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出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


「ADX」とは、Administrative Maximum(最高度管理)の略。

United States Penitentiary, Administrative Maximum Facility
ADXフローレンス刑務所 (アメリカ合衆国)
所在地 アメリカ合衆国の旗 アメリカ合衆国
座標 北緯38度21分23秒 西経105度05分43秒 / 北緯38.35639度 西経105.09528度 / 38.35639; -105.09528座標: 北緯38度21分23秒 西経105度05分43秒 / 北緯38.35639度 西経105.09528度 / 38.35639; -105.09528
現況 運用中
警備レベル Administrative Maximum; colloquially Supermax
収監者数 収容者数330人(2024年5月)[1][2]
開設 November 1994 (一部開設)
January 1995 (全施設が開設)
管理運営 連邦刑務局
所長 アンドリュー・シオッリ
ADXフローレンス刑務所の外観。ADXはADministrative maXimum(最高管理)の略である。








1983年10月22日にとある連邦刑務所を管理する刑務官がプリズンギャングであるアーリアン・ブラザーフッドの構成員に相次いで同じ所内で刺殺される事案[注釈 1]が発生し、連邦刑務所の管理体制に疑義が示されることとなった[7]。当時の連邦刑務所局長であるノーマン・カールソンは、刑務所内で他の囚人や刑務官を殺害することを全く躊躇わない非常に危険な囚人が存在し、彼らを完全に隔離して厳しく管理する新しいタイプの刑務所を建設することを主張した。








