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Transuranium Elements and the Physical Review

This collection marks the 150th anniversary of Dmitri Mendeleev’s discovery of the Periodic Table of Elements.

The Physical Review journals have published many papers reporting on the discovery and validation of the transuranium elements—elements having an atomic number, Z, greater than that of uranium (Z=92). With 2019 being declared the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements, the editors of the Physical Review journals have created a Collection of these papers, making those published in the Physical Review currently free to read.

The discovery of an element is not a simple task and many times cannot be attributed to a single scientific effort. The papers contained in this Collection were given credit by IUPAC for providing convincing evidence of discovery.

Figure from Phys. Rev. 57, 1185 (1940) showing the growth of 2.3-day activity of element 93 arising from the 23-minute activity of 239U.

The First Transuranic: Element 93

With its 93 protons, neptunium is the first transuranium element, located just to the right of uranium on the Periodic Table. Neptunium was first synthesized by Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson by activating a uranium trioxide target with neutrons from Berkeley’s 60-inch cyclotron.

One of the half-lives observed in the activated uranium target was 23 minutes, matching that of 239U. But the activated target also presented a new half-life of 2.3 days of unknown origin.

McMillan and Abelson demonstrated that a decrease in 23 minute activity resulted in an increase in the 2.3 day activity, concluding that the unknown source of the 2.3 day activity must be a daughter of 239U. Along with prior observations that the unknown source differed chemically from all known elements, McMillan and Abelson convincingly showed that a new element had been created.

The discovery of neptunium was reported in a Letter to the Editor in the Physical Review in 1940, just prior to the U.S. entry into World War II.

Radioactive Element 93
Edwin McMillan and Philip Hauge Abelson
Phys. Rev. 57, 1185 (1940)

Weapons-grade ring of plutonium weighing 5.3 kg and approximately 11 cm in diameter Los Alamos National Laboratory [Public Domain]

The War Years: Elements 94, 95, and 96

Plutonium (Z=94), americium (Z=95), and curium (Z=96) were all intentionally synthesized at Berkeley’s 60-inch cyclotron by bombarding neutrons, deuterons, or alpha particles on targets of uranium or plutonium. The new elements were chemically identified at the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago, the same site which produced the first controlled nuclear chain reaction. Due to wartime security concerns Physical Review delayed publishing the 1941 discovery of plutonium until 1946. The method of production for elements 95 and 96 can be found in US patents 3156523 and 3161462, respectively.

Properties of 94(239)
J. W. Kennedy, G. T. Seaborg, E. Segrè, and A. C. Wahl
Phys. Rev. 70, 555 (1946)

See Physics article: Focus: Landmarks: The Physical Review’s Explosive Secret

60-inch cyclotron at the University of California Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, (August, 1939) Department of Energy. Office of Public Affairs [Public domain]

More Cyclotron Bombardment: Elements 97 and 98

Berkelium (Z=97) and californium (Z=98) were also produced at the University of California. The target material consisted of milligram-sized quantities of americium and microgram-sized quantities of curium. In both cases the targets were bombarded with helium ions produced by Berkeley’s cyclotron. Isolation of the new elements required “tedious chemical procedures.” These experiments served as important stepping stones for the discovery of even heavier elements because both berkelium and californium were the target materials used in the hot-fusion experiments that took place fifty years later.

Element 97
S. G. Thompson, A. Ghiorso, and G. T. Seaborg
Phys. Rev. 77, 838 (1950)

The New Element Berkelium (Atomic Number 97)
S. G. Thompson, A. Ghiorso, and G. T. Seaborg
Phys. Rev. 80, 781 (1950)

Element 98
S. G. Thompson, K. Street, Jr., A. Ghiorso, and G. T. Seaborg
Phys. Rev. 78, 298 (1950)

The New Element Californium (Atomic Number 98)
S. G. Thompson, K. Street, Jr., A. Ghiorso, and G. T. Seaborg
Phys. Rev. 80, 790 (1950)

Operation Ivy, Mike cloud, aerial view, (October 31, 1952) National Archives and Records Administration

H-Bomb Synthesis: Elements 99 and 100

The elements einsteinium (Z=99) and fermium (Z=100) were both produced in samples of uranium exposed to the extreme neutron flux of the 1952 “Mike” thermonuclear explosion. Cold war tensions kept these results secret until their publication in Physical Review in 1955. Physical Review published two papers in 1954 that reported on the production of elements 99 and 100 using traditional accelerators. One of the Letters to the Editor hinted at the prior discovery in its penultimate paragraph: “There is unpublished information relevant to element 99 at the University of California, Argonne National Laboratory, and Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Until this information is published, the question of the first preparation should not be prejudged on the basis of this paper or the preceding one.”

