitate to donate and share.🍉🙏

Thank you for hearing my story.

My campaign is verified by @90_ghsot

Hi!  I will help in any way I can! As im not able to donate at the moment I will share your campaign!

For anyone who is able to donate this is the direct link to the gofundme

Hello dear friends!


All the positive words cannot express how generous you are, especially in sharing my posts to inform other donors about the people of Gaza who are still suffering from the terrible conditions caused by the unjust war on Gaza!


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you are giving to help Palestinian families stay safe and alive. ✌✌


We collect such donations to provide the minimum basic needs of life and help find safety and peace for young children who do not deserve to live in such horrific situations. Thanks to your contribution, my family is slowly approaching 1/2 of the way to reach the goal. Every form of your help makes a difference to the free people who have been struggling and paying so much for almost 305 hard days


Please continue to support the most just cause in the world either by donating directly or by sharing the link to let others know. Don't hesitate to help people in difficult and miserable times until the dark days are over.


To all Palestine supporters 🙏


We still need less than 360€ to reach our short term goal of 22k€ ‼️

Your donations are important for our survival

Please help me reach our goal as soon as possible 🙏

We appreciate your help ❤️🙏

🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤🤍💚🖤 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

Anonymous asked

Hello, I am Mohammed, 23 years old, I used to live in Khan Younis, I was a university student studying information technology at the Islamic University of Gaza, but my entire university was destroyed, this was my passion in life, but it evaporated in this difficult war, even my home where I spent my childhood and all my happy memories turned to ashes, I became homeless, so how can I continue my life? Please support me so that my passion returns, and so that I can achieve my dream of studying again, I would like to inform you that we are living a crisis of no detergents or winter clothes, knowing that winter is coming with its severe cold that eats the body severely, I cannot complete this message because of the many tears and pain, your simple help will make a big difference in my life.

9h ago
This campaign is vetted by association. They are friends of @/yousefjehad3 (132 on the Bees and Watermelons verified fundraiser list, shared by 90-ghost, #255 on the verified fundraiser sheet vetted by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi), see post here for proof.

Low Funds! Only $10 USD raised of $25,000 goal!

Please help me

Please help me, my wife, and our lovely innocent son Yamen👶♥️, Escape Gaza Genocide

This is a legit and vetted campaign

#391 on the Vetted fundraisers list by @SaifQuadri on X platform


I'm Ashraf from the war-torn Gaza. I've lived an entire life under siege in Gaza, facing relentless military actions and life-threatening conditions daily. In October 2023, the conflict escalated drastically, devastating my newly built house, my neighborhood,my workplace, and jeopardizing the lives of my family.


I mourn the loss of our safe haven, but more urgently, I need to secure a future for my family away from the constant threat of bombings that have become our grim reality.


Meet Yamane, our precious seven-month-old. Who was born during this war, We aspire to provide him with opportunities that surpass our own experiences, fostering a future filled with joy and prosperity. This campaign is a call to arms for all who believe in the transformative power of community support. By contributing, you're not just donating; you're actively shaping Yamane's world, ensuring his journey is filled with the promise and potential every child deserves. Join us in making a profound impact on his life


Yamen... he's only a baby. He doesn't understand the fear that grips us, the darkness that engulfs our lives. He just smiles, his eyes bright with innocent wonder, oblivious to the terror that surrounds him. He reaches for me with tiny hands, his laughter a fragile melody in this symphony of destruction. 💔

But how long can this innocence last? How long can we shield him from the reality of this war? How long can we keep him safe? 😥


No gas. No electricity. It's just the cold, empty space where a stove should be.


It's a cruel irony that the war, which has already taken so much from us, has also taken away the warmth of a home-cooked meal. We are forced to rely on makeshift methods, the flickering flame of a makeshift stove fueled by wood or charcoal, a testament to our resilience, and our determination to survive.

The wood crackles and pops, spitting sparks that dance like fireflies in the gloom. It's a dance of desperation, a desperate attempt to coax warmth and nourishment from the ashes of our former lives. Each meal is a battle, a struggle against the elements, the hunger, and the uncertainty of the future.