囚人の氏名 登録番号 写真 国籍 刑期 犯行の詳細
ザカリアス・ムサウイ 51427-054 フランスの旗 フランス 6回の終身刑 アル・カイダのメンバー。アメリカ同時多発テロ事件ハイジャック犯の飛行訓練、資金、攻撃に使用する資材の入手を支援し重要な役割を果たしたとして、2006年に共謀罪での有罪を宣告された。[12]
ラムジ・ユセフ 03911-000 クウェートの旗 クウェート 終身刑及び禁固240年 1993年に発生した世界貿易センタービル爆破事件、1994年に発生したフィリピン航空434便爆破事件及び1996年にアル・カイダの幹部であるハリド・シェイク・モハメドが発案したボジンカ計画ローマ法王ヨハネ・パウロ2世の暗殺やアメリカに向かう12機の民間航空機の爆破計画)に関与したとして有罪判決を受けた。[13]
Hamza al-Masri, AbuAbu・Hamza al-Masri 67495-054 エジプトの旗 エジプト Serving a life sentence under the name Mostafa Kamel Mostafa. Egyptian cleric and former associate of the late Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; extradited from the UK in 2012; convicted in 2014 of masterminding the 1998 kidnapping of Westerners in Yemen and conspiring to establish a terrorist training camp in Oregon in 1999.[14]
Reid, RichardRichard・Reid 24079-038 イギリスの旗 イギリス Serving three consecutive life sentences plus 110 years. British national who became an Al-Qaeda operative; pleaded guilty in 2002 to attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction in connection with his 2001 attempt to detonate explosive devices hidden in his shoes on a Boeing 767 traveling from Paris to Miami; known as the "Shoe Bomber".[15]
Abdulmutallab, UmarUmar・Abdulmutallab 44107-039 ナイジェリアの旗 ナイジェリア Serving four consecutive life sentences plus 50 years. A Nigerian national and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative, follower of the late militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki; pleaded guilty in 2011 to attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction for trying to blow up Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day 2009. He was nicknamed the "Underwear Bomber" as the bomb was sewn into his underwear.[16]
Ressam, AhmedAhmed・Ressam 29638-086 アルジェリアの旗 アルジェリア Serving a 37-year sentence; scheduled for release on July 1, 2032.[17] Algerian national convicted in 2001 of terrorism conspiracy for planning to bomb Los Angeles International Airport on December 31, 1999, in what is known as one of the 2000 millennium attack plots.[18][19]
Trinidad, SimónSimón・Trinidad 27896-016 コロンビアの旗 コロンビア Serving a 60-year sentence under the name Juvenal Ovidio Palmera Pineda; scheduled for release on February 17, 2055. Member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), a guerrilla group on the U.S. State Department list of Terrorist Organizations; convicted in 2007 of terrorism conspiracy for his involvement in the 2003 kidnapping of three American military contractors.[20][21][22]
Abu Ghaith, SulaimanSulaiman・Abu Ghaith 91969-054 クウェートの旗 クウェート Serving a life sentence. Al-Qaeda spokesman and son-in-law to Osama bin Laden. Convicted in March 2014 for conspiring to kill Americans and providing material support to terrorists.[23]
Salim, Mamdouh MahmudMamdouh Mahmud・Salim 42426-054 スーダンの旗 スーダン Serving a life sentence. Al-Qaeda co-founder and advisor to Osama bin Laden. Extradited in 1998 for participating in the U.S. Embassy bombings and sentenced to life in prison for attempted murder during an escape attempt in 2000.[24]
Abouhalima, MahmudMahmud・Abouhalima 28064-054 Mahmud Abouhalima エジプトの旗 エジプト Serving a 78-year and four-month sentence (sentence shortened by 30 years from 108 years and four months, which was shortened from an initial 240-year sentence); scheduled for release on March 8, 2060. Egyptian terrorist who was one of the men convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In 1988 he traveled to Afghanistan to receive combat training. He also assisted El Sayyid Nosair in the assassination of far-right rabbi Meir Kahane, acting as the getaway driver.[25]
Jabarah, MohammedMohammed・Jabarah 06909-091 カナダの旗 カナダ Serving a life sentence. Canadian citizen convicted of plotting to bomb U.S. embassies in Singapore and the Philippines, he was turned over to U.S. authorities after agreeing to assist them with terror investigations. He was sentenced to life in federal prison in 2008 as a result of violating the terms of his release.[26]
Ftouhi, AmorAmor・Ftouhi 55707-039 カナダの旗 カナダ
チュニジアの旗 チュニジア
Serving a life sentence. Perpetrator of the Bishop International Airport attack in Flint, Michigan in 2017, during which he stabbed an Airport Police Lieutenant in the neck; convicted in 2018 of committing an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries.[27]
El Bahnasawy, AbdulrahmanAbdulrahman・El Bahnasawy 75868-054 カナダの旗 カナダ Serving a 40-year sentence; scheduled for release on June 7, 2051. Plotted to carry out bombing attacks at Times Square and on the New York City Subway. Convicted of material support and conspiracy to commit terror acts transcending national boundaries in 2016 and sentenced to 40 years in federal prison in 2018.[28] El Bahnasawy was sent to ADX after he committed the stabbing of corrections officer Dale Franquet Jr at United States Penitentiary, Allenwood on December 7, 2020. Franquet lost an eye in the attack.[29]
Ullah, AkayedAkayed・Ullah 79827-054 バングラデシュの旗 バングラデシュ Serving a life sentence plus 30 years. Bangladeshi national who partially detonated a pipe bomb between the Times Square–42nd Street and 42nd Street–Port Authority Bus Terminal stations of the New York City Subway. The blast injured three bystanders and the perpetrator. Ullah was convicted of possessing a criminal weapon, making terroristic threats and supporting an act of terrorism in 2018 and sentenced to life in prison plus 30 years in 2021.[30][31]
Abu Khattala, AhmedAhmed・Abu Khattala 33405-016 リビアの旗 リビア Serving a 22-year sentence; scheduled for release on March 14, 2033. Libyan national and leader of Ansar al-Sharia, led the Benghazi attacks against two United States government facilities in September 2012. Ansar al-Sharia members attacked a diplomatic compound on September 11, 2012, that resulted in the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. Additionally, a mortar attack was carried out against a CIA annex that resulted in the death of two more U.S. diplomats. Abu Khatalla was convicted of conspiracy to provide material support for terrorism, maliciously destroying and injuring dwellings and property as well as using and carrying a semi-automatic weapon during a crime of violence. Another participant in the attack, Mustafa Al-Imam was also charged and convicted of offences related to the attack and was sentenced to 19 years in prison in 2020.[32][33][34]
Hamidullin, IrekIrek・Hamidullin 84991-083 ロシアの旗 ロシア Serving a life sentence plus 30 years. A former member of the Russian army, Hamidullin eventually traveled to Afghanistan where he was discovered fighting for the Taliban after he led insurgents to attack Camp Leyza, a military installation where U.S. and Afghan forces were stationed. Hamidullin was held in extrajudicial detention before being tried in federal court where he was convicted on 15 counts including material support, attempted murder of U.S. military personnel, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and possession of a firearm in connection with a crime of violence.[35][36]
Harun, Ibrahim Suleiman AdnanIbrahim Suleiman Adnan・Harun 81678-053 ニジェールの旗 ニジェール Serving a life sentence under the name Adnan Ibrahi Harun A. Hausa. Al-Qaeda operative from Niger who was convicted of conspiracy to murder American military personnel in Afghanistan, conspiracy to bomb the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria, and providing material support to terror organization. Harun was recruited into Al-Qaeda in the weeks before the September 11 attacks and travelled to Afghanistan to train Al-Qaeda camps. Harun was one of several Al-Qaeda soldiers to ambush a U.S. military patrol on April 25, 2003, killing servicemen Jerod Dennis and Raymond Losano. Harun was also ordered to commit a bombing attack against the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria by Al-Qaeda leaders. Harun was sentenced to life in prison in February 2018.[37][38]
Kotey, Alexanda AmonAlexanda Amon・Kotey