Heavy-Ion Sources: Elements 101–106

With the advent of new heavy-ion sources ranging from helium to neon, the elements 101–106 were discovered at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR). The use of heavy-ion-induced nuclear fusion reactions was a challenging prospect as the energy of the projectile had to be tuned precisely. Too low, and the projectile couldn’t overcome the Coulomb barrier of the target nucleus. Too high, and the newly created compound nucleus would undergo fission before settling into its ground state. These discoveries were reported in several journals.

New Element Mendelevium, Atomic Number 101
A. Ghiorso, B. G. Harvey, G. R. Choppin, S. G. Thompson, and G. T. Seaborg
Phys. Rev. 98, 1518 (1955)

Discovery of a New Mendelevium Isotope
L. Phillips, R. Gatti, A. Chesne, L. Muga, and S. Thompson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 1, 215 (1958)

The properties of the isotope 102254
Zager, B.A., Miller, M.B., Mikheev, V.L. et al.
At Energy (1966) 20:264

The properties of the isotope 102254
Donets, E.D., Shchegolev, V.A. & Ermakov, V.A.
At Energy (1966) 20:257

New Element, Lawrencium, Atomic Number 103
Albert Ghiorso, Torbjørn Sikkeland, Almon E. Larsh, and Robert M. Latimer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 6, 473 (1961)

Synthesis of the isotope of element 103 (lawrencium) with mass number 256
Donets, E.D., Shchegolev, V.A. & Ermakov, V.A.
At Energy (1965) 19: 995

On the nuclear properties of the isotopes 256103 and 257103
Flerov G.N., et al.
Nuclear Physics, Section A, 106 (2), pp.476-480 (1967)

Radioactive Properties of Element 103
V. A. Druin
Yad. Fiz. 12 (1970) 268-271 (in Russian. Translation p.146)

Studies of Lawrencium Isotopes with Mass Numbers 255 Through 260
Kari Eskola, Pirkko Eskola, Matti Nurmia, and Albert Ghiorso
Phys. Rev. C 4, 632 (1971)

Experiments on chemistry of Element 104
Zvara J., Chuburkov Yu.T., Paletka R., Shalaevskii M.R.
Radiochemistry. 1969. Vol. 11. p. 163.

Experiments on chemistry of element 104-kurchatovium—V: Adsorption of kurchatovium chloride from the gas stream on surfaces of glass and potassium chloride
I. Zvara et al.
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 32 (6), pp. 1885-1894 (1970)

Positive Identification of Two Alpha-Particle-Emitting Isotopes of Element 104
A. Ghiorso, M. Nurmia, J. Harris, K. Eskola, and P. Eskola
Phys. Rev. Lett. 22, 1317 (1969)

New Element Hahnium, Atomic Number 105
Albert Ghiorso, Matti Nurmia, Kari Eskola, James Harris, and Pirkko Eskola
Phys. Rev. Lett. 24, 1498 (1970)

Study of the a-Decay of Isotopes of Element 105
V. A. Druin et al.
Yad. Fiz. 13 (1971) 251-255 (in Russian. Translation p.139)

Element 106
A. Ghiorso, J. M. Nitschke, J. R. Alonso, C. T. Alonso, M. Nurmia, G. T. Seaborg, E. K. Hulet, and R. W. Lougheed
Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 1490 (1974)

Synthesis of neutron-deficient isotopes of fermium, kurchatovium, and element 106
Yu.Ts. Oganessian et al.
ETP Lett. 20, 265–266 (1974)

Cold Heavy-Ion Fusion: Elements 107–113

The low survival rates of heavy nuclei produced in heavy-ion induced reactions made the production of new elements beyond seaborgium (Z=106) untenable with previously used methods.

GSI in Darmstadt used a new method, dubbed cold fusion, to discover the elements 107–112. Cold fusion reactions use beam and target nuclei that are closer in mass (for example, a beam of calcium ions on a lead or bismuth target). The resulting compound nucleus is produced at lower excitation energy thus increasing its survival probability considerably. The emission of none or one neutron along with some photons is enough to bring the new element into its ground state.