We boil water in rusty pots over open fires, the smoke stinging our eyes, the fumes filling our lungs. We bake bread in makeshift ovens built from clay and debris, the aroma of baking dough a faint reminder of better days.

But even with these meager resources, we persevere. We cook, we eat, we share. We find solace in the act of preparing a meal, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, life continues.

Yet, the weariness lingers, the weight of the war pressing down on us like a heavy cloak. We yearn for the simple normalcy of turning on a stove, of cooking a meal without the fear of smoke inhalation, of the comforting hum of a refrigerator.

The war may have taken away our electricity and gas, but it has not taken away our spirit. We will continue to cook, to eat, to survive. We will continue to fight for our right to a life of peace, of prosperity, of simple joys.


And when the darkness finally lifts, when the smoke clears and the city breathes again, we will remember the lessons we learned in the shadows. We will remember the strength we found in adversity, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring power of a simple, home-cooked meal.

(#391 on the Vetted fundraisers list by @SaifQuadri on X platform)

Please help me secure a future for my family away from the constant threat of bombings that have become our grim reality. We are immensely grateful for any support you can provide. It’s more than a donation—it’s a lifeline.

Dearest friend, ❤️ 🌿

I'm reaching out with a heartfelt plea. For five months, I've been tirelessly fundraising to get my family out of Gaza, but we're still far from our goal.

We desperately need to raise €12,923 to secure our evacuation and bring my wife and son, Yamen, to safety. Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to a life free from fear and conflict.

I recently expanded my reach to Tumblr, and your reblog of my pinned post could make a world of difference. It can bring us closer to the peace we so desperately need for our innocent son.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

With hope,

Ashraf Almughanni 🍉🇵🇸

Hi!  I will help in any way I can! As im not able to donate at the moment I will share your campaign!

For anyone who is able to donate this is the direct link to the gofundme

**Urgent humanitarian appeal**

Emergency: Evacuation assistance My family is from Gaza war Dear humanity, We are Amal Fadi from the Gaza Strip, a modern couple

We met together, we want to build fascinating family with each other, we want to be officially Engaged on 10.7.2023, but 7.10.2023 everything changed forever, since it all started that night, but we made it together and got engaged while war! Love always wins!! We are sharing our love story with you because we wanna start our life over outside Gaza, so we need your support, please help us evacuate Gaza and build our life together, we deserve life!! We can do this with your generous help and donation !!

Your donation is not just a donation; it's an opportunity to rebuild life and brighten a better tomorrow. Be part of our hopeful story, for we need your hand to start anew.

The goal of this fundraising campaign is to rescue me and fadi through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt, which currently requires $5000 per person. This campaign is our only chance to stay alive, and I humbly request your assistance at this critical time. I will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses, committing to transparency and clarity.

With love, Amal and Fadi.


I've witnessed the evidence of the tragedy that has struck our lives in Gaza, where my family and I have survived amidst numerous previous wars. But today, we face the most dangerous and fierce battle in the current war. The urgent need intensifies for us, as we have nothing left and are unable to secure our basic needs such as food, water, and safe shelter.

Here is our story - On October 7th, our lives changed forever, my family and I evacuated from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, hoping to return soon, but it wasn't meant to be. Our home was surrounded, burned, and then completely destroyed, Our home, once a fortress of hope, now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of our shattered dreams.


The night before we left from the north to the south was terrifying. Shelling sounds were everywhere, making a loud noise that felt like it went through our souls. Every explosions shook the ground like earthquakes, sending shockwaves of fear through our trembling bodies. filling us with fear.

The air smelled of destruction and blood, making it hard to breathe. When dawn came, we saw the devastation around us, realizing our home was now a symbol of loss and despair.

Our house was precious to us. It meant a lot to me. It was completely gone, along with all the neighbors' houses in Tal al-Hawa


I - Amal - is a computer engineer. I graduated from Al-Azhar University in July 2023. I used to work in a private technology company in the Gaza Strip, and with external companies as a freelancer at Ux-Ui, but with the start of the war, I lost my job since the planes bombed the company’s location. I also lost My job as a freelancer at Ux-Ui Because there is no internet connection here in Gaza, I was always striving to complete my master's but with these circumstances I cannot do anything after all the universities were destroyed by the Israeli occupation.


