The Adecco Group

The Adecco Group

Servizi risorse umane

Zurich, Zurich 1.789.684 follower

Chi siamo

The Adecco Group è la più importante piattaforma multibrand di consulenza e soluzioni HR per il mondo del lavoro che comprende servizi di ricerca e selezione, formazione, consulenza organizzativa, head hunting, somministrazione di lavoro a tempo determinato e indeterminato, soluzioni in outsourcing e outplacement. I nostri impegni: Ispirare con passione, colleghi, individui e decision maker istituzionali e aziendali a guidare il cambiamento, contribuendo alla realizzazione di un mercato del lavoro inclusivo e assumendo il ruolo di guida autorevole al servizio di organizzazioni e persone. Orientare in maniera responsabile e attiva le decisioni e/o le inclinazioni attitudinali degli individui, mettendoci a disposizione della collettività e delle istituzioni per favorire l’occupabilità e ridurre il mismatch. Immaginare le trasformazioni che insisteranno sul futuro del mercato del lavoro e ponendoci come l’interlocutore capace di ridefinire modelli organizzativi e formativi atti ad assicurare competitività alle aziende e continuità occupazionale agli individui.

Sito Web
Servizi risorse umane
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Zurich, Zurich
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
HR solutions, workforce solutions, permanent placement, career transition, talent development, business process outsourcing, consulting, Human Resources, managed services, Reskilling e Upskilling


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    Pontoon Solutions, uma marca The Adecco Group: Líder em Soluções RPO Reconhecida pela Everest Group.   Estamos orgulhosos de anunciar que a Pontoon foi reconhecida como Major Contender no relatório 2024 Everest RPO Peak Matrix!   Por que a Pontoon é Diferente? Inovação Contínua: Nossa abordagem centrada no cliente e o uso de tecnologias avançadas garantem soluções personalizadas que atendem às necessidades específicas de cada organização. Expertise Global: Com uma presença robusta em diversos países, oferecemos suporte local com uma visão global, assegurando que nossos clientes tenham acesso às melhores práticas do setor. Resultados Comprovados: Nosso foco em resultados mensuráveis e melhoria contínua ajuda nossos clientes a alcançar metas estratégicas de contratação com eficiência e eficácia.   Impacto no Mercado Nossa inclusão no relatório da Everest Group é um testemunho da nossa dedicação em fornecer excelência em soluções RPO. Continuamos a transformar a maneira como as empresas recrutam, trazendo inovação e estratégias de ponta para o mercado.   Vem ser The Adecco Group, vem ser Pontoon Solutions!   #TheAdeccoGroup #AdeccoBrasil #PontoOn 📲 Saiba mais:

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    [Global News 🌐] We’re excited to share, our team EZRA Coaching have collaborated with Optimist, and bestselling author Simon Sinek, founder of Simon Sinek's The Optimism Company, to offer free coaching to 1,000 frontline healthcare workers in the US.     Learn more about ‘The Gift of Coaching’ initiative here ➡️️    #AdeccoGroup #EZRA #Coaching

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    Those doing the most important and difficult jobs often have the least access to the development programs they need. So, we are on a mission: To help everyone benefit from the superpower of coaching. We’ve teamed up with world-leading thinker, bestselling author and founder of Simon Sinek's The Optimism CompanySimon Sinek, to offer 1,000 US-based frontline healthcare workers three months of professional coaching, completely free, as part of "The Gift of Coaching" initiative. If this could help you, a friend or family member, sign up here:

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    Mettersi in gioco in una nuova avventura può essere tanto entusiasmante quanto sfidante. Per trarre il meglio da queste esperienze è importante affrontarle con la giusta mentalità, consapevoli che i cambiamenti spesso rappresentano una grande opportunità di crescita. Alessandro Tentoni, vincitore della 5a edizione di CEO for One Month Italia, ci racconta il suo percorso, condividendo alcuni preziosi consigli su come vivere al meglio il nostro talent program. #CEOforOneMonth #C1M10 #iltalentotrovalastrada