Elsheikh, El ShafeeEl Shafee・Elsheikh

イギリスの旗 イギリス
スーダンの旗 スーダン
Serving eight concurrent life sentences each. Former British citizens and members of the 'ISIS Beatles' known as "Jihadi George" and "Jihadi Ringo" respectively, sentenced to eight concurrent life terms without the possibility of parole in April and August 2022 for charges of conspiracy to commit murder, lethal hostage taking, and material support. These charges stemmed from participating in the beheadings of American, British, and Japanese citizens while an active member of the Islamic State.[39][40] Kotey and Elsheikh directly participated in the negotiations and killings of James Foley, Peter Kassig, Steven Sotloff, and Kayla Mueller.[41][42]
Saipov, SayfulloSayfullo・Saipov 79715-054 ウズベキスタンの旗 ウズベキスタン Serving ten concurrent life sentences plus 260 years. Uzbek national who perpetrated of the 2017 New York City truck attack, in which he drove a pickup truck rented from Home Depot and drove it through the protected bike lane of Hudson River Park in Manhattan, killing eight people and injuring eleven others. The incident was considered the deadliest terrorist attack in New York City since the September 11 attacks of 2001. Saipov committed the attack in the name of Islamic State. The death penalty was sought for Saipov; however, he was sentenced to life imprisonment in May 2023, after a jury failed to reach a unanimous decision on the matter.[43][44]



囚人の氏名 登録番号 写真 刑期 犯行の詳細
Tsarnaev, DzhokharDzhokhar・Tsarnaev 95079-038

Archived July 2, 2019, at the Wayback Machine.