I am Fadi. I graduated from the Faculty of Management from Quddus Open University in 2021. I used to work in a private company in the Watan Tower, but I lost my job since the start of the war due to the destruction of the tower. I also lost my future home with my fiancé, Amal, unfortunately.

How can you help by donating, spreading the campaign, reblogging, and sharing with friends 🙏🙏🍉🍉🇵🇸🇵🇸🔻🔻

@sayruq @90-ghost @ghostofanonpast @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @palms-upturned @malcriaada @neptunerings @unfortunatelyuncreative @appsa @brutaliakent @thenameisgul @politijohn @paper-mario-wiki @frogsarecooool

@aristotels @komsomolka @xinakwans @heritageposts @amygdalae @ankle-beez

@watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @yugiohz

@chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @vakarians-babe

Hey !!

We are Amal and Fadi from Gaza ! we are couples.

This is our own donation page, we make it to collect money so we can evacuate from Gaza.

We are now living in difficult circumstances, we live in a tent and difficult circumstances, we live in the same circumstances every day, is horrible!!😭😭

Please help us!! Donate, share widely, support us to go to saftey !!

We can reach 1000$ soon !! We can make it together!!

Hi!  I will help in any way I can! As im not able to donate at the moment I will share your campaign!

For anyone who is able to donate this is the direct link to the gofundme

maha-sh18 asked


I'm sorry to bother you. I want you to help me by donating and sharing. The situation for me and my family is very catastrophic. I want to meet my family’s needs. A donation from you, even if it is a little, helps my family. I need your humanity 🙏🏻💔

Hi!  I will help in any way I can! As im not able to donate at the moment I will share your campaign!

For anyone who is able to donate this is the direct link to the gofundme


🚨We appeal from an environment surrounded by death

The situation is getting worse every day, and my anxiety and fear of losing my family is also increasing

I hope that you will find humanity within you and help me preserve my family and not lose them as I lost everything in the war.

I am Muhammad from Gaza (I was a software engineer) and my life was beautiful, but unfortunately even this dream of mine could not be achieved and completed because of the unjust war.

If you donate, you can help me achieve it outside Gaza


It is really worth asking you for help and appealing more than once

Imagine that your life would change within a few months, and you would go from a beautiful, spacious, and cold house to a narrow, hot tent. You would think you were in hell because of its heat.


This life here is difficult for anyone, even young people What about the baby’s who were born in war, and there are none of the necessities of life for the child Life here has become like a prison inside hell

But despite all this, we try to make them laugh and give them their rights🤍🫂

This is my campaign and this is my last hope🙏

My campaign was vetted by my dear friend : ➡️@el-shab-hussein .

@90-ghost @nabulsi @sar-soor @sayruq @muhammadsmiry @appsa

Family trapped in Gaza pleads for survival

A distress call from Gaza to search for safety

I am Ahmed Ayyad from Gaza, from a family of 11 people.


We live in the ongoing genocidal war in Gaza, trapped between walls of fear and despair and the sounds of explosions from one ship to another.

We are originally from the north of the Gaza Strip; currently we are in the displacement camps in the south of the Gaza Strip in Mawasi Khan Younis.

In light of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, we went through very difficult circumstances. We were displaced several times and lost our home due to enemy bombs. We lost all the beautiful things that my family and I used to enjoy.


We urgently appeal for your moral and material assistance to cover the costs necessary to escape to a safe environment, where we can build a better future and ensure the safety of our family.

We desperately need your support. Any donation no matter how small can help save our lives. Thank you for your concern and support during these difficult times.


GofundMe Campaing Link ❤️:

best wishes

Ahmad Ayyad

@nabulsi27 @ibtisams-blog @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @fairuzfakhira @sayruq @humansofnewyork @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @pomegranate @commissions4aid-international @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarian-shepard @ghost-and-a-half @temporarily @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl

@northgazaupdates2 @90-ghost @appsa @palestinegenocide @apollos-olives @commissions4aid-international

Hello, I am Ahmed from Gaza. I know that asking for a donation is not an easy matter. I am now supporting an entire family. Please do not hesitate to donate to me and my family. A small donation from you makes a big difference.

