Table 1 Constraints on the Dimensionless Minimal Gravity Sector Coefficients ell Previous Lower This Work Lower Coefficient This Work Upper Previous Upper 0 -3 x 10^-14 -2 x 10^-14 ${\overline{s}}_{00}^{(4)}$ 5 x 10^-15 8 x 10^-5 1 -1 x 10^-13 -3 x 10^-14 ${\overline{s}}_{10}^{(4)}$ 7 x 10^-15 7 x 10^-14 -8 x 10^-14 -1 x 10^-14 $-\mathrm{Re}\,{\overline{s}}_{11}^{(4)}$ 2 x 10^-15 8 x 10^-14 -7 x 10^-14 -3 x 10^-14 $\mathrm{Im}\,{\overline{s}}_{11}^{(4)}$ 7 x 10^-15 9 x 10^-14 2 -1 x 10^-13 -4 x 10^-14 $-{\overline{s}}_{20}^{(4)}$ 8 x 10^-15 7 x 10^-14 -7 x 10^-14 -1 x 10^-14 $-\mathrm{Re}\,{\overline{s}}_{21}^{(4)}$ 2 x 10^-15 7 x 10^-14 -5 x 10^-14 -4 x 10^-14 $\mathrm{Im}\,{\overline{s}}_{21}^{(4)}$ 8 x 10^-15 8 x 10^-14 -6 x 10^-14 -1 x 10^-14 $\mathrm{Re}\,{\overline{s}}_{22}^{(4)}$ 3 x 10^-15 8 x 10^-14 -7 x 10^-14 -2 x 10^-14 $-\mathrm{Im}\,{\overline{s}}_{22}^{(4)}$ 4 x 10^-15 7 x 10^-14 Note. Constraints on the dimensionless minimal gravity sector coefficients obtained in this work via Equations (1) and (2) appear in columns 3 and 5. The corresponding limits that predate this work and are reported in columns 2 and 6; all pre-existing limits are taken from Kostelecky & Tasson (2015), with the exception of the upper limit on ${\overline{s}}_{00}^{(4)}$ from Shao (2014a, 2014b). The isotropic upper bound in the first line shows greater than 10 orders of magnitude improvement. The gravity sector coefficients are constrained one at a time, by setting all other coefficients, including those from the EM sector, to zero.