Servizi ambientali

Padova, Veneto 7.723 follower

We offer international consulting services to put nature at the centre of decision-making.

Chi siamo

Etifor è uno spin-off dell'Università di Padova che offre servizi di consulenza a organizzazioni pubbliche e private per aiutarle a valorizzare i servizi e i prodotti della natura. Il nostro team di professionisti lavora per migliorare i benefici economici, ambientali e sociali di politiche, progetti e investimenti, attraverso la scienza applicata, l'innovazione e la buona governance. AREE D'INTERVENTO > GESTIONE RESPONSABILE: soluzioni innovative e competitive per la gestione responsabile delle risorse naturali e delle filiere di prodotti e servizi. > INVESTIMENTI SOSTENIBILI: investimenti a livello internazionale in aree naturali, foreste, piccole e medie imprese. > SVILUPPO LOCALE: approcci partecipativi e good governance per migliorare le aree rurali e sviluppare destinazioni turistiche. Per scoprire di più sul nostro lavoro visita il sito:

Sito Web
Servizi ambientali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Padova, Veneto
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Certification and Supply Chains, International Cooperation, Climate Change and Ecosystem Services, Bioeconomia, Ecoturismo, Servizi ambientali, Green marketing, Sustainable Investments e Impact Investments


Dipendenti presso ETIFOR


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    The Carbon Removals Certification Framework (CRCF) Regulation: what changes for the European carbon market? 📝 In April 2024, the European Parliament and the EU Council reached a preliminary agreement on the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) Regulation, to establish the first voluntary framework for certifying permanent carbon removals, carbon farming and carbon storage in products within the EU. The new Regulation is poised to change the EU carbon market by establishing clear and high-quality criteria for the certification of carbon removals and soil emissions reductions in full respect of the EU biodiversity objectives, as a complement to sustained emission reductions across all sectors. This framework aims to enhance environmental integrity of carbon projects, ensuring transparency and credibility: a step forward in the European effort towards decarbonisation.

    The carbon market in the EU

    The carbon market in the EU

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    Mauro Masiero al TEDx Piazzola sul Brenta: “Goccia a Goccia” 🌊 Il 14 settembre 2024, Mauro Masiero, Professore Associato in Economia e Politica Forestale e Presidente di Etifor, sarà uno degli speaker al TEDx Piazzola sul Brenta.  Durante l’evento, Mauro esplorerà il tema dell’acqua, evidenziando il legame tra individuo e territorio ed esplorando progetti dedicati alla tutela delle risorse idriche come il LIFE Brenta 2030. Un’occasione per riflettere su come le aziende e le comunità possono affrontare insieme le sfide legate alla gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali.

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    The Capitals Coalition is a global collaboration redefining value to transform decision making. The capitals approach enables organisations to understand how their success is directly or indirectly underpinned by natural capital, social capital and human capital, empowering them to make decisions that offer the greatest value across all capitals. In 2024 Etifor has become leader of the Italian hub of the Capitals Coalition. We are proud to lead this global initiative to promote a more responsible and resilient economy among Italian organisations, creating a strong stakeholder network and collaborating with existing entities such as the Italian Business@Biodiversity Working Group. Learn more about the Coalition 👇 Discover all of our memberships 👇 #NaturePositive #CapitalsApproach

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    Partecipa al Sustainable Tourism Forum 2024 a Trento: ripensiamo insieme il futuro del turismo sostenibile! 🚶🏽 Il 27 settembre, in occasione della Giornata Mondiale del Turismo, Trento ospiterà la quarta edizione del Sustainable Tourism Forum organizzato dal @GSTC Italy Working Group. Un evento imperdibile per operatori del settore, enti pubblici e rappresentanti delle destinazioni turistiche, che avranno l’opportunità di confrontarsi sugli standard internazionali del Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) L’evento, che si terrà a Palazzo Geremia, vedrà la partecipazione di Randy Durband, CEO di GSTC, e sarà un momento chiave per esplorare nuove opportunità per il sistema turistico nazionale.  📅 27 settembre 📍Trento, Palazzo Geremia Scopri il programma completo e prenota il tuo ingresso 👇

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    Companies can contribute to forest destruction, but they can also do their part to reverse it. Although it is often easy to feel powerless in the face of phenomena such as #deforestation, we must be aware that our choices can make a real difference. Political decisions and the role of governments are crucial: think of the importance of the new #EUDR regulation recently introduced by the European Union, which aims to drastically reduce the import and trade of commodities from deforested territories or degraded forests. As the #EUDR regulation takes effect, it's crucial for companies to adopt #zerodeforestation policies and seek the necessary support. Scroll the carousel and read the insight on our website ⤵ Learn about the EMMA4EU project, in which Etifor is a partner, which aims to improve #EUDR compliance through knowledge exchange, networking and much more ⤵