Originally sentenced to death on June 24, 2015. Sentence overturned by a federal appeals court on July 31, 2020,[45] but re-imposed by Supreme Court on March 4, 2022.[46] Dzhokhar, along with his older brother Tamerlan planted a pressure cooker bomb at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring over 250. Tamerlan died of injuries sustained in brothers' shootout with police 82 hours later. Dzhokhar escaped, but was found and arrested later that day. He was sentenced to death. He was to be transferred to USP Terre Haute in Indiana when his execution date was set, but the death sentence was vacated in July 2020 due to inadequate screening for potential biases among jury pool. The death sentence was re-imposed by the Supreme Court of the United States on March 4, 2022.
el-Hage, WadihWadih・el-Hage 42393-054 Serving a life sentence. Convicted in connection with the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, Africa, which were conceived by Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; the bombings killed 224 people and injured more than 4,000.[47][48][49][50]
Nichols, TerryTerry・Nichols 08157-031 Archived September 19, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving 161 consecutive life sentences. Conspirator in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which killed 168 people. Timothy McVeigh, who planned and carried out the bombing, was executed in 2001.[51][52]
Padilla, JoséJosé・Padilla 20796-424 Archived September 19, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving a 21-year sentence; scheduled for release on September 19, 2026.[53][54] Al-Qaeda operative and one of the first U.S. citizens to be designated as an enemy combatant after the September 11 attacks; convicted in 2007 of terrorism conspiracy for traveling overseas to attend an Al-Qaeda training camp and providing material support to terrorists.[55][56]
Rudolph, EricEric・Rudolph 18282-058 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving four consecutive life sentences. Member of the Christian extremist group Army of God; pleaded guilty in 2005 to carrying out four bombings between 1996 and 1998, including the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta; he killed three people during the bombing spree.[57][58]
Shahzad, FaisalFaisal・Shahzad 63510-054 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving a life sentence. Tehrik-i-Taliban operative; pleaded guilty to attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and other charges in connection with the 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt; received explosives training in 2009 from the terrorist organization Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan.[59][60]
Abdo, Naser JasonNaser Jason・Abdo 80882-280 Serving two consecutive life sentences plus 60 years. U.S. Army private who refused to deploy to Afghanistan and went AWOL; convicted in 2012 of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction for plotting to detonate a bomb in 2011 at a restaurant near Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas, when it was filled with soldiers.[61][62]
Al Farekh, Muhanad MahmoudMuhanad Mahmoud・Al Farekh 85795-053 Serving a 45-year sentence; scheduled for release on August 5, 2053. Houston man who was convicted of terrorism-related charges in 2017 after he attended an Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. He was charged with material support of terrorism for a planning role in a 2009 attack on Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost. He had reportedly been radicalized by Zarein Ahmedzay, one of the men charged with the 2009 New York City Subway bombing plot.
Rahimi, Ahmad KhanAhmad Khan・Rahimi 78312-054 Serving two consecutive life sentences. American-Afghan man from Elizabeth, New Jersey, who was convicted in U.S. District Court and New Jersey state court for use of weapons of mass destruction, bombing a place of public use, attempted murder of law enforcement officers and various other charges. On September 17, 2016, Rahimi planted and detonated explosives in Seaside Park, New Jersey, and Manhattan, New York, that injured 35 people. Another explosive was discovered in a backpack in Elizabeth, New Jersey, two days later. After Linden police attempted to apprehend Rahimi, he engaged in a shootout with members of police and shot an officer in the abdomen. Additionally, as a pre-trial detainee at Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York, he was accused of distributing terrorist propaganda and bomb-making instructions to inmates alongside fellow would-be terrorist, Sajmir Alimehmeti. Rahimi was sentenced to life in prison in 2018.[63][64][65]
Crawford, Glendon ScottGlendon Scott・Crawford 20658-052 Serving a 30-year sentence; scheduled for release on January 9, 2038. Former U.S. Navy seaman, Ku Klux Klan member and resident of Galway, New York. In 2015, he was the first U.S. citizen ever convicted of attempting to acquire a radiological weapon. Crawford and a co-defendant attempted to construct a radiation dispersal device to be used outside of Mosques, Islamic schools, and to kill former President Barack Obama.[66][67]
Fox, AdamAdam・Fox

Croft, BarryBarry・Croft

Adam Fox is serving a 16-year sentence; scheduled for release on May 26, 2034.

Barry Croft is serving a 19-year and 7-month sentence; scheduled for release on June 15, 2037.

