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Chanel Miller

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
Chanel Miller
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịNjikota Obodo Amerika Dezie
Aha enyereChanel Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaMiller Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya12 Jụn 1992 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụPalo Alto Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaBekee Dezie
Ọrụ ọ na-arụOdee akwụkwọ Dezie
ụdị ọrụ yaautobiographical novel, children's fiction Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, Gunn High School Dezie
Ebe ọrụSan Francisco Dezie
agbụrụChinese, White Americans Dezie
Ijecontemporary art Dezie
ụdịfigurative art, social-artistic project Dezie
webụsaịtị Dezie

Chanel Elisabeth Miller (amuru June 12, 1992) bu onye odee na nka America dabere na San Francisco, California na New York City . [1] A maara ya n'amaghị ama mgbe a wakposịrị ya n'ụzọ mmekọahụ na campus nke Mahadum Stanford na 2015 site n'aka Brock Allen Turner . N'afọ sochirinụ, nkwupụta mmetụta onye ọ tara ahụhụ na ikpe ikpe ya wee malite nje mgbe BuzzFeed bipụtara ya n'ịntanetị, na-agụ ya ugboro nde 11 n'ime ụbọchị anọ. [2] Akpọrọ Miller dị ka " Emily Doe " n'akwụkwọ ụlọikpe na akụkọ mgbasa ozi ruo Septemba 2019, mgbe ọ hapụrụ amaghị aha ya wee wepụta ihe ndekọ ya mara aha m . Akwụkwọ ahụ meriri 2019 National Book Critics Circle Award maka Autobiographies wee kpọọ ya n'ọtụtụ ndepụta akwụkwọ mba nke afọ. A na-ekwu na ọ bụ onye kpalitere mkparịta ụka mba na United States banyere ọgwụgwọ nke mwakpo mmekọahụ na ndị a metụtara site na ụlọ akwụkwọ kọleji na usoro ụlọikpe. Ọ bụkwa onye na-ekwu okwu n'ihu ọha. [3]

Mbido Ndụ

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A mụrụ Chanel Miller na 1992 [4] [5] na Palo Alto, California, [6] bụ okenye nke ụmụ nwanyị abụọ nke nne China na nna America. Nne ya si China kwaga ka ọ bụrụ onye edemede na nna ya bụ onye na-ahụ maka ọgwụgwọ ezumike nka. [7] [8] [9] Miller gụsịrị akwụkwọ na Gunn High School na 2010. [10] [11] Ọ gara na Mahadum California, Santa Barbara 's College of Creative Studies site na nke ọ gụsịrị akwụkwọ na akwụkwọ na 2014. [5] [12]

Nkwupụta mmetụta mwakpo na onye ihe metụtara na 2015

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N'uhuruchi nke January 17, 2015, Miller so nwanne ya nwanyị gaa na Kappa Alpha fraternity party na Stanford University ; Mgbe e mesịrị n'abalị ahụ, ụmụ akwụkwọ abụọ Stanford gụsịrị akwụkwọ hụrụ Miller ka ọ dina n'ala n'azụ ihe mkpofu ya na nwa akwụkwọ Stanford ọzọ, Brock Turner dị afọ 19, n'elu ya. [13] Miller amaghị ihe ọ bụla, [14] a na-eche na ọ̀tụ̀tụ̀ mmanya na-egbu ọbara ya bụ 0.22% n'oge mwakpo ahụ. [15] [16] Mgbe Turner gbalịrị ịgbapụ, ụmụ akwụkwọ abụọ ahụ gụsịrị akwụkwọ jidere ya ma jide ya n'ala ka ha na-eche ka ndị uwe ojii bịarute. [17] E jidere Turner ma kpee ya akwụkwọ n'ebubo mpụ mwakpo mmekọahụ ise, bụ nke ọ gọnarịrị na ọ bụghị ikpe. [18] N'afọ 2016, a mara ya ikpe maka atọ n'ime ebubo ndị a ma tụọ ya mkpọrọ ọnwa isii, nke kpalitere iwe ọha na eze n'ihi ịdị nro nke ikpe ahụ. [19] Akpọrọ onye ọka ikpe na-ekpe ikpe bụ Aaron Persky afọ abụọ ka e mesịrị. [20]

Nkwupụta mmetụta mmetụta nke 7,137 ogologo okwu nke Miller - onye e zoro aka na ya na akwụkwọ ụlọikpe na akụkọ mgbasa ozi dị ka " Emily Doe " - nke BuzzFeed bipụtara na June 3, 2016, ụbọchị mgbe a tụrụ Turner ikpe, [1] ebigharịrị na isi akụkọ ndị ọzọ dị ka New York Times . [21] Agụpụtara nkwupụta mmetụta nke onye ahụ metụtara ugboro nde 11 n'ime ụbọchị anọ ka ebipụtara ya, na-aga nje. [1]