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    L'Italia si sta adeguando alla Nature Restoration Law? In questo articolo de Il Sole 24 Ore - che contiene un'intervista ad Alessandro Leonardi, CEO di Etifor - viene spiegato a che punto è il piano nazionale del nostro paese e quali iniziative comprende per raggiungere gli obiettivi contenuti nella Nature Restoration Law. Etifor è in prima fila in Italia nel sostegno di questi obiettivi, che riguardano soprattutto il ripristino degli habitat: insieme a Ispra e con il sostegno del MASE presenteremo infatti alla Commissione Europea "un progetto per il programma Life - lo strumento di finanziamento Ue per l'ambiente - che si muove nel solco della Nature Restoration Law e vuole connettere investitori, enti gestori di aree Natura 2000, Università in attività di ripristino degli habitat. Una sorta di pilota per il piano nazionale da realizzare entro il 2026" Per sapere a che punto è il piano nazionale Italiano e conoscere il progetto pilota, leggi l'articolo! 📖 Link all'articolo:

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    Have you ever exclaimed 'WOW' in front of a natural landscape? We sure have! That's why, in 2018, we decided to give companies and citizens the opportunity to adopt trees and care for existing forests with the WOWnature initiative, aiming to leave the world better than we found it. Coordinating the diverse team of WOWnature is Federico Pinato's task.  Passionate about all things connected to nature and biodiversity, his mission is to bring as many people as possible closer to the knowledge that forests are good for us. If you have already heard of WOWnature, it is also thanks to Piero Baraldo, Digital Marketing Manager, who has a degree in 'communication for complex organisations' and manages to turn creative campaigns into measurable results. Only some people can combine skincare, Instagram reels, and human rights in the same conversation. Between posts and articles, Susanna Ajazi comes up with 1000 ways to care for the planet and convince others to do the same. A photographer, but also a geologist, Mattia Carraro manages to hold together passions, commitments and the desire to bring people closer to nature through communication: that's why he takes care of WOWnature's socials and our community! What unites customer care, wine, and nature? These are the three key ingredients of our account manager, Giorgio Cerato, who is responsible for offering WOW's customers the best reforestation projects. WOWnature is an initiative of Etifor, which is why we have already met most of the team members over the past few weeks! Alex Pra, Chiara Bruni, Federico Corrò, Fabrizio Malaggi, Elisa Carturan, Jacopo Giacomoni, and Alessio Brandolese will design new WOW areas and maintain the existing ones, ensuring that the trees planted by companies, organisations, and citizens grow at their best! Lorenzo Resentera and Francesca Bella involve companies and organisations in supporting forest areas, while Tommaso Pittarello thinks of marketing strategies to reach them more easily! And the beautiful graphics? Art Director Serena Cesca takes care of that while ensuring the site works and that anyone can adopt 1, 10 or 100 trees is Roberto Lucarda's mission. Last but not least, Alessandro Rech helps organise planting events and takes care of customers. And you, have you already adopted your tree? 🌳 Find out more 👉

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    Networking is key to building a #NaturePositive future. That's why we are happy to be a member of the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) Corporate Engagement Programme. We believe an integrated approach is the best response to the urgent environmental crisis. Drawing on our experience, we want to contribute to creating more inclusive targets to help companies and organisations improve their impact on nature. Learn more about the network 👇 Discover all of our memberships 👇

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    Although #deforestation may not be visible to us, especially for those living in Europe, it is closely related to our lifestyle, food habits, and consumption. We often do not realise it, but by importing commodities from deforested territories or whose production has contributed to forest degradation, we are causing so-called "embedded deforestation." To tackle this phenomenon, in 2023 the European Union adopted the European Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products (#EUDR). Keep on reading the insight 👇 Learn more about the EMMA4EU project, of which we are partners: it aims to support the effective implementation of the EUDR through innovative training and knowledge exchange.

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    Vuoi migliorare le tue competenze nell'ambito del turismo sostenibile? Allora non perdere l'occasione di partecipare al #SustainableTourismCourse che si terrà in lingua italiana il 24 e il 25 settembre a Trento, per la prima volta in Trentino-Alto Adige. 🏔 Il corso sarà un’occasione straordinaria per conoscere colleghi e professionisti della sostenibilità, arricchire la tua comprensione del turismo sostenibile e intraprendere dibattiti, conversazioni costruttive ed esercizi di gruppo con gli esperti #GSTC. La nostra Sustainable Tourism Manager Federica Bosco, Trainer ufficiale GSTC, sarà la formatrice del corso. Per ulteriori informazioni e per iscriverti al corso di formazione, visita la nostra pagina dedicata 👇 Il corso è organizzato dal GSTC Italy Working Group in collaborazione con il Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). #sustainabletourism #training

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