Adam Fox of Wyoming, Michigan, and Barry Croft of Bear, Delaware, masterminded the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. Fox and Croft were affiliated with far-right militia groups and the Boogaloo movement. In late 2022, both men were convicted of kidnapping conspiracy and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction for plotting to kidnapping Whitmer and to eventually violently overthrow the state government. Croft was also convicted possessing an unregistered destructive device.[68][69]


Inmate name Register number Photo Status Details
Gowadia, NoshirNoshir・Gowadia 95518-022 Serving a 32-year sentence; scheduled for release on February 1, 2032. Former engineer for the U.S. Department of Defense and one of the principal designers of the B-2 stealth bomber; convicted in 2011 of using classified information to assist the People's Republic of China in producing cruise missiles with stealth technology.[70]
Debbins, PeterPeter・Debbins 05852-509 Serving a 15-year and eight-month sentence; scheduled for release on December 28, 2033. Former United States Army Special Forces officer; convicted in 2021 of conspiring to provide Russian intelligence operatives with U.S. national defense information. Between 1996 and 2011, Debbins periodically travelled to Russia and supplied intelligence agents with the information.[71][72]


Inmate name Register number Photo Status Details
Marcello, JamesJames・Marcello 99076-012 Serving a life sentence. "Front Boss" of the Chicago Outfit; convicted of racketeering, conspiracy for participating in 18 murders, and directing criminal activities including extortion, illegal gambling, loan sharking, and bribery.[73][74]
Felipe, LuisLuis・Felipe 14067-074 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving a life sentence plus 45 years. Leader of the New York chapter of the Latin Kings gang; convicted in 1996 of murder conspiracy and racketeering for running a criminal enterprise whose members engage in murder, assault, armed robbery, and drug trafficking; Felipe is known as "King Blood".[75][76]
Bingham, TylerTyler・Bingham 03325-091 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving a life sentence. Aryan Brotherhood prison gang founder; was transferred to ADX in 2006 after being connected to violent gang activities in prison; convicted of murder, murder conspiracy, and racketeering for ordering the killing of two inmates at USP Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.[77][78]
Hoover, LarryLarry・Hoover 86063-024 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving six consecutive life sentences. Leader of the Gangster Disciples in Chicago; sentenced to life in state prison in 1973 for murder; convicted in 1997 of drug conspiracy, extortion, money laundering, and running a continuing criminal enterprise for leading the gang from state prison.[79][80]
Fort, JeffJeff・Fort 92298-024 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving a 68-year sentence; scheduled for release on October 14, 2044. Founder of the El-Rukn (Black P. Stones) gang in Chicago; convicted of drug trafficking in 1983; convicted of terrorism conspiracy in 1987 for plotting to commit attacks inside the U.S. in exchange for weapons and $2.5 million from Libya.[81][82]
Rubalcaba, GeraldGerald・Rubalcaba