Mara aha m: Ihe ncheta

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  Na Ọgọst 9, 2019, nkeji 60 wepụtara ajụjụ ọnụ Miller—onye kpebiri iji aha ya gaa ọha. Ọ kọwara akụkọ ya na nsonaazụ nke ịbụ onye a na-amaghị aha, wee zute ụmụ akwụkwọ abụọ ahụ kwụsịrị Turner. [22] Ihe ncheta Miller nke akpọrọ Mara Aha M: Ebipụtara Memoir na Septemba 4, 2019 site na Viking Books wee bụrụ onye na-ere ahịa kacha mma. [23] [24] Akwụkwọ ahụ meriri 2019 National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiographies [25] wee kpọọ ya otu n'ime akwụkwọ iri kachasị nke afọ site na Washington Post . [26] Akwụkwọ akụkọ New York ahọrọkwara Mara Aha m maka "akwụkwọ 100 ama ama nke 2019." [27] Onyinye udo nke Dayton Literary ahọpụtara akwụkwọ ahụ dị ka onye mmeri na-abụghị akụkọ ifo 2020. [28]

Ihe osise

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Mgbe mwakpo ya gasịrị, Miller malitere ịga ọmụmụ ihe nka na nkwenye nke onye na-agwọ ya. [29] N'oge okpomọkụ nke 2015, Miller gara klas nke na- ebipụta akwụkwọ na Rhode Island School of Design na Providence, Rhode Island. [1]

N'afọ 2020, ihe onyonyo nke Miller sere pụtara na ebe ngosi nka Eshia dị na San Francisco. [29] Nke 70 ft (21 m) - ogologo na 13 ft (4.0 m) - ogologo mural na-egosi atọ vignettes nke a katuunu ọgụgụ, na nkebi ahịrịokwu "M bụ", "Abụ m", na "M ga-abụ". [30] Emechiri ọha ụlọ ngosi ihe ngosi nka n'ihi COVID-19, n'agbanyeghị na a na-ahụ eserese ahụ site na windo chere Hyde Street ihu. [30]

Nkwenye na ihe nketa

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Akụkọ banyere mwakpo Miller na ikpe gbasara iwu "kpalitere mkparịta ụka mba niile gbasara ndina n'ike n'ụlọ akwụkwọ mahadum na otú a naghị anụ ndị lanarịrịnụ", [31] [32] na "wee bụrụ akụkụ nke arụmụka kpụ ọkụ n'ọnụ gbasara ndina n'ike, mmekọahụ na mmekọahụ n'oge gara aga. afọ," gụnyere mmegharị nke Me Too . [33]

Na Nọvemba 1, 2016, Glamour aha ya bụ Miller, nke a maara mgbe ahụ dị ka Emily Doe, nwanyị nke afọ maka "ịgbanwe mkparịta ụka banyere mwakpo mmekọahụ ruo mgbe ebighị ebi", na-ekwu na a gụwo nkwupụta mmetụta ya ihe karịrị ugboro 11. [34] Miller gara emume nturu ugo a na-amaghị aha ya. [35] Ọ natara ihe nrite ahụ na ogbo na Nọvemba 2019 ka ebipụtachara akwụkwọ ya. O nyere abụ n'ememe ahụ nke ọ kwadoro maka ọdịmma nke ndị lanarịrị mwakpo mmekọahụ. [36] Edepụtara ya dị ka onye nwere mmetụta na Time ' s 2019 100 List na-esote. [37] N'afọ 2019, Mahadum Stanford tinyere ihe ncheta na kampos na-echeta mwakpo ahụ.


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  • Mara aha m: Memoir (2019)


