Post Limit Hit Today: YES (Sept 12) - tumblr will not let me post anymore today, I will return tomorrow

This is a repurposed account, if you’re confused about who you’re following right now read this post

I follow from @blklazdu and/or my actual main blog that I won’t share here but you’ll know if you see it.

Some Campaign / Mutual Aid Highlighting:

Eman Abdel Rahman and Family | Friends of the Congo | Khartoum Kitchen | Siraj’s Home | The Busimba Family | Muhammad Shehab Family | Sahar Shehab Family | Saving Al Geneina | Mujitaba’s Family | Sara Zidan | Feras Al-Mansi | Tigray Action Committee | Nedaa and Family | Nour and Family | IDPs in Tigray

(on my pinned because I was asked or because I am familiar with the campaign / aid fund to some extent)

Sorry if things are slower than they were in the summer, I am back in university, but I will try to keep up still each day.