Hernandez, JosephJoseph・Hernandez

Tristan, CornelioCornelio・Tristan




Serving life sentences. Leaders of the Nuestra Familia gang, which engages in drug trafficking, extortion and murder inside and outside of prisons in California; arrested as part of Operation Black Widow in 2001; pleaded guilty to racketeering charges in 2004.[83]
Portee, OmarOmar・Portee 30063-037 Archived February 6, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. Serving a 50-year sentence; scheduled for release on May 23, 2044. Founder of the United Blood Nation gang and also known as "O.G. Mack"; convicted in 2002 of racketeering and murder conspiracy, as well as narcotics and weapons charges.[84]
Savage, KaboniKaboni・Savage 58232-066 Sentenced to death on June 3, 2013; awaiting execution.[85] Philadelphia drug kingpin; convicted in 2013 of 12 counts of murder in aid of racketeering for ordering six drug-related homicides, as well as fire bombing the home of a federal witness, which killed two adults and four children.[86][87] He will be transferred to United States Penitentiary, Terre Haute in Indiana when an execution date is set.
Herron, RonaldRonald・Herron 78527-053 Serving 12 consecutive life sentences plus 105 years.[88] One-time Brooklyn rapper, Ronald Herron AKA Ra Diggs was tried and convicted in 2014 for 21 counts, including three murders, racketeering and drug trafficking in connection to running a violent drug gang in New York.
Guzmán, Joaquín "El Chapo"Joaquín "El Chapo"・Guzmán 89914-053
Serving a life sentence plus 30 years. Former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. Guzmán was extradited from Mexico to the United States in January 2017, where he pleaded not guilty to all counts in Brooklyn, New York.[89] His charges included drug trafficking, money laundering, and murder. His defense asserted that he was not the organized crime leader that the prosecution claimed. The trial, often characterized as a trial of the century, began on November 5, 2018, and lasted until February 12, 2019, when the jury found him guilty of all counts. He was sentenced on July 17, 2019, to life imprisonment without parole.
Beltrán-Leyva, Alfredo "El Mochomo"Alfredo "El Mochomo"・Beltrán-Leyva 58525-007 Serving a life sentence plus 50 years. Cousin and former business partner of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, Beltran Leyva was the leader of the Beltran-Leyva Organization that operated out of Sinaloa, Mexico. Between the 1990s and 2000s, Beltran Leyva was responsible for the wholesale shipment of cocaine and methamphetamine between the United States, Mexico, and South America. On November 15, 2014, Beltran Leyva was extradited to the United States to face trial for shipping at least 27.9 tons of narcotics into the US. On February 23, 2016, Beltran Leyva pled guilty to charges of international narcotics trafficking conspiracy and was sentenced to life imprisonment plus 50 years in 2017. Beltran Leyva was also ordered to forfeit US$529 million in profits made from his organization.[90][91]
Gutierrez, PedroPedro・Gutierrez 33580-058 Serving a 20-year sentence, scheduled for release on October 16, 2034. Leader of the Nine Trey Gangsters Bloods gang in New York, convicted of racketeering conspiracy charges for controlling the gang from various New York state prisons.[92]
Rollock, PeterPeter・Rollock 12874-058 Serving a life sentence. Peter Rollock also known as "Pistol Pete" was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in 2000 for six murders he committed while operating the Sex Money Murda (S.M.M.) street gang in the Bronx, New York. The S.M.M. gang became one of the largest street gangs involved in drug-trafficking in the New York area during the mid-1990s.[93][94]
Roark, PerryPerry・Roark 53975-037 Serving a life sentence. One of the founders of the Dead Man Incorporated prison gang. In 2013, Roark pleaded guilty to a racketeering conspiracy, murder and trafficking charges related to running the gang alongside members Bryan Jordan and James Sweeney. Roark and Sweeney were subsequently sentenced to life in prison.[95]
Úsuga, Dairo AntonioDairo Antonio・Úsuga 99420-509 Serving a 45-year sentence; scheduled for release on February 27, 2060. Former leader of the Golf Clan, he was one of the most wanted drug lords in Colombia before he was captured on October 23, 2021, and later extradited to the United States in May 2022. He was convicted of drug trafficking and sentenced to 45 years in prison, in addition to being fined $216 million. US Attorney General Merrick Garland said Úsuga "ordered the reckless execution of Colombian police officers, soldiers, and civilians" during his time as leader of the Golf Clan.[96][97][98]
Geas, Fotios "Freddy"Fotios "Freddy"・Geas 05244-748 Serving a life sentence. Former mafia hitman for the Genovese crime family who operated out of Springfield, Massachusetts. In 2011, Geas was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murders of Gary Westerman and Adolfo Bruno, hits that were carried out on the orders of the Genovese family. In 2022, Geas was indicted for the murder of James "Whitey" Bulger, former leader of the Winter Hill Gang. Bulger was severely beaten in the early morning hours of October 30, 2018, at United States Penitentiary, Hazleton.[99][100]