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Chanel Miller. Penguin Random House. Archived from the original on September 5, 2019. Retrieved on September 6, 2019.
  2. Stanford sexual assault: Chanel Miller reveals her identity. BBC (4 September 2019). Archived from the original on December 3, 2019. Retrieved on 11 February 2020.
  3. Chanel Miller. Executive Speakers Bureau. Archived from the original on June 28, 2020. Retrieved on June 27, 2020.
  4. Miller (2019). Know My Name. 
  5. 5.0 5.1 Whitaker (September 22, 2019). "Know My Name": Author and sexual assault survivor Chanel Miller's full "60 Minutes" interview. 60 Minutes. Archived from the original on October 1, 2019. Retrieved on October 2, 2019.
  6. Kadvany (September 23, 2019). 'Rape is not a punishment for getting drunk.' Chanel Miller speaks out during her first interview about being sexually assaulted by Brock Turner (en). Palo Alto Online. Archived from the original on November 8, 2019. Retrieved on November 8, 2019.
  7. Sobieraj Westfall (September 23, 2019). Why Brock Turner's Sex Assault Victim Decided to Come Forward. People. Archived from the original on October 4, 2019. Retrieved on October 3, 2019.
  8. Weiner (September 24, 2019). 'Know My Name,' a Sexual Assault Survivor Tells the World. The New York Times. Archived from the original on September 28, 2019. Retrieved on October 2, 2019.
  9. Silman (September 23, 2019). Chanel Miller's Story Needed to Be Told in Her Own Words. The Cut. Archived from the original on September 24, 2019. Retrieved on October 2, 2019.
  10. Nguyen (October 4, 2019). Alumna releases memoir after sexual assault case. The Oracle. Gunn High School. Archived from the original on March 2, 2021. Retrieved on February 27, 2021.
  11. Kadvany (September 4, 2019). Anonymous no longer, Emily Doe reclaims identity in new memoir about Brock Turner sexual assault and its aftermath. Palo Alto Weekly. Archived from the original on October 29, 2021. Retrieved on February 27, 2021.
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  13. Xu. "Brock Turner sentenced to six months in county jail, three years probation", The Stanford Daily, The Stanford Daily Publishing Corporation, June 2, 2016. Retrieved on October 20, 2019.
  14. Baker (June 3, 2016). Here's The Powerful Letter The Stanford Victim Read To Her Attacker. BuzzFeed. Buzzfeed Media Group. Archived from the original on September 6, 2019. Retrieved on September 6, 2019.
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  18. Kaplan. "Former Stanford swimmer pleads not guilty to rape charges", The Mercury News, MediaNews Group, February 2, 2015. Retrieved on October 20, 2019.
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  20. Egelko. "Judge Aaron Persky, who ruled in sex assault case, recalled in Santa Clara County", San Francisco Chronicle, June 6, 2018. Retrieved on October 20, 2019.
  21. "Court Statement of Stanford Rape Victim", The New York Times, June 8, 2016. Retrieved on September 6, 2019.
  22. Whitaker. "'Know My Name': Author and sexual assault survivor Chanel Miller's full "60 Minutes" interview", Retrieved on 6 January 2021. (in en)
  23. de León (September 22, 2019). 'It Will Always Be a Part of My Life': Chanel Miller Is Ready to Talk. Archived from the original on November 17, 2019. Retrieved on November 18, 2019.
  24. "Best-Selling Books Week Ended September 28", The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, October 3, 2019. Retrieved on October 28, 2019.
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  28. 2020 Awards – Dayton Literary Peace Prize (en). Dayton Literary Peace Prize. Archived from the original on November 13, 2020. Retrieved on 6 January 2021.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Finkel. "Chanel Miller's Secret Source of Strength", The New York Times, 2020-08-05. Retrieved on 2021-01-26. (in en-US)
  30. 30.0 30.1 Plummer. "Chanel Miller on her art debut: I never thought I'd have so much space to be seen", Los Angeles Times, 17 August 2020. Retrieved on 20 August 2020.
  31. Cleary. Chanel Miller: Stanford Rape Survivor Wants You to Know Her Name. Heavy.. Archived from the original on September 4, 2019. Retrieved on September 6, 2019.
  32. Chanel Miller Says 'Know My Name,' As She Reflects On Her Assault By Brock Turner (en). Archived from the original on September 23, 2019. Retrieved on September 23, 2019.
  33. de León. "You Know Emily Doe's Story. Now Learn Her Name.", The New York Times, September 4, 2019. Retrieved on September 6, 2019.
  34. Glamour Women of the Year: Stanford Sexual Assault Case Survivor Emily Doe Speaks Out. Glamour Magazine. Archived from the original on November 2, 2016. Retrieved on November 3, 2016.
  35. Shammas (November 12, 2019). Once an unnamed sexual assault victim, Chanel Miller accepts Woman of the Year award — this time, herself. The Washington Post. Archived from the original on November 14, 2019. Retrieved on November 18, 2019.
  36. The Best Moments From Glamour's 2019 Women of the Year Awards. (November 11, 2019). Archived from the original on March 1, 2020. Retrieved on March 20, 2021.
  37. Chanel Miller on Time magazine's 100 next list (en). Archived from the original on November 15, 2019. Retrieved on 2019-11-29.

Njikọ mpụga

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