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epiphany も参照。


エドワード・バーン・ジョーンズのベツレヘムの星(1890 年完成) – キリスト教の公現日について描かれている。


  • (イギリス英語(容認発音:RP, 標準アメリカ英語) IPA(?): /ɪˈpɪfəni/, /ɪˈpɪfni/, /ɛˈpɪfəni/
  • (ファイル)
  • (ファイル)
  • 分綴: Epi‧pha‧ny



Epiphany (複数 Epiphanies)

  1. キリスト教公現日。通常はクリスマスから12日後の1月6日。
    • 1998, Maurice B. McNamee, Vested Angels: Eucharistic Allusions in Early Netherlandish Paintings, Peeters Publishers, →ISBN, page 167:
      That was also the reason why the Feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the three epiphanies of Christ's divinity, His Baptism, the Miracle of Cana, and the Visit of the Magi, was one of the most favorite feasts in the Eastern Church […]
  2. キリスト教の公現日を祝うパーティー。
    • 類義語:Three Kings' DayTwelfth DayTwelfthtideTwelvetideTheophany
    • 1878, Haskett Smith, The divine Epiphany, page 9:
      On the Festival of the Epiphany, and on the six Sundays called after its name, we have distinct pictures held up to our view connected with the life of Jesus of Nazareth […]
    • 1998, Maurice B. McNamee, Vested Angels: Eucharistic Allusions in Early Netherlandish Paintings, Peeters Publishers, →ISBN, page 167:
      That was also the reason why the Feast of the Epiphany, commemorating the three epiphanies of Christ's divinity, His Baptism, the Miracle of Cana, and the Visit of the Magi, was one of the most favorite feasts in the Eastern Church […]
    • 2003 11, Rock DiLisio, Three Kings of Casablanca: The Trek to Treasure, iUniverse, →ISBN:
      The Epiphany, also known as the Feast of the Three Kings, Feast of Lights and Little Christmas, is known to have been observed earlier than 194 A.D. […]
  3. お祝いの日。(主に1月6日を指す。)
  4. キリスト教会の特定の期間。公現祭の日から告解の火曜日(灰の水曜日の前日、四旬節の初日)まで、または公現祭の日から燭台祭まで。





