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Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Time Vortex

   For some strange reason, I am running about a week behind myself. I mailed out birthday greetings late. I made plans for stuff for this week, thinking it was next week. I thought our Totally Useless Stitch A Long was yesterday not LAST WEEK!!! How confusing. So here are my orts:

I know this is an odd ort report photo from me! I took this weird pic angle to try to hide the fact there are so few orts in my jar. If I dumped them out for the photo, you'd be all, "Eight? You have eight orts since the last new moon? What kind of stitcher are you?"

Well, fine! Show me how many you have!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your May TUSAL post so we can come to visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Totally Uselessly Late Again

If you've heard me say I'm late for the Totally Useless Stitch A Long once, you'll probably hear it again! That's the best thing about our stitch a long - no rules! So the New Moon was last Monday and now it's Wednesday. Warmer weather means busier people and we all get that, right? I have pitifully few orts this lunar cycle:

In fact, I dumped them out because I couldn't see them in the jar! I'm sure to have more next TUSAL. Once again, I have no sewing orts to share. Books of the Bible is creeping along, so close to a finish but not quite there. Decisions need to be made for my next stitch. Probably something fun and colorful for Summer which is quickly approaching.

I had wonderful results at my yearly physical exam today. My health the past few years has not been the greatest as some of you know. Things are turning around and I am so thankful! I feel better and the tests are showing why. I give God the glory!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your April TUSAL post so we can come to visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Totally Useless Saturday

Here is the New Moon again and time to show off our orts! Saturdays are not really totally useless but that's the name of our stitch-a-long and it is Saturday. When in Rome.

Okay, all you Totally Useless Stitch A Long bloggers...let's see those orts!

My orts are three colors and done. I love the effect in the stitching even if it makes rather plain orts. I'm almost finished with Books of the Bible. One last border to go!

No sewing orts to share as I've only been doing a bit of quilting which leaves no orts, really.

I spent quite a bit of time working on the quilt. Here it is under my needle, finishing up the last few quilting lines going up-and-down.

It is now rolled up the other direction, waiting to be quilted back-and-forth. It's half-way quilted! This part of the quilting is nice. The quilt seems to weigh less with the pins removed and without pins, it doesn't catch on my hair or clothes! It's still like wrestling an octopus but it is a slightly less naughty octopus. My plan for today is to get as much of this second half of the quilting finished! I'm counting down to doing the's my favorite part!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your March TUSAL post so we can come to visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Totally Useless Weather Forecast

Today is the New Moon so it's time to show off your orts in The Totally Useless Stitch A Long! I have great progress even with a ball of frogged blue orts in my jar. I'm much happier without the blue!

I'd be even happier without the white. We are forecast around 12 inches of snow or more this weekend. Snow AND incredibly cold temperatures to go with. Wait, WHAT? Hey, I live in Oklahoma because we don't get crazy snowfall and minus zero temps. Ah, well! We are planning a lovely ham dinner that will give us meals for a few days and setting up some Netflix shows for entertainment. I've got two books ready on my Kindle app and even an Audible book in case Dash gets edgy. Stitching plans are always set and I also have that quilt still waiting for quilting. Since we've no place to go...let it snow!


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your February TUSAL post so we can come to visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Wondering what a TUSAL is and why all these people are posting pictures of rubbish? Click here to learn more and join the fun!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

WIP Update Without Rest

 Books of the Bible is looking good! I'm still enjoying every stitch. This stitch has inspired me to acquire a small daily devotional and spend more time with God. I chose A Little God Time for Women. It has been a joy so far! It has also given me a little nighttime routine to help me fall asleep...

...because...we've hardly slept for a week. After 15 years, we got a new bed. An adjustable bed. It's so different! Every night gets better but this has been a journey in itself! Molly is the only one that the new bed didn't affect. It's no wonder my pillows smell like dog.

For those wondering about the quilt, I posted about making it here

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Clean Studio

 A while back, October, maybe? I did a major clean on my studio. The studio is still pretty clean because we had a trip to Tennessee to see family and then all the holidays and I haven't had time to pack-rat stash stuff everywhere! I thought you might like to see it? The last time I posted about my studio was 5 years ago here. We've grown a bit since then!

These are my two sewing stations, one modern (Fern), one vintage (Jake). They sit (plop) in the middle of the room, which is about 10 by 10 feet. The picture was taken from the entry door.

Yup, that door right there! Behind the door is a pegboard to hold all my quilting rulers.

