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NTNU demands Open Access

All of NTNU's publications should be made openly available. See how you publish with open access

Cristin = Open Access

All publications must be uploaded to Cristin. They will then be accessible in NTNU Open and thus comply with the open access requirements.

Financing of Open Access

See what agreements for Open Access publishing at NTNU cover. Information about publication funding arrangements.

The publishing process

The publishing process

Before publishing, you should always check whether the publishing channel is level 1 or 2 in the scientific publishing channel register. The register also has information about:

NTNUs requirements

To meet the requirements for open access at NTNU, you must:

External funding? 

Does your research have funding from the Norwegian Research Council, the EU or another Plan S financier? Then, you have to use the Journal Checker Tool to check if the publishing channel is compatible with plan S requirements. 

Other external financiers may have different requirements. Check your project contract for terms. 

Open access requirements and guidelines

Employees are free to manage their copyright to non-fiction publications themselves, but NTNU recommends that employees try to retain copyright.

Recommended licenses

To retain copyright, NTNU recommends the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This license allows reuse of scientific publications, while crediting the author.

See NTNU's open science guidelines and recommended licenses.

When signing a publishing contract with a publisher, researchers should be aware of what rights they retain and what rights they assign to the publisher.



When registering your publications in Cristin, it is important that you register the same address that you provide in the publication.

Secure your research identity

ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID is an international standard for unique identification of researchers and contributors to research.

An ORCID identifier is associated with research activities and can be used throughout your academic career. With ORCID, research results are associated  with the same researcher, even if there are changes in the name, place of residence or place of work/research institution (in Norway or in the rest of the world).

Self-archiving means that a full-text version of a research work is uploaded to an open, institutional knowledge archive. For NTNU, this is NTNU Open.

Archive publication

As an author, you should make sure to upload the full text of your work in Cristin as soon as possible. Follow guidance on how to self-archive in Cristin (in Norwegian).

Which version should you upload?
You must upload Accepted peer-reviewed version / AAM - Author's accepted manuscript. If you do not have this version yourself, you can get it from the corresponding author.

The University Library makes sure that:

  • The uploded file version is in accordance with the publisher's policy.
  • Any embargo is taken care of in NTNU Open.
  • That all full texts meet the publisher's prerequisites in NTNU Open.

Archive your doctoral thesis in full text version

Archive research data

If you have data you want to publish, you can use NTNU's archive for research data, NTNU Open Research Data.
For more information, see archiving research data.

How can I cover the costs of open publishing?

Publication funding arrangements.


Is the journal I want to publish in included in an Open Acces agreement at NTNU?

You can search for the journal in the register of scientific publication channels. The register has information on agreements for open publication. Look for U (= UNIT) and double check that NTNU is included in the agreement.

You can also check NTNU's wiki pages on agreements for publishing with open access.


Which license should I choose?

Employees are free to manage their copyright to academ publications themselves, but NTNU recommends that employees try to retain copyright.
To retain copyright, NTNU recommends the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. This allows the freest possible reuse of scientific publications, at the same time as the author is credited. See NTNU's guidelines for open science and recommended licenses.


How do I know if a journal meets the Plan S requirements?

Search the register of scientific publishing channels and see if your preferred publishing channel is at level 1 or level 2.

Then, use the Journal Checker Tool to see if the channel meets the Plan S requirements. Enter the following information: Journal name or ISSN, name of funder (the requirements in Plan S apply to a selection of research funders) and the name of the institution you are affiliated with.


The journal requires that I publish data, how do I do that?

There are several ways to publish data. NTNU offers a data archive called NTNU Open Research Data. For more information about publishing and sharing data, see NTNU's support service for data management, Research Data @NTNU.


What is NTNU Open?

NTNU Open is NTNU's institutional knowledge archive. When you upload publications in Cristin, these are transferred to NTNU Open.

What is self-archiving?

Self-archiving means that a full-text version of a research work is uploaded to an open knowledge archive. You do this by registering and uploading your scientific publications in Cristin.


How do I upload my publication in Cristin?

Seethe topic pages on self-archiving in Cristin. NTNU recommends uploading Accepted peer-reviewed version (AAM). If the publication is Open Access with a Creative Commons license, there is a published version that you should upload.


How do I know if the journal allows self-archiving in NTNU Open?

Most publishers allow some form of self-archiving. NTNU recommends that you upload Accepted peer-reviewed version (AAM) in Cristin, as this is the version that publishers most often allow you to self-archive. If the publication is Open Access with a Creative Commons license, you can always upload the published version. The University Library makes sure that the publication is not made available in NTNU Open until any embargoes have expired.


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