These endeavours were aided by development of separator technology such as SHIP, Separator for Heavy Ion reaction Products (shown in the image), which allowed for the separation of new species from unwanted reaction products. These studies were published in Zeitschrift für Physik A Atoms and Nuclei and the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.

Identification of element 107 by α correlation chains
Münzenberg, G., Hofmann, S., Heßberger, F. P. et al.
Z Physik A (1981) 300:107

The identification of element 108
Münzenberg, G., Armbruster, P., Folger, H. et al.
Z Physik A (1984) 317: 235

On the stability of the nuclei of element 108 with A=263–265
Oganessian, Y.T., Demin, A.G., Hussonnois, M. et al.
Z Physik A (1984) 319: 215

Observation of one correlated α-decay in the reaction 58Fe on 209Bi→267109
Münzenberg, G., Armbruster, P., Heßberger, F. P. et al.
Z Physik A (1982) 309: 89

Production and decay of 269110
Hofmann, S., Ninov, V., Heßberger, F. P. et al.
Z. Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei (1995) 350: 277

The new element 111
Hofmann, S., Ninov, V., Heßberger, F. P. et al.
Z. Physik A - Hadrons and Nuclei (1995) 350: 281

The new element 112
Hofmann, S., Ninov, V., Heßberger, F. P. et al.
Z. Phys. A — Hadrons and Nuclei (1996) 354: 229

New results on elements 111 and 112
Hofmann, S., Heßberger, F., Ackermann, D. et al.
Eur Phys J A (2002) 14: 147

Experiment on the Synthesis of Element 113 in the Reaction 209Bi(70Zn,n)278113
Kosuke Morita et al.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, pp. 2593-2596 (2004)

Observation of Second Decay Chain from 278113
Kosuke Morita et al.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 76, 045001 (2007)

Decay Properties of 266Bh and 262Db Produced in the 248Cm + 23Na Reaction
Kosuke Morita et al.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 78, 064201 (2009)

New Result in the Production and Decay of an Isotope, 278113, of the 113th Element
Kosuke Morita et al.
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, 103201 (2012)

The berkelium target used for the synthesis of tennessine, ORNL, Department of Energy [Public domain]

Hot Fusion: Elements 114–118

Elements 114–118 were synthesized by a method called “hot fusion” in which a high-energy projectile (such as calcium) bombards a heavier human-made actinide target. The resulting compound nucleus is created at a high excitation energy and must emit several neutrons before decaying to its ground state.

The targets necessary for these reactions can only be synthesized at high-flux nuclear reactors such as the one at Oak Ridge National Laboratory; three milligrams of highly purified berkelium requires about 18 months to produce.

Measurements of cross sections and decay properties of the isotopes of elements 112, 114, and 116 produced in the fusion reactions 233,238U, 242Pu, and 248Cm + 48Ca
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. C 70, 064609 (2004)

Second experiment at VASSILISSA separator on the synthesis of the element 112
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Eur. Phys. J. A 19, 3–6 (2004)

Measurements of cross sections for the fusion-evaporation reactions 244Pu(48Ca, xn)292−x114 and 245Cm(48Ca,xn)293−x116
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. C 69, 054607 (2004)

Synthesis of a New Element with Atomic Number Z=117
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 142502 (2010)

Eleven new heaviest isotopes of elements Z=105 to Z=117 identified among the products of 249Bk+48Ca reactions
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. C 83, 054315 (2011)

Production and Decay of the Heaviest Nuclei 293,294117 and 294118
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 162501 (2012)

Investigation of the 243Am + 48Ca reaction products previously observed in the experiments on elements 113, 115, and 117
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. C 87, 014302 (2013)

Experimental studies of the 249Bk +  48Ca reaction including decay properties and excitation function for isotopes of element 117, and discovery of the new isotope 277Mt
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. C 87, 054621 (2013)

Synthesis of the isotopes of elements 118 and 116 in the 249Cf and 245Cm + 48Ca fusion reactions
Yu. Ts. Oganessian et al.
Phys. Rev. C 74, 044602 (2006)

See Physics articles: Viewpoint: Exploring the island of superheavy elements and Viewpoint: Heavy into Stability

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