To the left, there is my stitching/computer area. I learned to stitch at a table and never got the hang of doing it on a couch or chair. To the right is a CD storage cabinet that I use to hold my embroidery floss. I've posted about it before here. I can just spin my chair around to be able to sew on Jake the Singer 404.

This is my ironing/fabric cutting station. Dash made this for me with an IKEA storage unit on casters and added a plywood top. It works like a dream, I iron on one end and cut fabric on the other. The storage on this is awesome. How much could you store under a traditional ironing board?

Another view from the doorway focusing on the bookcases I have for storage. Everything is there from fabric for cross stitching and sewing to my vintage sewing machines to pattern/design books. I even have a TV to watch AndyTube whilst I sew. Okay, I admit to being a vintage sewing machine nerd!

Oh, how I love my space! I don't care if you only have a basket beside an old ratty's your space! I know you love the needle arts as much as I and I'd love to see where you stitch!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Books of the Bible Update

 This is such a great project! I am enjoying every stitch. Even the frogging. I decided I didn't care for the letters I stitched in blue, frogged them out, and stitched again in pink. Much better!

 This was photographed the other day so in "real life," part of Philippians is stitched but it takes forever for the picture to get from the cloud to my PC if I haven't turned my computer on in a few days. In other words, I was too lazy to upload a current photo! This project is well over halfway finished. Better start looking for a new project to look forward to. I sometimes get rather "blue" after finishing something I really enjoyed stitching and try to stave it off!

 Do you ever get finished project blues? 

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Totally Useless Stitch A Long 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Totally Useless Stitch A Long or TUSAL for short. This SAL is just for fun there are no hard rules except fun and fellowship with other stitchers. 

In a nutshell, you use a container (I use a glass jar) to save your thread ends (or orts) in and post a picture of it on the New Moon date of the Lunar Cycle. We accept all kinds of needlework orts in this SAL.

These dates change month to month, year to year, and depend also on what time zone you live in. I go by the date listed in my paper calendar, which is sometimes a day later than what is listed online.

The OFFICIAL 2021 New Moon Dates for this SAL are:

January 13
February 11
March 13
April 12
May 11
July 10
August 8
Sept 7
October 6
November 4
December 4

If you would like to join this Stitch A Long post a comment on this post. Some of you don't have a blog so there is a Facebook group for you to post your pictures to click here. This group is private so when you send your request to join, be sure to answer the questions so we know you are a real person and not a spammer!

My first TUSAL photo of 2021! All these orts are collected since my last TUSAL post nearly a year ago! My jar is emptied and washed for the next New Moon now!

My leaf bowl sewing orts are boring. I cleaned my studio at some point and trashed the pretty fabric orts so the only things here are from repairing my friends' dog sweater. Bits of iron-on interfacing and some gray threads. 


Now it is YOUR turn...we want to see your ORTs! Leave a comment on this post with a link to your January TUSAL post so we can come to visit! If I hold a Totally Useless giveaway your comment will earn you an extra entry.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

"N's will getcha!

 Not a lot of progress, but frogging steals the mojo! I got the first "N" in Corinthians done, finished off my thread then had to frog (rip it, rip it) that "N" because I didn't stitch it in blue as I was supposed to!

I even had it circled on my chart so I would remember and still had to frog it after stitching it in brown.  Ah, it's stitched correctly in blue now, and another 2 awesome books of the Bible completed. 
2 Corinthians 5:17. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.

I may be a New Creation but I still make plenty of mistakes/ I do try to correct them though!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

New Year

It's been so long since I've posted to this blog, everything in the publisher looks different! I've also lost my "blog voice" ease of writing. Here goes...

This last year has been a doozy, hasn't it? It's a New Year so I'm making a change for the better in my life. Starting with my beloved blog: more posting! I was astonished to look at my stats and find that even though I haven't posted since last March's TUSAL I still had 6500 visits to my blog last month. What!?!? *insert ego boost here* 

There hasn't been much posting but there has been a little stitching going on! Books of the Bible is coming right along.

I got quite a bit done just yesterday!

An entire line of books! Acts is one of my favorite books so I was tickled at how it was kinda "highlighted" in this row. You might notice, I changed "Song of Songs" to "Song of Solomon" as many other stitchers have done. I grew up having it called Song of Solomon, so there.

Not much sewing going on. I have a quilt rolled up, part-way quilted. I did fix my friends' dogs' torn sweater. I have other projects waiting. Hello? Motivation? Like stitching mojo, sewing mojo waxes and wanes. Hey, speaking of moon phases, the New Moon is coming up next week, the 13th. Join us for the Totally Useless Stitch A Long

Thank you for visiting my blog today!