Donate even 20€ 🙏💔

Thank you for standing by us in this difficult time🇵🇸🙏.

Hi!  I will help in any way I can! As im not able to donate at the moment I will share your campaign!

For anyone who is able to donate this is the direct link to the gofundme

🚨‼️Important update please do not ignore and listen to others )🚨‼️

Hello my friends

I am speaking to you today as we approach the year of the continuation of the fierce war that has not spared any stone or human beings.

7-10-2023 /// 9-9-2024


I am Mohammed Al-Madhoun from Palestine, Gaza. I am 25 years old, single. I graduated from the university college, majoring in multimedia. My current situation is like any Palestinian struggling for life to survive and live like any human being on earth. I have ambitions and hopes that I have sought to achieve over and over again, despite all the difficult circumstances I have been through. I have design skills and I love graphic design, drawing and participating in training courses in my field.


Since the war on Gaza began, my family and I have been displaced to more than 5 places. My father lost his job, I also lost my job as a graphic designer. I had an office in the UCASI incubator, the place was completely destroyed, as was my father's workplace at the Islamic University. The incubator was completely bombed and my work was gone, and the Islamic University was also completely bombed and my father's work was gone.


The war separated me and my family from my brother, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. My tragic story began at the beginning of the war when the Israeli army asked all Gaza citizens living in northern and central Gaza to evacuate. The area where my family and I lived is where our beautiful home is located. We save every penny to establish our dream home, to study at university, to build our future and to achieve our lost dreams to avoid living in poverty and lack of money, which is expensive these days.


The Israeli army asked us to move to the south several times, where we were in Al-Nasr Children's Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip, and we moved from there to my sister's house in Jabalia, and at that time the house next to my sister's house was bombed and partially destroyed, and we miraculously escaped death at that time, and this is my sister's destroyed house

Here also, a skin disease has spread that has no cure. The existing treatment is a painkiller that relieves it for two days, then it comes back stronger. Unfortunately, this treatment is expensive, and I cannot afford it for myself either. It costs more than $30 every three days.


Our campaign is verified by Genei Moon and this is their TikTok account @femmeintifada she has a group of verified families from gaza on telegram also it's vatted by @transmutationisms here

There is saying that Rafah crossing border will be open in the next week and and we need to achieve our next goal of 10,000€ so me and my brother will evacute first, now we are 4,633€ away from reaching our short term goal, can we achieve that in these short period?

Please continue to support and share the campaign. Every share and donation helps reduce their suffering and brings us closer to our goal.

@buttercupart @appsa @timetogetafirst @brutalgeneration , @schoolhater , @aces-and-anime , @turian , @malcriada , @magnusandalec , @transmutationisms , @brokenbells , @neptunesbounty @sar-sora @imjustheretotrytohelp @mothblossoms @jezior0 @cenobutch @aristotel @sheplaysbass @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bitter-sweet-blog @tortiefrancis @feluka @terrorist4-blog-blog @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @aristotlestrology @komsomolka @xinakwans @heritageposts @nibeul @mortalityplays @queerstudiesnatural @sayruq @fridgebrilliance-blog-blog @27-moons @tamakid @familyabolisher @fleshdyk3 @meaganfoskin @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul-archived @mahoushojoe