  1. ^ BOP: Inmate Population Reports”. 2024年4月15日閲覧。
  2. ^ USP Florence ADMAX”. 2023年9月8日閲覧。
  3. ^ 2度脱獄した麻薬王エル・チャポ、「一生出られない」刑務所に収監”. フランス通信社 (2019年7月20日). 2019年7月22日閲覧。
  4. ^ ノルウェーとアメリカの最高レベルのセキュリティ刑務所 —— 恐ろしいほどの違いが明らかに”. businessinsider Japan (2017年). 2019年7月20日閲覧。
  5. ^ “塀のない刑務所”はアメリカにもあった!脱走者ゼロの理由は「ショック」療法”. FNN PRIME (2018年4月17日). 2019年7月20日閲覧。
  6. ^ Death, Yes, but Torture at Supermax?”. The Atrantic (2012年6月5日). 2022年8月6日閲覧。
  7. ^ Taylor, Michael (1998年12月28日). “The Last Worst Place / The isolation at Colorado's ADX prison is brutal beyond compare. So are the inmates”. SF Gate. オリジナルの2017年2月24日時点におけるアーカイブ。. 2017年7月15日閲覧。 
  8. ^ “Fast Facts: Supermax Prison”. Fox News Channel. (2006年5月4日). オリジナルの2010年6月1日時点におけるアーカイブ。.,2933,194306,00.html 2010年5月25日閲覧。 
  9. ^ Case 1:12-cv-01570 Complaints and Exhibits Archived July 4, 2012, at the Wayback Machine. The United States District Court for the District of Colorado, retrieved June 20, 2012
  10. ^ Harold Cunningham, John v. Federal Bureau of Prisons”. Find a Case (2012年11月26日). 2015年4月2日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年3月29日閲覧。
  11. ^ Andrew Buncombe (2021年7月8日). “Julian Assange will not be held in supermax prison US assures British government”. The Independent. オリジナルの2021年7月7日時点におけるアーカイブ。. 
  12. ^ Indictment of ZACARIAS MOUSSAOUI”. 2012年8月13日閲覧。
  14. ^ Wald, Jonathan; Andrew Carey (2012年10月5日). “Radical Islamist Abu Hamza al-Masri extradited to U.S.”. CNN. 2013年1月21日閲覧。 
  15. ^ “Held in darkness for the rest of his natural life”. The Telegraph (London). (2006年4月12日). オリジナルの2006年12月8日時点におけるアーカイブ。. 2007年12月7日閲覧。 
  16. ^ Davey, Monica (2011年10月12日). “Would-Be Detroit Plane Bomber Pleads Guilty, Ending Trial”. The New York Times. 
  17. ^ “Terrorist sentenced to 37 years in millennium plot” (英語). USA Today. Associated Press. (2012年10月24日). 2016年7月7日閲覧。 
  18. ^ “22 Years For Millennium Bomb Plot”. CBS News. 
  19. ^ Schwartz, John (2010年2月3日). “Appeals Court Throws Out Sentence in Bombing Plot, Calling It Too Light”. The New York Times. 
  20. ^ #07-494: 07–11–07 Senior Member of FARC Narco-Terrorist Organization Found Guilty of Hostage-Taking Conspiracy”. 2012年8月13日閲覧。
  21. ^ FARC negotiator gets Colombia's max —in US prison”. World War 4 Report (2008年1月29日). 2012年8月13日閲覧。
  22. ^ Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) – Terrorist Groups”. 2012年8月13日閲覧。
  23. ^ “Abu Ghaith, a Bin Laden Adviser, Is Sentenced to Life in Prison”. The New York Times. (2014年9月23日). 
  24. ^ “Reputed bin Laden Adviser Gets Life Term in Stabbing”. The New York Times. (2010年8月31日). </
  25. ^ Trade Center bombers receive life sentences”. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。
  26. ^ Kearney, Christine (2008年1月18日). “Canadian Qaeda bomb plotter gets life in U.S. prison” (英語). Reuters. 2021年5月11日閲覧。 
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  1. ^ 刑務官の殺害方法については、両件とも手錠をはめられた囚人が独房に手を突っ込み、独房にいる他の囚人があらかじめ盗んでおいた鍵で手錠を解錠し、ナイフを手渡して刑務官を刺殺するという周到に計画されたものであった。