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    1.789.684 follower

    [Global News 🌐] After four years of exemplary leadership at the helm of our Global Sales and Marketing Organisation, Valerie Beaulieu-James, our highly accomplished Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, is moving on to pursue new opportunities outside the Adecco Group. During her tenure, Valérie established a robust sales and marketing organisation that has been instrumental in driving growth and success across the Group. Her leadership and vision have had a significant impact on the company, and we are grateful for her contributions. It has been a privilege to work with Valérie, who inspired all those around her with her dedication and passion. As she moves on to new endeavours, we wish her every success and look forward to seeing the remarkable achievements she will undoubtedly make in her next role. We would like to express our gratitude to Valérie for her contributions to the company. #AdeccoGroup

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    Re-& Upskilling im #NetzwerkDerBesten: Wir eröffnen fünf neue Weiterbildungsakademien! 📚 Die DIS AG erweitert ihr Angebot und eröffnet fünf neue Akademie-Standorte in Chemnitz, Bremen, Stuttgart, Berlin und Kassel. Diese ergänzen den bestehenden Standort in Bochum und bieten ab sofort Trainings, Coachings und bald auch Fachqualifizierungen an. Warum? Der Fachkräftemangel ist eine große Herausforderung für die deutsche Wirtschaft. Unsere neuen Akademien zielen darauf ab, diesen Mangel durch gezielte Weiterqualifizierung zu bekämpfen. Schwerpunkte: - Weiterqualifikation und berufliche Umorientierung - Zielgruppen: Industrie-Elektriker:innen, Fachkräfte für Lagerlogistik und Fachinformatiker:innen Angebote: - Training & Coaching zur beruflichen Eingliederung und Beschäftigungssicherung an allen Standorten - Fachqualifikationen in den Bereichen Lager und Elektro in Bochum und ab September in Chemnitz Kostenfreie Teilnahme: - Über Bildungsgutscheine von Jobcenter oder Bundesagentur für Arbeit - Unternehmensgeförderte Weiterqualifizierung 👉 Mehr Informationen zu unseren Weiterbildungsangeboten: #Weiterbildung #Fachkräftemangel #DISAG #Training #Coaching #Industrie #Logistik #IT #Personalentwicklung #ReSkilling #Upskilling

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    Krijg waardevolle inzichten in diverse leiderschapsonderwerpen en vergroot je kennis en vaardigheden! ✅   We nodigen je graag uit voor onze inspirerende webinar serie ‘De 100 gezichten van een leider’. In deze serie gaan we dieper in op de kwaliteiten en vaardigheden die een leider nodig heeft in diverse situaties. 👇 #Webinar #Leiderschap

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      Vindt u het ook zo moeilijk om uzelf niet te verliezen in de digitale tools? Om een balans te vinden tussen het implementeren van digitale mogelijkheden in uw team, maar ook het menselijke aspect in het achterhoofd te houden? Schrijf u in voor ons webinar met gastspreker Nicole Potmis en leer hoe u ruimte geeft aan nieuwe digitale initiatieven op een evenwichtige manier. 📅 4 juli om 10:00 uur  Schrijf u in:  #LHH #Digitalegezichtvaneenleider #100gezichtenvaneenleider 

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    [Global News 🌐] 🏳️🌈 Let’s continue our Pride Month celebration by shining a spotlight on Brian Shih! Brian’s authenticity is a powerful example of inclusion. As a dedicated LGBTQ+ advocate, Brian brings passion, expertise, and compassion to his work. But wait, we want to hear from you too! How do you #ExpressYourPride? Whether it’s through vibrant colours, personal stories, or acts of kindness, share your unique journey in the comments below. Let’s celebrate together! 🌈 #PrideDay #Pride2024 #LGBTQ #Inclusion #AdeccoGroup

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    🌐 Het is Wereld MKB-dag! 🎉 Vandaag zetten we MKB bedrijven in het zonnetje die de wereldwijde economie vormgeven. Ze zijn essentieel voor innovatie, creëren werkgelegenheid en bouwen sterke gemeenschappen. 🤝 Onze dank gaat uit naar alle ondernemers en teams die zich dagelijks inzetten. Jullie passie en creativiteit inspireren ons voortdurend. Adecco waardeert jullie bijdrage en wil jullie succes helpen uitbouwen. Bezoek ons op: #Adecco #MKB #InternationaleMKBDag

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