Standing against impunity: IFEX calls for justice in Palestine

As a network of organisations that promote and defend freedom of expression and information, IFEX is appalled by the unprecedented toll on journalists and deeply alarmed by the suppression of Palestinian solidarity and ceasefire protests in many places throughout the world.

UN Submission: Promoting Environmental Democracy: Countering Attacks on Access to Information and Reinforcing Civic Space

IFEX’s submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment builds on an emerging area of IFEX work by drawing on illustrative contexts and initiatives from our network. The submission shows how civil society has been stepping in to resist the targeting of journalists and defenders by States and companies and to address the resulting vacuum of information critical for environmental democracy and action where States have failed.

Appeal to the Government of Kyrgyzstan

IFEX calls on Kyrgyz authorities to uphold their international human rights obligations by ceasing the wider use of criminal prosecution and abuse of legislation to systematically target independent media outlets, journalists, and other media professionals.

An IFEX Q&A with the Belarusian Association of Journalists: Defending press freedom is a marathon, not a sprint

As the country marks the third anniversary of manipulated elections that kept “Europe’s last dictator” in power – and the launch of a brutal crackdown – we spoke with BAJ about their ongoing global Solidarity Marathon on behalf of imprisoned journalists.

Solidarity with ARTICLE 19 Mexico and Central America following threats by President Obrador

IFEX and IFEX-ALC are expressing their solidarity with ARTICLE 19 Mexico and Central America after an escalation in threats against the organisation by Mexico’s president.

Tunisian journalists protest during a strike in the capital Tunis, on 17 October 2012, after months of rising tensions with the government, which is accused of curbing press freedom and seeking to control public media groups. AFP PHOTO / FETHI BELAID

Media Freedom Cohort Findings Report

The Media Freedom Cohort’s Findings Report comprises commitments gathered by a small number of government leads and NGOs, including IFEX, from more than 100 governments, businesses, media platforms, and civil society organisations on priority areas of concern: protecting journalists’ safety and security, advancing freedom of expression, and bolstering independent and diverse media.

Appeal to Mongolian Legislators: Uphold the veto on restrictive social media bill

IFEX urges the Parliament of Mongolia to uphold the decision of Mongolia’s president to veto the proposed Law on the Protection of Human Rights in Social Media.

UN Submission: Addressing online threats to the safety of women journalists

IFEX’s submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights highlights how growing trends of online gender-based violence facing women journalists threatens their safety and undermines their rights to free expression and public participation, as well as civil society’s role in addressing these threats.

International Women’s Day: Stories of progress and challenges in online civic spaces

On International Women’s Day, IFEX Regional Editors share stories from their regions about steps being taken to balance safety and freedom online.

Call for action: Improve implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity

A coalition of civil society organisations that includes IFEX is calling on States to re-commit to the Plan of Action, and have worked together on a set of shared recommendations to strengthen it.

Access to resources : A new report by the Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association

Clément Nyaletsossi Voule has released a report that integrates many of the issues IFEX raised in its submission, included below, related to protecting the ability of civil society to do its important work.

Open Letter: On the State of Freedom of Expression and Civic Space in Turkey

The case against journalist Erol Önderoğlu and his co-defendants – postponed yet again this week, until October 2022 – is indicative of the much larger issue of how civic space is being actively and systematically constrained in Turkey.

The Safety of Women Journalists: A new advocacy tool from ARTICLE 19 and IFEX

Today ARTICLE 19 and IFEX launch the first in a series of #JournoSafe AdvoSheets, comprehensive but easy-to-use advocacy tools for media freedom and safety of journalists advocates.

IFEX stands in solidarity with Ukrainian member IMI, urges respect for Safety of Journalists & Right to Protest

“Following this morning’s invasion, the work of IMI, their partners and allies, and independent journalists across Ukraine and Russia is needed now more than ever. The safety of journalists, as well as the right to protest needs to be assured.” – IFEX Executive Director Annie Game.