This Tumblr hasn't followed any other Tumblrs.
Down to the Kitchens
days fade and nights grow
you spotify whore
Tiny Gay Nerd
Take It Easy For A Little While, But Take It
Sup nerds
pure gnikcuf evil
Ahmed Khalil
Ashraf Almughanni
family Etaf
Ahmed Basil
Amal Family
Hamdi 🇵🇸🍉
Ehab Ayyad🇵🇸🍉
Save mohamed family
Hazem Suhail
**Help Iman Rebuild After the War in Gaza**
Save Amal family
Save our life
wisam murtaja
mohammed m siam
Waseem Family
OsamaBasil Ps
Mohammed 🇵🇸
Heba Baker Family
Ahmed 🍉
Hussein & Rehab🍉
Momen Alostaz
Asmaa Family🍉
khadiga family
Nisreen Suhail
Give them Hope
mohammad abed
rizzin & jizzin // always ready 2 nut 🥵
Sentient Boat Therapist
elusive chanteuse
another cock in the murder machine
broadcast mental illness
Abood Family🇵🇸
severed hand in a glove
cord spaghetti?
Aya alanqar
mohammed Atallah🍉🍉
pee pee
Em omer
you must fix your heart
Save my family from death 💔😭🇵🇸
“aSsAsSiNs DoN’t HaVe FrIeNdS”
Hassan and family
Babygirl enjoyer
Ahmed Alhabil
Hane Homed
Give them Hope - 2
Your help saves my children and my family from war
local supervillain
Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete
My Name is November
Slip Into The Tragedy
all aboard the kane train
Trans Content + Advice♡
Ahmed hilles
Save Ezz Al Deen Family
Ahmed hellis
Waled Alqatrawi ✨🍉
Save-Ahmed-family. 🇵🇸. Free Palestine 🍉🍓🍑🥭
save our life🍉🙏
Alaa Syam
Let our body slay
Preused Tactics
fish hell
help Shimaa&jehad🍉
• ⋆ ☾ ⋆ •
How to Art
Malk Zaim
kareman dohan gaza🇵🇸💔free palestine
Belal gaza
Ahmed Abuzuor
mariam weirema
Mohammed alhabil🍉🇵🇸
yazan family🇵🇸🇵🇸
Alaa Al Khateeb
and never be afraid again
The MCR Archive
"a GHOST, REALLY?" "...shut up, Martin"
you're dead and out of this world
Eman 🍉
Lama 🇵🇸🍉
Save my family 🙏🇵🇸🍉
Rehab Family 🍉
you don't know a thing about my sins
Mohammed Alwadya
Ahmed omer
Amany Ayyad
Hold on! Quiet! Let me ignore you one at a time.
not a marvel blog just lazy
Abu Jarad Family From Gaza
Yousef 🇵🇸
Safaa Khateeb
Girl queen22
abed & Bara
digital artist
Gazal Palestine🎈Follow me🇵🇸Save my Family 🇵🇸
Anas Basil
walaa Ahmed
Anas Family
abd elmutei
Help me Gaza
Mohammed Nabil
Yasmin Salah
Mohammed Ayyad
get up coward!
Mohmad family
free gaza 🇵🇸
Hello, you!
Shimaa From Gaza
Ahmed Naem
Ghada Hassan
Help me save my children's lives from war🍉🇵🇸🍉
Ahmed Jehad 🍉🇵🇸
🇵🇸help my 😭
Fadi family
Samiraayman 🇵🇸🍉
Osama Naser
live laugh languish
bara & abed
Abdul Salam ALAnqar 🍉
Support Mohammed From Gaza
abu adam
🍉🇵🇸 free Palestine 🍉🇵🇸
hany homed
nurse reham🍉🇵🇸
Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum
Mariam -Gaza🍉
""Your help is my hope."
Bashar Family
Ahmed 🇵🇸
Najah family🇵🇸
Help my family🙏🍉🇵🇸
Trans Advice
free palestine🇵🇸🇵🇸
Save salam and her children 💔🇵🇸🍉
Ahmad B Sh
Anas Basil
Abeer&Ashraf 🍉
With you we can
🇵🇸🍉 Free Palestine 🇵🇸🍉
Dr. Mo
Help my family🙏🇵🇸🍉
Save my family's life from death😭🇵🇸💔
sara 🇵🇸
Help me and my family🍉🇵🇸🇵🇸🍉
Amal Gaza🍉
Aya family🍉
ali family 🇵🇸
Dr. Husam Farhat
Save my family🇵🇸🍉🍉🇵🇸
Aahed N AlAnqar
aya family❤
Help me and my family🇵🇸🍉